Labour subjected a councillor to a SIX-HOUR-LONG interrogation after she voted for a Gaza ceasefire!

Can’t help feeling Labour has lost its way… and the comments on this thread suggest I’m not the only one.

Thanks to Hetty.

25 thoughts on “DOING THE LAMBETH WALK”

  1. So, Sir Sheer Stumer doesn’t want any mention of ‘collective punishment’ anywhere – even going so far as to bully the Speaker of the House of Conmen into acquiescence to avoid embarrassment to him – but he and his clique are very keen on ‘collective responsibility’?

    If he – and those who are working him – are as authoritarian as this within their wretched party, imagine what it’ll be like when they control the whole of UKanian government.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. It’s frightening that the UK really has no choice now.

      I think Starmer has lost a lot of people over the Middle East situation. Members, voters and councillors.

      No MPs, AMs, MSPs yet though, I think

      Liked by 1 person

    2. “House of Conmen”

      Totally stealing that Nigel, totally stealing that!

      “are as authoritarian as this within their wretched party, imagine what it’ll be like when they control the whole of UKanian government.”

      I’m trying not to think. Here is the new government, same (bad) as the old one.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. My robin is fatter than that, must be doing well for itself. Earlier today had a magpie climbing around the hedge but sorry no video!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Do you give him food?

        I lost my robin, whom I suspect was a Robina and went off with a Robin to pastures new.

        But in the last few days, I’ve found a new one arriving, bold as brass, as soon as I appear. Not in the least bit timid… I’ll try to get a photo.


        1. No, however down s/he comes if I’m doing stuff that it thinks might bring some worms onto the surface plus I do seem to have a lot of slugs which I imagine the birds are happy to eat!

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Oh they much prefer that to the seeds or meal worms.

            I had one a few years ago that used to sit an watch me digging and after a few minutes, I was obliged to move away and let him or her do his job on the bit I d just dug. Then we would go back to watching me from a nearby perch till it was time for a repeat.

            Munguin appointed him head gardener because he kept me at it.


  2. My comment? How far down can this world beating country go, before enough Scottish voters realise that we, as an independent country can be far better than this. Then a long drawn out grown of despair.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. It’s almost unbelievable that some people still see this corrupt bin of a union as the best wee can expect.

      Of course, they have, in this great democracy of ours, refused to let us hae another vote, 10 years after the last one…. with all the changes that have taken place in the population, and in our conditions.

      Presumably because this time they know they would lose.


      1. They, our southern masters, keep reminding us that they have no shame, no sense of embarrassment.

        An unelected body, within the House of Lords is going to sit to report on Scotland’s democratic place in the union.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Slight variation on an old one (to the tune of “The Red Flag”) –

    The working class can kiss my arse, I’ve got the PM’s job at last.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Is that the follow up to

      “the working class can kiss my arse, I’ve got my ermine robe at last”?

      As sung by Lords Darling, Foulkes, Firestarter, Prescott et al!

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Absolutely.

      He wanted the job at a time when Jeremy Corbyn had attracted tens of thousands, probably hundreds of thousands of new members of young people… So he spouted socialist policies.

      Then when he got the foreman’s job, he ditched Corbyn and set about becoming the second coming of the Tories.

      I thought he would be good, but he’s not… and he’s a sleekit lying git into the bargain.


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