
Change of heart there, then, Mick? I mean something that was unconstitutional at the end of  2015 can’t have become constitutional by the beginning of 2017, unless there has been a change in the constitution. Has there?


Maybe instead of banning  Muslims from countries that Trump Enterprises doesn’t do business with, you could try banning Americans, or maybe guns? Even armed toddlers seem to be more of a menace than Jihadists.


Wish we had an alternative administration. One with a brain cell or two would be nice.

Right, I think, but, oooops, that’s your bosses new best friend ever!


An orange and gold angel?


What was she thinking of?

Remember when David Cameron, in the job only a matter of weeks and green as a cabbage, headed off to Egypt to proclaim the Arab Spring and associate himself with the Egyptian revolution? The first Western leader to do so. Indeed the only Western leader to do so. Well, as a matter of fact, the only leader anywhere to do so. How did that end? Egg a plenty splashed all over his coupon, that’s how!

So, given how volatile we all know the American president can be, and given the tone of some of his campaign promises, why oh why did this woman, herself hardly experienced in running the country, take herself off to grovel to him before she studied him a little more carefully?

Easy. She needed the promise of a trade deal from him. Doesn’t much matter what trade deal, just a trade deal, any trade deal. And she threw in a promise. At this stage! Can you believe this? The most frightening aspect of TTIP, which had been being negotiated with the USA by the EU, the access of American companies to our health services, seems to have been incorporated into her proposed deal.

I note wiser and more experienced heads have been much more cautious in their approach.


And now, of course, she’s lumbered herself with a state visit… and rumour has it that Donald wants the whole thing. State banquet at Windsor, golf at Balmoral. All the tra la la that the Brits can offer, in spades. Trouble is that it is being met with a considerable amount of opposition from ordinary Brits. An online petition against a State visit, on the government site has, at the time of writing, reached an incredible 1,378,000 signatures. And the number is rising at about 1,000 a minute.

According to the rules, a petition that gets 100,000 signatures is given consideration for a debate in parliament. May already dismissed this petition on its first day (again a foolish thing to do). It will be interesting how far she is prepared to ignore a substantial public voice. And tonight, all over the UK there are protests planned. Will she ignore them too?

Furthermore, when the state visit comes, is she ready for the demonstrations that will greet him everywhere? And how will she deal with them? Water cannon?

Andrea Leadsom Pulls Out Of The Conservative Leadership Race

The trouble for her is that Hell hath no fury like a Trump scorned. Ask Alex Salmond who went from being the best politician in the world to the devil incarnate, almost overnight. I’m betting that there are times she wishes she’d let Andrea Whatever she’s called, the unknown fox hunter person, win. It would have been her nightmare then.

Update: Glasgow Anti-Trump.


Petition currently at 1,450,000 7.10

Update II: Edinburgh


Update III: Dundee


Update IV: Parliament


Update V: This is fun

It appears that the Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary is displeased about comparisons being made between Trump and Hitler. Mr Maugham points out a small flaw in this thought process:

3h3 hours ago

What, like Boris himself did when talking about François Hollande and “punishment beatings” in a “World War two movie”?

Take that, Boris.

Update VI: Aberdeen


66 thoughts on “OH DEAR, OH DEAR, OH DEAR”

    1. Oh yes, Leadsom is completely useless, and she doesn’t even have the limited experience that May has from her time in the Home Office. But I suspect that May must sometimes wish she was Environment Secretary and could go home and put her feet up, instead of putting her foot in it.

      Apparently she prays for guidance. Frankly, I’m wondering who’s been listening and responding to her prayers.


      1. There’s a play at Pitlochry this year which has a strapline along the line of :- How do you know you are God? Simple, When I pray to Him I find I’m talking to myself.

        And its called The Ruling Class.

        ‘Nuff said.

        Liked by 2 people

  1. Apparently,the decision to invite the Groper in Chief to visit Poundland was taken by a committee in the Foreign Office,no doubt a committee of one (BoJo).
    One clown inviting another to visit his,soon to be,very humble abode.
    What Trump does in his back yard is between him and the American electorate but when it starts to impact us,then it is a different matter.
    Unfortunately,we will not find out what sort of “trade” deal has been done until after the EU exit negotiations have completed by which time,if Scotland hasn’t taken the high road out of the UK,we will be saddled with it as well.
    The UK has little to offer Trump and corporate America apart from lucrative health contracts and possibly any other bits and pieces of public services not already flogged off.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. “Boris says it is distasteful to make comparisons with “the elected leader of a great democracy and 1930s tyrants”.”

    Was Trump alive in the 30s? Boris might want to check his facts.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Old Golden Showers aside it was reported by the British Bias C#*#s today that MPs are looking at ‘Fake News’ being reported on the internet and how this propaganda damages us.

    I for one applaud their efforts and am in no way suspicious of the motives behind it. It’s good to know that in this evil world we’re being looked out for by our elected officials. Who ever they are?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ha ha…

      I might point them in the direction of the BBC themselves. But I’m sure that’s not where they will look.

      So it’s hardly worth my while.


    1. Yes Nikostratos, maybe given the big Trump furore and the attention it’s getting it could be we’re all needing to look elsewhere. Just in case there’s major shit going down right now that they’d rather we didn’t notice.

      Other than that, who the fuck are you talking about?


      1. Yes, a front page story in teh state newspaper, while Cameron was there n a visit, pointing out that the UK was a broke little set of islands off Europe, good for holidays and nothing much more.


  4. Yes United Kingdom

    More than half of Scots do not want another vote on independence to be held in the next few years, according to a poll.

    so nocola best shut the feck up


  5. Tris

    I haven’t really commented on Trump as I just don’t think it is our business mainly to be honest. I wish some of the people expressing Trump outrage would express the same outrage at food banks, I saw a little from parliament today and had to feel frustrated at some of what I heard, Labour’s Alison McGovern “Those of us who stand against that cannot give in to populism. We cannot kowtow to prejudice.” Conservative Anna Soubry UK government has a “duty” to oppose Donald Trump on the current immigration policy and MPs also have a duty to campaign “for tolerance, for peace, for understanding”. Bit rich coming from them.

    I saw some of the protests on the news, really impressive, but where are these people when others are fighting sanctions. There is no doubt that Donald Trump says offensive things to some people and his decision to ban people from America is Americas choice, they elected him and England elected the Tories for the UK. I can’t stand hypocrisy and we are seeing a lot of that tonight. Trump will fall in America if he keeps going in this direction but what will strengthen him is the hypocrisy across the world, 1980’s all over again when people burned American flags and strengthened the republicans even more. I know most people on your blog wont agree with me but we have enough problems of our own without inviting the problems of America as well.

    People screaming to stop the state visit here by Trump, where were they when China visited, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, the list goes on. Even Trump is a hypocrite giving that Saudi Arabia isn’t on his list.

    I suspect that many of those on the streets across the UK won’t have the same zeal when it comes to fighting cuts and the right wing hate of the Tories here, just my opinion.



    1. Well, I see your point Bruce, but given the submissive relationship we have with America, and given the power that America has over us, what they do affect us. Indeed there were Scots who couldn’t get in, and one Scot trapped in Costa Rica because her homeward flight had a stop over in the USA.

      I’m happy to support anything that makes life difficult for Trup, and of course this won’t make it difficult for him, but for a man of his sort it will be embarrassing.

      Also by making a big thing here of the awful way he is blanket treating people from Middle East countries where he does not have business deals going on, makes life more difficult for May, who is his puppet. I hope he takes a hissy fit at Britain and refuses to do his deal with us… because we all know that he will come to this deal from a position of strength and Britain, including Scotland, will be shafted.

      Trump has a fragile ego. As I said, one day Salmond was the greatest politician alive because he agreed with Trump. The next day he was Satan, because he didn’t agree with Trump. If we puncture his ego perhaps he will go away and take his trade deal (including the purchase of our health services) with him.

      I also take your point about China. Of course, when China’s president had his state visit I don’t think that social media was as well developed and I’m pretty sure that online petitions obliging the government to debate were operative. I know that there were crowds of protests and, in particular, during his coach procession through London with the Windsors many people protested, shouted and/or turned their backs on him. Apparently that is a gross insult in China.

      (In any case, not long ago Liz insulted them when she was caught on camera saying how rude they were in conversation with her cousin, Cameron, the Archbish of Canterbury and the wee presiding officer fellow from the English parliament. If we wait long enough I’m sure either Liz or Phil will let it be known what they think of him.)

      There’s a lot more than his partisan ban to disapprove of. If he thought he could take sexual liberties because he was the host of some little talent show. What does he think he can get away with as one of the three or four most powerful men in the world?

      I certainly don’t want the grim little Bilisha Beacon in Scotland.

      I think what we are doing is sending a message to May that we don’t want her to fawn and toady to him. We don’t want him here.


  6. Well the future belongs to china and demise of the eu
    is more a brexiteer and Trumpian wish than a reality.
    And your conflating nations with their Authoritarian
    or despotic leaders is misjudged .


    1. I’m not doing that.

      It’s all about regimes for me. I don’t even start to dislike Americans or Chinese, or the North Koreans or Saudis. (To be fair I’ve never met a North Korean). I just dislike their regimes.

      Trump does want the EU to fail though, from what I can understand…at least this week…who knows next week.

      He probably ahs that in common with Putin.

      I imagine that Britain wants whatever America wants.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. trispw,

    I thought this was worth a read:


    Personally, I think that with BREXIT there is no-where left for the UK to go. I think we are on track for a pimp / whore relationship with the US establishment. Guess which Westminster will be? And, whilst there will be winners and losers even amongst the losing side, I think most ordinary people will be massive losers. Not a happy world right now.

    As the Animals once said:

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, Douglas. A good article. I reckon that’s exactly how it will be, and it will be so incredibly one sided.

      A little like the US/UK extradition treaty.

      And Britain will be desperate to have it up and running asap, so we’ll take whatever he throws at us, without reading the small print.

      Get used to seriously bad stuff.

      This is what we read in the independent, but NOT what we are told in the Express and Mail. They’ll say how wonderful it is…

      And of course the Sun and the Star will talk about how attractive his wife is… probably searching desperately for a picture that shows her underwear…. and is she just like our own dear Kate Middleton


      1. Apologies for those who don’t have FT access.


        The article reiterates the discrepancy between the UK and US outlook. The UK needs trade deals, while the US is entering a phase of protectionism; the UK is an eager supporter of NATO, Trump not so much; the UK sees Russia as a destabilising influence and supports continuing sanctions, while Trump happy to drop all sanctions; Trump sees the EU as a threat and wants to see its demise, the UK still needs EU trade and doesn’t want that kind of economic uncertainty on its doorstep. The US is not a reliable partner any more but now that we’re leaving the EU we need them more than ever.

        Liked by 1 person

  8. It remains to be seen whether or not this muslim ban is even constitutional. New York State has already begun a legal challenge to the executive order. I fully anticipate more to follow.

    Looking at it more broadly, it’s a bad executive measure. If it is just to clamp down on migration from countries with a recent history of terrorist exporting – then why is Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan off the list? Could it be that Trump has business interests in (some/all?) of these countries?

    As for the British government’s role in responding, I think you’re being slightly unfair on Theresa.

    She needs to have some kind of working relationship with whoever is in the WH. We have deeply integrated security, anti-terror networks; it’d be dangerous to act in any way to undermine those links. The FBI, CIA aren’t the ‘bad guys’ just ‘cos Trump is President. They still need to do their job keeping US citizens safe, and we need to keep working with them.
    Plus, Theresa May needs to ensure we can get a free trade agreement with the US. Scotland, England, Wales – we all need post Brexit to ensure we enhance our global market access. We will NEED new friends, since Britain (foolishly) turned its back on our traditional EU partners. (in terms of the traditional concept and basis of our friendship, that is, EU institutional mechanisms. I’m sure the UK will want to keep working closely with France, Germany etc on issues we share common interests. But this will be a changed relationship, with lots of emotional difficulties due to Brexit).

    It might be emotionally statisfying for types like Owen Jones to frantically call for an ’emergency protest’ in response to Trumps dangerous executive order. But that is student union politics, it isn’t grown-up, and frankly I have as much contempt for people ‘morality flagging’ at the expense of the UK national interest as I do for Trumps dangerous ‘muslim ban’.

    We can’t keep just knee-jerk responding to every deliberate bate that vile people like Bannon puts out into the media (or his junior apprentice Trump) try and write into US policy law.

    We need to condemn what we need to condemn, and work with them where we need to. You can’t only deal with people you like. Theresa has ensured this muslim ban will NOT impact on British passport holders, so let’s celebrate this! Let’s cease the ‘us’ v ‘them’ political diatribes. We need to refuse to play Trump & Bannon’s game of divide and rule.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Very good post, Dean.

      I think though, that protests are a way of showing Mrs May how unhappy we are with the situation. There are those that would do that here.

      And people all over the country, old and young, did protest. We are not that kind of people and we must show them that we won’t even begin to tolerate that here, no matter what the hard right says. it is far more likely to cause than to solve problems.

      Of course we need to work with the USA no matter who they have a president. He was elected fair and square (maybe).

      Knowing what we all knew about how volatile he was, and the promises he had made to “his” people, it would have been sensible for May to have left it a few weeks before she went over and simpered over him. Almost undoubtedly some of this nonsense will disappear. He has already rescinded most of the executive orders he has signed. His wall is a gesture. If he doesn’t persuade Congress to pay for it, he’ll have to pay for it himself. In any case it won’t cover American native land border, so it will be useless. And if he tries to tax the Mexicans to pay for it, in a trade war, Mexicans and Americans alike will suffer hugely. (Just as we will on Brexit.)

      And yes, huge challenges. The states are massively powerful. Some have refused to co-operate over this and other matters. If New York and California tell him NO… he’ll have a massive fight on his hands. He can maybe withhold money from them, but then they might withhold money from him…and I’m guessing they contribute more than they get back.

      As you say it may be illegal. Indeed one of his senior law officers has been sacked for saying so.

      May should have left it 3 months till he got all this nonsense out of his empty head, then gone and seen him. Germany needs a good relationship with America, as does France. But their wiser leaders left him to settle in before appearing needy.

      Thanks for your considered post.. there’s much there that I agree with.


      1. Need, Terry, desperate need.

        Of course Mrs May also wants to be leading the world with Trump (or rather with America; she probably desperately wishes her premiership could have been in tandem with a proper grown up).

        I suspect that Frau Merkel has no such needs and doesn’t therefore have to prostrate herself so humiliatingly.


  9. Judging by the photo May is thinking “Trump is fondling my arse!”! It seems he asked her “How are things in Calcutta, Mother?”

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You reminded me of the Graham Norton segment when he unveiled Ms May’s WH sleeping attire as a knights armour. I hate myself for laughing at your comment haha

      Liked by 1 person

    2. LOL. It’s not often I feel sorry for May… but having to meet him, hold his hand on the stairs, listen to him repeat everything and make little circles with his thumb and fingers and absorb or filter out all the garbage…. EWWW. And hand on the arse…. Jeez


        1. It seems that neither the embassy nor the FCO have the vaguest notion of what they are doing. based on this mélange of misinformation, I doubt I’d be thinking of applying for a visa were I Muslim.


    1. 9 days in and there is sooooo much to react to and form views on. Can’t help feeling, like I said, this is all deliberate from Bannon.

      How is all of this playing among the Trump voters? That seems key to me. There’s a strategy here. A dangerous one, but hey – the new brains of the WH is a white nationalist (yuk)

      Liked by 1 person

      1. According to an interview I heard last night on radio (world service), it’s going down well with the less educated among his support. People who maybe see the presidential orders signed, but didn’t notice that he has had to rescind them. people who haven’t a clue that if he starts a trade war with Mexico their jobs will disappear and the price of fruit and veg will rocket.


    2. Golfie: Even if it didn’t contradict it, it is still an insult, don’t you think?

      His gesture was futile. He didn’t, as Dean points out, ban people from countries where he had business.

      Just like the UK which felt the need to change the regime in Libya and Iraq because it was evil, but joins Saudi Arabia and their stirring of discontent, their whips and their beheading swords, because they buy billions of weapons and Charlie’s mates with their royals.

      Clearly the FO knows all about it because Batty Boris spilled the beans.

      So you can be a radical Islamist from one of seven countries and be a danger, unless of course, you have spent time in the UK, in which you aren’t dangerous. It just gets dafter. This will cause trouble.

      I wonder if he is going to protect his Muslim population by banning all Canadians.


  10. It seems to be time for the Trumpets to intern, question and maybe deport lawnmowers, beds and buses at their gateway airports and make their country safe again. The governments of Lawnmoweria, Bedistan, and Busland can pay the expenses.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. What a great read! And how cool is it to encounter a blog with comments that begin: “as Pompey said to sulla…”

    Or for that matter has phrases like: “Noli verbis leges, nos arma vendunt” and “Nonne dicere voluisti ‘tueri debent vagina’”. BOTH of them delightfully untranslated! For the first one an online translator gives me. “Not in words, the laws of our arms and they have.” OK…..so it loses something in a literal online translation. As for the second one, it looks dirty and I’ll not investigate further.

    Sadly, after the Pompey/Sulla reference, China-loving Niko immediately reverted to his tiresome shop-worn “USA…..a fading empire” rhetoric. I would remind him that this country (with the largest economy of any nation in the world BTW) also has more nukes and more aircraft carriers than ALL of the other countries in the world COMBINED, and he can be targeted.

    Niko (in his apparent battle against the principle of national sovereignty) also comes up with a poll that he says assures him that “More than half of Scots do not want another vote on independence” and declares “nocola (sic) best shut the feck up.”

    So “A poll” assures him that “more than half” of Scots do not want another vote on independence. This appears to be the reasoning of a person who REALLY doesn’t want another vote of the people because he is seriously worried about “more” (how much more?) than half (as in 50%?) Such reasoning seems worthy of Trump BTW, right down to the “shut up” part. Trump’s principle advisor recently told the American news media that it should should “keep its mouth shut.” “Agree was us or shut up” seems to be the guiding principle.

    As for the state visit, it would be nice if Trump were snubbed. On the other hand, apart from the fact that the royals have better manners, how are they superior in any way to a democratically elected head of state? As head of state, I’ll take democratically elected Trump over the hereditary Queen and her odious brood any day of the week and twice on Sunday. We were right to send her ancestor packing. Having guys like Trump……who just happens to be a sexist racist xenophobic demagogic moronic real estate huckster, and self-confessed sexual predator…….show up from time to time is simply collateral damage of an otherwise very favorable outcome.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. LOL. Well, we cater for everyone here.

      High to low brow.

      One minute it’s Latin; the next, good old fashioned Edinburgh slang.

      You certainly have a point that Trump, whatever else he is, is elected by the same system as other presidents have been elected. (Although he reckons if there had not been widespread fiddling, he would have won the popular vote. In fact I’m sure 17 billion people voted for him and only 3 people voted for Hillary. Sheeeesh!)

      When it comes to his list of qualities I’m not sure that we can beat that. Sexist racist xenophobic demagogic moronic real estate huckster, and self-confessed sexual predator. Real estate…hmmm probably not. The rest for sure (although not all in this particular monarch, but certainly in some of her family.)

      The one thing we certainly can say is that although we have once had a monarch who was Orange (as in William of)… we don’t have any who are actually orange in colour. And although some may be bald, even early in life, NONE of them has a hair style even approaching that of Donald.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. @ Tris: Yes, his analysis of the vote totals is indeed wonderfully inventive. Presumably, if he had actually WON the election by vote count, he would still be arguing that the margin should be larger. 😉

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I tell ya, Danny. The folk on Mars and Brontitall (well, birds then) flocked (getit?) to vote for him. And they all turned up for his inauguration the crowds stretched as far as Montréal in the north and Montevideo in the south, Manchester in the east and Manchuria in the East…. and they were all standing on each others shoulders the better to see the orange glow…

          Jeeez, and I though Charles Windsor was mad.


      2. LOL….Love it! Yes, he’s still litigating the size of his inaugural crowd as I understand it. I also liked the “orange” connection with the royals. The hair indeed has no equal, although it’s looking less perfectly coiffed these days. Rigors of the office I suppose. 😉

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Danny, as Scottish Nationalist blogs go, this is one of the best. And I have hung around a lot of them!

      On the ‘poll’ data, unless I am completely misunderstanding, James Kelly of ‘Scotland goes Pop’ appears to have identified an overlap from one question to another.

      *”Panelbase significantly changed their wording from previous polls on the question relating to the timing of a second independence referendum. They no longer asked about whether there should be a referendum “in the next two or three years” (option 1) or “in about two or three years” (option 2), but instead changed that to “in the next year or two” (option 1) or “in about two years” (option 2). So the half of respondents who gave a pro-referendum answer were indicating that they wanted an indyref within a maximum of just TWO years, not three. The most important point here is that the change in wording means that the results are not directly comparable with the previous polls in the series. Much has been made in certain quarters about the supposed drop in support for an early referendum, but that’s based on a misconceived comparison of apples and oranges – of course you’re going to get a slightly smaller figure if you ask about a tighter timescale.”

      See whether you think that ‘in the next year or two’ and ‘in about two years’ contains a potential overlap. I think it does. No criticism of James Kelly intended, just using the data he provided in a different way.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. @”douglasclark” Thanks for your description of the poll in question. I would say that the different wordings would logically have exactly the effect you suggest. Around presidential election time in the USA, polling becomes an obsession. The pros know that the exact wording of a question can produce entirely different results, and playing fast and loose with what the exact wording actually implies about public attitude, lends itself to endless apples-and-oranges comparisons, and political spin about what the voters “want.”

        Liked by 2 people

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