Remember when they told us there was no border between Scotland and England? Hmmm it must have run away to Kent!
Now, off and write that on the side of a bus. English drivers used to have access to 27 EU countries, now they can’t even get into Kent. Still… Blue Passports, eh.
Hope they didn’t have to go through Kent. I’ve heard there are tailbacks for 2 days…


The recently appointed branch supervisor of the Con Scotland brigade has been wittering ill-informedly about education in the last few days. He’s bemoaned falling standards in Scotland’s schools, apparently unaware of how well Scotland’s students do at getting into higher education, particularly compared with just over the border where his government runs the show.

He’s also been talking about the importance of free school meals, seemingly having forgotten that he voted against them in his parliament when they were debated for England.

I imagine that this was Mr Cummings’ idea because I’m pretty sure Dross doesn’t know what an idea is. Anyway, he’s talked a lot about it and even made a nauseating video about it as you can see.

He really is an unappealing candidate for FM.

Compassionate Conservatism, eh? Still, we must never forget the Blue Passports. Incidentally whatever happened to dear old Esther?
Derek sent me this pic with the following annotation, taken from his blog. (I imagine we all know about Kevin the dog food salesman’s analysis of GERS…) Well, Derek has his own and here it is.

A: Amount of Scottish Deficit.

B: Amount that Scotland borrows from the Uk standing on a scaffold with both hands tied behind its back and its head in a noose.

C: Amount that Scotland could borrow in the open market so that it could elect the government of its choice, run its economy as it saw fit and prosper like a normal country.


And lest, in all this misery, we forget… at the end of all this Brexit hassle, this is what we shall have achieved:

Paul Lewis sur Twitter : "British pride to be restored in October 2019 when  the passport changes to Croatian EU blue We could  have had a blue passport since 1988. We

Oh sorry, wait… Something went wrong

Here you are… that’s better:

Home Office insists 'iconic' blue UK passports are not black

What’s that you say, Munguin?

Oh… Munguin says we might be able to use that one to get into Kent (although not out of it), but if we still want to be a part of the world, we will need one approved by foreigners, in Canada… that can be read by internationally recognised electronic readers from Kalaallit Nunaat to Kenya and beyond.


88 thoughts on “MORE RANDOM THOUGHTS”

  1. Ah yes. Another reassuring blog post, Tris, for which I am grateful as it reaffirmed my faith and confidence in my own sanity. We need only look at the antics of the ar*seholes who lord it over us, the deplorables in the public and among the asinine bilge-purveyors of the Great British Meeja Machine to realize that we ourselves are in fact quite startlingly not off the wall or otherwise detached from reality.

    I set a pretty low bar, though, it has to be said.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Well, Ed. I think it’s always good to know that we aren’t bonkers.

      Now what was that about low bars… any kind does me, but low ones might be fun … someplace Munguin would never find me.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I have never understood why certain louche drinking establishments were referred to as “low dives”, because that would mean that when tippling in an upmarket hostelry, one could be described as getting shitfaced in a high dive.

        Life is replete with such strangenesses.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. To quote a former tennis player “You cannot be serious man”.
    No matter which way they try to present this mess as manageable (which it isn’t),there are still going to be queues and consequent shortages.
    Let’s assume that they aren’t really serious man but merely posturing in the hope of getting some leverage with the EU.
    Dream on.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Here’s a wee question , please give me your opinion

    In Scotland it’s six adults from two households

    Now just imagine you have more than six relatives you want to visit and they live in more than two households so you think to yourself I can visit them separately as long as there are no more than six adults from two households present

    But then you find out that some of the people you want to visit have not been sticking to the rules they have been visiting people where there have been more than six adults from more than two households

    What do you do ?

    Do you still visit them albeit within the six and two rule
    Or do you refuse on the grounds that their rule breaking behaviour elsewhere increases your risk ?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My line is that we can only be safe if we all obey the albeit somewhat confusing, regulations.

      So my response wold be… I’m not visiting you, nor you me, if I’m not sure you’ve been playing by the rules.

      I might miss you, but if I get dead I’ll miss you for a lot longer.

      Seriously, if people don’t respect me enough to obey the rules, they can sod off.

      Munguin says.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. A border and, as someone calculated, a 76 mile tail back of 7000 lorries. And Kent holds a strong brexit vote, 65%+ in quite a few areas. No, I am not laughing. That would be schaddenfreudlich.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Indeed it would, Alan, and I know you’d never do that.

      65% of them Brexit and goodness me they are getting it in spades… and a border.

      How did Scotland vote… and we can’t even get a border.

      Liked by 2 people

  5. Brexit was supposed to get rid of bureaucracy but instead we will have more clerks in Kent!

    Still I’d like to see Project Fear Mk2 chunter on about how awful a hard border between Scotland and England would be when they’ve introduced an internal hard border in England!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Should be interesting to see the argument for this.

      I’m sure the Kreacher will come up with an explanation of sorts but it will be fun to watch him slither out of it.


    1. If you tied string to their tails they could make rope. One of many flaws in this cunning plan would of course be that they’re cats, so would cease to cooperate the second they realised you wanted them to do something.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. “English drivers used to have access to 27 EU countries, now they can’t even get into Kent. Still… Blue Passports, eh.”
    Found that so so funny. We know of a couple (not our friends) who live out here in Spain who voted Leave (go figure!), and are very much pro Brexit (and blue passports), who are from Kent and all their family live in Kent. Shouldn’t laugh really but it is really funny 🤣🤣🤣

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve heard of a few like that, Tatu.

      I think they really do see Britons as being something apart.

      They should be allowed to live where they want and they demand that they be able to speak English wherever they go… and to make free use of all the facilities… But goodness me, these foreigners coming over here setting in their green and pleasant land… and having the audacity to not speak English!


      In fact, you should laugh, becasue they are laughable.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. I confess I found myself sniggering, Tatu. Normally I consider myself far too morally and spiritually advanced for Schadenfreude, though I’ve never got as far as the brown rice and granola bars. Oh, mea maximum culpa! I shall have to call someone in and have myself flagellated – no, in these days of lockdown, I suppose I’ll have to do it myself.

      Oh God. Living in Spain and voting for Brexit, likely by absentee ballot – seven more strokes with the cat o’nine tails… Open-toed sandals, shorts and socks. Ouch, ouch and thrice ouch! Sola topis (los salacotes) are out of style these days, or I bet they’d be wearing them too. Shame.

      P.S. Linguistic note, from the Oxford English Dictionary: ‘The German naturalist Ernst Haeckel, whose photograph portrays a splendid, bearded fellow in thigh boots, with revolver and dagger at the waist and shotgun and sola topi firmly clasped in hand, seized on Lemuria as the possible cradle of mankind – the fossils needed to demonstrate this had [of course] sunk with the continent under the sea.’

      Liked by 2 people

        1. Tsk! I reject your unwarranted incinerations, young Tris! I use only the finest sherries to cook with; sherries of the first water, premier cru sherries, as ’twere, all rigorously taste-tested.

          Rumours bruited abroad by certain so-called friends that for the sake of upward social mobility I decant cooking sherry into a fine amontillado bottle that I found in a skip once are no more than that – rumours! And slander, and libel! Nothing could be further from the truth!

          P.S. I just discovered that coffee is not grown in Ireland, so there can be no such thing as Irish coffee. We have been duped, and we continue to be duped! We must have truth in advertising! We must put an end to fake news! I have developed a tremor in my extremities from sheer outrage!

          Liked by 2 people

          1. What?

            Next you will be telling me that tea not grown in England? And English breakfast tea is not grown at breakfast time in England.

            I reuse to believe you.

            You’ve been on the cooking sherry… I mean finest Amontillado, obviously.


              1. I most assuredly won’t… although maybe soon they’ll have to have a border round Yorkshire too, it the lorry’s start building up around Hull. So maybe they’ll start growing tea then… these abroad places are all at it.


                1. Thank all the gods and little fishes that England has the necessary innovative jam and biscuits to go with their homegrown tea, Tris!

                  I expect they’ll be able to export it as “thé du terroir” once they sign a trade treaty with someone.

                  Liked by 1 person

                  1. I’m led to understand that such a deal has already been signed, Ed. Mr… oh excuse me, DOCTOR Fox signed up with the Faroe Islands.

                    I’m not sure that tea, biscuits and jam are inordinately popular there. I had the impression that we send them some whelks and they send up some whelks… different ones obviously!


                    1. So DOCTOR Fox-Werrity has signed a trade deal with the Føroyar, eh? [That’s just Kevin showing off about knowing furrin, Tris. Ignore him. – Ed.] Well, that should keep the wolf from the cat flap, or something, or maybe the henhouse. It helps that I’m not in the market for whelks, what with the possible effects on my digestion, so I simply can’t get too excited about it. I can’t see anyone, let alone the Faeroese, wanting to smear whelks all over their Jammie Dodgers, frankly, or even their Nice biscuits; you’d want langues de chat for that, which you can hardly call innovative English biscuits, probably not even if you have Calais engraved upon your heart.

                      P.S. Is there a difference between a henhouse and a chicken coop? I Think We Should Be Told!

                      Liked by 1 person

                    2. Well, there you have it… or you don’t, Ed.

                      I’ve never been to the Faroes, although I enjoyed Lesley Riddoch’s programme about them. However, she neglected to cover whether or not they had an appetite for Jammie Dodgers à la Buccin.

                      It might make an interesting study, if I could get Munguin to fund a visit there..although he’s shaking his head and talking about the winds up there in October and how he prefers the comfort of his own fireside. Odd for an 11 year old, don’t you think?.

                      I think there is no difference between a hen house and a chicken coop, however, in order to make certain, why not deploy Kevin on some research. It should keep him occupied for a while and out of your hair.

                      Liked by 1 person

                  2. I wonder if Kent would be up for a trade deal. Get Trussy on the phone sharpish and point her in that direction, would you.

                    Actually tell her to keep going till she gets to someplace far away and hot.


                    1. Though there may be saunas in Ouagadougou, Tris, and there notoriously are in Bangkok, would any humane society ever wish her upon the innocent locals, or even the not-so-innocent ones?

                      That was a rhetorical question, of course; a sure sign of a mediocre orator, which La Truscott is.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    2. Do you know, Ed, until this moment I had never given the least thought to finding out if there are indeed saunas in Ouagadougou.

                      There’s another little task for Kevin once he’s finished the Hen Coops.


                    3. Tris, you mentioning Jammie Dodgers à la Buccin sent me on a Kevin type mission. I had (capital HAD) to find out the etymology and Linneaus divides behind whelks/welks.
                      I never fished for “buccies” but other creel boats did. These “buccies” were large true welks, found in deeper waters, maybe up to half a kilo each. Landings were paid 50p a kilo.

                      Like our childhood summer footwear “gutties,” the word “buccies” also comes from the Latin, Bucchinindae. I like that, wild as the heather urchins but still imbued with the noble language Latin, just like Rees Mogg and Bawris.

                      When I, or many others on the island were waiting on work/job starting, we would go picking welks on the low tides, for a bit of money. These welks were periwinkles, Littorina littoria a vegetarian and not like the carnivorous Buccinindae, a true welk.
                      We also misname dog welks, a carnivorous gastropod but classified as Nucella lapillus, not a true welk.
                      The carnivores will prey on mussels, limpets and periwinkles. Jumping? on them, dissolving a hole in their shell, injecting a paralysing fluid and a soup making fluid, no knife and fork needed. Doesn’t quite make for a slo-mo Peckinpah epic if filmed.
                      To lift this comment up to the level of mildly interesting, whelk/welk probably comes from the Belgian wullk, or the Dutch wullok.
                      And to free up Kevin, for more useful things, coop more than likely comes from old English cype, a small four walled area for confining birds.
                      Note to self; must look up doocot.

                      Liked by 2 people

                    4. LOL… That made me laugh, Alan, even though, just having eaten dinner I wasn’t overly keep about hearing about them dissolving …. well, I’ll not go on.

                      I’m sure Kevin will be pleased not to have to delve into the origins of the words though. He’s always seemed to me to be a rather lazy fellow.

                      I just hope that Mr, I mean DOCTOR Werrity-Fox had you with him for the negotiations with the Faroese. They can be tricky fellows. 🙂

                      Liked by 2 people

                    5. In my capacity as Kevin’s social secretary, Tris, a function I know that you yourself fulfil for the great Mr. Munguin, he bids me inform Munguinworld that he is anything but lazy, oh no indeed no, and that he should not be further disturbed while assiduously resting his eyes.

                      Liked by 1 person

                2. Pay no attention, Ed. Whatever you’ve been drinking, keep at it. That was a hugely entertaining series of comments. Maybe I can you started again by adding that turkeys voting for Christmas are not confined to Spain. We have a few here in Bulgaria as well. They were full of glee when the Leave faction won, having gone out of their way to be able to cast their postal vote and help secure their freedom.

                  As most of us are pensioners, they also helped secure a big cut in income. Before Brexit, a pound would get you 2.50 leva. Now it’s down to about 2.05 – almost 18% less to spend on Amontillado or even Old Brown. Not to mention the bureaucratic buggeration of having to change residency papers, driving licence, bank records etc etc as we are no longer EU citizens.

                  I have no reservations about schadenfreude, and like their Scottish counterparts in 2014 have no hesitation in telling them “Hell mend you and you’ll see the error of your ways.” Which they are doing now as they complain of having to spend two days driving to Haskovo and back to get a new residency card and having to deal with officials who have little interest in their plight. Trouble is, the rest of us also have to see their errors and suffer the consequences.

                  Liked by 4 people

                  1. I hope they can afford their health insurance and won’t mind if their state pensions no longer get the annual inflation proof rise (not that that will make a lot of difference this year).

                    How the mighty British Empire is fallen… Their pound lost 18% against the Bulgarian Lev. Still, showed Johnny Foreigner a thing of two, what what…

                    I bet Bulgarians don’t have Blue Passports!

                    Liked by 1 person

    3. Tatu you’re right, we shouldn’t laugh, 😂😂😂 No we really shouldn’t.
      Oh, the tears? Must be the onions. And if it gets any worse I think I’ll be needing a couple of Tenna pads.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. The chancer says ‘Now is not the time for budgets, long range forecasts don’t help’!
    Well there you have it a 6 monthly budget is long range forecasting.
    Yes even the doris said it will be over by Xmas, didn’t say which decade, did he?
    Kent changes it’s fauna to Lorry Park West, wondering where the drivers are going to do the normal things we humans do during a normal day.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. “Now is not the time” seems to be one of their favourite phrases, doesn’t it?

      As for the second thing, well, I hope they leave loads of hedged and trees for them to “go behind”


      1. Great opportunity for the grayling to make some more money.
        Portaloo placement along the motorway lorry park, helicopters or drones to empty them and a £1 a go to use them.
        Great money making scheme and straight to the reprocessing plant to make fertiliser.
        Wondering if I could get the job as advisor at £300 an hour just like the grayling and I’d work from home.
        The new 007 laws to come into force, it’s ok to break the laws in smallways you just need the kermit.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Watch out… There you will be with your boxes of biscuits and chocolates sneaking down a quiet track in rural Feragia, and boom… all the spotlights come on and the secret police descend on you.


  8. I didn’t know this. It seems that when Dross was appointed leader of the branch office in Edinburgh, he was told to get rid of Annie Wells and the other deputy leader, the one of whom, I admit, I’d never heard.

    And no one else was appointed, making it possible for the Noble Baroness Colonel to take command (‘ten….shun) without having to take an official position lower than a mere common red blood like Dross.

    The conclusion I draw from that is that the two deputy leaders, Wells and this other blokey, were, erm, how shall I put it… somewhat unequal to the job?

    The Noble Baroness was to appear for him in the place he was not entitled to be. Parliament.

    In the meantime, Mr Cummings must have enormous trust in Drossy, who is now branch manager, branch deputy manager, and branch deputy manager again, an MP and a linesman…Quite possibly, when summoned to London, he will also be Mr Cummings tea boy.

    His magnificence would doubtless take your breath away, were it not overshadowed by being in close proximity to the aristocracy (and thus diminished by comparison) … and the fact that he’s a useless tosser that hasn’t got anything right so far.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Goodness, I would hope not. A mere SNP person can’t cast his eyes over the legs of a person who has been in close contact with a baroness and a colonel, even more so when they are the same person.

        I see, talking of her Nobilityness, that she’s got a radio show on Capital Radio … although not our capital, obviously.

        She needs to give Johnson some money saving advice. It seems that she can afford a Nanny.


        1. Well, Tris, all Her Don’tCallMeBaronessYetness will need to do is turn up in her new place of employment for 10 minutes once a month and that’ll be the nanny covered. Or maybe not; if the nanny’s a proper British person from the Lower Orders, Her HonoraryColonelness might need to turn up twice.

          It surprises me more and more that Boris Haystacks didn’t ennoble himself in his latest honours list. It would have been a useful supplement to his niggardly annual income of only £150,000 before expenses – I mean to say, how can any de Pfeffel worth his salt continue to exist on such a pittance?

          Liked by 2 people

          1. Munguin was raking down the back of his capacious settee to see if perchance the odd gold bar had slipped down there whilst he was in his cups… so he could assist Mr Johnson in his hour of need.

            Alack and alas, none was found.

            I suspect dirty work at the crossroads!

            Liked by 1 person

          2. £150,000. Pah! Chicken feed. I’ve made a tentative offer on a burger van and it’s a beaut. It’s got a combined wash hand basin and toilet, and a coal fired grill. It’s got the lot.

            As soon as I take delivery, I’m off dan sarth to Kent to make my fortune selling chlorinated chicken burgers at hugely inflated prices to all them hungry captive lorry drivers.

            Liked by 2 people

    1. Getting rid of the leader, deputy leader and wanabe deputies, to clear the way for Dross and the bare back buffalo rider?
      I reckon they might have a develish device, to select those for dumping, a detector of miniscule principles! a DoMP.


          1. I suspect this post may go in the wrong place, people…

            I found your notes about Bucchinidae fascinating, Alan, particularly that (possible?) connection to Scots. I had no idea at all that there are whelks and welks, or that some are carnivorous! I have to say that the idea of eating something that survives on poisoning and liquefying the flesh of other gastropods does not appeal to me – in other words, sea snails are about as appetizing to me as French escargots.

            Kevin is grateful to be spared the labour of tracing etymology, Alan, but does wonder what a doocot is if not a cot for keeping doos in. He notes that if you blocked up the holes to the outside and cleaned one up a bit (is it only seabirds which produce guano?), you could use it for storing your scrolls. Those things are not called pigeonholes for nothing! There’s about as much point in using them to store scrolls these days as a CD tower is for storing your music collection, mind you, what with things being available in other formats and on line, and pigeonholes are more appropriately situated closer to the point of use, and tend not to have actual pigeons in.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Pidgeon hole, pidgeon holed;
              The inside of Dirleton Castle 16th cent. doo cot,
              Had to look up doocot, pretty sure it comes from the Dutch for pidgeon house, duivenkot. The oo in duiven has too much upper lip movement for blue bloods, hence duv in English.

              Only seabirds produce gauno?
              Seabirds produce the more potent gauno. I’ve never used gauno on the farm, although I have used large quantities of chicken dung. We called it henpen, this may just be the inherent poetic nature of the rural farm jake.
              However, I reckon gauno, comes from, well obviously a birds arse but a particular one, the South American Gaunay or Gauna, a type of cormorant with a white front. I postulate, quite confidently, this is the origin of the word gauno.

              The trade in gauno was huge 150/200 years ago and it started in South America, on the islands off on the Pacific side, Chile and Peru I think.

              I have some caution using bird droppings in quantity. The fact that birds don’t pee made me wonder, where’s the urine? I would expect on analysis that a large part of the nitrogenous potential of henpen, gauno may come from uric acid.
              For gardeners using bird droppings on the soil, without composting, I would advise on type of lime agent. When I was using “henpen” I noticed a change in soil structure and by the weeds a change in ph, a lowering. Normal liming, some form of calcium carbonate, didn’t rectify the structure but gypsum (calcium sulphate) did. On a smal garden your local builder will have enough plasterboard dust as do you.
              Now, in a Michael Cain accent, not a lot a people know that.

              Liked by 2 people

              1. Blime, I’ll say they don’t.

                But very educational, Alan. Thank you.

                Would you recommend using these hen pellets you can buy in Aldi every March/April time? It’s just for general use in the garden…

                Oh and what’s your opinion of coffee grounds? (for gardening… obviously they are tasty for making coffee!)

                Liked by 1 person

                1. I have never used coffee grounds in any quantity, and only then through the composting system. I was concerned, when you asked, about the possible acidic qualities. I queried google on this, not quite peerlessly, and whilst raw ground is acid, as we we’ve been told when adding cream or milk that is close to going “off,” used grounds are close to neutral.
                  I would be comfortable in using them Tris, if in moderation and maybe around the acid tolerant plants, at least to start with. Plants such as hydrangeas, azaleas, I would expect daffs to be in that category also. A plus would be an increase in worms, which spreading, even small quantities, of undigested (from the soil’s standpoint) organic matter will galvanise their OCD to action. Since seeing Nick Park’s A Grand Day Out, I couldn’t unsee worms the same, but far less irascible, than the gas cooker.
                  I’m no expert, I’m still joining the dots.

                  Liked by 1 person

                  1. Thanks, Alan.

                    We shall be judicious in our use of the grinds, and only after composting for a year or so with other waste.

                    Munguin does enjoy rather a lot of coffee, and occasionally has been known to allow the staff a sip or two. A rare treat.

                    Liked by 1 person

                    1. Sorry Tris, I didn’t answer your first question about hen pellets.
                      I have used them but only on my own household garden. Again, in moderation will be ok.

                      My main reservation with any soil additive is that it is not a part of that soil and for it to become fully incoprorated will take some effort from the soil. Compost is different it is not only nutrient rich it is microorganism rich, even super rich, incorporation into/with the soil is simplified to just mechanical mixing.

                      It happens when you add a liming agent to the soil, there is a shock, trace elements are locked up, creating shortages for the plants and problems for the grazing animals. Applied organic matter, as in straw, seems to suck the growing qualities out of the soil. It will right itself later when equilibrium is reastablished.

                      I used to watch this when I was first starting out in farming, especially when the lime subsidy was still on, 4/5t per acre. “But the land needs it.” says the farmer. “No it doesn’t, you need the soil to do something different and we haven’t worked out the best way yet. Surely not this way.” says the newby pain in the arse. I was a lousy employee. Becoming aware of the soil as a pulsating, rhythm imbued substance, jam packed with life was my downfall and hurdle to becoming employee of the month.

                      If you have 1.2 or 1.4t of livestock grazing on the surface, there will be more weight of livestock living and working away in the darkness below the surface. Can’t believe I just said that, sounds as if it came straight from the pages of the Readers Digest but I find soil mesmerising.

                      Liked by 2 people

              2. Alan, a doo has always meant a dove to me (or a pidgeon). Kot is indeed Dutch for a place to live – student digs, that sort of thing, or a cot as in bunk as in bed.

                Kevin’s still on etymology strike or I’d ask him to do some googling, even if he’s not as good at it as I am.


                1. Untill I looked it up I didn’t know about duiven being Dutch for pidgeon. Colombe in French, taube in German, ? But for both the Danes and the Norwegians it is, due. Just as words like keek and braw it has come over to Scots untarnished, bar the spelling.
                  The above examples are all very recent linguistic cross fertilising. I was reading recently about a theory, that the way a group of people pronounce their language could be (this is my interpretation) remnants, an echo of a langauge that is now extint. My wee romantic soul liked that. When we speak reverberations from the beaker peoples and those adventurous ones that first stepped out of the African plain may vibrate still in our modern world.

                  Liked by 2 people

                  1. One of the terms you’re looking for, Alan, is linguistic substrate. We have a very good example of that very close to home: the reason Scottish English sounds the way it does (way or ways, actually) is because the sound scheme of the linguistic substrate, Scots, was carried over into the sound scheme of how we speak English; took on a life of its own; and evolved from there: “there” being the period when English was being adopted wholesale by anybody who was anybody in the new English colony of North Britain. That’s over and above the vocabulary items and idioms that are particular to us Scots: it’s the way we tune and operate our speech organs to utter the language itself.

                    We Scots are all aware of the delightful, creative and playful way many Gaels and the Irish speak English, and that inventiveness goes back to their Gaelic substrate. The input from the Gaelic substrate in turn influenced and continues to influence the way non-Gaelic-speaking Scots and Irish speak our own English (and Scots) languages. In other words, the influence of Gaelic extends beyond some loan words and place names: it’s part of the substrate in a way that the various languages spoken around the Arctic Sea which gave us “parka” ( and the Hindi and Persian which gave us cummerbund ( are not.

                    It would be a shame if we lost words like “numpty”, and idioms such as “snow off / snaw aff a dyke”, but it would be even more of a shame if we decided that we have to sound like Jacob Rees-Mogg, or worse, adopted the sort of strangulated, bools in the mooth telephone voice accent perpetrated by the likes of Michael Gove – what Paul Kavanagh so aptly calls “irritable vowel syndrome”. Aaargh: imagine trying to sound like a 1957 TV advert for Persil!

                    Liked by 1 person

        1. Ed, sitting on the back of the buffalo, looked plain uncomfortable. It is little wonder that the native american waited till the Spanish arrived with the horse.

          Liked by 2 people

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