




















22. A balloon has been seen over England too!




With Munguin’s thanks to Andi, TM and Brenda.

Munguin informs me that we’ve now posted every day for the last 104 days and he has said that I can have my annual holidays now as I’m looking rather jaded.

52 thoughts on “JUST FOR A LAUGH”

  1. Thanks for the laughs Tris, always cheers me up, though sad toon about Syria. Millions of people are homeless because of the earthquake, it’s terrible.
    I haven’t used real money in ages, quite glad really, not to see heads on the coins, that mr.30p one could give you serious nightmares. I do have a bag of coins, almost too heavy to carry. I can’t quite fathom why it’s been sitting on the hallway floor under a chair, for yonks. For a rainy day lol?

    Have a great holidays, a well earned rest. See you when you return. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I’m the same, Hetty.

      I found bags of coins the other day and took them to the bank, because I’ll never use them otherwise.

      I’m not going anywhere. Just a few days’ break.

      I have some more jokes to put up, so I’ll probably do that tonight.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Ah yes good idea…but, we don’t have a bank nearby anymore…I could take my trolley lol into town though.
        I have some pics for AOY’s for you, when I get round to putting on computer and sending to you…have a good few days ‘break’. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Same, Hetty. There used to be two banks here. They are both closed now.

          Nearest one to me is in the town centre.

          Still they need to save money to pay all those big bonuses to their senior staff.

          I see that, although the interest rates went up again, the banks don’t seem to be paying out any more on savings.

          Just email me them, Hetty. trispricewilliams@yahoo.com



      1. Yes Tris, it was a close game. I thought that the Super Bowl playoff run might be lost for the Chiefs three games ago when Patrick Mahomes (#15 in the picture)……the superstar quarterback of the Chiefs (and of the entire National Football League)……badly sprained his ankle. He was still hobbling badly during some of yesterday’s game, but pressed on to a hard-fought win.
        He has the off-season now to recover. With the ten-year, $450 Million contract he signed with the Chiefs a couple of years ago, he can afford whatever help he needs. 😉 The NFL does reimburse its star players well.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I’ve read that they get well paid, Danny.

          Funny, isn’t it, that entertainers and sports people are worth so much more than doctors, nurses, and other people who save our lives.

          Liked by 2 people

            1. Certainly not a lot of use to you when you just broke your leg, or your house is on fire, or you just be robbed.

              Still, as Mrs Thatcher said,’ you can’t buck the market’.

              Liked by 1 person

              1. Yep! In a REALLY big money business like major league professional sports, the money gets spread around. Probably better that a lot of it goes to the players rather than to the billionaires who own major league sports teams.

                The guy in this video is one of the Chiefs’ pass receivers……a guy who CATCHES the forward passes that Patrick Mahomes throws. He’s really good at it, and signed onto the team for a one year, one million dollar contract with bonuses. Small money compared to what a top quarterback like Mahomes receives. In the video in this article, he learns that he just made ANOTHER million dollars, thanks to a winning Super Bowl incentive bonus that his business agent apparently hadn’t mentioned to him. 🙂 (The sort of bonus that teams don’t have to pay out very often, since playing in a Super Bowl is rare for a team (only two teams out of 32 every year……of which only one is a winner.)


                Liked by 1 person

      2. PS Tris: By all accounts, Patrick Mahomes is a class act as superstar football quarterbacks go. Goes around and congratulates every player……even second stringers and lots of the training staff……after a big win.

        Liked by 1 person

          1. Yes, even the quarterbacks are big when compared with the size of normal people, but the offensive linemen (whose job is to protect the quarterback) are absolutely gigantic. Football players in general average well over 6 ft tall, with an average weight of about 250 lbs. But the average weight of offensive linemen is well over 300 lbs.

            Liked by 1 person

              1. 🙂
                One of the opposing team in the divisional round of the Super Bowl elimination tournament tackled and fell on Mahomes two games ago. That’s why he’s still limping from a sprain.

                Liked by 1 person

  2. Nice to know how they knew the balloon was Chinese. 🙂

    Marjorie Taylor Greene in the halls of the US Capitol:

    Happy holiday to Tris.


      1. Twenty Billion sounds about right. 🙂 Dressed in her polar bear suit, I guess they wouldn’t let her bring her white balloon to the State of the Union address.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. The people who lost their minds over Obama’s tan suit seem to accept that she was walking around at work looking like she’s off to a fancy dress party, or tick or treat session.

          Odd, eh?

          Liked by 1 person

  3. Haha though it took me too long to get the panda one. For shame. Anyway a German woman warned about this sort of thing forty years ago.

    Yes that is the German version but there are English subtitles! Maybe the Chinese are big Nena fans?

    Congrats to the Kansas City (not in Kansas) Chiefs.

    And have a good holiday to Tris – see you on Sunday? If not this Sunday then the next? Anyone would think I’m a Soppy Sunday fan 🙂

    Okay here’s the English version

    40 years ago – I feel old now…

    Liked by 3 people

    1. panda paws……Thanks from Kansas City (not in Kansas) for congrats on the Super Bowl victory. It’s customary for the winning Super Bowl team to be invited to the White House to meet the president. So now we’ll see what state the White House invitation is addressed to. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Asda did it too. Remember with Lamont.

      And Sainsbury are so anti- European.

      Thank goodness for Aldi who seem to be smart enough to keep their noses out of politics.


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