I’ve got a suspicion that the talks didn’t go too well.

I suspect they heard the news that the Bank of England has said that damage to Britain’s economy from Brexit has increased. It has cut growth forecasts and held rates where they were.

Image result for ross thomson and theresa may dummy

Alternatively, I suppose, someone might just have described Ross Thomson’s barroom activities to them.  Maybe her smile here is because she had her hands where the sun don’t shine, instead of the other way round.

Or maybe, horror of horrors, they heard that Gibraltar is, in fact, a colony.


Whatever it was, for heaven’s sake don’t let them near the milk. They’ll sour it.


17 thoughts on “SAY CHEESE”

  1. Tris
    I am getting more and more depressed with level of honesty in our politics every day. I saw the video of the Derek McKay and James Kelly debate, while funny, neither was telling the whole truth. Kelly was wrong that councils are getting less money and McKay was failing to acknowledge that rising costs, ring fencing are resulting in serious cuts to council services and I’m sick of it now. It disrespects all of us. From May and Corbyn denying they are staunch leavers to the EU refusing to accept that it needs serious reform, esp finances, and the fact that they have also let everyone down. I’m getting sick of all of them now. They need to tell the truth and stop the games on all sides.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, there is no doubt, Bruce, that we continue to get less and less. Austerity is NOT over, no matter what Mayhem has promised. It’s the same for people. Wages don’t go up at the same rate as the cost of electricity, which was supposed to be frozen, wasn’t it?

      This place is a shambles.


      1. Tris
        We are but there needs to be an honesty about that across the board. When I was watching Derek McKay , no matter his strong performance, it was just game playing and we are beyond that now. Our politics are more important than that and it turns people off I think.


        Liked by 1 person

        1. The performance part of politics has always been a game, Bruce.

          In a way it mas been made worse by tv cameras being present.

          On the other hand, what would they get up to if we couldn’t see them?


      2. Tris
        The cap on electricity costs are a fictional house based on averages. It is a guide that has no basis in fact for each of us. The cap has been raised due to the current cost of Fossil fuel.
        In a Scotland where they tell us that some days we are supplied 100% from WiND generated electrical energy.
        Eleven small electricity trading companies have stopped trading in the last year. The idea that your electricity is somehow directed to you from the CO-OP is patently dishonest, these small companies just buy from the market at a discount and pay the big generators, then they collect the money from you. In short they are like the labour party in Scotland, an accountancy unit.
        Can you just imagine the accountants balancing the books each month/week/day/hour/minute as readings of meters are taken. Plenty of work for accountants.
        The idea that competition in the energy market exists is a total falsehood, it’s just a big computer game, roulette gambling is the idea.
        Just think of getting your Gas from BT. Your Phone service from ASDA. Your Groceries from Essex Water.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. The loathsome James Kelly was arguing that council budgets had been cut. Derek McKay pointed out that every council has more money available to spend than previously. There can be a discussion on the choices that councils need to make in spending the money that they have, just like every household does. You don’t need to look very far into council affairs to find ludicrous spending choices, empire building, grossly excessive executive salaries and entitlements, pay grade inflation, questionable procurement practices etc etc. But all have more money at their disposal than they did last year.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. One of the things that I feel should have been done in this 10 years+ of austerity is a CUT in top wages. Another would be no more trips, and no more booze.

        I’m sure that, rather than closing facilities, if councillors and management could have been persuaded to do without perks, while other people were having to do without heat, I’d have been happier.

        Like most of us, councils do have more money… and like most of us, the money doesn’t go as far as it used to.


  2. The meeting was “robust but constructive,” which raises the question of what a “robust” meeting is exactly. The conjunction “but” would seem to suggest that whatever it means, it’s not “constructive.”

    I’ve seen happier expressions in photographs of American presidents and communist party general secretaries during the cold war. In that era the meetings were often a “free and frank” exchange of views. I wonder if “robust but constructive” is better than “free and frank.”

    Some fun captions for the photograph with Donald Tusk:

    (Maybe my favorite……”First one to blink gets Ireland”)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I really don’t get May.
    The phone calls she had with EU leaders before her trip must have told her she wasn’t going to get what she wanted.
    So why go through the chirade of appearing outraged on camera afterwards?
    Must be the blame game is now in play.
    She cannot lay her monumental political misjudgements at anyone else’s feet.
    She alone is responsible.
    Time for her to go walkabout again,I think native Australians call it Dreamtime,or should that be dream on time.
    Love the picture of the Aberdeen Tory MP.
    Gottle of Geer ( or maybe several)!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m not sure why they have to travel at all. Surely a video conference could have taken place.

      You’re right. If anyone can bugger up something, it is she!

      She’d be pretty poor at running the local community council.

      Prime Minister is way out of her league.

      I believe that it’s not just booze he has a problem with. I think he sniffs a lot.


  4. You’ll like this…

    Mark Stone (Sky News)

    V interesting from EU official on the Tusk / May meeting – @eucopresident told @theresa_may that the @jeremycorbyn plan (remaining in a customs union) would be a promising way out of the current impasse /1

    Mark Stone

    According to the EU source, @theresa_may did not offer *any* (their verbal emphasis) new concrete proposals on way forward.

    Mr Tusk said that for any solution proposed there must be a likely majority for it in the House of Commons. /2

    Mark Stone
    Verified account

    .@eucopresident asked @theresa_may how she sees the timeline working in the UK – up to 29 March and beyond it. He received no clear answer. /3

    9:57 AM – 7 Feb 2019 from Brussels, Belgium


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