Image result for nicola sturgeon enjoys defeat of swinson

The Daily Borisgraph called this “ungracious and nasty”.

And they weren’t the only ones. Twitter was raging about the First Minister celebrating a victory for her party. I read comments about how disgusting it was that she, a woman, would rejoice in the humiliation of a young woman ( well youngish, and Amy Callaghan, who beat her, is a good ten years younger!)

Incidentally, I’d have thought that it wasn’t particularly “humiliating” to lose your seat in an election. It’s normal. More people lose in elections than win. Surely everyone goes into an election anticipating that it can happen.

It’s even less humiliating and more to be expected if you didn’t bother to live in the constituency… or to spend much time there during the campaign (or ever).

johnson win.jpg

It seems, however, that when Boris Johnson celebrated in a not dissimilar way, far less was made of it. I think it is utterly natural to celebrate a win, and I’m sure that Swinson and Corbyn did it when they took or held a seat. A win for someone means a loss for someone else, but that’s competition for you. That’s politics.

 Boris throws his arms up in celebration as he celebrates with James Cleverly at Tory HQ

In any case, rumour has it that having been rejected by the electorate, Swinson will not be humiliated by anyone in her next job.

She may be appointed to the House of Lords where she will be able to snooze away at £300 a day for the rest of her life, so I’d save my pity if I were you.

NO matter what you think of the SNP, at least their politicians are elected (in what passes for a democratic style in Britain).

 Boris Johnson, Michael Gove and Sajid Javid enjoy a group hug as they celebrate the win


In other news, the bloke that managed to lose more than half the Tory seats in Scotland has apparently said that he won’t accept Coburn (ex-UKIP) into the Tory Party.

Not that I have a problem with that. Coburn isn’t an asset to anyone, anywhere. And it’s noticeable that Farage also refused to have him in the Brexit Party. (And when you think of some of the loonies that he took on, that’s saying something.)

But I wasn’t aware that a branch office temporary leader could refuse membership to anyone. And doesn’t Coburn live in London?

Enjoy your wee bit of power while you can, you wally!




Still, the Tories should be pleased. They have one of their own in a position of “power” (relatively speaking).


I’m not 100% sure how it will work out for her, what with her being a Scottish MP and therefore unable to vote on the bulk of the legislation that passes through the Commons. Health, Education, Law and Order, Transport… will all be out with her remit. And while she can take part in debates on these matters, she can’t vote on them unless the Speaker rules that there is a consequence for Scotland.


Many MPs might think that she will have little authority to express opinions and develop policies on matters which will not affect her constituents.

Unless, of course, Boris* wants to take these matters back into his, erm capable, erm hands in London.

(*Other possible leaders are available at much-discounted rates.)




Now, in the leadership contest that actually counts, we’ll know the result by this time tomorrow.

And, if as we suspect, Hunt (the one who is just as bad as Boris, but without the comic relief), loses, there are rumours that Ruth has plans to set up her own Scottish Conservative Party, you know, like Murdo suggested when he stood against her all these years ago and she utterly rejected, because Dave told her to.

This article was, of course, originally published in the Daily Mail’s Scottish edition,  and is, therefore, linked with attendant caveats.

Image result for ruth davidson and boris johnson

But you can’t help wondering if this wouldn’t have the effect of further splitting the Conservatives in Scotland. There are already those who are 100% behind Brexit, no matter the cost. How could these Tories (I know one) get behind a Euro-friendly Scottish party? And wouldn’t they think it pandering to the dreaded “separatism”

Ahhh…with Boris, I doubt that life will ever be dull.