
So, we tried a new way of doing the photographs this week, to try to avoid the silly spacing that we’ve had to put up with since we moved to WordPress.  Not sure that I really like it, but you have to give things a try. Let me know.

Thanks to FRANK for the sunset, and to KANGAROO for the pelican. I think everyone is covered there. (If not please let me know.)

Afterthought: If you click on the individual pictures, you should be able to get up each picture on a slideshow. That may depend on your browser, though. I’m not 100% sure.

An alert reader (yes, we have them too) sent me this…

39 thoughts on “SOPPY SUNDAY”

    1. Thanks, Jim. I think I agree. Depending on your browser, you should, if you click on the photos, be able to see them individually. I should probably put that in the body of the post.


      1. I ended up doing that, a bit easier on my old eyes; there’s no room for you captions either.
        The comments things a bit weird too, Illy gave me a telling off, for not replying to the right comment; but there was no way I could.
        We’ll just have to get used to it, wouldn’t want to upset the diminutive leader of the republic.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Nope.

          I need to look at how we can do captions.

          I thought it was me who got into trouble from Illy. The comments just seem to go where they feel like. Not like Blogger.

          I think his Munguiness is fond enough of you not to be upset.

          Liked by 1 person

      2. It seems you can only reply one or two deep, so to reply here, I had to reply to “Thanks, Jim. I think I agree.” (a comment farther up)

        Yeah, it’s weird.

        I also preferred having the captions, they are what always made me smile, a lot more than the pics themselves.

        I’m a grumpy old sod though, so don’t pay me too much mind.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Yep. How weird is that? You’d think they didn’t expect there to be many replies.

          Well look at captions for next week. Munguin will have his technical team on it 24/7 (which means we’ll end up returning to the old way, or there will be no captions!)


  1. Clickied a pic and looked at them all individually , a nice way to enjoy them I thought 🙂 Captions would be a nice addition although a bit of a fiddle I guess.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I preferred the old way as the captions were good – some beautiful vistas up there but no idea where they are cos no captions. The slide show was much easier though. Loved the zebra picture and the black cats – jaguar? puma?

    Thinking of downloading Opera – it apparently has a built in VPN which will come in handy following May(hem)’s snooper’s act.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. tris and other sad Sunday readers

    “I think the SNP is not planning on an early referendum on independence,” he said. “If there was an independence referendum now I believe the SNP would lose because the economic numbers have moved badly against Scotland … it would be lost 60-40.”

    Kerr, who acts as a legal expert advising the SNP on EU relations, said he did not see any prospect of the SNP trying to trigger a second referendum on Scottish independence.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Niko.

      Very interesting article.

      It looks like we are in the most almighty mess.

      As an advisor to the SNP he on the EU, he may or may not have the measure of the cabinet’s feelings on a referendum. But that’s kind of secondary to some of the other things that he predicts.

      The rise of xenophobia and the hate talk and crime putting Europeans and others off. It’s frightening in a world which has become ever more interconnected.

      Still we are better together and the noble one points out…

      ‘we were misled – inflation is rising, unemployment is rising, inward investment has slowed to a trickle – maybe this is all great mistake’.

      Still, the UK’s broad shoulders will save us from harm, eh?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’ve really got to wonder, how bad does it have to get, before Niko and his ilk change their minds and vote for a Parliament of our own, not a Parliament for England.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Must admit I’m surprised by people who think that this whole Brexit, xenophobia, right wing hate is a good thing.

          For all it’s mainly coming from dirty poor areas as a protest vote, you have to wonder what the people think is going to be the outcome for them.

          According to teh good lord, rising prices and fewer jobs… Not good if the Tories are in power and freeze benefits for years while inflation is climbing, remove tax credits, reduce the pension options, and freeze wages of government employees (except themselves and the queen).

          Good it you’re the queen though!!!


        1. Well, if your only goal is to keep teh union together, regardless of what happens, then 60/40 is a good number.

          I’m not where it came from. I’ve not seen any polls. Maybe he got it from the government. Maybe they have been doing private polling. Nobles can get their hands on all sorts of things that we can’t.

          There are other parties who want independence Niko. It’s not all about the SNP. You’ve heard of the Greens? Labour for Independence? Scottish Socialists?


      2. I read that piece too, and tend to disagree on the bad move in economic numbers. The oil price is rising again. The biggest threats to Scotland are the consequences of the overindebted UK position, and the Brexit fallout. We get a lot of inward investment in Scotland – not that I wouldn’t prefer if we Scots employed our own people like we used to, instead of relying on others.

        The numbers are not shooty in for a win, but I am not alone in knowing a number of people who have switched to our side. The populous is considerably better informed now – look at the EU turnout/result. The membership of the SNP is still well over 100k. Labour are in disarray – and likely to lose their last powerbase next may. And we have a very right wing westminster Tory government likely to be in power for at least 2 terms. Increasingly the hysterical Yoons and their propaganda media are clearly on the back foot.

        I would expect 60-40 too. In favour of yes. But I want us to dictate the timescale, and that 2021 he mentions is a sweet spot. 2018 or 2019 may be too soon – and would see us fighting another election year yet again. That’s every year since 2014.

        Brexit is a train wreck. We need to jump off before its too late.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Can’t really disagree with anything there, David.

          Labour has to do something. They had some decent people at the beginning. The first three leaders, all First Ministers, were good guys.

          Then they got Wendy, Gray, Joanne, MURPHY???? and Dugdale, who was faced with the incredible task of trying to pick up the pieces after the disaster that was Murphy.

          Maybe if she hadn’t had to follow that idiot, and maybe if she had been a little older and more experienced she would have made something of it. But she’s chronic.

          And if they lose next year, who would replace her. Clearly Sarwar thinks he might. But although I’m sure he’s a nice guy, and he must be reasonably bright, I can’t see him being anything but a disaster.

          There must be someone out there who will come to the job with some vision.


  4. @Niko, what tyranny?
    Labour did fek all for generations, bar line their own nests. And they continue to do fek all.


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