Thank goodness for tea breaks.

2. Something I’ve been guilty of in the past. Now it’s sweet corn.

3. Swans in Lincoln.

4. I’ll thank you to avert your eyes!

5. This will make a good carpet in the nest.

6. GRRRRRRRRRRRR! They couldn’t have gone just a few meters to avoid that 300 year old tree, but I bet they made massive detours so that their posh friends and donors were disturbed by it as it passed their properties. Not that there’s any point in the stupid thing anyway, for all the distance it goes.

7. I’m going for the cutie of the week award.

8. I bet they don’t have issues getting to sleep.

9. How can I be up here and down there at the same time?

10. I promise that soon someone will adopt us as and it will be the most beautiful day of our lives.

11. Just popped in to check you were going to the supermarket and that on you list is these meal worms I like… ohh, and the little seeds that are really good for me… oh and those pellets… and some sultanas. You got all that?

12. Beautiful gardens at Angers.


14. I don’t know why us weasels get a bad name. I’m a very lovable little soul.

15. Ah, you’re back. Where’s my tea?

16. We’re triplets.

17. Do you think you can pass the initiation ceremony?

18. Too many cats on this blog, Munguin, and not enough dogs.

19. I’m a wood moth. Big, ain’t I? I bet you don’t want me flapping around your lamp at night, eh? Especially you, DonDon.

20. No, I’m not the same dooragutan as the other one. So no point in tittle tattling to Munguin about how long I’ve taken for my break.

28 thoughts on “SOPPY SUNDAY”

  1. The beautiful tree, absolutely tragic, criminal in fact, so unnecessary and destructive. Nature vandals. 😔

    There are some huge trees I think chestnut trees, at Roslin near Edinburgh. By their girth, reckon they are about 300 years old, or more. Not been for years though, I hope they are still there in the woods, there are Hazelnut trees as well. Have a great Sunday Tris, Munguin and all… 🐈🦄

    Liked by 1 person

  2. omg, no 19….that would totally freak me out. Beautiful but scream inducing

    The tree being felled is just so very sad. We have some large and very old (we’ve been told one or two could be 150 years old) olive trees on our land. Often wonder at the stories they could tell

    I love the bumblebees

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, that moth is scary.

      Your trees still fruit?

      I hope we are going to have bees nesting in the garden again this year. We have a lot of insect boxes around the garden. I think every year we’ve had some bees in the garden.


  3. Munguin must be psychic, as I’d been thinking of asking him for a Fennec fox picture. Beautiful aren’t they, but don’t ask them have they seen Noddy, that joke has long since gotten old for them.

    The bearded irises were stunning, guess it’s warmer in Angers. I had to look at a map to fund out where en France it was. No18, well that’s a matter of opinion! And good grief, I’d faint if a moth that size came near.

    Two tv tips STV Paul Grady and elephants, his last ever tv series. C4 Bettany Hughes Treasures of the World in Albania, seems a stunning place. This will prompt Tris to tell us of his trip during the Enver Hoxha era!

    She visited Lake Ohrid (North Macedonia on the other side!), stunning place. It’s one of the oldest lakes in the world and the deepest in the Balkans.

    Why is Lake Ohrid Important to Albania? 🇦🇱 (

    My soul was balmed as ever by the doorangutans and their friends.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes Munguin knows stuff!!

      Everything is out way earlier in Angers. Maybe it’s even worse this year because of the dreadful weather we’ve had here.


      I won’t bore everyone with my Albania tales. But it wasn’t Enver Hoxha who was president when I was there… it was Ramiz Alia, his successor. :)

      Thanks for a link. I look forward to that tonight.

      All the Balkans are beautiful. Well, the ones I’ve been to, from Slovenia to Greece.


      1. Aye, John, No14 is a Pine Marten. He/she says, “I’m a very lovable little soul.” Not so sure all the wee birds, mammals, insects that are prey would agree.                          

        By the way, I bumped into that guy l’esprit de l’escalier again recently. I was going downstairs on my way out. I always seem to meet him there. 😕

        Liked by 1 person

        1. LOL LOL LOL.

          I suppose the same could be said of any carnivore, Andi.

          I look at a beautiful wee lamb kicking his heals up in the field and it’s with a measure of guilt that I remember I had lamb stew at the weekend.


    1. On re-reviewing No18, by that facial expression, I get the impression of mourning the loss of a best friend.
      Sad thought among some cheerful images, but just a gut feeling.

      I think I probably mentioned that some of my best friends were (self appointed) cats and dogs, only one of whom actually lived with me. All the others effectively came up to me and said ‘I want to be your friend’ and effectively were from then onward.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh, I do hope not. I hope he only wants some dinner. He’s such a beauty.

        It great to be the kind of person that animals like… and trust.

        Incidentally, tonight, working in the garden, I had the company of Bertie the Blackbird, who sang his way through his entire repertoire. Better than anything I’ve got on CD.


  4. Great collection of soul calming images.

    No 11 Tris, the robin on a knee cap, is that your garden robin?

    No 19, I had to look it up. The larvae stage is the witchetty grub, a delicacy. Don’t believe me, applause for the wee guy at the end;

    Hunting for, and eating, a witchetty grub (

    I was looking, but couldn’t find, one I saw years ago, it was of a Blue Peter presenter on the hunt for bush tucker. Fair play to her, she ate it, without fuss.


    1. I wish it were, Alan.

      I’d love him to be that trusting. He gets close sometimes, but that’s a long way off, I fear.

      Brave wee fellow, but I hope the tree recovered!


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