Munguin and I want to thank all of you for your support this year.

We really are grateful for all the insightful and carefully crafted contributions you make in the comments, for all the photographs that you send for “All our Yesterdays” and for the articles you write.

You are Munguin’s Republic. Without you, we wouldn’t exist.

2019 will almost certainly be a difficult year. The Brexit in which we were assured that we held all the cards and in which there were only upsides, seems to have slipped through the fingers of “our” pathetically incompetent and inadequate prime minister. It’s beginning to look like the cards we held were Jokers, and that the aces are in the hands of the EU.

Who knows what will happen?

Maybe there will be another referendum with a different result.

Maybe MPs, suitably bribed with honours or frightened by the prospect of “no deal” (which, you’ll remember, was always promised to be better than a bad deal) will vote for Mrs May’s “bad deal” plan.

Maybe the whole thing will be shelved as impossible, and we’ll start the almost impossible task of finding a leader deserving of the title.

Maybe there will be No-deal Brexit, which will be followed by shortages, rationing, troops on the street, martial law and 100-mile tailbacks on motorways.

Many of our friends and colleagues may decide that given that they have an out, they can take themselves off to Europe and leave us to stew.

Whichever way it works out, I really can’t see any kind of success story emerging. The UK is bitterly divided and blame is bound to be poured upon whichever side comes out on top.

But, maybe Scotland will finally see that the United Kingdom doesn’t work for it; that it simply doesn’t matter what Scots want, the sheer weight of numbers means that what England wants, England will always get.

And maybe Northern Ireland will see that too.

Maybe the end of the UK is in sight.

Maybe this will be our year.

But, no matter how it all pans out, Munguin and I wish you all, wherever you are across the world in all the many places that Munguin has a foothold, a very happy, healthy, prosperous… and hopefully, independent 2019.

Image result for baby orangutans

Oh and lots of Orangutans too…

Talking of contributions, for which I am ever grateful, Panda Paws has set us a 2018 quiz. First Prize will be a week in the Clyde tunnel with Richard Leonard. Second Prize will be two weeks with Jackie Baillie in a nuclear submarine. The Third Prize a walking holiday with Mr and Mrs Theresa May! Don’t say we’re not good to you.

That was the year that was – a seasonal quiz

by Panda Paws

1. What anti-EU politician is married to an EU citizen and was allegedly spotted in the German embassy later claiming it was the adult children enquiring about a passport?

2 Which Brexiteer MP was born in Germany?

3. Whilst we face losing EU citizenship and freedom of movement, which prominent Labour Brexiteer MP has a de facto right to an EU passport?

4. Which two SNP MPs also have a de facto right to EU passports, though both are remainers and so didn’t want us to lose ours?

5. Which politician is vehemently anti-immigration despite having married two foreigners (sic) and being the son of an immigrant?

6. Which politician claimed they were approached by an aggressive man with threatening dogs? A recording of the incident showed a man politely asking a question with two virtually silent, under control dogs.

7. Which politician is weak and wobbly?

8. Which century does Jacob Rees-Mogg belong in?

9. In the first Prime Minister’s Questions of the New Year, should Ian Blackford preface his question with “I’ve just come down from the Isle of Skye”?

10. Which country should vote for independence in 2019?

Yeah okay, so they were easy, but I did this for free in my own time so don’t moan! You could try being the change you want to see – which separatist politician said this first? PP.



Soppy Sunday

Image result for orangutan baby
Morning… These bears got in before me. Hmph!
n s gre4
Pony Trecking in Greenland.
n cobraface
Look into my eyes…
n cocnut crab
Coconut crab.
n clouds
Cloudy today.
n egypt
I wonder where that fella is…
n elephant seals
Elephant seal buddies.
n feed me
Feed me!
n finnish light
Finnish lights.
n fox kiss
Foxy buddies.
n green honeycreeper
Green Honeycreeper.
n guards
Guard duty.
n greedy bird
Oi, tubby, can you get any more in that beak?
n horns
Take me to the terminus, please.
n leaping leopard
Hope I don’t get my feet wet.
n pals
Big cat buddies.
n mates
Best buddies.
n northern lights gr
Greenland lights.
n pus
Small cat buddies.
n o
I’m a sleepy wee fellow now… night night.



No, really, England, it’s a joke. I lived there from the age of 12 to 24, I love your country.
It’s annoying, though, that this twerp thinks that England has to “regain” us. Imagine being owned by the likes of him!!
can i be in your gand no
May: We could just join EFTA. Erna Solberg: Kom å knulle (Get tae ****)
That’ll show them!

Image result for queen golden piano


That went down well then, Liz! Tell you what, instead of going on and on about how you’ve managed to adapt Christ’s teachings to permit you to live among all that splendour, while just half a mile away, fellow Englishmen are sleeping in bins, and subways, gies a merry ol’ tune on yer gold piano…
But never mind us, Britain. Brexit means Brexit and all that, eh? And it was what the British people voted for, eh?
It is a wonder that building is still standing. I read somewhere that Philip chooses her clothes for her. You can tell he does the same for himself. Such erm, talent????
She has, you must admit, a neat little number going on there, because that was a few years ago, and she’s still out there. If you’re looking for her, Commissioner Dick, she was last spotted sitting close to a gold piano in a cluttered room full of priceless and equally tasteless junk.
Worldwide? Eh? Why would you have white pride worldwide? Worldwide Gay Pride I get, but worldwide white pride? Trot off and open a branch in China.
“To be fair when I was Prisons Minister I knew nothing about prisons. In fact, I could safely say I’ve known Jack Shit about all my jobs. Drones? What drones?”
There but for the intervention of punching above our weight, would go we! Just as well America needs us as its lackey/gofor when it comes to running the world.
Still, they have found a way around that. They just don’t pay the loans back and they get written off. Clever, huh? Don’t tell me a university education doesn’t come in handy
But they are very pretty… and just look at all the tourists come to see them,…erm.
Sank you, Officer Crabtree.
n king pensuin
Emperor of Antarctica’s Christmas message is a little more tastefully done.



Image result for christmas scene with penguins




Don’t get too drunk…

…Oh well, OK, do!

Oh and one last thing…

This woman begged to be allowed to share Munguin’s Christmas space. Well, OK, I lied, she didn’t, I co-opted her.


Image result for orangutan baby
This is my mummy…
If you think I don’t look pleased, that’s because I’m not!
n oregon
n snowdog
What the hell is this stuff?
n yes
What you looking at?
n wolfie
Erm… nothing!
n winter2
n pine grosbeak
Berry anyone?
n swordfighting
n snow leopard
Snow Leopard.
n share1
Can you get any more in your beak without becoming a gannet?
n sanfransisco
To be where little cable cars climb halfway to the stars.
n rhino black
Anyone know why they call me a black rhino when I’m grey?
n rainbow lorikeet
…unlike me, who ISN’T grey.
n pussy
Nothing like a cuddle.
n norway1
n cobraface
I know you think I’m vicious just because I’m a cobra, but come on, I’m really very pretty, aren’t I?
n ear
No need to bite my head off.
n elephant 3 days
Three-day-old elephant.
Related image
Hope you enjoyed Soppy Sunday. See you next week.