8 thoughts on “FROM A COUPLE OF YEARS AGO”

  1. Yesterday evening I switched on the TV and there was a programme about the coronation of 1953. It was all very sycophantic and many of the contributors who were waxing lyrical about the Queen and the whole shebang would not have been born then. However, one of the religious contributors blethering away about the actual ceremony informed us that the Queen was not completely ‘the Queen’ until she was anointed at which point she became ‘God’s Queen’. Well, there we go again. In those days, she was the ‘Heid’ of a Commonwealth with people who worshipped a whole host of ‘gods’, so …… I don’t suppose this gentleman who was a Church of England personage had given it much thought before saying it. Is Charles now ‘God’s King’, should we ask?

    And then today on radio 4 was a programme about the Bengal famine of 1942/3 when millions died and the role Churchill played in refusing to address the situation and authorise relief with shipments. Britain was too busy with a war. The presenter (and a guest historian) pointed out that Churchill was someone who considered that the indigenous peoples of Britain’s colonies were ‘subordinate’ to the British Home State and he did not have much respect for them. In fact, he was often downright rude about them. By the looks of things, nothing much has changed with the British and unfortunately that attitude isn’t confined just to the upper classes. How far up the order of subordination are the Scots, Welsh and Irish you have to wonder?

    Liked by 3 people

    1. The notion that somehow a god has something to do with the British royals is beyond ridiculous. I suspect it originates in Henry VIII desire to break the accepted laws regarding marriage as dictated by the Vatican, and replace “till death do us part” with “until I change my mind”….at least a far as HE was concerned. (Which again is probably why Charles got away with divorcing his wife and marrying a woman with a husband still alive. And then having the marriage blessed by the Archbishop of Canterbury.)

      I suppose in the early ’50s people were still cowed enough to accept that.

      By grace of god?

      Which god? Well, the only one that mattered. The English god of course.

      I remember reading that Churchill had replied to a query about his policy in the Middle East, where someone had pointed out that the proposed action would cost the lives of thousands of “natives”.

      He said he didn’t care how many ‘savages’ had to die as long as the will of His Majesty’s government was obeyed.

      And I suppose he thought of himself as a Christian.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Very informative video, but of course it will have absolutely no effect on the corruption that takes place right under our noses. And this is where it starts from. The very top, if I can describe it as such. I’m very much afraid it will take a very long time, many years, possibly centuries, to get rid of the biggest freeloaders in these islands. The only hope for Scotland, and its people, is we become Independent, and can become a republic.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I’m all for that, but I can’t help thinking that the reason that so much was able to go on with great support was the respect that people had for Elizabeth.

      It’s not, I think, anything like that for the bad tempered, unpleasant, demanding man that Charles is.

      I think his reputation first took a hit over Diana who was popular and whom he treated badly.

      He’s not appealing as a person… either in looks or in manner. We’ve always known he poked his nose into things that he had no business in.

      I’ve never heard anyone say… Oh isn’t he lovely, like they did with the queen.

      Then he insisted on this lavish, fabulously expensive coronation both in England and Scotland, paid for by tax payers at a time when the country was in a terrible mess financially, schools, hospitals and roads were falling to pieces and kids were going hungry.

      And only a few months later Fred of Denmark, Greenland and Faroes showed him how it could be done at modest cost …and in a country which wasn’t flat broke.

      Then there were to two disgusting shows of temper… when some flunky didn’t move fast enough to shift something on a desk and when he forgot the date and the pen leaked.
      Spoilt brat.

      Yes, I accept he had just lost his mother, but it’s not like it wasn’t expected. She was 96. Also he had teams of people to deal with the administrative matters. And many of us have gone through that without snapping at the people around us.

      Also, I heard an elderly neighbour, who is very much a royalist and was in tears over the death of the queen, complaining that Charles had ignored the wishes of his mother and made Mrs Parker Bowles queen, when she had wanted her to be queen consort. That was also an insult to his father.

      It can’t have gone unnoticed too that when some people are having to wait for over a year to get cancer treatments in England, his was delivered, in his/our castle, immediately.

      Apart for the ridiculous sycophancy of the tabloids, I’ve not heard one person express any interest in his health.

      Now it seems that Lazy Willie and Middleton are in difficulties.

      I’m wondering if Charlie will dare have a massive ceremony in Wales to anoint him prince of Wales.

      I suspect it would be wise to do it in the safety of Windsor and not risk the wrath of the Welsh.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. while we remain tied to Broken Brexit Britain I say let’s stay with the devil we know. Let the English retain their world beating escapist cosplay fantasy while we concentrate on planning our independent future.

    Besides,given the recent choices that england has voted for, who knows what they would choose as an elected president. And make no mistake, it would be their choice in this nation of equals no one else’s.

    So IHMO leave the republic until after independence.

    Stewart McMutrie

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Good point, Stewart.

      Although I think that Charlie will not be popular like his mother was, and I doubt Willie will either, I don’t think the English would ever ditch them.

      As you say, their choice of president might be very suspect and we will have no say.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. I agree Stewart, keep the monarch till we’re independent then have a referendum on it and EU/EFTA.

      A major constitutional upheaval, like getting rid of the monarch, would undoubtedly be used to quieten notions of independence. Keep control of finances, but offer more devolution.

      Scottish independence would offer England a soft, blood free revolution, a revolution that is long overdue.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I think Scotland would vote for a republic now, but I think England wouldn’t even though Snarls is much less popular than Elizabeth.

        But independence is FAR more important than these people and their soap opera.

        Liked by 2 people

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