
Munguin’s guest of horror honour this year at the Munguin Towers Hallowe’en Party is an orange creature called President Trump-Biscuit.

…so special security had to be laid on with this bruiser.
There were, as ever, other orange attendees, the Pumpkin twins and their little brother.
Image result for arlene foster
Fortunately, this orange object wasn’t invited.
But a good time was had by all. Some, as you can see got pretty ‘lit-up’!
Although Trump-Biscuit looks a bit unhappy… maybe because Munguin kinda eclipsed him in the importance stakes, or maybe he’d just seen an immigrant!
And then, when everyone had gone home, Airfarce 1 couldn’t fit into Munguin’s private airfield and Trump-Biscuit had to stay the night.
Scruffy Bear  (a close friend of Munguin’s) was thinking of standing for the next election. He has, after all, all the requisite qualifications. He’s orange and, has silly blond hair, but, unlike the present incumbent, he’s cute.

44 thoughts on “HAPPY HALLOWE’EN”

  1. The ultimate horror – a pumpkin (turnip in my day) carved with Arlene on one side & Theresa on the other!

    Probably wouldn’t go down well in England/NI but I bet a template for that would have sold out super-quick in Scotland* 😀

    *excepting the NI loyalist emigres and aged English seeking free personal care (after voting against it in their own country).


      1. My dad used to make them outa neeps too…

        It was hard enough doing it with a pumpkin, what with the knife, spoon and melon baller…

        And pumpkin soup…. mmmmm… or, as it appeared on Munguin’s menu:

        Soupe à la citrouille!


        1. It’s not a picture I wish to imagine… however, to paraphrase Anne Widdecombe, something I have to say, I rarely do, there is something of the Michael Howard about him


  2. Hallowe’en riddle – Q. What’s the difference between Arlene Foster and a Pumpkin Lantern? A. Not much, they’re both large balloon-shaped orange items with all the good bits scooped out and discarded but at least a pumpkin lantern is amusing. Happy (Unhappy?) Hallowe’en to all at the bat-infested Munguin Towers aaaaaaarrrrggghhhhh!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. A pumpkin lantern is also useful, Andi. It gives light and the middle bit scooped out, makes great soup (I know, we just had some).

      Happy and Spooky Hallowe’en to you too….


      Liked by 1 person

      1. Just made a large batch for the freezer, Tris. Pumpkin soup with a hint of chilli & ginger. Roasted the seeds from 2 large pumpkins in olive oil & spices for garnish and snacking. Yum yum!

        Liked by 2 people

  3. It’s Guy Fawkes night next where the annual artillery barage ensues and my wee dug is so terrified I can’t even get her to go outside for a pish.

    Is it just me or have all our wee festivals been turned into Americanised pig fests.

    I apologise for being negative but I’ve come to dislike this time of year. The nights get shorter and it used to be made easier by the celebrations in between. Unfortunately that’s no longer the case. The next bit to endure is where all our bairns are transmogrifyied into the hedonistic greedy little shits that make Christmas a perennial disappointment. For you and me it used to be our traditional mid-winter festival that we looked forward to. Nowadays it shuffles inexorably along behind the predictable and cringe inducing Strictly final and I keep promising myself that we’ll fuck off somewhere and avoid it next year but somehow never manage it. I’m actually one of the minority who would like to do something for new year but everyone I know is always babysitting so that’s a bust.

    It’s all became a bit samey and boring, or am I just an old git that’s had his day?

    I look forward to the nights fair drawing oot come January so I can get back in the garden. Weather permitting of course.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Tidings of comfort and joy, Greig! To be honest, I never have a problem getting into the Christmas spirit – mine is a good single malt. Taken in sufficient measures, it’s enough to see one through the Bah, Humbug! fest without a single Ho! Ho! Ho!

      Liked by 3 people

    2. Nope. I don’t think you are grumpy and old.

      It’s true that everything has become a “spendfest”. I saw a load of kids out tonight (happily with their parents) guising. But they all seemed to be in bought costumes. NO made ones

      Christmas has become a racket. It started in September this year. Next year it will be August.

      That sickens me.

      I’m not sure we can blame America for ridiculous 4 month Christmases.

      Maybe we got the Hallowe’en thing from USA. We didn’t used to bother much with it at least when I was a kid. Treacle scones and dooking for apples… but nothing much else.

      I wonder if we will get “Thanksgiving” soon…

      I hate the whole thing.

      I’m not a massively sociable person, although I love a good night with like-minded people, dinner and a good discussion… politics, books, music… but this enforced jollity and “spirit of Xmas” is too much.

      Like you, I look forward to the nights drawing out. Maybe I’m getting grumpy too!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Tris……I do recommend that you start celebrating Thanksgiving. It’s a big feast like Christmas, but without the gift giving. Turkey and stuffing, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie are traditional. It sits right between Halloween and Christmas on the fourth Thursday in November (earlier in Canada.) Add Thanksgiving and you REALLY have a “holiday season.” 😉

        (There was a time when the Christmas shopping season didn’t start until after Thanksgiving. That doesn’t really apply anymore, although the tradition endures in the custom of “black Friday,” the shopping day after Thanksgiving.)


        1. Hmmm…

          Turkey… nope
          Stuffing…. nope
          cranberry sauce… ok, in small amounts
          pumpkin pie… well, I’d be up for trying that.

          We have the same thing here with people moaning about the fact that the Christ is taken out of Christmas for fear of offending Muslims and Jews.

          Whereas the Christ has really been taken out of Christmas by big (and small) businesses trying to make as much money as they possibly can by guilting people into spending money they don;t have on presents they can’t afford… frequently for people they don;t like, and often landing them in debt for the next year.

          Still… they have to have a put down for people who care less about profit and more about people.

          Liked by 2 people

          1. Tris….Nice description of the obsession with Christmas gifts! 🙂

            I don’t think that anyone actually likes turkey all that much. But as far as I know, a turkey feast on Thanksgiving is required by law. For me, the real attraction is the turkey stuffing. I LOVE the stuffing…..preferably cornbread stuffing. So I’ll eat some turkey as an excuse to pile on the stuffing.

            My family took Thanksgiving VERY seriously when I was growing up. For the non-turkey crowd, a baked ham was also available, as were lots of other potato and vegetable dishes. And then the pies…..not only the traditional pumpkin, but two or three other varieties. A whole side table of pies. So Christmas is about presents, but Thanksgiving is about feasting. (Sometimes with a slight nod to the Pilgrims and Indians of 1621. 🙂 )

            Liked by 1 person

            1. It’s very difficult to get turkey right – it tends to end up far too dry. It is a LOT better if you can get it just right.

              My sister-in-law is a great fan of gravy made with Bisto. I haven’t the heart to tell her I absolutely loathe the stuff.

              Liked by 2 people

            2. Ha ha…

              Today everything has moved on, Danny. Hallowe’en is over and now it’s all fireworks and Guy Fawkes… you know when the English had the good sense to try to blow up their parliament.

              Liked by 1 person

              1. LOL Tris……Doesn’t seem fair. The English celebrate a guy who tried to blow up Parliament, but they don’t join the Americans in celebrating the founding of British North America in New England. Of course the Mayflower Pilgrims were in fact dissenters and separatists from the Church of England. And later, there was that revolution thing. 😉

                Liked by 2 people

                1. I have been working up a quintessentially Scottish calendar of national and local holidays. You know, “Haggis-hunting season begins”, “ditto ends”;

                  “Edinburgh Tea Party Day”, when proper Edinburgh folk greet strangers in the street with a gesture of drinking tea from a bone china cup with their pinkies oot and the words “You’ll hev hed your tea”, the expected response being “A hev so not”;

                  Mustn’t forget the Royal Highland Show either, which is deliberately held in the Central Lowlands as a sign or a symptom of something or other, which should go hand in hand with the National Lowland Team Caber-Tossing Festival at Aboyne;

                  What else – oh yes, National Hielan Coo Celebration Day, in which we all run around with “Viking” helmets on mooing at tourists – no laughing at the back there, there’s no N in “mooing”, any fool can see that, except the penultimate one;

                  Then there there’ll be Fasching, an imported but naturalized holiday during which we all get on each other’s nerves but don’t bother ourselves about it;

                  Frictionless Border day, on which all roads across the Border are turned into temporary skidpans, temporary bleachers are set up and electronic betting is available on the likelihood of vehicles getting through unscathed;

                  And last but not least, National Grouse Shooting Day, on which girnin-faced auld buggers like me are put out of their misery.

                  I expect I could go on, but I’m sure you’d all rather I hadn’t got this far in the first place.

                  Liked by 2 people

                  1. Ed….I enjoyed your proposal for quintessentially Scottish holidays. I like the idea of celebrating Hielan Coo, notwithstanding the possible spelling embarrassment involving mooing the tourists. I wasn’t familiar with the Royal Highland Show, and immediately confused it with the Highland Games held in Dunoon (Wiki says.) As for Caber Tossing, I find it difficult to really get into that as a spectator sport for more than a few minutes at a time. I’ve heard that the Caber Toss goes on for something like forever at the Highland games…….or at least it may seem that way to some non-Highland spectators who are not Caber Toss enthusiasts. 😉

                    As for the big American November holiday, one might wonder why the foundation myth of America is celebrated in the story of the Mayflower Pilgrims in Plymouth, Massachusetts (founded 1620) and not in the earlier settlement of Jamestown, Virginia (founded 1607.) Something I guess about the pious C of E dissenters whose goal was to found a new Jerusalem making a better story than that of the venture capitalists of Jamestown who were seeking New-World gold and silver.

                    Also about the (Northern) Pilgrim story (and not the Southern Virginia story) being the one that Abraham Lincoln had in mind when he made Thanksgiving a national holiday in the depths of Civil War more than two and a half centuries later.

                    This is discussed in a dark brooding documentary about the Pilgrim story that also tells how the British Army during the revolution stole (appropriated?) Plymouth Colony Governor William Bradford’s contemporary history of the time from a church in Boston in 1777, and how it ended up in the library of the Bishop of London, from which it was finally returned to Boston. From about 1:36:30 in this video. (A bit of the intro at 0:00:00 is interesting too.)

                    (FYI……The complete documentary ends at 1:51:00, after which for some reason the YouTube upload partially and confusingly repeats out of sequence.)

                    Liked by 1 person

          2. “Offending Muslims and Jews” – what codswallop. Everybody I know looks at all occasions in other people’s religions as an excuse for a party.

            If you ever get the chance to celebrate the end of Ramadan with Muslim friends, jump at it. Of course, it helps to have a good cook in charge of proceedings – though how my Moroccan best bro managed not to ingest any of the amazing food he spent hours slaving over a hot stove to make, I’ll never know. Loads more willpower than I have, certainly.

            I enjoyed celebrating Christmas twice in the former Yugoslavia, before the death of Tito and before the violence erupted and the country fell apart: one Catholic Christmas and one Orthodox. Cor, what an assault on the digestion!

            Liked by 2 people

  4. What a wonderfully festive Munguin Towers Halloween celebration. Great collection of spooky creatures, including the truly scary Stephen Miller. Excellently crafted Jack-O’-Lanterns! I’m sure that President Trump-Biscuit enjoyed himself too, regardless of his facial expression. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Well we got just three sets of kids visiting – far cry from when our kids were 6/8 & we held a halloween party (dunking for apples in bath, grab an apple get a “prize” – just sweets).

    I think this cul-de-sac is now at the “waiting for people to die” stage before that happens again. Very few young kids around, plenty of 20-somethings still at home, lots of elderly people. Houses rarely go on the market & usually sell within a month (when priced sanely 😉 ).

    Also parents seem to be even more paranoiac about letting kids out to play. The chances of something bad happening to your child was vastly greater 100 years ago but there we go.

    Oh & you wouldn’t believe the Union Jackery going on here re WW1 – every fucking *parish* council in Leics (AFAICT) has been given extra money but ONLY if its spent on WW1 bullshit. No money for SEN kids to get taken to school, no money for care homes, no money for libraries etc etc but plenty for Union Jackery!

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    1. I got some white, peace poppies on line – if anyone challenges me on it – unlikely, I know – I’ll say to them, correctly, that they commemorate not just those who died fighting, but everyone who was killed or injured by the scourge of war – including also those who were left behind grieving.

      In the words of the United Nations Charter:


      to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind, and

      to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small, and

      to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained, and

      to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom,


      to practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbours, and

      to unite our strength to maintain international peace and security, and

      to ensure, by the acceptance of principles and the institution of methods, that armed force shall not be used, save in the common interest, and

      to employ international machinery for the promotion of the economic and social advancement of all peoples,


      Liked by 1 person

      1. I wonder if any of the countries participating in the UN have read any of this.

        Obviously Trump would have got bored after the first two lines… but you’d have thought that May might have manage to get to the end of it, and possibly understand a few words here and there.

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    2. Quite sickening.

      They glorify war while people are starving on the streets.. including some of the people who fought in wars (although clearly not the Great Imperial War).


        1. I’m actually really angry at politicians for politicising remembrance.

          I walked around town today and only saw one elderly couple wearing poppies. No one else.

          They managed to sicken us. Even of that.


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