
Bit of an own goal, Patel, when you desperately need these people to come here.



To be fair, not everyone has Carrie Antoinette demanding £800 a roll wallpaper and a top flight nanny for the children.


I’m wondering if Rishi knows what mischaracterization means…y’know, given that it was WORD FOR BLOODY WORD what the head nut said.


Not really breaking news, more heart breaking news, that one.


Douglas Ross wasn’t allowed to make a speech to the English Tories, but relegated to speaking just to the Jocks at the conference (that’s the people who were impressed that their prime minister was rejoicing at being able to eschew masks and trade bodily fluids). Classy for a prime minister, what?

Ross’s speech was, however, streamed on-line and, at one point he had no fewer than 40 followers hanging on his every patronising word.

It might be a good time to point out to him that, whilst it is true that the “red wall” did fall in 2015… and indeed, that party lost 40 of its 41 seats… it wasn’t, in fact, to the Tories, that these seats went. Indeed the Tories, which had had exactly 1 seat since 2001, stayed at , ummm… oh yeah, ONE seat in 2015.

Of course, anything is possible in politics, but seriously Doogie?

Another Priti Patel in the making…the Sorcerer’s apprentice!




That will go down well. His Nobilityness negotiated the deal. He called it a great deal. His moron boss signed it and the Commons was given a couple of hours to debate it. Now he DEMANDS, if you please, that the EU (which has moved on and left this crap behind it) renegotiate the great deal of which he was so proud. His Nobness compounded this folly, playing to his Euro-hating audience, saying : “The long bad dream of our EU membership is over”. That should put them in the mood to negotiate, eh? If that was a bad dream, what the hell is this?


Michael Gove admits taking cocaine 'on numerous occasions' 20 years ago -  Daily Record

You’d think that a bloke who had reached the dizzy heights of being some sort of chancellor of some sort of ancient historic duchy whose main purpose is to pay vast amounts of cash to an already obscenely rich old woman, might have learned the difference between “National” and “Nationalist” in a party’s name, but sadly, no. The chancellor is, it appears, still as thick as 14 lavatory seats.

And then England’s own John Travolta says that the Tories will never allow the break up of the UK, presumably regardless of what Scotland wants and votes for… (oh, for the will of the Scottish people being taken into account like the will of the English people was).

I can’t help thinking that maybe it is his party that should be renamed The Tory Nationalist Party?

Oh, and maybe at his age he should take it easier on the marching powder.


For those of you who can, by one means or another, watch BBC, Prof Christopher Painter reports that their Panorama programme tonight looked at super-rich political donors to Conservative Party associated with corrupt business/financial behaviour – and raised some serious conflict of interest issues.

Fat-fighter Boris Johnson declares war on obesity in UK | South China  Morning Post

16 thoughts on “TORY PARTY CONFERENCE”

  1. The Tory party is not a narrow nationalist party NO !!!
    It is the very embodiment of an global
    Internationalist party .

    When it come to Tax Avoidance it will happily deal (under the table ) with any nation any people’s just as long as they can hide their cash 💰.

    Tony Blair ..,,What can you say …Tax Avoider !!!Tax avoider ! Tax avoider !!!!
    Three times and then spit 🤮

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Brilliant selection there of just how awful the Tory party are. They must really HATE us, the common people, having access to the Internet 🤣🤣

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Just listened to a part of Nick Ferrari giving doris a free propaganda discourse.
    Switched off after a few minutes after doris said he had visited the far flung crofts and cottages of all the regions and even Ian Blackford had been given Broadband access on Skye thanks to doris getting it installed. Then he declared the wage rises in the last year or more meant that the low wage earners were getting RICHER quicker.
    I gave up at that and switched off LBC, didn’t wait for ferrari’s response.
    The lead up was Janet from Blairgowrie saying as a well off pensioner she could pay more tax to help out.
    Get back to work, seeeeeeems that there’s been a rush for the new visa’s for outwith the uk, a couple of hundred has started the process, is that just asking for details?, probably.
    The spin is fantastic.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Janet is very lucky…

      It would be nice if all pensioners were in that situation.

      I don’t suppose that the Tories will ever admit that their scheme for letting foreigners in for, now, 6 months, has failed.


      1. Yes, tris. I’m sure spiders are cuddlier.

        Not that I’ve ever tried to cuddle a spider, you understand.

        Or a Tory politician, for that matter.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. In fairness, DonDon, I was making a stab in the dark. Spiders run away from me when I try to cuddle them and I do the same thing when a Tory gets close up and personal…


  4. In a sense DRoss is correct.
    Most progressive supporters of British Labour in Scotland now support the SNP as the only realistic vehicle
    for delivering the social reforms long required in our country.
    What is left of Labour supporters are those who put the survival of the British state above all else.
    The Tories will easily hoover up these votes but it is a diminishing pool as they age so in the longer term not really a viable strategy.
    Their other strategy of defenestrating Holyrood will probably have more success in the short term but will simply reinforce the idea that within the UK union,democracy does not apply in Scotland.
    Either way,in the medium to longer term,the Tories have no future in Scotland as a political force.
    Not that the Dross’s of this world will care,they are only in it for short term personal gain.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The last line just sums up the tory party’s ‘I’m all right jack’ programme.
      The chancer this morning was asked how he could countenance removing £1000 a year from the poorest inhabitants of the uk who are on UC.
      His reply was that they were considering giving them perhaps £100 or £150 to get them over xmas.
      So our chancellor must be renamed Mr Ten Percent.
      We are witnessing the low inertia government model, how to kick the can down the road by doing nothing.
      He was on message that they will train the poorest up to level THREE education as thatcertificate is worth thousands a year in extra income.
      Maybe we should pass on what a level 3 certificate actually is, it really means that the person can read, write and perform arithmetic to a level of around a Scottish O grade, as far as I can find out.
      The ‘Corriculum for Excellence’ gets in the way.
      I read that 27 people have applied for a new visa, split between HGV and farming. For 27 read hundreds of thousands tomorrow in the daily hail and no doubt the telegraph.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. £150 should be more than adequate for Xmas, given that the shelves are pretty empty. If there’s nothing to buy, you don’t need money.

        27… well, that WILL make a difference.


    2. If I remember rightly, though, the Tories didn’t actually get many more votes.

      True that some people in areas where a right wing Labour person was installed (Murphy for example) the Tories did well… then there was a brief period when some Scots believed that Brexit would work for them… fishing and farming… there was a small resurgence.

      1 seat went to 13, then back to 6… and look at that 6.


      I’m pretty sure at the next UK election we’ll lose most of them.


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