1. Um… is there a Twitter thingmie there wot I can’t see? Yes, there’s days to go. Oodles of time! Plenty of time, even if Eton Haystacks indulges in a spot of proroguing betweentimes !

    I’m going to go have myself cryofrozen because it’s going to take so long I’ll be terribly, terribly bored. Wake me up when it’s all over and there’s a cure for old age, whichever comes first.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Ah… Armagnac … [waxes reminiscent] I once knew an excellent and very smart French guy whose speciality was forensics, and specifically investigating mass graves and other war crimes in the former Yugoslavia after the war there. Be that as it may, he was beautifully French in that gastronomic, savoir vivre way, and after a protracted restaurant meal with him and a Polish-French international lawyer and mutual friend in The Hague, persuaded us to have Armagnac as a digestif (choosing a good one, obviously).

        What he said as he savoured the Armagnac has stayed with me ever since. Nicolas said, grandly: “Le cognac, c’est bon, mais l’armagnac… [takes appreciative sip, closes eyes, savours in almost indecent enjoyment] c’est de la tonnerre de Dieu”.

        And as I sipped it myself, I had to agree.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. He he…

          I wonder if Munguin would allow me to have a small sip of one of his many bottles.

          God’s thunder sounds like an idea at the moment.

          Munguin however, suggests that should I touch it there will likely be a “un coup de foudre”

          Liked by 2 people

  2. What’s the hurry.
    We all know that deals are done in the last minute, we’ve just spent 3 years of our short time on the planet endlessly worrying about something the EU will cave in on at 2 minutes to 23:00, everyone knows that the eton mess boys are exceptionalists, all bow down before them.
    Dreams are like this BUTT somewhere the nightmare begins.
    Remember the doris still has to negotiate the TRADING AGREEMENT, that might just take a bit longer than fixing the broken UNICORN.
    His best plan is for a snap GE and win a majority then the westmonster can get burned down and henry eight powers will control the greater britain isle.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. For at least a year the Irish government have had TV and press about the effects of Brexit. They have also held information meetings around the country to help businesses get ready for a worst case scenario. A recent info event in Monaghan was inundated by business people from Northern Ireland trying to glean whatever info they could, because the UK govt had done nothing and the devolved assembly in NI hadn’t bothered convening for around 3 years. The UK govt ads are pretty comic and empty but at least they exist. Better late than never.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes, Iain. I’ve read some of the information from Ireland. All I’ve ever seen from the UK is them bragging about how they hold all the cards.

      It is fortunate that the NI business people can cross the border to find out what’s going on.

      Now that the Brits have started their info campaign, it would be nice if the word “may” were less prominent.

      Still, there’s a couple of weeks to do before the day itself and who knows what cards the British Empire may yet find hidden under Gove’s bed.


  4. First time I’ve seen this vid. As a public information video it has the same quality but less relevant information than the one informing us what to do when the 4 minute warning sirens go off. You know, the one advising you to make a den with a door as a roof, a door preferably painted with paint containing lead, food that you can eat raw and water. Oh, and to take some sealable bags or cartons to defecate in.
    Trump and brexit confirms John Gray’s argument that human nature is the stubborn obstacle to political and ethical social progress.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Phantom Power has tweeted that they/she/he will likely need to curtail their activities as the crowd funder hasn’t done as well as hoped.

    There have been a lot of calls on folk’s cash recently so in one way I’m not surprised but they do sterling work. So if you do have any spare pennies, please consider them.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. well I wasn’t meaning you personally, more for the readership in general. But I’m sure the other “PP” will be grateful. I’m given a wee amount too.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Munguin always thinks I should lead from the front. Needless to say, he disappeared into his private apartments when I mentioned his credit card.


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