Her Serene Whatsit

Her Nobleness The Grand Duchess Gloriana of Mayfair, otherwise known to readers of this blog as Mrs Moan, has blocked me on Twitter, a fact which I share with some pride.

I only found out because she is having some spat with Stewart McDonald over her number of appearances in the House of Lords and their relative general statuses in the rigid English class system and I was originally unable to read what it was about.

However, Munguin has connections and it seems to have gone like this:

A lady called Rachel Kelsey tweeted that Baroness Massey was talking about children’s rights post Brexit in the immensely important European withdrawal bill in the House of Lords.

Baroness Massey speaking now in Lords on families and children and Brexit implications- been dipping in and out, but think this is the first speech that has addressed family law. Glad to hear it said in terms that Children’s rights will be prejudiced by Brexit

Stewart then pointed out that while this was going on Her Nobleness from Mayfair was selling jewellery on QVCTV (as shown below).

 1h1 hour ago

In contrast her fellow parliamentarian, Baroness Mone is right this moment selling jewellery on QVC. Thank goodness this EU Withdrawal Bill isn’t important

At which time the Aristocratic one let rip:


I had a wee look at the site They Work For You, and it seems that their compilers may have missed some of Her Importantness’s appearances, although it is fair to say that one can vote without having contributed to… indeed without having even attended, the debate. I have no way to find out how many times she has actually voted. If anyone does, I’d be happy to know.

I was impressed with Her Highness’s command of English. Maybe in the refined air of the House of Lords, or the equally classy QVC studios that’s the way one does things.


You can never tell with blue blood. They are a race apart from mere commoners for life such as we.


  1. O.B.E. = Old Bag Entirely. You should be proud that she’s blocked you on Titter (shome mishtake there shurely) – it’s unusual for a drain to do the blocking instead of it being blocked.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I’d never have blocked her. I always find her amusing.

      And of course, being pretty ordinary, I’m totally in awe of her aristocraticness.

      I’ve never been in the same room as a real live aristo.

      Well, actually I was in the Dundee Rep at the same time as Lord Hattersley. In fact, he sat right in front of me. But he’s Labour so he doesn’t really count.

      No, real Conservative Aristocrat with blue blood going back… oh, weeks and weeks at least.


  2. Tris, I couldn’t resist looking at QVC to see the sort of fabulous jewellery merchandise that a “Global entrepreneur with 9 biz interests” would be flogging (sorry, retailing) on an internet shopping channel. I was particularly taken with the Barrenness’s “Diamonique 2 ct. Pave Hoop Sterling Silver Earrings”, described as,
    “Round-cut simulated diamonds: 78 x (1.5mm); 32 x (1.75mm); 36 x (2mm)
    Rhodium-plated sterling silver
    Snap bar fastening – suitable for pierced ears only
    Length: 2.7cm (1.1”)
    Total equivalent diamond weight: 2.5 carats”
    Good heavens – rhodium-plated! Simulated diamonds! Cartier must be really worried! Mind you, this kinda bling is only for the real toffs, selling as it does for £45! (reduced to £39.96 in the clip I saw). This is the kind of stuff one would wear to a Royal Wedding, even a Coronation surely. No need to pop down to Bond Street or send the footman along to Asprey, eh? Just go to QVC and treat yourself to the sort of fabulous jewellery that only a Baroness for life can buy – or maybe take a dauner tae The Barras and get much the same shiny crap even cheaper.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I knew she’d be sheer class.

      You can just tell looking at her and recalling all those aristocratic pranks she got up to… you know, trashing her unfaithful husband’s £200,000 car, spying on her employees…

      How much was this tat, I mean Jewellery?


      1. Tat, sirrah? I saw earrings at £39, rings at £34 and £39! Good Lord, it’s like Ali Baba’s treasure and you, sirrah, call it tat! Poltroon, even now, I wager, the Baroness’s doughty champion, Sir Tittybags, will be mounting his charger (again? – poor horse!) and sallying forth to meet you with a view to throwing down his gauntlet. Time to raise the drawbridge, lower the portcullis and stifle the giggles at Castle Munguin, methinks!

        By the way, I think that one of these sword and sweat fantasy series, like Game of Thrones, should have a wasteland called The Barrenness of Mone, don’t you.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Munguin has ordered the drawbridge up.

          He’s having a wee laugh to himself about just how classy she is with her £34 rings.

          I agree, but I think I’d change it to ‘Moan’.


  3. Baroness Mone and The House of Lords. Two of the most compelling reasons for independence….. hang on, I nearly forgot Cumnock’s very own Baron (hic!). Make that three compelling reasons.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Ah … good old Moaning Minnie!

    I remember her well.

    If Scotland votes to leave the United Kingdom then I will leave Scotland she said. … cue vote … cue result with a NO victory and there we were all down in the dumps not only about losing the referendum but also about the news that Moaning Minnie would be remaining in Scotland. But wait … what’s that you say … HARK it doth be TRUE. Her Baronessness in fact DEPARTED Scotland despite only promising to do so on a YES victory.

    Ach why were we even worried Tris … after all she is a true BLUE Tory and as WE all know whenever a Tory opens their mouth they are telling LIES.

    What was that andimac … her “glorious” ear-rings costing £45 DOWN to £39.96! For god’s sake there are cheapskates … then there Cheapskates and then there are CHEAPSKATES! Moaning Minnie is definitely a CHEAPSKATE! ONLY £%.04 knocked of the normal price … PATHETIC!

    I have to admit I knew she would be on QVC peddling here “wares” … I saw her promo during the Hi Tech and electronics programme I was watching on Sunday night. At least I know what I bought on Sunday is a GENUINE article and worthy of the price with a noticeable £30 reduction from QVC normal price and £65 reduction from Achos own normal price. Now THAT is what I call a bargain … NOT £5 reduction for tat!


  5. There once was a lady called Mone
    Whose tits were surgically grown
    She made cheap bras
    which she sold en masse
    So now from Scotland she’s flown

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It doesn’t quite rhyme for me, but still, I suppose she can offer a useful service. When her fellow peers make complete tits of themselves she can offer comfort and support, no doubt an uplifting experience. [Sorry, couldn’t help meself 😉 ]

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I wonder just how long that “for life” will last after indyref2 or will it be “all you jock bastards can fuck off now, no longer required”…..

        We don’t want them back, that’s for damn sure!

        Liked by 1 person

  6. tris, we all know that the English language can be very accurate in use.
    It can also be bent and twisted to give a totally different result that that which you imagine.
    Like the statment that the period of the contract is Indefinite, can mean for ever or indetermined.
    Watch the experts in westminster use english to say whatever you want to hear.
    The Baroness is for life, doesnt say if it’s the person or the award.
    Remember a workmate who purchased a Baronacy, old one from Argyll, for the grand sum of £100 guineas , not your common sterling ( of course).
    Like you i’d rather live as a person and have no worries about how i’ve treated other humans on the planet.

    I’m taking up the knitting, long live the revolution

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Tris brighten up your day, have a look at the site called
    nobility .co.uk
    you can still buy a title for very little, an old knighthood or a Principality.
    Very amusing


    1. InflammaTORY, you say?

      Does that mean she will sue if I set her alight or just give her scarlet fever?

      Does it also mean that you can write defamatory stuff without fear of being sued?

      Just asking for a friend!


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