You have to wonder at people who actually believed any of that ****. But it seems they did, probably without giving it any thought at all.

It’s a bit like leaving the Golf Club, saving the £750 a year fees, and then expecting to be able to play a round when you feel like it, pop in for a drink with some of the lads on a Friday night, and maybe eat in the restaurant with your other half on Saturday. Also get the kids along to the children’s party at Christmas and attend the odd monthly dinner dance, all the while enjoying reduced bar prices. Free.

It would have occurred to me that if Britain could leave the EU, yet remain in the single market (which had 4 indivisible elements: goods, services, finance and personnel) and still take back control of its borders, there would have to be some spectacular changes in the idea of borders and taking back control. Or maybe some sort of magic?

Also if that meant saving a (fictional) sum of £350 million a week, why would every other country not want to do the exact same thing? Or did they really believe that Britain was that different, better, superior?

Well, they were wrong about all that.

In fairness they did have some trade deals ready on day one. They were variously more or less the same as the trade deals we already had, considerably worse or so small as to make no difference at all.

As time went on the deals signed by Truss as Trade Secretary were terrible. The deals meant jeopardising the very high standards of hygiene and phyto-hygiene , which the EU practises and will do huge damage to farmers, who had been promised the same level of payments from the magical money tree..

That £350 million was a fictional figure which failed to take account of the rebate that first Mrs Thatcher and then Mr Blair negotiated. They also neglected to mention that after the rebate had been taken into consideration, there were all the grants and funds that the UK enjoyed, most particularly the farming grants, social funding and science grants not to mention a shed load of shared services which came with the deal.

Still, who needs farming and science…?

We were obviously expected to believe that we could take back control of every border, except the one running across Ireland, because obviously no one would even vaguely consider smuggling goods into the EU across a completely unguarded border. So, two years plus on, and they are still fighting over that. The only amusing thing is seeing the DUP becoming daily more apoplectic, and refusing to take part in a democratically elected Assembly in Belfast where they lost the leadership. (My way or the highway politics.)

Citizens’ right in England have already been reduced. It seems that protesting is illegal if the government says it’s illegal, even if it is only one person and even if they haven’t actually done anything yet. Also clearly (as we pointed out the other day, it will illegal to hint at criticism of royals in the august presence of any of them even if the hint is carrying a black piece of paper.

I’m pretty sure too that the security question is also in doubt. Sharing information between EU/EEA/EFTA nations no longer extends to Britain, as Theresa May, when Home Secretary, warned it would not.

The notion that you could strengthen the union between Scotland, England Wales and the North of Ireland by Brexiting is preposterous as the map shows.

Brexit split most of the UK political parties. It has clearly done most damage to the Tories who lost a lot of their best people, but it split the UK into countries that voted for and countries that voted against. And the government made no concession at all until, in the case of Gibraltar and the North of Ireland, it was forced to.

In Scotland, despite every major politician from all the parties (except UKIP) telling us that leaving the EU would be a catastrophe, the English based parties reversed their opinions when England voted to leave.

It didn’t have to be like that. In the Kingdom of Denmark, the will of the three constituent members has always been respected. Demark and Greenland joining along with the UK 50 years ago, while the Faroes remained outside the EU. Greenland also later (1985) decided to leave while Denmark remained. (Real devolution/Home Rule, eh, Gordon Brown?)

The UK’s integrity has been maintained, more or less, although that’s not how the DUP sees it, but only by force and disrespect for democracy. That, of course, is something the UK IS good at.

You will NOT have a referendum says SIR Starmer.

The science co-operation and educational exchanges have come to nothing.

As I understand it the British universities used to do well out of scientific grants and now they don’t. And the Erasmus scheme has been ditched and replaced by a British scheme that is a poor imitation with far less funding… and operates outside Europe.

As for being out of the EU by March 2019? We weren’t.

Finally. It is not certain that migration has decreased since we left the EU.

Although it is true that vast numbers of EU citizens returned to their countries, many of which are rather more prosperous than Britain, thus leaving us with gaps in medical, caring, retail, catering personnel, along with a dire shortage of tradesmen and lorry drivers, immigration from elsewhere in the world may have actually increased since we left the EU.

So, actually, none of it was true.

To be fair, in Britain, we don’t tend to expect that much truth from political figures, but surely 10 out of 10 wrong has to be a record, even for this state.


  1. Leaving the eu was idiotic.
    People in Northern Ireland who insist on having the recession and depression and loss of services benefits income and freedom that we suffer since leaving the eu is proof that a minority of idiots are all over the U.K. and are wrecking the lives of the majority.
    There is every possibility that this will not be resolved politically and will cause the misery and great suffering civil war brings , i hope it’s over quickly.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I can’t see any solution.

      We’ve talked about it before on here. Rejoining, we all agreed was a good idea, but it is very far away and will be expensive.

      They need to be sure that we mean it before they do all the work of renegotiating entry only to find that the next government wants to take us out.

      The promises they made were pretty obviously pipe dreams.

      Just can’t see how anyone intelligent could have bought them.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. The democratic deficit of Brexit, orchestrated by and brought on by the English gov, and the economic consequences for the people of Scotland who voted by a large majority to ‘remain’, is just off the freakin scale actually. Food being rationed now in some shops, businesses closing down including food growers IN the UK due to massively high bills for their greenhouses, just horrendous. How anyone in Scotland can beleive that the ‘UK’ has anythiong whatsoever to offer Scotland that resembles anything good, worthwhile or progressive, is living in cloud cuckoo land. I met with a (no voting Scottish) friend yesterday, and when talking about matters re Scotland, sigh, they said, ‘that’s why we need more devolution’. Some people are just not going to let the ‘UkOk’ go no matter the damage even though they are against Brexit. It’s akin to self flagellation really, but of course it’s their children and ours who will face the real backward consequences of facsism by the back door, locked into the Uk. I just don’t get it at all. 😦

    Liked by 2 people

    1. More devolution?

      The very very least we need is the same sort of home rule enjoyed by Greenland and the Faroes.

      Devolved power can be taken back.

      And clearly has been by JackBoots.

      And not we have the leaders of the two parties, one of which will form the next government, which will, once again almost certainly not be elected in Scotland, telling us that no matter how we vote in UK elections, in our own elections… WE WILL NOT BE ALLOWD ANOTHER REFERENDUM

      End of.

      As I’ve pointed out on numerous occasions Britain is not really a democracy and never has been… with all the unelected sh*t at the top and then a FPTP lower parliament that almost always has a majority government elected by a minority of the people.

      And now escaping this is impossible because they need our oil, our water and somewhere to put their WMDs and because they don’t want to lose face.

      I hold up a blank piece of paper to them.

      Come and get me if you want, Sunak.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I have heard quite a few Scottish unionists trying to compare the difficulties of leaving the EU with Scotland leaving England’s “single market”
    Now let’s see…
    Europe market 8 candidate nations for accession.
    England market 0
    Europe market 1 state having left (guess who)
    England market over 60 having left.
    This alone should tell any reasonable person that England’s “single market” is not viewed favourably by anyone else and for very good reasons.
    To be avoided if at all possible.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I can see why the unionists would think about using that. The trouble is that doing that means they have to admit that their Brexit was problematic. And despite all the evidence to the contrary, they won’t, can’t I suppose, do that.

      Of course, it isn’t quite the same. In some ways it is more complex: the length of the Brit union and the depth of the union.

      We would be foolish not to learn from the mistakes of the Brits.

      To get what they wanted (to escape the new EU regulations on off-shoring, I suspect) they were obliged to lie about, well, just about everything.

      In addition to the specifics mentioned, according to them, “we held all the cards”.

      What a preposterously stupid thing to say. Did anyone ever explain how one country could “hold all the cards” over 27 (including Germany, France, Italy and all the small very rich countries)?

      “They need us more than we need them”, was another fallacy that surely, you would have thought, no one could have been stupid enough to believe. But they were.

      As Munguinites living in Europe have pointed out, the UK is barely mentioned across the continent, and when it is, it’s often to be laughed at.

      One of Cameron’s big mistakes was allowing senior Tories to say whatever they thought would sell their idea to the tabloid reading masses.

      Empire II.

      You can’t stop Albert down the pub talking that kind of rubbish, but you can make sure that your cabinet ministers don’t.

      We need to make sure that we don;t over-sell independence.

      There will be difficulties at least to begin with. But if we do it properly and legally, we will have what the UK doesn’t have. Friends willing to co-operate and assist us to settle to our new situation.


  4. I note you have a photo of the constitution secretary underlining your post with a comment on how bad brexit has been for Scotland , could you possibly point out the actions Mr Robertson and his leader of 8+ years have taken to save and rescue Scotland and Scots from this abomination imposed upon us by WM , and BTW Ms Sturgeon trying to overrule the democratic wishes of the english people doesn’t count , as a dedicated independence supporter I am interested in gaining some insight into the mechanisms Mr Robertson and Ms Sturgeon will use to overturn this ASSAULT on our democracy


      1. With respect perhaps you could explain how my question is unrelated to your post , I believe that I am asking a relevant question as you are highlighting the idiocy of brexit , as you are such an apologist for sturgeon’s snp and a supposed independence supporter and blogger surely you must have questions of your own on how we are supposed to reach that promised land, especially if the supposed party of independence are doing absolutely he haw to attain that goal , TBQH your approach seems to be wheesht for indy but I think we are all aware that no matter how quiet we all are we have been and are being taken for fools


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