71 thoughts on “ALL OUR YESTERDAYS”

  1. Hi tris. Another fascinating selection of photos this week.

    Pic 9: A Swiss post-bus. Which canton uses SZ ? I’ve forgotten, but Terry will know.

    Pic 11: Acker Bilk. Jazz clarinettist. Not to be confused with Kenny Ball, who played trumpet.

    Pic 15: Barbra Streisand. Best known for her effect.

    Pic 18: Gordzilla. Possibly GB’s worst PM, except for the last three incumbents.

    Liked by 4 people

              1. Late comer to AOY this weekend, and surprised that Acker Bilk was not instant recognition for one and all. Surely his ‘Strnger on the Shore’ would be remembered – 1962’s biggest-selling single in the UK, spending 55 weeks in the charts and reached No 1 in the US . Also theme music for very popular BBC TV series of the same name. Or is it just the really geriatricMungionites who’d remember that? Here’s a clip to educate those unfamiliar with such a (one time) occupanr of every ear-drum.

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      1. How could we be expected to recognise Alain Delon without his cigarette ?

        Looking forward to finding out about some more about the earlier pics. No 5 a firing squad ? Cheery stuff to start the weekend !


        1. Number 5 is from Gibraltar, Spanish workers being escorted to work in blindfolds to stop them seeing the work that they’ve to work on.
          See that Gib has vaccinated 120% of their population, it includes their essential Spanish workers.
          Too wee, too poor, Gib has better thoughts on working with their closest neighbour.
          French cheese anyone for the 5 foot long loaf.

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            1. Americans do tend to view French culture as somewhat problematic. I’m wondering how hygienic bread is that’s too long to be sacked and drags the pavement. Also wondering about how often that white (?) apron is laundered. 😉


              1. Ah, well, Danny, that photo was from 1950.

                I’ve never seen a baguette that big. But the last time I was there they did still sell them without wrappings… but then they do that here too. (Baguettes are very popular in Scotland, although they taste nothing like the French ones.)

                A real fresh baguette is a beauty to behold. Bakers make them twice a day… once in time for petit déjeuner (breakfasts) and once in time for dîner (the evening meal). The bread is fantastic, but it lasts only a short time. Second day baguette isn’t a realistic prospect for the French. Even ducks turn their beaks up at it.

                When you get one fresh from the boulangerie to take home, it smells so good that you see people breaking off the end to eat as they walk down the road.

                Really nothing like the muck they sell here.

                I think that the apron is patterned… That’s not dirt on it… 🙂

                Petit déjeuner means “little break fast” and consists usually of coffee and croissant or baguette with a little butter and jam.

                Déjeuner, literally break fast, is lunch. The French don’t consider coffee and croissant or bread to be really breaking one’s fast.

                Dîner, dinner, is usually eaten around 8 pm.

                Kids usually have a snack after they get home from school because they couldn’t wait till 8 to eat. It’s called goûter… to taste.

                Funny lot… they’re foreign, you know.

                Liked by 2 people

                1. LOL Tris……Sounds wonderful! I do love fresh baked French bread, even though French ducks would likely also turn up their beaks at what we have in the States…..even our FRESH French bread. There is something called a “croissant” that’s very popular here now. Croissants are pretty much everywhere in the States these days. I’m told that croissants are French, but I’d want your verification of that. I LOVE fresh warm croissants.

                  I see the pattern on the apron now. On the other hand, if one does not take every available opportunity to scorn the French, then what is one to do? 😉

                  Liked by 1 person

                  1. LOL. I’m sure you can get them almost everywhere these days. But yes, I think they originated in France. The name means ‘crescent’, which is their shape.

                    There’s a German supermarket chain here, Lidl, which has inhouse bakeries, and they make pretty decent ones.

                    When I lived in France my next door neighbour worked in the bakery at Cassino, a supermarket chain. The stuff he brought home (and shared with his poor Scottish neighbour… lost and alone in a foreign country) were fantastic. Even supermarket bakeries are good there.

                    Hum… you make a good point there, Danny.

                    I think the English would certainly be lost without the French to poke fun at.

                    Liked by 1 person

                    1. Sorry, Tris, but croissants are originally Viennese and were created to celebrate the Hapsburg’s defeat of the Ottomans back in umpteen-something. Their crescent shape was inspired by the crescent on the Ottoman flags. Forgive the vagueness re. date – I only vaguely recall this from my schooldays (long, long ago).

                      Liked by 2 people

                    2. Tris…….Great story about your generous neighbor in France! We get fairly good croissants at our local grocery store bakery, and even better ones in some restaurants we frequent…..or DID frequent before Covid. 😉

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                    3. Tris……Andi…….Interesting article about (Wiki:) ” a buttery, flaky, viennoiserie pastry of Austrian origin, but mostly associated with France. Croissants are named for its historical crescent shape and, like other viennoiserie, are made of a layered yeast-leavened dough.” .

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                    4. I have to say, Danny, that the pastries in Austria are out of this world.

                      Oh, I’d go back to Vienna for them alone… It made up for being dragged around a series of royal palaces and looking at all manner of boring royal paraphernalia.

                      MMMM. I can still taste them…

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                2. Not a big fan of croissants, but I do love petit pan de chocolate, and of course the best ones are to be had in France 😋. They have a Spanish version here but they have some kind of sticky, sweet, glaze on them 😝🤮. The Spanish do have an awfully sweet tooth!

                  Liked by 1 person

            2. Like you I am missing my trips to France. We go camping (with a tent, none of these mobile palaces for us) but have not been for the last two years. I hope I am still fit enough for the hundred metre dash to the toilet block in the middle of the night when we eventually go camping again. (We are both in our seventies, so proximity to the toilet block is vital.)

              I really miss the croissants, the bread and the cakes even, as you say, from the supermarket. However, there is nothing to beat finding a good boulangerie in the local village and getting supplies there.

              Liked by 1 person

              1. Totally agree, Grouser. La petite boulangerie du village is second to none.

                It’s not a bad idea at any age to have a portable toilet with you. I don;t mean a great big one… just a little thing would do. There are various available very cheaply.



                Munguin never goes anywhere without one…which can be embarrassing in Aldi!


  2. Lots of Sevens; ‘zat John Noakes in the Chummy? Box saloon (I think) parked between the Cortina and the Cavalier, and an early kind of choke – pour a bit of petrol into each cylinder.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The driver is George Simpson of Edinburgh who still holds the record for the fastest trip up and back down Ben Nevis.
      The Box Saloon is on the Motorrail loading facility at Perth.
      Yes the Cups are the early choke mechanism, valves shut, fill with raw petrol, open valves to fill cylinders, close valves and start engine, maybe.

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      1. We managed John’O’Groats to Land’s End in 20hrs 20 minutes in a 1927 Chummy ; a 750MC-organised JOGLE in 2000. It had a fairly warm engine… and I haven’t got my cylinder head back yet!

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  3. Thought the cars lined up had a railway setting behind, looked like Perth but could have been any number of places.

    Met Acker in a Chinese restaurant on Perth Rd, Dundee, one night c 1960, and like all star struck youths got his autograph. His greatest earner was not a jazz number but the the theme to a TV series Stranger On The Shore – still have the 45rpm single.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. #1: Interesting! I thought of the sulfa drugs. But “elixir sulfanilamide” is apparently not to be confused with “sulfonamide” drugs … “the first broadly effective antibacterials to be used systemically, and paved the way for the antibiotic revolution in medicine.”

    Wiki: Prontosil, as Bayer named the new drug, was the first medicine ever discovered that could effectively treat a range of bacterial infections inside the body. It had a strong protective action against infections caused by streptococci, including blood infections, childbed fever, and erysipelas, and a lesser effect on infections caused by other cocci.


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      1. Likewise, Conan, and not only Catch 22 but many war stories where sulfanomide was always the ‘first aid’ for wound infection (or protection). I think it was also used for what we now call STD but was known euphemistically in the army as being on ‘Part 3 paybook’ – what happened to your wages if you came by a dose of the clap.

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      1. Tris…..I can remember some older people in the family talking about being prescribed sulfa drugs. Used quite a bit as an antimicrobial before the coming of penicillin as I understand it.

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  5. I see Boris err lady ?? Is having another bab 👶.
    Just to make when he goes off with another(younger ) courtesan she will get a shed load of cash for the sprogs.


    C the gushing headlines so very full of the happy 😊 event .
    Wonder how the young 🧒 children hé deserted feel about it .

    I’ve always taken the the view if you cheat on your family who wouldn’t you cheat on .

    Still The modern world 🌎 🤷‍♂️

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    1. I see he says that he has paid for the first one’s childcare, like it was something to be proud of.

      It’s what parents do Boris!

      You make a good point.You do have to wonder how much you can trust anyone that cheats on their family.

      Loads of MPs in that category from all parties.

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  6. For the railway nerds – Pic & is the Soo line loco no 1003, a 2-8-2 Mikado class, built 2013. She’s been renovated and is preserved at the Wisconsin Automotive Museum in Hartford, Wisconsin.


  7. OT. Good news for Scotland.

    ‌COVID-19 infections are continuing to rise in most parts of the UK, though there are signs the rate of increase in England might have slowed, according to the latest data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS). Around one in 65 people in England had COVID-19 in the week to 24 July, the ONS said, up from one in 75. Infections are also estimated to have risen in Wales and Northern Ireland, though numbers have dropped in Scotland.

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