Image result for theresa and Philip walking holiday

Mrs May has gone on a walking holiday in Wales.. and we all know what kind of farce that sort of thing can conjure up. Imagine her alone with her trusty advisor, Philip, for a whole week… [shudder].

So let’s laugh while we can, because heaven knows what crap she’ll come up with while she’s away.

So, it occured to me that there are now two Brexit parties lining up for the EU elections.

Firstly there’s Nigel’s party, launched last week (which, if I’m not mistaken, has lost its leader already) and then there’s super loonie “new” UKIP (even nuttier than before), which seems to have lost a lot of support, not least that of its own MEPs.

From 24 members elected, they are down to four serving members at the last count.

Image result for david coburn

The defections are probably because of the hard right-wing stance of the latest in the party’s sad succession of leaders since Mr Farage declared “job done” and resigned back in 2016.

Mr Gerald Batten (at least it wasn’t Battenberg!) and his close advisor, Mr Tommy Robinson or (on Sundays) Mr Stephen Yaxley-Lennon make some of the previous holders of the post seem almost normal. Just imagine being too nutty for the likes of Coburn?



The thing is, that while I admit that there is going to be a fair number of people who will want to vote for one of the hard-line Brexit parties and secure a no deal Brexit, didn’t it occur to them that having two parties standing in every seat is going to split the vote and let other parties through the middle?


Ho hum…

brexit application
So don’t be surprised if you get calls from insurance companies. The Tories have to make money somehow.


And Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat…
brexit closk
Maybe add 14 o’clock and 15 o’clock…
Making your mind up…
Jeez… who told you that doing deals with the devil was a good idea? Actually, I’m not sure that I know which one of them I’m addressing that to. Both?

227 thoughts on “LET’S HAVE A LAUGH AT BREXIT”

    1. To answer my own question…

      (1) Paddy Power

      Boris Johnson 9/2

      Michael Gove 5/1

      Jeremy Corbyn 5/1

      Jeremy Hunt 8/1

      Dominic Raab 9/1

      Matthew Hancock 11/1

      (2) Ladbrokes

      Boris Johnson 5/1

      Michael Gove 5/1

      Jeremy Corbyn 6/1

      Jeremy Hunt 8/1

      Dominic Raab 8/1

      Sajid Javid 12/1

      David Lidington 16/1

      So there you go, from worser to worser.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. The tory party needs a truss.
    Liz Truss for PM.
    Depute, amber rudd.
    Fox and leadsom to be the whips.
    The Goon Show at westmonster to continue for another record breaking season of;
    The magic of the conservatives in government but not Power.
    English politicians, heroes to the few,
    Hear them quack and drool,
    Let’s sing their song,
    A holiday for fools.

    The panto season in the summer continues.

    Liked by 6 people

  2. I know (most of) Wales voted leave – quite remarkably stupid given the level of EU grants they get – but they don’t deserve this 😀

    Liked by 2 people

    1. No… no one does. Remember that they voted on what they were told by the likes of Fox, Gove and Johnson.

      It bore no resemblance to the truth.

      They voted for a land of milk and honey. They got a land of Oz.


    2. As I understand it, the Welshest bits of Wales voted to Remain, and the more anglified bits are as little English as can be; in that recent map of young people’s voting intentions, I think the Welsh Marches had the only three constituencies with a Tory majority – take with a pinch of salt, please, I am speaking purely from my own dodgy memory.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Indeed, which is why I mentioned Wales, not the Welsh.

        However (and the name escapes me) there’s a town/large village in Wales an online (game playing) friend comes from & he declared them the stupidest people on the planet after the 2016 brexit vote.


        There are no immigrants in the town (they had one a few years back) and more than 40% of the people in the town are ENTIRELY dependent on EU grants for employment but they still voted 70-30 to leave.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. “didn’t it occur to them that having two parties standing in every seat is going to split the vote and let other parties through the middle?”
    Probably not, sshsh.
    Did anyone read what Nancy Pelosi has being saying? If not I can post it here. She stated things very clearly from a confident position, creating more squeeky bums no doubt.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. “didn’t it occur to them that having two parties standing in every seat is going to split the vote and let other parties through the middle?”

      I thought that was the point.

      They don’t actually want to have to turn up and do anything in Westminster, all they want to do is make a lot of noise and drag the “political center” farther and farther right.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Pelosi, here it is;
    “First of all it is very hard to pass a trade bill in the Congress of the United States, so it’s no given anyway.

    But if there were any weakening of the Good Friday accords there would be no chance whatsoever, a non-starter for a US-UK trade agreement.

    The Good Friday accords ended 700 years of conflict.

    This is not a treaty only, it’s an ideal, it’s a value, it’s something that’s a model to the world, something that we all take pride in.

    It was a model and other people have used it as a model and we don’t want that model to be something that can be bargained away in another agreement.

    We have met the speaker. We met with the leader of the opposition Jeremy Corbyn and we met with those who left the Labour Party and we made it clear to all that if there’s any harm to the Good Friday accords – no trade treaty.

    Today we met with the Government, with the Chancellor of the Exchequer and deputy prime minister and those who are in opposition in the Conservative Party and to all of them we made it clear: don’t even think about it.”

    Liked by 5 people

    1. There was an article about this in the Washington Post today:


      Nancy Pelosi, as Speaker of the House, is by far the most powerful Democrat in Washington. She’s also a very effective bare knuckle politician. Trump can bluff and bluster all he wants, but nothing will happen on a trade deal with the UK if she (as leader of the Democrat-controlled House) doesn’t want it to.

      It’s Congress’s Easter recess and Nancy was in London and Dublin yesterday and today, delivering the message that altering the Irish border arrangement of the Good Friday accords will mean that London can kiss a trade deal with the US goodbye. (Lots of Irish-Americans vote Democrat. 😉 )

      Liked by 4 people

    2. Triffic! Maybe the barstards will actually listen to her, because, you know, she speaks English, not like those rotten foreign Johnnies over on the Continong… To put it another way, maybe Pelosi will have succeeded in starving Priti Patel into submission when all else failed.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Fox must be furious with Pelosi. I mean congratulations to him for his deal with the Vatican and the Faeroe Islands, but America was his dream deal. And with his membership of the “Atlantic Bridge” and his political similarities to Trumpy, he musta thought it was a coup he could pull off.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. For a moment I misinterpreted the subject of your first sentence a Fox News, Tris, being furious with Pelosi, and thought “So no news there, then” … still, no quarrel from me that DOCTOR Liam Fox-Werrity is a delusional and right-wing eejit, so very like Trump, and indeed Fox News.

          Liked by 1 person

  5. I’m imagining the penny is dropping with a loud clang for many leave voters given the drastic preparations, prophecies of doom and general negativity around the no deal scenario. Add to this the increased publicity/scrutiny surrounding their heroes and it must surely mean questions jumping unbidden in to their conscious thought as to any fitness for office. Bojos openly racist affiliations have to be causing a once supportive percentage to think, well erm… maybe not. I know this may not remove the keys to no 10 from his oily grip in the short term but it’s got to bite him sooner or later. If not then fascism beckons like a big spidery beckony thing.

    Still if Brexit conclusively proved one thing to yours truly, it was the power of the tabloids over a large swathe of Englandland. The realisation and then the admission of being the marks in a major scam will hopefully show itself eventually and a long learning process will begin. Stuff like we was conned, we blamed the wrong crowd, will hopefully be heard with increasing frequency in the years to come.

    It was easier in Scotland. Our choice was between those nice people in Europe or the evil empire in Westminster. The fact that the propaganda arm and certain politicians/establishment figures of said empire were telling us Europe was bad made many folk like me think the opposite must be true and vote accordingly. English exceptionalism is something I’ve been aware of and a victim of all my life but didn’t actually equate the experience with the term. (If that makes sense).

    There’s been a new kid on the block for a wee while now. The internet savvy type who sees through all the old tricks and is having none of it. Is s/he here to last or is it just that the powers that be haven’t caught up yet. The trick will be keeping up with it all as it unfolds before brain death gets you.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Isn’t it amazing that these tabloids still have that kind of power despite the fact that so few read them? Still, placed in the entrance to so many supermarkets, as Stu has pointed out so often, all we really know of them is their screaming headlines. And they are invariably untrue.


      1. They only have that “power” because of the BBC these days.

        Our local shop says basically nobody under the age of 40 other than labourers on the (current) local building site buys papers. Out of those its pretty much 95% right-wing little Englanders.

        Were it not for the BBC reporting “news” papers most of them would be irrelevant inside a decade.

        Liked by 1 person

  6. I would have thought that she’d redouble her efforts and dive into even more intense negotiations with parliament to be sure that they’d have Brexit all sorted before the NEW final unchangeable set-in-stone withdrawal date next October. So what does she do? She immediately goes on holiday! Shocking!

    BTW, what is it with the English and walking in remote places? England doesn’t have a Disney World or a Las Vegas-style resort to fly off to for some really serious fun? And what’s with the ski poles?

    It caught the attention of the NY Times, that as soon as the Brexit can got well and truly kicked down the road, the politicians took the cue to take a vacation. There’s also the matter of upcoming elections, a summer recess, party congresses and what not to keep the politicians occupied between now and October 31.

    Liked by 2 people

        1. Certainly looks foreign to me. Maybe very rich people who don’t, in the general way of things, ever walk anywhere, need poles to keep them standing when the do actually have to walk. Who knows. Affectation if you ask me!

          Liked by 1 person

        2. I understand Verhofstadt’s point very well, though; it must be incredibly frustrating to have to deal with a bunch of dishonest, delusional dimwits who don’t know what they want and keep on insanely demanding things that they have repeatedly been told, slowly and carefully in words of one syllable, that they can’t possibly have, and why they can’t have it. As I said earlier – maybe they’ll hear it from Pelosi. I hope Pelosi said quite a lot more about not just the Good Friday Agreement but also the sheer insanity of Brexit when she was having her little tête-à-têtes with the Tory heid bummers.


          Is it not clear yet to everyone that the Russian regime has been pumping dirty money into undermining the US, the UK, the EU and its other member States for its own ends? Putin and his pals are ethnonationalistic, cynical, kleptocratic, sociopathic scofflaws who view NATO and the West as existential threats not only to Russia but, more importantly, to themselves. They look forward to the UK leaving the EU and no taking EU-mandated action to clamp down on tax evasion and money-laundering, because the City is incredibly useful for their own nefarious purposes. The ruling elites, the oligarchs and the Russian placemen in the now “independent” former Soviet republics want to make themselves unassailably richer than the dreams of avarice; in other words, they have exactly the same goals as, oh, a Rupert Murdoch, a Trump, or most of America’s 1 per cent.

          I say “Rupert Murdoch” in particular because he is on record as saying (of Downing Street under Cameron in the specific, but also as a general principle) that London would do what he wanted them to whereas Brussels wouldn’t. Rupert Murdoch also owns the New York Post, which in the past few days published an attack on Democratic, Somali-American congresswoman Ilhan Omar which was tantamount to an incitement to violence. In my view, and in the view of many other commentators on the Left, who are obviously right because they agree with me, these attacks in the media put the congresswoman’s life in danger, given the rising threat of right-wing white nationalist / supremacist terror in America in particular but also elsewhere (e.g., the appalling events in Christchurch not so long ago).

          I do wonder sometimes what the motivations of ancient auld buggers like Murdoch actually are: if you’re richer than Croesus, and in the normal way of things may kick the bucket at any moment, why would any sane person persist in accumulating even more power and wealth?

          Consider Syria: Thousands upon thousands of (Muslim) refugees fleeing from the Russian-supported Assad regime, landing up in Europe and causing support for the deplorable xenophobic / islamophobic far right to become a threat to Western liberal democracies – while meantime Putin seizes Crimea, and Trump weakens support for Ukraine.

          Take, for example, Italy, where so many of those refugees (and Libyans – remember that little conflict?) ended up – now taken over by an ethnonationalistic, populist coalition. From a BBC article last year: “The anti-establishment Five Star Movement and right-wing League have gone into coalition, preparing to set the eurozone’s third biggest economy on a path of tax cuts, a guaranteed basic income for the poor and deportations of 500,000 migrants.” (https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-44168602).

          A guaranteed income for the poor sounds good, and as far as I’m concerned is a good idea (actually, a guaranteed income for everybody is the idea when it comes from us pinko lefties), but tax cuts at the same time? And… and… it smacks of the kind of assurances given out by the fascist regimes of the 1930s, and when juxtaposed / coupled with the anti-immigrant rhetoric, the effect is to cement in the minds of the electorate the false, zero-sum, economics-of-scarcity, scapegoating beliefs that “immigrants are taking our jobs”, “immigrants are costing us money”, “we could all be rich if it weren’t for those immigrants”, together with the usual “those Muslims don’t want to integrate”, “those foreigners only come here to steal”, “they want to take our jobs and live high on the hog on social security by making the Italian taxpayer pay to house them and feed them because they’re so idle they won’t work, and then they beg on the streets as well” – or “those Muslims want to kill us all”…

          Cor, I’m more fun than a barrel of monkeys tonight, amn’t I?God save us from nitwits, sociopaths, demagogues and authoritarian, kleptocratic monsters…

          Liked by 5 people

          1. Ed….Well said! What WOULD the right wing authoritarian nationalistic demagogues do if they couldn’t blame every political and social problem on unwashed hoards of foreign immigrants? Trump goes to that rhetorical well over and over. Seems that Brexit voters had much the same motivations as the Trump voters, and Trump has been quite vocal in his support of Brexit while expressing disdain for the European Union. None of that plays well with Nancy for sure.

            After he posted the video Tweet, Trump has continued to double down on his attacks on Congresswoman Ilhan Omar.

            Liked by 3 people

            1. I wasn’t aware that congresswoman Omar had actually received death threats, but it was only to be expected. Trump has repeatedly been challenged over his rhetoric, hasn’t he, and he always denies any responsibility for the right-wing nutters who act on it – like the Australian guy who killed 50 Muslims in a mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand. Trump is not just a domestic American problem; hit words and actions are encouraging the far right worldwide, at least in the English-speaking world. His rhetoric is straight out of the playbook / talking points used by horrible outfits such as PEGIDA.

              PEGIDA has spread well furth of German and has become quite a widespread threat. As an example, here’s a recent article from the Irish Examiner, entitled “We must embrace our Muslim community as part of who we are”: https://t1p.de/0l22.

              Trump is a monster. The only source of comfort is that he’s so dimwitted, and that he’s incapable of doing his job effectively. I do wonder how long the institutions will hold – and they are under attack in the UK too, where the Westminster regime’s contempt for the democratic process and the rule of law is barely concealed at the best of times.

              Liked by 3 people

              1. Ed…..Good article! Reminds me that a change was made in the rules of the House of Representatives that had previously banned head coverings.


                The rule change being worded to apply only to religious head coverings will mean that Florida Congresswoman Frederica Wilson will still not be permitted to wear her signature brightly colored sequined cowboy hats on the House floor. 🙂

                I’d never heard of PEGIDA, but no doubt Trump is a great inspiration to such people all over the world. Ironically, as you point out, he would be a lot more dangerous to the institutions of government if he were not so stupid and therefore relatively ineffective in the office of the presidency. Being a con-artist and provocateur will just take a demagogue so far. An almost complete ignorance of history, law and the norms of constitutional government can be a real hindrance to getting things done.

                Liked by 2 people

                1. Danny, PEGIDA has a presence in North America too – here’s their facebook page (not that I like to give them any more views than they deserve): https://www.facebook.com/usa.pegida/. Take a look at it and you’ll soon see what they’re about!

                  As you know – and people throughout the Western world should know – is that these people and other right-wing fringe / lunatic fringe / white supremacist / ethnonationalist movements are very serious threats, and we should be on guard against them. We dismiss them at our peril – as Trump did in the past few days, saying he wasn’t worried about them. My analysis is that with his support for far-right, ethnonationalist groups throughout Europe and North America – and even Australia and New Zealand, as we just saw in Christchurch, Putin’s regime has turned Russia into a State sponsor of terrorism.

                  Trump, of course, appears utterly convinced that Muslims are the threat – and newpapers such as the (Murdoch) New York Post pander to the far-right, islamophobic / xenophobic / racist ideologies espoused by people like him, and organizations such as PEGIDA.

                  These people are hateful – in all senses of the word.

                  Liked by 2 people

                  1. Ed……And as you know we have a president who is on record as saying there were “some very fine people on BOTH sides” including the white supremacists at Charlottesville. He can’t bring himself to disavow these people, apparently for fear of losing some votes among the far white crazies of the GOP.

                    It seems like Murdoch turns everything he touches to trash, with the New York Post a prime example. It’s the nation’s oldest continuously published daily newspaper, founded as a Federalist paper in 1801 by Alexander Hamilton…….an officer in the revolutionary army and a personal aide to George Washington, whose face (Hamilton’s) is now on the $10 bill. (Famously, he was in one of the boats which carried Washington and the troops across the Delaware River to attack the Hessian British at Trenton on Christmas night, 1776.) And now his newspaper is owned by Murdoch. 😦

                    Always good for a provocative cover though……

                    Liked by 3 people

    1. Most people get bye with a broken branch as a support. The bigger the ponce the more expensive the ski pole, especially for those who cannot ski.

      Liked by 5 people

      1. I’ve got a “wizard’s staff” as well. It’s made out of a wild cherry tree sapling and it’s about five feet long with the root bole at the top. I’d never dare to actually use it as because I get enough of being called Gandalf in the pub.

        Liked by 5 people

          1. I inherited/was gifted two of these walking poles. I thought to use them and gave it a try.
            You need to re-learn how to walk and to co-ordinate arms and legs, but after that…I reckoned they were pretty pointless and more hindrance than help. As to them being an affectation…well, I don’t use them but they do adorn the parcel shelf of the car. I like to think they dumb-down the brolly and shooting-stick and so in a way do after all help with balance.

            Liked by 4 people

          2. The 4-5′ shod staffs are great for: self-defence, checking bog-depth so you don’t lose your boots, and stabilising yourself on ice or shingle slopes.

            If you only walk on paths, they’re kinda overkill outside of December/January. I used to go on walking holidays with my family in Glen Coe in the winter, and felt silly taking one except for the hidden valley and similar “no-path” routes.

            Liked by 1 person

        1. Well I used to make do with an old broomstick handle (no use for flying though, y’see the big end’s gone ….
          And thinking of Gandalf and still in ‘groan’ territory :
          Q. Why are top politicians like wizards?

          A. Because they never go anywhere without their staff …

          Which in turn makes me wonder how could TM really be wondering the wilds of Wales with just her man. Do they have goons cordoning off and combing every bush for miles around? Sort of like a corps of copse cops …
          (Apologies, I was clearly out in the woods too long earlier, the sun must have addled my brains)

          Liked by 4 people

      2. If they’ve got proper pointy bits on the end (the poles, not the people), I suppose Mrs. & Mr. Theresa May could perform a public service by picking up litter with them. Except they’re not exactly into public service, are they? More into making the world safe for hedge funds.

        Liked by 3 people

        1. Ed….Tris……I think that my preferred style might be a gold headed ebony walking stick with which to fashionably promenade the streets of London.

          As for walking in the country, the longer version might be effectively used to fend off at a safer distance the occasional passing rattlesnake. (Perhaps rattlesnakes are not really much of a problem in Scotland and Wales though. 😉 )

          Liked by 2 people

  7. What a lot of (serious!) comments you’ve got today — don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

    Anyway, as for May’s clock, my first thought was that the numbers should be counting backwards, but then maybe the hands just move anticlockwise?

    But then again, as things stand, an unsettling recollection has surfaced :
    “It was a bright cold night in April and all the clocks were striking thirteen …”

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Yep… That was very interesting, as it normally is when the formidable intellects of Ed and Danny get together.

      It has always occurred to me that it would suit Putin very well to encourage the break up of the West in general, and the EU in particular.

      It’s hard not to imagine that Russia would be supportive of a particularly stupid and vain man in the Whitehouse. (We’ve already seen how he can be flattered by Putin into accepting HIS version of events over that of his own many security services.)

      It would also be odd if Putin didn’t see the UK’s disenchantment with the EU and departure from the EU as something to be encouraged. After all, if it is the first brick in the wall, and the EU starts to crumble, the Russian empire could regain influence over its former client states, Poland, Bulgaria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia…

      Trump too, I suspect, would like to see the EU crumble. America first can be easily facilitated over small countries… but the EU… not so much.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Putin probably takes the view that if it was legitimate from the West to actively work for the break-up of the USSR and the Warsaw Pact then it’s legitimate for him to return the favour .

        Liked by 3 people

      2. Tris…….Having an American president who hates the EU for being an economic competitor, and will not fully commit to NATO because it’s composed of a bunch of Europeans must be Putin’s dream come true. Add to that Trump’s love of totalitarian dictators which is icing on the cake, and his (Putin’s) investment in getting Trump elected was the best money he ever spent.

        Liked by 2 people

  8. 911 was an inside job. The planes did not cause the Towers to fall, they were demolished. Just remember building 7, described by the BBC as having collapsed twenty minutes before it actually did. Then look at the footage, classic demolition. No plane hit the Pentagon, more like a missile.

    The Military Tribunals, currently underway, will bring out the truth.

    Bin Laden was the classic patsy, just like Lee Harvey Oswald and others who have been played like a fiddle by the Establishment.

    No doubt there will be scoffers at this, but the truth will win out.


    1. Glad I’m not the only one who remembers that tower 7 went down late.

      And Osama Bin Laden was considered “A valued ally of the USA” in the 90’s. Then he decided to try running his country for his own good, rather than America’s, and look what happened to him.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. A propos of zebras … in Swahili, the term for zebra is punda milia, which means, literally stripey donkey (well, donkey stripey, because adjectives come after nouns in Swahili, usually, like in French).

      You don’t see many horses in sub-Saharan Africa, you see, because of the African horse sickness (AHS) virus, for which zebras are a reservoir. The exception is around Cape Town, where a cordon sanitaire is in place to keep the virus out so the famous Cape Town races can be run…

      The virus has an insect vector, a midge, actually, and maybe we would have AHS here too if it weren’t for our cold winters. Here’s the Wikipedia article on AHS: https://t1p.de/7554.

      Liked by 4 people

    1. This is terrible news!

      It would be very short-sighted of the Scottish Government not to step in to save the Dundee Satellite Receiving Station (http://www.sat.dundee.ac.uk/weather/)!

      On independence, Scotland will need its own Met Office rather than pay indirectly for the UK Met Office. You will have observed how the most public-facing aspect of the Met Office – the television weather bulletins – do not have much to say about the Republic of Ireland, and in Scotland after independence we will receive the same treatment – we will want our own weather bulletins on our own radio and TV stations, and our airports will need their own forecasts.

      Naturally, all the worlds’ met offices feed their data into the global networks established under the World Meteorological Organization in Geneva, but everyone needs their own national met office to run their own observational network, and they need to either develop their own capacity to produce the products which users need – or buy them in from outside.

      Scotland will need not just its own met office, it will need its own membership of organizations such as CERN, the European Space Agency, the Galileo project and other international / global scientific and observational projects. Not only that, we already have a space industry, and we need the pure research to go into it as well as the applied.

      We are a national renowned for our engineering and technological prowess. We will want and need a serious budget for science, and the necessary R&D to back it up.

      Saving the Dundee Satellite Receiving Station should be a priority, and it is very evident that immediate action is required. I am sure many Munguinites agree with me on this, so let us hope that Mr. Munguin can bring his influence, and that of Munguin Megamedia Inc., to bear on the necessary high heid yins in the Scottish Government…

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Good points, Ed.

        Can you write me an article (I simply don;t have time at the moment)… and Munguin will publish it.

        Of course, all of the Scottish government reads Munguin’s New Republic! (Or at least that’s what he thinks.)

        Liked by 2 people

        1. I’m honoured! I’ll do a spot more poking around and work out just what we’re doing at the moment in the satellite / space / remote sensing area, among others. Computer (mainframe) infrastructure is a bit of a problem, actually; so many of the heavy-duty computer farms are located in England, and Lunnon in particular; I think it’s only Virgin Media who have actual plant in Scotland.

          “Remote sensing area” reminds of a most unfortunate choice of words I came across in my career as an editor: “We must take concrete steps in the agricultural field…”.

          Liked by 2 people

          1. “I’m honoured! ”

            Oh I wouldn’t be – he lets any old idiot write atl 🙂

            Joking aside this is not an area I’m familiar with so I look forward to reading more.

            Liked by 3 people

            1. Thank you, PP! I’m honoured to be part of the old idiots club. It is reassuring to find that people appreciate me for exactly what I am worth.

              (Removes tongue from cheek) I’ll do my best not to bore everyone witless. Thanks!

              Liked by 2 people

      2. Absolutely!
        It’s all low resolution ( by these days standards) and low tech as the Register article points out, but it does the job and the funding they appear to be having cut looks like pretty small beer in the scheme of things.

        Liked by 2 people

      3. Agree totally. Scotland must prepare for independence.
        My suspicions are heightened about Westminster and their need to keep Scotland needful of the Union. Not from a tin foil hat base but from the evidence I see. Kishorn and the Fort William smelter is one example, the Pentland MeyGen scheme another. This satellite would just be another in the constant drip of erosion to our automony.

        Liked by 3 people

          1. Just a wee input.
            The EBC don’t get their weather from the Met Office.
            Too dear.
            They buy it in now from Meteo, or something like that.
            Think the Dundee receiver is InfraREd, gives cloud coverage and density, in what appears to be black and white. You can work out if there is heavy rain in the clouds.
            New technology shows wind speed and strength, water content superimposed on the land map.
            Flight service programmes like SkyDemon put it all in one application.

            Liked by 2 people

            1. Thanks, Dave – obviously I need to find out exactly where those met products are coming from – I don’t watch TV so I thought they still had a Met Office person coming in to do the weather forecast. I must check and see who’s actually producing the information I look at, and it’s been a while too since I checked out everything the DSRS site has to offer; their online stuff is pretty damn good as far as I recall, not low resolution at all, but I need to check that they’re still doing it – only a couple of weeks before they shut down!

              Way back in 1984, I got my first gig as a freelance translator at the World Meteorological Organization in Geneva. At one point a PC was set up in the lobby which showed animated weather maps / satellite images on a flickering CRT monitor. This was a wonder and a miracle of technology … and it would stop working if you looked at it sideways. And now we can see all that sort of stuff with a mobile phone app, or on our flat-screen hi-res desktop monitors.

              Imagine what it would be like if we’d done a Rip van Winkel in 1984 and woken up just today – we would think we were still dreaming, wouldn’t we?

              Liked by 1 person

              1. Eddy
                You can still sign onto the MetOffice site as a pilot into their weather service for pilots. Nil Cost.
                You get the form 214 and 215, the Atlantic charts and the Forecast and Actuals for airports within the rUK.
                You have to delve deeper to get FOREIGN reports but they are there.
                The Atlantic chart is in colour and is issued with the ability to move the time scale forward, just a forcast remember, they aren’t that good. The 2 day forecasts are getting really good for accuracy but with a pinch of reality, some 90%, Unless.

                Liked by 2 people

  9. Tris, see what a space you have created? To be filled by the likes of Eddjasfreeman and others delivering the above.
    Ed I find that stuff as good as joob joobs dipped in sherbett dab. AHS, I never knew about and also that Swahili shares the same adjective placement as french and gàidhlig but english and german don’t, well german for the most part follow that rule. Throws up an interesting mix of questions for me.

    You also say that you have a mind like a lint brush, mine has been described as sponge like. I do have eclectic interests but I see myself more as an OAP who hasn’t quite grown up and with possibly a touch of ADHD.

    Ambition, to wake up each day (I could stop at that) in the firm knowledge that I know less than I thought.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Ed even knows what all those little squiggles mean that are located above below and around the letters in French and other languages. (Called hypocritical markings….or similar words to that effect. 😉 )

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Tchah. “Hypocritical”, forsooth.

        I even know that the French have a president named after one of them and some call it a superior trait, though it is is a bit strange because he’s no beanpole, though he is, I think, shorter than his predecessor, who was named after a couple of provinces of another country, but is definitely taller than the one before that, who was a short-arse with a Hungarian name, a part-Jewish, part-Greek ancestry and a wife who towered over him and was born in yet another country and into a religion I haven’t mentioned yet and whose maiden name means “German” in the language of that country, all of which proves precisely nothing except that little Englanders like Theresa May with her talk of citizens of Europe being “citizens of nowhere” is harking back to just the same sort of repugnant, scapegoating, anti-semitic claptrap that a certain German (actually Austrian) dictator used to come out with when he talked about rootless cosmopolitan international elites back in 1933, with the results we all know, and a certain Russian (actually Georgian) dictator who changed his name to “man of steel” in Russian which, I have always believed, contained a snide reference to the iron fist of Karl Marx (a German who was made stateless and went to live in London), and who won’t be allowed to stay if Theresa May gets her druthers except he’s dead already.

        That’s how far to the right Theresa May and her party are, let alone Nigel Garage and all the other Nigels he wants to be elected into the European Parliament in May to cause maximum disruption, not counting that Mark Francois who sort of shares a name with that penultimate French president but probably wouldn’t recognize a cedilla if it reared up out of his bouillabaisse and smacked him in the chops, he loathes the French so much, and Stephen Yaxley-Lennon who just wants to cause maximum disruption everywhere in England (I use the word advisedly) just like his namesake Bannon does in the United States and the Vatican (the first “Stephen” is pronounced “Tommy” in the same way that “Ralph” is pronounced “Rafe”, and “Yaxley-Lennon” is pronounced “Robinson” in the same way that “Marjoribanks” is pronounced “Marchbanks”, and “Milngavie” is pronounced “MulGUY” to rhyme with “pie” except in Dundee, if it comes to that).

        There, so is that all clear to everyone now? It is? Good.

        Liked by 3 people

        1. Ed…..I did notice a while back that one of the French markings is called a “micron.”

          As for names, I think I read once that Noel Coward (with an umlaut “o”) had a disagreement with the Times over the proper rendering of his name. That was apparently contrary to their style manual and they refused to print it that way.

          I’ve always liked the music of Ralph Vaughan Williams, and was surprised the first time I heard it pronounced “Rafe.”

          Liked by 2 people

    2. Alan – “in the firm knowledge that I know less than I thought”. Absobloodylutely… the more we know, the more we know we know nothing compared to all there is to know, and the more we know that we can know nothing compared to all there is to know because the universe is very large and the human brain is very small.

      Liked by 3 people

  10. Off-topic Notre Dame update:

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Very good! The commercial logos will change the look of the towers. Maybe the rose windows, even though they survived, could be knocked out and repurposed for commercial use. 😉

        It really wouldn’t surprise me if the reconstruction plan includes a new chapel to honor the big donors down through future centuries.

        Liked by 2 people

    1. Aye, well said there.

      Sad though I am about the loss of the beautiful and iconic building, I am aware that there are people who can’t afford to eat. And you have to wonder which Jesus would have sorted first!

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      1. “Abiit, excessit, evasit, erupit.”? Did that yesterday, and as you know, yesterday was another day.

        Did you know, Munguinites, that the name of the man who said that(the Latin bit, not me) is derived from the word for “chickpea”? (That’s garbanzo bean to you, Danny.) Kinda like the wonderful Mayor Pete Buttigieg could be Rocky Chickenfarmer (approximate translations, the last bit’s Maltese). https://t1p.de/nrxt

        Liked by 1 person

          1. “Struth! Is there a language with which you are not familiar?” – Tris, I wish!

            It’s more that, as a professional translator pretty much all my working life, I know where to look, and I have a feel for things that impelled me into translation in the first place.

            Liked by 1 person

  11. You know, when you go down a rabbit hole, like our good friend Conan often sets:

    “Abiit, excessit, evasit, erupit.”

    You realize that Google Translate – or the Latin Dictionary that it transported me to – has intelligence that I don’t?

    What that Latin translates as is:

    “He has left, absconded, escaped and disappeared”

    For the two words in the middle you can, sort of see, if you squint a bit, modern parallels, excessit could become ran away (exited), evasit could sort of mean evaded (which is near as dammit the same as escape).

    Ablit and erupit have less meaning to a monoglot such as myself.

    This place is turning into the ‘Brains Trust’ of fond memory. Who is declaring as Lady Isobel Barnett?

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Douglas……I know nothing about Latin, so I do have strong opinions about it. Mostly, I’ve noticed that Latin phrases seem to be words that convey certain fundamental ideas strung together in a more or less random order which can then be translated into pretty much any sentence that suits you.

      It doesn’t take

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Douglas…….To complete my thought…….(which was interrupted by an unintentional keystroke that sent “Post Comment” to WordPress):

        I know nothing about Latin, so I do have strong opinions about it. Mostly, I’ve noticed that Latin phrases seem to be words that convey certain fundamental ideas strung together in a more or less random order which can then be translated into pretty much any sentence that suits you.

        For example, it doesn’t take a genius to know why “E pluribus unum” is the national motto of ONE country composed of MANY states. But what’s really annoying about it is that people who translate the Latin use the “E” (a single letter which means god knows what) to turn “pluribus” and “unum” into an actual sentence. They translate it in all sorts of fanciful ways.

        So I consulted the Wikipedia article “Latin Word Order” and discovered that the ancient Romans really didn’t have a clue about how to form sentences.


        Latin word order is relatively free. Subject, Object, and Verb can come in any order; adjectives and possessives can go before or after their noun, and so on. A common feature of Latin is hyperbaton, in which a phrase is split up by other words, e.g. Sextus est Tarquinius “it is Sextus Tarquinius”.

        A complicating factor in Latin word order is that there are variations between the style of different authors, and also between different genres of writing; in Caesar’s historical writing the verb is much more likely to come at the end of the sentence than in Cicero’s philosophy. The word order of poetry is even freer than prose, and examples of interleaved word order (double hyperbaton) are common.


        So I’d say that “relatively free” is the kindest thing you can say about Latin syntax. Latin words were apparently written in any order the ancient Romans desired, to form sentences that meant pretty much anything they wanted them to mean. 😉

        Liked by 4 people

        1. That hints at where the Westminster fudge may come from, “don’t say anything too definitive that can be use against you later”
          This aspect was covered superbly by Sir Humphrey in the Yes Minister series.

          Liked by 2 people

        2. Ah well, Danny… the (indoeuropean – I speaks about what I knows) languages which can do that relatively free word order thing have declensions, i.e., a case structure, and those twiddly bits at the end (or even elsewhere in the word – cf. Gaelic) tell you what the functional interrelationships are. E.g., canis hominem momordit = the dog bit the man; canem homo momordit = the man bit the dog.

          So for “E pluribus unum”, the preposition e / ex, meaning out of, needs the ablative case, and that’s the -ibus in the pluribus. “Unum” has to be neuter singular nominative case (because it’s got no reason to be any other case or number or gender), and so means “one thing”, because if you gave it a gender – “unus” or “una” – you’d be asking yourself “one what?”, because all nouns have a gender in Latin (“neuter” actually means “neither the one thing nor the other”), and the neuter is the one you use when you don’t have a definite thing whose gender you know to hang it on.

          Conan, all right so far? Your Latin is loads better than mine.

          Russian is sort of the same: most of the time it trundles along with its bits in pretty much the same order as English, and then woops – it says something backwards.

          Liked by 3 people

          1. Ed, that bit about the ablative case catapulted me back to my schooldays in the Latin class. I’ve forgotten most of it but the one thing that was indelibly imprinted on my mind was the list of prepositions “taking the ablative” – it was drummed (sometimes belted) into us. De, pro, ab, sub ex, in sine, cum.

            Liked by 2 people

          2. Splendid explanation for Latin.

            It isn’t where you put the word in the sentence that tells you what is going on; it’s the ending of that word… but you explained it better.

            Liked by 1 person

          3. Ed, you brought back memories of my Latin master 50 odd years ago. He would entertain every first year with ‘amavi heri mani’. (Danny – you need the Latin pronunciation coupled with a Scottish accent to get the schoolboy humour).

            Liked by 2 people

              1. An awfy lot of folk here today who are Latin scholars. Me Toooooo. Cannot imagine today’s youngsters sitting at home on a Friday evening translating Virgil’s Aeneid, but I had to because we had so much homework, especially in 5th year. I remember an English teacher telling us that he read Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar before he studied Latin, so when he got to that well-known phrase (the only one I remember because I hated Shakespeare) “Et tu, Brute”, he translated it as ‘Ett ya brute’, or as we might say in Scotland “Here you, that wis sair!”. Come to think of it, Shakespeare would be so much more interesting in Scots. I’m not a philistine really, it just didn’t float ma boat as they say.

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                1. JoMac. I’ve always thought that, if you want to get kids reading, and who would think that a bad idea, you should give them something age appropriate and interesting to read.

                  If that’s Harry Potter, so be it.

                  Get them to love books. Those that want to may graduate on to read classics … those who don’t may go on reading mysteries or romances or murders or whatever…

                  If you make kids read Shakespeare or Johnson or Milton at 12… and they did… it is a wonder that you don’t put them off reading for life.

                  I remember that Gove bloke, when he was the English Education Secretary, demanded that Milton be on the syllabus for 16 year olds.

                  What tosh!

                  Liked by 1 person

          4. Thanks Ed, that helps. On first reading the “E pluribus unum” motto I got the pluribus/ablative bit, but for “unum” I jumped to the conclusion, wrongly, that it was the accusative form of unus ( singular & masculine)…that of course led me down a path of assuming that there was a verb-idea/implied verb, which had to be transitive, so the motto needed to be translated in the active rather than passive voice and left me pondering whether a proper translation should be “one, from the many” or “from the many,one”.

            So thanks…unum…singular & neuter, got it. Simple, elegant and CORRECT.

            Liked by 2 people

      2. The word order in Latin doesn’t really matter, Danny. The endings of the words convey the meaning.

        It’s all awfully complex and only a brain like Conan’s can get around it. 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

          1. Tris….Ed…..I can see how those Latin endings could be complicated. A couple of word endings being the difference between man biting dog and vice-versa. Amazing!
            I think the inscription on the seal of the University of Missouri has been gussied up to look like Latin, but really isn’t. It’s “Sigill Universitatis Missourien”, and since “Missouri” is the name of an Indian tribe, I doubt that there was a Latin form of it. Not to be confused with the Missouri state motto, “Salus populi suprema lex esto.” And the national motto does make more sense when you know that the “E” means “out of.” But noun gender always drives me crazy. 🙂

            Liked by 2 people

            1. Danny, Latin is still used for a few things, and of course there’s the Catholic church. I have had occasion to translate people’s degree certificates from Latin, for example.

              The Missouri University one should, I think, be “Sigillum Universitatis Missouriensis”, which is fine, actually: “sigillum” (neuter singular) = seal of the red wax on parchment kind; “universitatis” is genitive singular of (feminine noun) universitas, so “of the university” – there are no definite or indefinite articles in Latin, in which it is like Russian; and “Missouriensis” where the -ensis ending is an adjectival suffix used for place names (toponyms) only.

              Another example would be eboracensis from Eboracum (York); New York in Latin is Novum Eboracum, but the City is Civitas Novi Eboraci. You can see how “civitas” – actually “civitatem”, the accusative singular case, for reasons which are too teejus and long-winded to go into here – can turn into “ciudad” in Spanish and “cité” in French. So – where was I? Yes. The seal of the City of New York is Sigillum Civitatis [genitive singular again, feminine noun] Novi Eboraci.

              The state motto of Missouri would be “salus populi suprema lex est”, and it’s actually rather good! The thing is, “salus” has a number of meanings, including – here’s Wiktionary’s take on it: safety; security;
              health; well-being; welfare – not an exhaustive list.

              Another thing. First, I’ll gloss “salus populi suprema lex est” as “The good of the people is the highest law” – that last “est” is Spanish “es”, French “est” (in which the “st” is normally silent) so it sounds like Yoda speaking. However… “lex” doesn’t quite mean “law” in English – or rather, “law” in English doesn’t cover quite the same semantic fields as “lex” in Latin. Here’s Wiktionary’s take on it again: “lēx f (genitive lēgis); third declension: 1. a proposition or motion for a law made to the people by a magistrate, a bill; 2. (figuratively) a bill which has become a law, a law; 3. (figuratively) a precept, regulation, principle, rule, mode, manner; 4. (figuratively) a contract, agreement, covenant; 5. (figuratively) a condition, stipulation.”

              And just to tie a neat bow on things, if you look at that last Wiktionary entry for “lex”, you will see that the E vowels have – macrons over them. Not that the Romans actually bothered with such things, of course.

              Liked by 2 people

              1. Ed….Nice to see the macrons…….and nice to know from your analysis that the Missouri Latin isn’t as far off the mark as I thought. 😉

                Liked by 2 people

            2. I’ll leave those more scholarly than I to comment on the Latin.

              The trouble with nouns having gender is that the pronouns have to have gender too, and the articles and the adjectives… and in some languages adjectives come before and some come after the noun… and in some, they mean different things depending on whether they are before or after…

              Liked by 2 people

                  1. Like I said. It was a bit on the difficult side for the Eton set to manage.

                    Actually, at school in Scotland I was taught grammar to quite a detailed extent. When we moved to England, it wasn’t on the syllabus at all.

                    Didn’t know a noun from a plate of chips.

                    Liked by 2 people

                    1. We had a teacher called Dubber (I think) and he wrote a school book on English grammar which was our text of course. I still find it incomprehensible gibberish, science and maths was my thing, much more logical. Though now Danny has said that with Latin you can just do random sentences. mmm. Maybe I should give it another shot. Could look really edumacated spouting all those funny words in totally random sequences. At the same time having a laugh as the listner tried desperatly to decontort my word order and usage. And a fewcrandomly chosen gender bender words in as well. Superbitum Fundom Exasperatum.

                      Liked by 4 people

                  1. Tris…….A lot to be said for stupidity then….LOL. How much wisdom does it take to figure out which inanimate objects are male and which are female? 😉

                    Liked by 2 people

                    1. Grammatical gender is a category we don’t have in English, that’s true; other languages too have categories we don’t have. These categories we don’t have make it difficult for us to get our English-speaking heads around them.

                      There are also such things as hidden categories: one is called “animacy”, which is that attribution of mind or volition. For example, in English we can say “I was run over by a bus”, but “A bus ran over me” is grammatically possible at one level, but not at another because of that hidden category, animacy: buses do not have the wit to run people over all by themselves.

                      Dutch has [may have, depending on where you are] a hidden category which I find interesting: grammatical gender. It’s not that Dutch doesn’t have gender, exactly, it has “common gender” and neuter. “Common” gender is masculine and feminine together, and they differ not at all in how you deal with the words grammatically – except you still have to know (in some parts of the Dutch-speaking world!) which are which, because it changes the pronoun you would use – that is, when you’re talking about things which don’t have an obvious, actual gender, such as men and women, cows and bulls. So – de zon, ze schijnt (the sun, she is shining), and de maan, hij schijnt (the moon, he is shining) – I’m saying that from memory so I may be wrong; standard Dutch (which is “algemeen beschaafd nederlands” = civilized Dutch) generally treats them all as masculine these days [my knowledge is WAY out of date and sketchy, and as far as I know the Dutch are still arguing about it], but in Flanders it’s another matter.

                      Ready for something completely different? You are? Then here’s the Wikipedia article about noun classes in Swahili: https://t1p.de/spni. As the American cousins say, knock yourselves out!

                      Liked by 2 people

              1. Not sure how it happened, Danny… Of course we do have genders… masculine, feminine, common and neuter. (Obvious superior to foreigners who don’t have neuter although they do have common, sort of)

                It’s just that our genders seem to have to do with sex.

                The boy (masc) and the girl (feminine) played with the other children (common) in the park (neuter).

                Liked by 1 person

            1. I have completely lost track of where we are in this conversation about language wot we are having and involves loads of me pontificating.

              I was going to say that in most languages you can tell what grammatical gender most words are because they fall into patterns or classes; in French, for example, if the word ends in -ette (la oubliette, la manchette (https://t1p.de/jh9h, https://t1p.de/gz7w)) or -elle (la fontanelle (https://t1p.de/wvee) or la sentinelle (https://t1p.de/4eqb), its grammatical gender is going to be feminine, with few if any exceptions, because I can’t think of any off the top of my head.

              Just en passant, the word “sentinelle” is a good example of all that is crazy about grammatical gender because, if you look at the URL I stuck in there, it means “sentry”. Now, whereas it is not inconceivable that a sentry should be a woman…

              Contrariwise, if the word ends in -et (le cachet (https://t1p.de/9rm9), which you may want to compare with la cachette (https://t1p.de/n56j), or -l (and there are loads of those such as l’ail, le merveil, le chevreuil, it’s going to be masculine, again with no exceptions I can think of off the top of my head.

              That said, although you can tell what the grammatical gender of most words is just by looking at them / hearing them, there are some you just have to learn. And there’s where it gets sticky, particularly when you don’t have the category “grammatical gender” in your own language.

              Always remember: in Foreign Parts, even the idiots and the ar*seholes among the locals can speak the language, and even dogs and children. That means you can too if you set your mind to it.

              Liked by 2 people

      3. Yegadds! I remember getting into all sorts of bother for writing sentences that were way shorter than those. My solution was simply to put as many full stops as possible in a paragraph (another alien concept to me) . Seemed to work as the teachers stopped putting red ink everywhere. Still don’t know why though.

        Managed to get 33% in English, French and Latin in year two of high school. That took some special effort. Dropped frog and vatican after that (That’s not rude or abusive its “Fair comment” apparently, Kezia would be proud). English died at O Grade as the school wouldn’t let me sit the higher as I would have brought the school average down.

        Scots and English are Germanic and that as possibly why the adjectives come before the nouns, in those.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Gadzooks, that was supposed to be a reply to edjasfreeman at 9:03 . Don’t know why it dropped down HERE? WordPress I presume or sticky fingers.

          Liked by 3 people

        2. Languages are hard, unless you have an interest in them, or you assimilate in the country where they are spoken.

          We also start FAR too late in Scotland to teach foreign languages

          Then there is the assumption (mostly correct these days) that other people will make the effort to learn English… or more correctly, American, and so we can save ourselves for other things like…. well, something anyway.

          Liked by 2 people

  12. Not much different now as against then.
    The maybot; I won’t call a GE, I’m calling a GE.
    No new referendum!!!!!
    Brexit means !!!!!!
    Now is not the time!!!!!
    Time to go on holiday as all saints day is a long time off.
    The auld mogg will be happy that we are on his wavelength and era.

    Liked by 4 people

  13. I am getting out of here. I have to tear myself away from this discourse, I have a bilge waiting elswhere for my head to fit into as I try and fettle a recalcitrant boat gearbox.
    Tempus aestusque nemini moratur.
    I’ll read your corrections tonight or tomorrow.

    Liked by 4 people

        1. semper caldum, I remember from my early non telly days on the island. Everybody gave a night class and one person did the latin names of trees but errum (my shoulders have just touched my ears) Genitive case erus?

          Liked by 1 person

      1. Now let me see if I have been paying attention. Words can be in any random order and the listener can then create their own sentence and give it meaning. So here goes

        Tempus storm
        Aestusque am stucky
        Nemini in my Mini car
        Morantur dead

        Fork I did it, too easy I’m getting the hang of this Vatican lingo.

        Liked by 4 people

        1. Well greig12 maybe has it is. Let’s drink whatever Trump is drinking and pretend that I truly knew?

          Dear reader, I am not even American and your President is not a convincing leader.

          Liked by 3 people

  14. Ita so, therefore
    Veto In truth, to be sure
    Pilam ball
    Habemus we have

    Had to use a translator this time.

    Looks like we might be going to a football match.

    Liked by 3 people

  15. Managed to get the better of the gearbox, moved on to marine alternator, came back to here for a break, took up Edd’s suggestion and had a look at Swahili noun classes. Sheez, mu locative class (class xviii !). Decided to go back to the charging problem.
    Still, thanks to you all for the education and entertainment.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh Lordy. ‘Twas not you? It’s an innocuous message advertising the blog… but how did they manage with your log in.

      It does mention that the WordPress software is unreliable… Maybe it was proving that.


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