Oh really!


What DID you expect?


Oh yeah, that was it…

Certainly are different, there’s no disputing that…


Britd in spain2
When they go to live abroad, Brits like to fit in.



They get emotional about SOME babies, but not all.



The LOVE sport.



England Fans
And getting their kit off for a bit of stone-throwing at foreigners…



Although, fortunately, not all of them.



Like I say, they don’t like ALL children. Just ones with titles.



But, you have to give them credit. They have sticking power.



bre3 irlanbd
Even if they are incompetent.



And hopefully, it’s about to blow up in their nasty evil faces…


Just go, you unpleasant woman.





I was going to call this “Two for the Price of One”, or “Buy One Get One Free (BOGOF)” but, of course, none of that is true.

Two separate weddings; two separate months; two separate costs to us. No reductions.

Only one family though. But one that is so much more expensive than those that the Daily Mail moans non-stop about costing us a fortune.

Not that Eugenie is that important. I mean, all she is known for is being the daughter of Tubby Airmiles and Fergie, and spending almost her entire life on holiday. (It didn’t go unnoticed that she was in Nicaragua when she got engaged. Nice if you can afford it).  But, of course, her more famous relatives will be at her wedding, including the by then recently wed Harry and Miss Marple, and therefore security will be ratcheted up at massive expense to us.

So far we know little about the wedding, but I expect that Windsor can expect the beggars to be swept off the streets once again by the Tories, lest important people of quality should have their eyes offended, even for a few seconds in the passing.

I read some time ago that the couple, once married, will share a house, belonging to us, in the grounds of Kensington Palace. Thank goodness there is no shortage of affordable housing in Kensington Palace.


Of course, all these royal things going on (Kate’s having yet another child as is Zara Philips) is bound to distract the hard of thinking from the dire mess that Maybot and her dysfunctional team are making of Brexit as B day 2019 gets closer and closer.

Is it not high time we got rid of this half mediaeval, half showbiz family with their marriages, births, divorces, holidays and funerals at our expense?


Puis j’ai dit





You’d think…

…that with a 66% increase in their benefits, one or two of them might crack an actual smile.


But look at them. Mrs Parker Bowles isn’t even looking at the people who provide her more than comfortable  lifestyle. Charlie looks like he lost a pound and found a penny. Kate Middleclass is at least making an effort, but goodness it’s a fixed rictus smile. One bairn looks like it’s teething and the other like it needs to pee. William and Harry look irritated or bored. Phil looks vaguely bemused. Fortunately,  Ed the lad is obscured from view. And, needless to say, the queen looks her usual grumpy self.

Some benefit claimants are just NEVER satisfied, no matter what you do for them.

I’m looking forward to the next time that the Daily Diana or the Daily Heil come up with an oversized working-class family that gets thousands in benefits from hard-working families up and down the country, and which needs two council houses to live in.

I wonder if, unlike the upper-class one that fits the same descriptor, THEY will crack a smile…