25 thoughts on “We are in for some very hard years whoever wins the next election”

  1. I hopelessly paraphrase Mandelson, however the sentiments are true, “What’s the use of having high ideals, and plans and not having power.” To rectify the lack of power they transformed to become a party hollowed out of ideals leaving only a distilled avarice for power. And like hyenas to a carcass the financial element has circled and moved in for the feed.

    The strategy for Labour and Tory may back fire with a rise in disaffected, disenfranchised voters I expect other parties to form. Maybe starting off as independents who then coalesce. I foresee this happening in Scotland with the disenchantment of SNP progress towards independence and the implosion occurring with Alba.

    I need some hope, vision of a brighter horizon.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Have you read Mandelson’s book too, Alan?

      He concluded that the only way to win that power was to appeal to the mass of relatively wealthy people in the South East of England, many of whom were from the North, moved there because Thatcher had rendered their areas jobless and hopeless.
      He thought you could do some good, while continuing to appeal to the new middle classes.

      There are some fantastical opinion polls coming out suggesting that the Tories may be left with just 30 seats.

      The parties that are forming seem though to be English based and right wing. Respect seem to be doing well in the polls.

      In Scotland it is reasonable that after 17 + years people will look for a change.

      I don’t know what happened to Alba. I haven’t heard anything of them for a while on Twitter or Facebook. I fear that all they will do is split the Independence vote.

      I just hope we don’t end up with a Labour government here and in England, because I fear that Starmer’s right of centre approach will be forced on Scotland and I’m not sure Anas wold have the ability to stand up to him. I’m pretty sure the likes of Dame Baillie would welcome his Toryesque policies.

      It all looks awfully unappealing… a dreary and unsatisfying future getting poorer and poorer every year.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Respect, I thought they had disbanded or have they reformed on the back of Galloway’s success? Are you meaning Reform, the Richard Tice headed party. Has Farage joined Reform, or is he still waiting for his best/better option?

        Re Alba, I heard that several of the prominent members have resigned. Eva Comrie is one that I rate as having integrity and ability. There were several others, Denise Findlay being among them. Don’t know where it leaves Neil Hanvey and Kenny MacAskill. Don’t know so much about Neil Hanvey, but I have trust in Kenny MacAskill’s integrity, met him a couple of times through our meetings, pre Alba.

        Here was me trying to leave myself with a positive development, a brighter horizon to focus on/towards, even if it is two GEs, minimum distant. But your last sentence has weakened the props that hold my sky up. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Sorry, Alan. Reform is what I meant.

          All these Rs

          Reform, Reclaim and Respect.

          Yes. I think Nigel is still a member of Reform. Of course, it’s not actually a proper party but a company if I remember rightly.

          I always had huge respect for Kenny MacAskill.

          I’m sorry I left on such a glum note.

          The cheering thought, though, is that it will soon be summer… 🙂


          1. You are correct Tris, summer not far away. Just had a family of ravens down in the garden, 5 of them, plus a crow and 2 jackdaws. Boisterousness with intent.

            I couldn’t remember the collective noun for ravens, looked it up, an unkindness of ravens. Not so keen on that, I prefer to call them a maraud of ravens.

            Liked by 1 person

              1. Excellent, a conspiracy, perfect.

                I take great enjoyment watching ravens, even though they are killers of lambs and calves. To watch them fly through an empty sky, call once or twice, to gain your attention and then having got it will fly upside down for a few flaps. Can’t help feel that it is to acknowledge and entertain you.

                Or maybe it was part of their courtship display, which can be mesmerising.

                So Alan, what is your claim to fame? “A raven once fancied me.”

                Liked by 1 person

      2. It’s raining here so I was idly doom scrolling while avoiding doing some hoovering and came across Alba’s implosion. Wow, allegations of vote rigging and wilful disregard of party constitution, wild disagreements about post-indy democracy, yet more disputes about trans rights and Salmond appearing to distance himself from Alba’s most prominent bloggers. If you think things are bad in the SNP….

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Creative avoidance, huh?

          Munguin says he won’t take the blame for your carpets being manky… and in any case he suggests that you get a factotum to do all that drudgery stuff for you.

          Anyway, your domestic arrangements aside, 🙂 can you give us a link for the scuttlebutt on Alba.

          Who has been vote rigging? Internal, I’m assuming, to get positions of power?

          Alex distanced himself from some SNP bloggers when he was FM. Wings’ Stuart in particular. Perhaps because of his propensity to use profanity. But then Stuart became his mate when he was no longer the boss man.

          I think all parties are in a bit of a mess at the moment. We all know the SNP is, and as for the Tories… ha ha ha ho ho ho.

          Labour seem to be falling out over Palestine/Israel, and no one really much cares about the Liberals any more.

          I’m keen to learn more.

          Then you should get on with hoovering, lest Munguin should decide to pay a visit.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Alba voting; I heard that there was upset at the outcome of a vote, the way it was conducted, another vote was taken and it was found more votes were cast than the number of possible voters. Chris McElleny was being pointed at, but when things get fractious accuracy of aim and logic usually become suspect.

            Liked by 1 person

              1. Laid out here by one of Alba’s founders. I’d take it with a pinch of salt cos these people are just plain angry all the time. Nonetheless, it does give an impression of a build-up of grievances in Alba.

                Liked by 1 person

                    1. It does seem to be under the radar, probably a good thing. I didn’t want to say too much or anything specific. I heard about it from a couple of people that I know that are/were part of Alba.

                      It is sad, but I don’t think it is a disaster. Some very good people are free to move and I expect some will move in behind Salvo or other non political party indy groups. I’m still positive about independence.


        2. Creative avoidance, huh?

          Munguin says he won’t take the blame for your carpets being manky… and in any case he suggests that you get a factotum to do all that drudgery stuff for you.

          Anyway, your domestic arrangements aside, 🙂 can you give us a link for the scuttlebutt on Alba.

          I think all parties are in a bit of a mess at the moment. We all know the SNP is, and as for the Tories… ha ha ha ho ho ho.

          Labour seem to be falling out over Palestine/Israel, and no one really much cares about the Liberals any more.


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