An Old Rowing Boat Abandoned Stock Footage Video (100% Royalty-free)  1037606504 | Shutterstock

A week ago, the Ministry of Defence of the UK London government issued a formal invitation to tender for the new non-royal royal prime ministerial yacht. It put the “total available budget” at £150 million.

But yesterday, a bloke called Ben Wallace, apparently the UK Defence Secretary, announced that it will cost between £200 and £250 million. (That is a frightening rate of inflation and I hope that the government will take this into consideration when considering rises in salaries and pensi0ns.)

And this is around double the cost suggested by original proposers of the project back in 2018.

Mr Wallace, bless him, made a stirring speech, “packed to the gunwales”, as it were, of red, white and blue, and even making reference to the Cutty Sark. Sounds like he’s expecting rather a lot for what he’s paying, don’t you think?

The good fortune behind Cutty Sark's 150 years - BBC News

He called on “our nation’s (sic) finest shipbuilders” to “help us design and build a new National Flagship” which he said would be “the jewel in the crown” of the nation’s (sic) new shipbuilding policy.

And all for £250 million! That’s pretty telling. Pound shop nation!

But once again they have hit a problem with an international agreement they signed. They want the ship to be built in the UK. But in October last year they signed a WTO Government Procurement Agreement with 47 other countries. So ministers now intend to classify this trade yacht as a military vessel, crewed by armed Navy personnel, and in this way get around another agreement signed without consideration of the consequences.

I wonder if they are making a special effort to gain a reputation for perfidy!


What manner of man is this?

Douglas Ross MP MSP @Douglas4Moray
(on the subject of Nicola Sturgeon.)

Arrogant, elitist, patronising.

This is not a First Minister who represents working class Scotland anymore.


Now THIS is how you represent the lower orders, eh?

Absolutely nothing arrogant or elitist about the Eton, Bullingdon Boy.

Oh no sir!

Or any of the other Tories…

The Prime Minister for the 18th Century - Platinum Media Group
Bella Caledonia on Twitter: "Baroness Lundin Links https://t.co/hLkcPV51b1…  "



How’s Brexit working out for you?
Never mind, mate. I’m sure Boris will clap for you… if he’s sober enough.

What a lot of midges:

So glad I’m not there.
Global England showing an example to lesser nations.
Sainsbury in Weymouth, England today. Remind me, how is Brexit going?

Probably a good idea, Boris, to keep the police on side when you have the kind of government that you have… Mrs Thatcher made sure she had them with her before she started by giving them a fat payrise.



A friend went to Beijing and was given this brochure by the hotel. It is precious.
She is keeping it and reading it whenever she feels depressed.

Bear in mind it has been translated directly, word for word, from Mandarin to English. 

Getting There:
Our representative will make you wait at the airport. The bus to the hotel runs along the lake shore. Soon you will feel pleasure in passing water. You will know that you are getting near the hotel, because you will go round the bend. 

The Restaurant:
Our menus have been carefully chosen to be ordinary and unexciting. At dinner, our quartet will circulate from table to table, and fiddle with you. The manager will await you in the entrance hall. He always tries to have intercourse with all new guests.

The Hotel:
This is a family hotel, so children are very welcome. We of course are always pleased to accept adultery. 

Your Room:
Every room has excellent facilities for your private parts. In winter, every room is on heat. Each room has a balcony offering views of outstanding obscenity! .. You will not be disturbed by traffic noise, since the road between the hotel and the lake is used only by pederasts.

Your bed has been made in accordance with local tradition. If you have any other ideas please ring for the chambermaid. Please take advantage of her. She will be very pleased to squash your shirts, blouses and underwear. If asked, she will also squeeze your trousers.

 Above All:
When you leave us at the end of your holiday, you will have no hope. You will struggle to forget it.

2. Lost in translation…

3. Weather does strange things…
thumbnail_Kal econ cartoon 7-24-21synd

Sorry, it’s so late. My thanks to Panda Paws, Russ, John, Brenda and TM.


Sajid Javid and the return of the Tory power stance | Sajid Javid | The  Guardian

Mr Sajid Javid, the Health Secretary of England, wrote:

Full recovery from Covid a week after testing positive.

Symptoms were very mild, thanks to amazing vaccines.

Please – if you haven’t yet – get your jab, as we learn to live with, rather than cower from, this virus. https://t.co/OmuaUGp173— Sajid Javid (@sajidjavid) July 24, 2021

I’m pleased for the English Health Secretary that he has made a full recovery from Covid. I’m sure he got the very best vaccine. I’m sure it was delivered timeously and while he was ill, I’m sure he wanted for nothing.

Lucky man.

Not everyone has been so lucky.

Indeed Britain’s record for Covid deaths is one of the worst in the world.

Some people, those who have been advised to shield, for example, have cowered… if cowered can be taken to mean ‘kept their heads down, obeyed all the safety rules and didn’t do what Boris Johnson wanted and take it on the chin. Most of us have done our damnedest to go on living as normally as we can, but following all the regulations set out by medical experts.

Of course many have fallen short. Some visited holiday homes (eh Mr Johnson snr. among others), or failed to wear masks (eh, Mr Johnson, snr.) or got caught snogging our mistresses (eh, Mr Hancock) or left our area for something REALLY important, like attending a Tridentine Mass, because they can’t bear to hear the word of the Lord in English (eh, Mr Rees Mogg)!

But most of us have kept our distance, washed out hands, cleaned our supermarket trolley and and worn masks, to protect ourselves and, of course, those more vulnerable than ourselves.

We haven’t been cowering. We’ve been working together, as decent people in society.

Javid has since deleted his tweet and apologised.

Sajid Javid@sajidjavid

I’ve deleted a tweet which used the word “cower”. I was expressing gratitude that the vaccines help us fight back as a society, but it was a poor choice of word and I sincerely apologise. Like many, I have lost loved ones to this awful virus and would never minimise its impact.

Translation: Oooops. I made a bit of a dick of myself there. Don’t be cross at me. I’ve lost people too. You should feel sorry for me not ridicule me. And although I minimised the impact of the virus, I would never minimise the impact of the virus.

Oh and you just lent these people some credence…

Well done!

It’s worth remembering that Long Covid, or Post Viral Fatigue is a thing. Being over it in a couple of weeks isn’t going to happen for everyone.


Orangutan Baby Smiling Meme
1. Morning all. I’m a house guest. I’m hoping Munguin will invite me to the Towers sometime soon.
2. Who’s a cute wee fellow then?
3. Who’s a cute wee pussy cat? Pffff… not me!
4. They have long straight roads in Western Australia.
5. I’m a Northern Quoll. You’ve probably never heard of me. Sigh!
6. Munguin Towers’ Grounds.
7. I’m a Green Bee Eater… not that I eat Green Bees, you understand.
8. Just to remind people in Scotland (and Missouri) that it CAN be cold… You’ll remember how cold in a few months!
Helsinki | Population & History | Britannica
9. Helsinki.
10. I’m a Stick Nest Rat. Now don’t get all upset. Humans are funny about us rats (and we’re a bit funny about humans) but we’re actually quite cute.
Tips on how to attract owls to your yard or neighborhood - Empowered TMD
11. Um, excuse me… do I watch YOU having a bath?
Dog Day (26th August) | Days Of The Year
12. Show us the sheep.
How can I tell if my cat is depressed? Ask the mood app for moggies | News  | The Sunday Times
13. I might tell you that I’m less than thrilled about being No. 13… and following dogs too! Jeez.
14. Gaborone, Botswana.
15. Archer Billabong, Australia.
16. Heaven’s sake… now Munguin wants a Billabong!
Rattlesnake Bite: Symptoms, Treatment, and Recovery Timeline
17. If you want to hear me rattle, pick me up and give me a shake… I dare you.
Walruses | SeaWorld San Diego
18. Thank goodness when Greenland left the EU there was no shortage of fish for us Walruses (or should that be Walri?).
Your Safety in Mountain Lion Habitat - Point Reyes National Seashore (U.S.  National Park Service)
19. Meow.
20. I’m sleepy now, so please be quiet as you leave… and I’ll wake up in time for next week.

Thanks to Quokka and Panda Paws.