

3. Lots of people lose their homes when they lose their jobs. It’s like. Windsor Council probably have some flats somewhere.



6. One of his best ever interviews. He managed not to say anything ridiculous there, but as someone suggested, his answer was stuck in 1801, and they didn’t have Zoom back then.









15. I’ve always wanted to know what there was behind.


17. It’s not always easy working from home… “Let’s go baby, I have to work”… Sometimes other members of the household are less than cooperative!









Thanks to Brenda.

48 thoughts on “JUST FOR A LAUGH”

  1. Okay this isn’t funny but it’s worth watching – from a new Ch4 programme The Piano. Basically folk play the piano in train stations. Young Lucy here, she’s so talented.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. I once helped give an elephant a bath in a river in Sri Lanka – none of the others in my group of co-workers seemed to be willing.

      They missed a truly wonderful experience.

      I wouldn’t want to try it with an African elephant, though, because they’re not in any sense domesticated.

      Liked by 3 people

  2. Nice group of funnies. I like the cat on the modern television set.
    The air war on unidentified extraterrestrial balloons goes on. And the rarely seen back side of Mount Rushmore. 🙂

    Surely the Republicans will make something of President Biden not running for cover when the air raid sirens blew in Kyiv this morning.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I await MTG’s in depth analysis of that behaviour and of course, that of all the other people present.

      She’ll probably know that they were all paid $3 trillion each not to run.

      Someone should probably have offered that kind of money to Josh.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I’m not entirely sure that MTG knows the difference between million, billion and trillion.

        Or may she just gets excited about zeros (zero facts, zero truth, zero compassion, zero mercy, and very little humanity).

        Liked by 2 people

  3. Isn’t it wonderful that the ebc have declared the ‘Wee Free’ church is a global health disaster and will need to have economic sanctions imposed on them.
    Much like the putin sanctions.
    Maybe they’ll have enough time to transfer their capital to a safe haven.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Tongue in cheek Tris.

        The english media have found out that Kate Forbes is a member of a christian fundamentalist movement who have weapons of mass destruction.

        The ‘fact’ that Ian Blackford is reported to be a member wasn’t picked up until a female entrant to be theSNP leader has come to their attention.

        Other leadership possibles don’t have their religious position mentioned.

        Great to hear that doris the flounder is getting the knife ready for rich cynic.
        We really need a character like ‘the’liar’ to return as pm.

        Anybody got any spare tomatoes?
        The putin says somebody called West started the war in Ukraine, thought it was a security issue last year.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Ah. I didn;t know that Ian was a member of the Wee Frees.

          I’ve never had a problem with anyone’s religion of any kind at all, as long as they don’t try to convert me.

          Or allow their more extreme religious beliefs to control their government.

          Boris Back? What fun. We’ve missed that level of farcical comedy.

          And it’s high time we had a new prime minister. Rich has been in power for weeks and weeks.

          I see the fascist Braverman is threatening to resign… So it’s a good news day.

          Bye, don’t let the door, etc.

          Liked by 2 people

          1. Is the brave sue ellen resigning because she oversaw the enprisonment of children in Manston prison?

            Don’t be silly.

            It’s because the rich cynic is talking to those foreigners from Europe to improve trading.

            The idea of contolling the erg by calling a general election is a positive move.
            Pity they’re not that brave.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. An interview with Kate Forbes was just broadcast on RTE radio 1 news. She isn’t doing herself or the independence movement many favours. She is absolutely entitled to believe anything, as am I – I believe the moon is a goddess made of Gouda whom I worship and feel all other cheeses to be inferior and worthy of dismissal. But she should have the sense not to say things like she feels having children outside marriage is not the way she would choose, because:
              1. It makes her sound like a smug prig;
              2. Few people want to return to the mentality of the 1950s;
              3. It gives anti-independence people who live in the 21st century a stick to beat independence with;
              4. It lets people ask if the SNP is about to follow the example of the DUP on ‘moral’ issues;
              5. If she’s this switched-off on presentation, what else is she out of touch about.

              I had hoped she would take over from Nicola Sturgeon mainly because she is capable, articulate and a Gaelic speaker, but I now fear her personal views will do more harm than good. I hope I’m wrong.

              Liked by 3 people

              1. Echo your hopes Iain.

                Maybe a sue ellen resignation will dump the SNP leadership into auld news as the brexiteers in the tory party knife the rich cynic for bringing back the maybot’s backstop on Northern Ireland.

                Croydon council asks for a Half Trillion pound bailout from the chancer to restore their finances after losses in bad investments.

                Liked by 2 people

              2. Totally agree, Ian.

                I have no problems with people being religious, any religion, as long as they don’t try to bother me with it.

                I had enough of that at school.

                I have a problem with religious hypocrisy. You know, like Theresa May the great Christian who had nothing to say to the residents of the tower block that burnt down killing resident and who ordered the records of the West Indian immigrants from the 40s and 50s who came to help Britain rebuild after the 2nd war when we had a dire shortage of labour, to be destroyed and then oversaw deportations of people who had been born here and lived 60 years here to somewhere they’d never been… one I remember who was a cancer sufferer in the middle of treatment. I’m sure if she had prayed about that action Jesus would have advised against it. I can only assume she got a crossed line and was put through to Auld Nick.

                I have a problem with people like the late queen telling us that she had always tried to live her life in accordance with the teachings of Jesus, while living in many palaces surrounded by immeasurable wealth while only a mile away people were freezing, living under a bridge.

                Maybe Kate Forbes is genuine in her beliefs, maybe not. But I don’t want to live in a regime which has its basis in the kind of narrow mindedness that she seems to favour re questions of morality. Is she going to shut down Sunday trading and insist on Bible readings instead?

                That said, I don’t like either of the others.

                I’m lost.

                Liked by 1 person

            2. I wish the old dear would get on with resigning and the Tory party get on with beating themselves up over it.

              A lot, I guess, of the ERG would find themselves jobless, were there to be a general election.

              Still, there are loads of jobs in care homes and on farms so they wouldn’t be destitute.


      1. Good read,
        Reminds me of an englander workmate who moved from midlands to Glasgow. When asked why if he had no family ties in Glasgow the answer was rascist.

        Talking up Scotland has 2 articles on sarwar’s voting record on similar positions,
        Of course the media won’t be raising the same stink with him.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow. That was harder hitting than your usual, Nigel.

      But you’re right.

      There’s a lot of this sort of thing… including of course all the Brits who go to Spain and cover their chosen area with union jacks and demand bacon and eggs and English beer and who make fun of “dos cervezas” and then whine about foreigners in Milton Keynes who have the same problems when ordering two beers.

      I was one talking in French on the phone in a queue at the post office to, as it happens, a Scottish mate with whom I had worked in France. We met speaking French and never thought to change.

      Anyway, the two girls behind me in the queue were offended by having to listen to me speaking (apparently) Polish. (Something I had no idea I knew how to do.)

      I had to pause the conversation and point out in my best received pronunciation, that I was, in fact speaking French which was a romance language, as opposed to Polish which was West Slavic., but they needn’t worry because I was quite capable of speaking English which, incidentally, given their grammar, was well beyond them.


      Liked by 1 person

    2. ” Pant Y Cachu ”

      Made me laugh; I guessed it by the usage and the last word. Is Pant equivalent to the English Bourne and the likes? Eastbourne, Bournemouth; where the water reaching the sea isn’t big enough to have its own name? Unlike Eyemouth, Yarmouth and so on. And Innsmouth (ftaghn…)…

      Liked by 1 person

  4. #24: Bullseye! (in a manner of speaking).

    A member of the Michigan House of Representatives put it as directly as possible (language alert!):

    The American humorous song writer Roy Zimmerman also magnificently spears the hypocrites:

    Liked by 2 people

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