We owe a debt of gratitude to Craig Dempsey on Twitter, for drawing to our attention the following item for sale on Amazon. co. uk


Seriously… this life-size model, inappropriately dressed as usual, and several other versions of it are available, and Munguin said immediately that I should let you all know.

He also suggested we let Amazon know to expect a rush on them.

This will work equally well as a burglar scarer, rat scarer, crow scarer…well anything (except maybe rattlesnake) scarer. (She has an affinity with them.)

A superb way of getting rid of any unwanted callers at your house.

Stick it in your window and they will either think she is in your house, and run for their lives, or they will decide that you are a complete nut job and avoid you like the plague, lest you should finally lose control completely and start strangling visitors.

For added security, you can have Donald Trump too.

Don’t thank me… It was a pleasure.


  1. Alternatively if it’s at your window they might think your an evil Tory bastard fanboy and put your windows in.

    On the basis of that, the extreme price and the fact that I loathe her and everything she stands for, I think I’ll pass.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. A life-size cardboard Theresa May – indistinguishable from the real thing! Strong and stable though folds and collapses easily when required. We regret that payments cannot be accepted in Euros.

    Liked by 7 people

  3. For those wishing a suitable life-size cardboard figure for burglary deterrence purposes, we highly recommend our Arlene Foster model. Available in orange colourway only. Please note that although repellent to burglars there have been some reports of this model attracting vermin. Please note we cannot deliver to Republic of Ireland as this model is unable to cross borders. Log on to our website and click on catalogue no. #1690FTP

    Liked by 7 people

  4. Tris,wondering if you can get the other part of the union, the corbyn.
    A quick look at the englandland local election results tend to show that they stop 53% of the population from voting.
    I think we need a new party ,the NEE party, not engaged ever.
    R4 this morning giving the labour man a hard time for not winning in,well virtually anywhere,the tory man given a free ride. The only slip was when asked the question about the customs union, he said that tm says we’re leaving, but which kind of deal on customs willwe have,he says the cabinet hasn’t decided YET.
    Our cardboard cut outs seem to have failed to exercise the grey cell, no problem soon be on annual holidays,a wee walk in the hills,another GE.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. From what I’ve heard so far (which isn’t much, I’d admit and there are still results to come in) Labour has done badly. The Tories have done well.


      Did people vote on the basis of local issues instead of politics?

      Are the people genuinely happy with Mrs May and her chaotic cabinet?

      Why, being the biggest party in England, could Labour not get their much younger support out?

      I wonder what would happen if she did go for another election after these results, in order to try to get a strong and stable majority and be rid of the dreadful millstone of Arlene and her ridiculous crew?

      Would it work?

      Would Labour make up seats?

      (And what would happen in Scotland?)

      I used to like Radio 4’s Today programme, bu it seems to have become an anti Labour, pro Tory mouthpiece. I stopped listening as a matter of course, especially when the utterly awful Robinson is on.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. The English local elections were only in some areas, so I’ve no idea how representative they were. But the problem is, I think, that Corbyn has all the attraction of a dodgy used-car salesman, and Labour in general seems to be in a mess and without much clear direction. No wonder the average voter is confused and likely to vote for “the Devil we know”. All rather sad to be honest.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I guess that like the Tories, they are split… perhaps more so, becasue the Tories are really only split over Brexit. For the rest they pretty much jointly love screwing poor people, immigrants, and anyone who doesn’t have a title, went to Eton and Oxford and gives them lots of money.

          On the other hand Labour seems to be split between the Corbynites, pretty centrist to left, and the nut job Blairite Tories with red ties.

          The BBC and right wing press have successfully blown the anti-Semite row out of proportion, while keeping quiet about the Tory anti-Islamists.

          But , yes, I agree, neither of them seem to have the foggiest idea of how to get out of this ridiculous mess that is Brexit.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. UKIP is dead. Those that voted for them were hardly likely to vote for Corbyn. England really is another country, where pensioners can hide in their £500,000 ex council houses and pretend it’s 1954 again; Royal Baby, Royal Wedding, street parties and Engerlund inna World Cup. Hip Hip Hurrah!

            Liked by 1 person

            1. I agree it’s a different country. I was there 3 years ago and it was nice enough. Like Slovakia is. But I can see UKIP voters voting for Corbyn. Corbyn is a Brexiteer and UKIP managed to convert ex-Labour voters in their droves. Look at where they got their support.
              I still have a knee-jerk reaction and imagine that Labour is left-wing and Conservative is right-wing. They’re both the same now. Only the faces are different.

              Liked by 1 person

              1. True that UKIP took a lot of traditional Labour votes. They told them that wicked foreigners were stealing their jobs. If only they would all go home there would be jobs for all.

                I suspect more of the UKIP vote back to the Tories though.

                I can’t see much difference between them on Brexit (ie they are split down the middle), and they seem to abstain on anything to do with benefits… amazingly.


      2. How could a programme (or “show” as they are called nowadays) be anti-Labour and pro-Conservative? They’re the same thing.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Maybe we’re being too harsh. After all, many Tory MPs were hedge fund managers, bankers, vicar’s daughter’s and the like, so they weren’t really cut out, sorry cut-outs for politics.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. They ARE cut out to be cutouts though.

      It doesn’t take much in the way of brains to be a cardboard cutout… and that is a qualification that they all seem to meet with room to spare.

      Liked by 1 person

        1. LOL. Well, I’ve been calling them the Rat Pack (no offence to Sinatra, Martin, David, etc) for a long time. How about the Flat Rat Pack?


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