Where else would an employee get away with this?

Or look at it another way.

If, in the organisation YOU work for, a colleague handed out your name and contact details to an unknown sex scammer in order that that he or she could get off the hook for having fallen for the scam, would you want to continue to work with, or for, that employee?

Why would it be any different for an MP?

I’m not judging him for sending intimate pictures on a dating ap., although I reckon that it wasn’t the brightest thing to do, especially as he is a public figure.

But to give out private details of colleagues, regardless of where you work, is quite simply unforgivable…and more so when you work in an organisation where top secret information may be available.

He should lose the whip and his position as deputy chair of the 1922 committee. Immediately. I cannot understand why it hasn’t already happened, except that Sunak is utterly useless and terrified of the hard Brexit right (of which Mr Wragg is a member).

Here’s an ex police and ex military, so another state employee, as Wragg is, saying what would have happened to him in these circumstance.


They are so corrupt


It seems that Angela Rainer may owe HMRC some money

And this speculation is making the papers every day.

They aren’t so keen on this story though…

HMRC is reportedly probing Anthony Bamford, a Tory peer, and Mark Bamford, a director of The Conservative Party Foundation, over alleged aggressive tax avoidance measures spanning two decades, according to the Guardian.

Lord Bamford could face a £500 million bill to settle the HMRC tax enquiry.

Makes Angela Rainer’s possible outstanding sum look a bit shabby.


Silly public doesn’t know what it wants, but it’s OK. Rishi Sunak knows for them


33 thoughts on “RANDOM THOUGHTS”

  1. According to the Guardian, William Wragg has resigned from the Commons public administration and constitutional affairs committee and from his post as vice-chair of the 1922 committee. He had previously announced that he will not be standing for re-election at the general election.

    So, hanging on to what he can, as long as can.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. He’ll lose some money not being a committee chair any more. I think it’s about £15,000 a year, but he’ll hang on to his fat salary and expenses until the election.

      Maybe, as Mr Hunt thinks Willie’s a ‘brave man’, he will give him a job cleaning the seven luxury flats that he forgot to mention in his register of interests!


    1. I’m off down rabbit holes as well Jake. Nobody is asking the question, who are the scammers? Russian, Mossad, Nigerians who have upped their game?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Bound to be foreigners, Alan, trying to take down the great British government! Plotting against them because they are jealous of how wonderful Britain is, I’d guess.

        Seriously, though, my money is on Putin.

        He wants Trump and Johnson back so he can run them. You can buy Trump with flattery and Johnson with booze/money.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Could be Tris, let’s see;

          Mossad trying to stop the tory nut jobs from buckling to voter pressure and swing behind Palestine in the hope of saving their seat.

          Russians split and control the same tory nut jobs, because they are the ones that would oppose a phenix style Johnson.

          That leaves the Nigerian scammers who have upped their game. That’s probably the Guardian’s favourite.

          Liked by 1 person

                1. Ha ha, brilliant, I hadn’t seen this. I suppose the chromium plating protects them from embarrassment. Would a riddy shine through his painted tan?


    2. Hmmmm.

      The great British democracy at work, huh?

      An ex- chief whip admitted that whips hid criminal (including sexual) behaviours in return for obedience in the lobbies.

      It has always been a cesspit, but I bet it was worse under Johnson.


    1. The first couple of sentences Sandy had me worried, “Shit, 300k pissed off ex pats arriving back in the UK,” enough to curdle the milk in the cocoa pops. Then read a bit more, not sure how it will pan out.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I reckon it will cost them dearly. They will have to sell their properties, and with so many on the market at one time, it’s going to be a buyers’ market.

        I don’t know it these people, resident in Spain, had a vote on Brexit, but I know a lot of immigrants were, bizarrely, all for it.

        Presumably because, as dear Mr Gove said, “we hold all the cards”.



        1. It read that things, rules and section to be included aren’t settled yet. A possible bench mark property value was property/developments over 465k euro. Don’t know the property price range for Spain, Tatu3?

          Liked by 1 person

          1. I don’t really know much about the golden visa, but believe if you buy a property outright for €500,000 or more then you were entitled to residency, eventually, after a few years. I may have this wrong, as we moved here before brexit and spent way less on our house!

            I think it’s been abused by people buying property at that price and then not living here and maybe renting out the houses. I have heard there are a LOT of Russians that own rather large houses down on the costas near Malaga. 

            Here in Extremadura there are very few foreigners, and being nowhere near the coast, most Brits don’t want to live here, which was one of the reasons we liked it lol. Also everything is cheaper here than on the coast, including property

            Liked by 2 people

      2. As far as I am aware, it’s not been cancelled, yet. They are discussing/debating it today and then a decision will be made.


    2. Another Brexit Bonus?

      It’s not often I would say I was sorry for Lord Fiddle of Greensill, but having to meet the deranged orange blob… Sheesh!


  2. tris

    err! 🤔 umm !
    About getting caught up in a sex scam and the only way out is to give someone else’s contact details ,,,

    hope you don’t think badly of me .

    but I had no other alternative apologies 😔 …

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh dear, Niko.

      I guess these things happen…

      How could I possibly think badly of you? But can you lend me a fiver. My bank account seems to have been cleared out.


      Liked by 1 person

    1. Good of you to fess up Marcia and remove yourself from the inquiry. I don’t think any of the pics involved were of wimin’s demure head shots or particular body parts. From what I gather it was a male only club.

      I would like to put on the record, I too played no part, or parts in the honeytrap.

      Liked by 1 person

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