Image result for prince Edwards in a top hat
Edward trying to out-posh Mr Rees Mogg.

For unto us another royal earl has been given.

And his name shall be HRH Prince Edward, Earl of Forfar (but only when he’s in Scotland).

Be grateful, ye common herd.

Yes, most of us get a small gift, a card and maybe a special meal at that time of year when we suddenly, and inexplicably, get older.

Image result for prince Edwards titles

But what do you give the son who has everything?

I mean, you wouldn’t be buying him trinkets for around the stately home or a year’s subscription of Readers’ Digest, would you? He’s already a Viscount and an Earl and is promised the title Duke Of Edinburgh when his father and mother die. And for someone who only spent a few months in the armed services he has more military uniforms than you can shake a stick at.

Image result for prince edward's military uniforms
And all these medals.

Still, the Queen isn’t that imaginative when it comes to these things, so she threw him a title, a Scottish one, lest we should feel left out and unwanted in the UK. As if?

And so, the people of Forfar wake up today with a brand spanking new Earl.


In other royal news, there is speculation that Kate Middleton is pregnant again. And that one of Andrew’s royal princesses is also supposed to be with child. So another couple of mouths to feed.

Image result for eugenie
Classy background.

Soon there will be more royals than common people about the place. Stop it already. There are only so many things that need opening… and we already have devices to do that for us.

Image result for tin opener
Replace the royals with these? Much cheaper.


42 thoughts on “REJOICE, SCOTLAND”

  1. I suggest that he be known henceforth as Lord of the Loons.

    Btw not many people know that Forfar (spelled for the local pronunciation) appears in Paradise Lost (…Pharphar’s lucid streams…).

    Liked by 1 person

  2. awh ffs. What has Forfar done to deserve this? Fair enough Eugenie having a wean, it would be her first and wouldn’t directly be on the payroll but if Kate Middle Class is having another one, that would be four on the gravy train.

    Scottish republic NOW.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I really don’t know, but just like Jackie Baillie getting herself in a twist when Harry and Sparkie were made the earl and countess of Dumbarton, I expect that Kirstene Hair woman will be having raptures over the elevation of Forfar to a place where there is a royal earl. Not just an ordinary earl, you understand, but a royal one.

      Two child policy should apply to them. No cash from public funds to be spent on them. NONE.

      If it’s ok for the plebs it should be ok for them.

      Liked by 2 people

              1. What’s in a name?

                Hello, my name is Edward
                and I’m afraid I’m not too bright.
                I thought my other name was Essex
                but apparently that’s not quite right.
                Mummy says when I’m in Scotland,
                wherever that may be,
                my name will then be Forfar:
                it’s all so puzzling to me.
                Now, I’m told Forfar is in Angus,
                so, I have to ask of you –
                if Forfar is in Angus,
                is Angus in Forfar too?


                Liked by 2 people

                1. LOL. Andimakar.

                  Forfar will be delighted to know that not only have their got their very own royal twit, but they have a poem too, and by none of than Munguin’s personal makar.


  3. Of course, you realise they will all pronounce it Fohfah, and he will be the Ell of Fohfah. We’re a’ jist jellus!

    Oh, by the way, I once had words with a Countess at a business meeting where my boss asked me to be witness to a document. I walked into the room and her wee dog came up to greet me, so naturally I bent down to say hello and give him a clap, at which point ‘Her Grace’ barked, “Are you paying attention?” That was me telt!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Trispw,

    That third picture in your piece looked, at first glance, like the leadership of a fascist regieme in the 1930. or 1940’s.

    Perhaps that look is coming back into fashion?

    You never know.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Off topic a tad.

    This was interesting:


    I have been depressed, ever since the initial independence referendum. I kind of considered that it would be written on my gravestone – “2290, this idiot thought Scotland could be Independent. What a fool!”

    However I can now see that despite the insults and belittling of our cause, the movement towards ‘Yes! ” which has been kinda slow, might have escape velocity. The Delta V to take us out of this horrible relationship.

    In an ideal world, we get our freedom this year.

    I’d welcome your views.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I can only say that I agree with James.

      It’s gradual, but it’s probably happening.

      It will be very very hard in a future campaign to paint the UK as much other than a basket case. The broad shoulders have collapsed.

      By comparison the Scottish government seems like a really solid prospect.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Listened to Radio 4 last night, programme called Winging It.
    400 or so pilots in the forces are waiting on enough aircraft to continue their training. Paid around £30k a year and Cameron increased recruitment but didn’t order suitable aircraft.
    The new Texan can’t be flown over water as it is fitted with american safety equipment.
    Royalty,harry and wullie got trained as helicopter pilots but are now swanning around breeding more hangers on to be supported into the next century.
    The new loon was put in the marines but left as well to breed.
    Some rumour that he’s not related to fill the greek along with andy the airmiles and golf course fanatic, he uses helicopters to visit out of the way courses.
    A republic is my preference when we are free of the colonialists.
    The maybot’s off again, Peace in Our Time paperwork tomorrow perhaps.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. just realised that the maybot is PaulDaniels the magician.
    Perfect play of the pea and 3 cup trick.
    If she gets away with it.
    Any sane and rational person who votes for this really needs some serious mental health consultation.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I wonder if she has managed to buy off enough Labour MPs in England with promises of incredible bounty for their constituencies.

      Certainly the magic money tree is being shaken to death here… but not, you will notice, in Scotland.


  8. Oh look peeps … it’s the Elf of Forfar!

    Ooops … sorry Tris … I think I put a typo in there it is the Earl of Forfar.

    On second thoughts … having given it deep and long thought … I WAS right the first time … he IS the Elf of Forfar.

    I hope all Elf’s, especially those around Forfar, understand that everyone across Scotland, well at least MOST people across Scotland, feel their (Elf’s) pain and deep sorrow in now being linked to this utterly useless twat!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. During a time when comments were not available on the previous MNR posting “Just For A Laugh,” the following videos on the bizarre Donald Trump flag fondling display appeared on the internet. Posted belatedly (with Munguin’s approval) :

    (The availability in Scotland of the MAGA FLAGA offer in the first two minutes of the second video is uncertain.) 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  10. crivens, the big jessie is now the Earl of Forfar ?

    will bridies be getting the royal seal of approval any time soon now ?

    [got to be some compensation for forfar folk’s guid name being tarnished by association with the royal twat prince]

    p.s., we’ve had a referendum on Independence, we’ve had a referendum on Brexit

    wish we could have one on Rexit – dumping royal family as head of state [at least as far as scotland is concerned]

    Liked by 1 person

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