So Douglist couldn’t remember the 2020 ScotCons membership numbers.

But, as long as a good proportion of the membership voted, help is on hand...

75% of the members voted for Carlaw.

Simple Maths.

4,917 divided by 3 =1,639 gives you a quarter of the total membership.

Then multiply that by 4 for the full membership.

6,556 was the figure in early 2020.

There are no figures for later because ‘DougList’ ran unopposed.

(From Wee Indy Iza on Twitter)

As Parahandy (also on Twitter) says:

That is the number that should be quoted at them time and time again. Every refusal by them to provide and update, plants the seed that it’s now lower.

What’s the betting that by now it is much lower and that’s why Dross won’t disclose it?

 As of 24 April 2023, the SNP, by contrast, had 74,889 members.

If anyone can supply any other party’s membership, please do.

As a side note, 1 581 people voted for Ballantyne, who has since left the Tories because they were a load of lefty wokists, and has since become the UKIP (or whatever they are called now) leader in Scotland. They have no MPs, MSPs or councillors.



It seems that Liverpool FC has the same idea as Glasgow Celtic… and Munguin.


Once upon a time, when Labour was a socialist party…


Passengers on a ferry to Orkney had to be evacuated and taken ashore by lifeboat after the vessel ran aground in what was described as “a major incident”.

All 60 passengers, including three children and a baby, were said to be safe and well after the incident in Scapa Flow on Saturday evening.

Despite the way it is being portrayed, the ferry has nothing to do with the Scottish Government, according to MSM Monitor.

It is owned by an Orkney-based private company.

The safety certificate was issued by a UK Govt agency.

The Scottish Govt is as responsible for this ferry as it is a plane making an emergency landing at Prestwick.


37 thoughts on “RANDOM THOUGHTS”

      1. Actually, DonDon, I think if Keir Hardie came back to life, he’d probably wonder why there were two hard right parties at the heart of English politics… and then he’d start an actual Labour Party .

        Liked by 2 people

  1. UKGov agency, but who pays for thr rescue of the passengers…obviously there would be no question about that being carried out, but will the UkEngGov pay for the rescue costs, or the private company they gave the license to?

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Keir Hardy had so much more care and compassion than any Labourist could even dream of today. Labourists have lurched to the right, with Starmer there is no difference between Labour and Tories. Read Keir Hardie’s lectures and letters, very interesting and of course, his socialism was genuine and based on equality, workers rights, and people power. How far Labour has moved from that basis now, it’s really scary.


    1. New Labour was/is, according to Mandelson, that’s LORD Mandelson was conceived by a demand in the South East of England for a more business oriented party, given the changes that Mrs Thatcher had brought about.

      Massive population in that part of England brought about by the increase in people leaving other parts of the UK as everything was shut down and the only jobs were in the area where all the money was pour into and where the jobs were, not just in Thatcher’s dream, banking and insurance, but in the support industries that went with it.

      Starmer has taken it all a stage further and filled the gap as the Tories mored farther and farther to the right.

      It’s essentially a party

      Liked by 1 person

  3. It is reported that every Premier League side has been sent a portrait of #Notmyspaniel (and his bidey-in) to be displayed on the big screens during the playing of the national anthem, prior to kick-off next Saturday.
    I sincerely hope the football fans react as Celtic did!! Come on, Liverpool, you know you want to!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Why do they force this stuff down people’s necks?

      Is it because they don’t understand that a lot of us are either totally indifferent to, or have a pretty strong detestation of, all this nonsense?

      They are inviting booing and chanting… and division. And there’s enough of that in football anyway.

      I suspect Liverpool will lead…as ever.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. The US government has just paid JPMorgan $30billion to take over First Republic bank.
    Made up of a loan and the deposit guarantee fund.

    News from the States is that the money will run out in June and a new borrowing limit has to be agreed between Republicans and Democrates.

    Looks more like they just run the banks and don’t pay the civil service pay scales to the bankers.
    Their legislation says that there’s a limit on banks, just been dumped, sounds like they just make it up as they go along.
    Sound familiar?

    Our media tell us that the monarchy has never been more popular, dross says they won’t lie to us.

    Glad I don’t buy the history papers, they’re funded by the same scheme.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Among people I know… neighbours, friends, colleagues, I can only think of one person who will be watching this on Saturday. An 80 year old neighbour.

      The rest are either indifferent or angry and, in one case, OTT angry.

      I doubt most younger people feel it necessary to get on their knees to a man who is, after all, only part royal (his grandmother was a very junior aristocrat), and a woman who hasn’t a trace of blue blood in her.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Aristocrat Lady Victoria Hervey on GB News.

    If I were in charge I’d take a leaf out of the French book with regard to thick aristos… Get your knitting out!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Love the name Lady Vic Hervey, says so much about the British caste system. Anything to disassociate and distance themselves from the gutter types. Change the name, get rid of the guttural “A”, Hervey, much better. Pen loaves, car cresh, very Kelvin, Morning Side, the right name and accent gives you position, bearing, no need for morals.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. They don’t learn the same language as we do.

        Remember old Chic who could’t cope with one of these modern fountain pens… (being more used to a quill pen)… “I cen’t stend these bliddy things”. Prat.


  6. The 75.7 is a percentage of the votes cast, not a percentage of the membership, if I read that right. Simpler arithmetic is just to add the 4917 votes for Carlaw to the 1581 votes for Callanryne to give 6698 votes. However, this 6698 doesn’t include those who diddn’t vote, so it’s not the total membership. Anyone understand who got to vote – all the members, or “delegates”?

    Need to go and hide under a pillow tomorrow.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes. I think it’s an indication though of the number of members.

      I don’t know how they organised it, but most people who care enough to join (rather than just support) a party would want to help choose its leader, I think.

      Although to be honest, the leader in Scotland doesn’t really matter much as they have to take their instructions from London.

      There will be some who didn’t vote, possibly because of ill-health or something … but I doubt if it is a substantial number.

      Why are you going to hide under a pillow?


      1. Agreed that it’s an indication – but a lower limit, not an upper limit.

        Hiding comment was just that I am so wilfully ignarant about the coronation that I thought it was tomorrow …

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Agreed. It is the lower limit for that time.

          The likelihood is that their membership will have diminished, although who knows, but there has been a succession of dreadful prime ministers in Britain… and Johnson’s Brexit popularity among some people in Scotland must have worn off now that the fishermen and farmers are not getting what was promised and many businesses are either struggling to do business with Europe ofd have given up altogether.

          Also, the average age of Tory members (as opposed to voters) is from late middle age onwards. I suspect that some of the membership will have died.

          I accept there are some young Tories. Just not many and if the attendance at their conference is anything to go by… EEEEK

          Ah… not tomorrow. I think there are local elections in England and the North of Ireland tomorrow.

          Hopefully the Tories and the DUP will take a bashing.

          The clowning is on Saturday.

          I’m hoping to get a good day’s gardening in.


  7. Michelle Ballantyne left the Tory party (in a strop) because she KNEW that Carlaw being ousted (he was pushed did not jump) and Dross being shipped in uncontested was a stitch up and she had aspirations to be the leader of the Tories here….she then went on to join Reform UK as the Leader of Reform UK Scotland…..in the 2021 Scottish parliament elections she lost her seat…she got 779 votes (0.2%) of the vote…..Ha Ha………rejected again….but this time no Tory LIST safety cushion to fall back on when failing to be elected via the constitutional vote….like Murdo, Annie Wells and t’others ( too many to mention in the Tory party who use the prefix Scottish before their party name but clearly tis an oxymoron if ever there was one)……words and action via them speak louder than the fake prefix the y use before their party name…..LOL (no such party registered …same with Labour and Lib Dems too)…..

    In February 2022 she quit her position as the leader of Reform UK in Scotland and announced she was quitting her role in politics…..so she went from jumping the Tory sinking ship to then jumping the sinking (never floated) Reform UK ship……how committed of her…..took her long enough to realise Scots and others who live in Scotland were repelled by her and her politics……on plus side tis one less waste of space in Holyrood….

    I remember on BBC Debate night she said (pre Boris J being elected Tory leader & PM) that “Boris Johnson could not care less about Scotland”….THEN…in Tory leadership election she supported Boris Johnson to be the new Tory leader at HQ…..she was shown in a photograph in a paper, with Boris Johnson standing at the front of the photo, as one of the Tory politicians in Scotland who supported him….holding up a Vote Boris placard……how’s that for duplicity and hypocrisy…mind you she was only being consistent because she too ” could not care less about Scotland” if she did she would not have been in the Tory party …..ain’t THAT the truth….

    How easy the transition for her to go from being in the Tory party to the join a rogue party like Reform UK …..a smooth transition…. so it is…… for those like her….. a so called politician but NOT really a politician …just someone who who squatted in our parliament while doing her best to both undermine and disrupt all political discourse within the Scottish parliament and too outwith the parliament also……

    She is but ONE example ….given the chance or if circumstances changed…any one of the Tory MSP’s currently within Holyrood could also join similar parties like Reform UK…….

    What we have is a political alignment between UKIP, the former Brexit Party, Reform UK, Reclaim party and Alliance for Unity party with the Tory party….and the Labour party now seem to also want a piece of that action….each have a minority support in Scotland from THE usual suspects……but STILL we here in Scotland who seek independence are the ones the Pro UK politicians and their client media target as the baddies ( also known as separatists….) within their UK…..that is really some screwed up S*** (rhymes with PIT) they promote…..however message only hits home with gullible, those cut from the same cloth and those easily swayed by slogans via all of the many many many blatant lies spoken in the name of their (non) Union……

    I rest my case M’Lord (one of many) ….one more to note is that I too think ‘You can stick your coronation up your **** (rhymes with SPARSE)…..#NotMyKing……#NotMyUK……

    Hope everyone on here had a nice day….and will have a nice evening too


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ah… I didn’t really know the whole story of Ballantyne.

      I always disliked her, and thought her a bit weird. I was surprised when she stood for the leadership after the Noble Baroness moved to her seat in the Lords and all those boardrooms… which I thought was odd since she said that she wanted to spend more time with her child.

      She found the Tories too moderate for her, did she. She must be a right horror!

      I didn;t know that she had not backed Boris and then backed Boris. But they all do that sort of thing… and I suppose it’s fair enough. Whether they are your choice or not, you have to get behind the leader, I guess.

      There seem to be a lot of these hard right parties going about. UKIP still going, Reform, Reclaim? (what?) Alliance for Unity? The last two I hadn’t heard of.

      Still, that will split the hard right vote and may do Reform some damage. I can’t stand that bloke who leads them and his ghastly girlfriend, Oakshott.


  8. OT, but farewell to the Canadian singer-songwriter Gordon Lightfoot. who wrote one of the most moving and powerful ‘story songs’ ever, based on a true story:


    1. So, another one gone. At this rate, there’ll soon be no-one of talent left . . .

      Nigel, I always liked that song, which I first became aware of in a 747 at 30,000 feet over Canada, appropriately enough.
      I always did have a soft spot for disaster songs.

      Liked by 1 person

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