
O why do you walk through the woods in scrubs,
Missing so much and so much?
O deluded Tory whom nobody loves,
Why do you walk through the woods in scrubs,
When the people are miserable and cold
And shivering- You’re so out of touch?
O why do you walk through the woods in scrubs,
Missing so much and so much?

2. Adapted by Munguin from the 1910 poem by Frances Cornford











If cats were guides instead of dogs:

Man: I’m crossing. Is it OK or not?

Cat: It’s not my problem!











23. Amongst the millions of statues erected across the world, only the statue of Marilyn Munroe is useful.








Thanks to TM, Brenda, BLP and Andimac.

37 thoughts on “JUST FOR A LAUGH”

  1. “Lymph”

    I’ve always thought that that was brilliant. The Style Invitational column in the Post is splendid. (I used to have an account…)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. All part of being a proud Brit. I read that the British bills are the highest in the world.

      World beating clearly means different things to different people.

      Still, if you have as many millions as Richy, it probably doesn’t matter.


  2. Need to buy a cup from No 5.

    Great selection to start the week on, it’s getting harder to tell the difference from cartoons and the comics supposed to be in charge in englandland.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes they keep to the point unlike our politicians.

        Looking at the grid this morning, hard to believe that they’ve got one nuclear station on refulling, one on reduced power to conserve fuel and one on low power due to a boiler steam leak.

        Cold weather forcast.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Today’s Independent reports that the zahawi horses are also cold in their stables, their owner has paid HMRC a seven figure sum in settlement of a tax problem relating to his father’s Gibraltar company.
    The company that loaned the money to purchase property.

    Add in the flounder’s million donation from abroad.

    The maybot collecting a couple of million for talking.

    The home secretary trying to ban a clip of her.

    The short pm deciding he will stop a SG bill from progressing.

    You an Indy supporter Yet?

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Great Global World Beating Sleaze.

      Money grubbing b’stards.

      Sad about all the people cold and hungry, but never mind, eh. Let the bodies pile high.


      1. The grid company that used to be owned by the people has delivered £9,000,000,000 in dividends to companies like Blackrock, Vanguard and the Canadian Teacher’s Superannuation Fund.

        Cox earns a million a year from the Caribbean.

        The paterson somewhat similar.

        It is reported that most of the £30m donations per year to mps go to tory mps.

        Reports this morning from the power traders is that High Prices for energy will continue even although the world prices are falling.

        We have to believe that the One True Leader in westmonster has our health as their main focus.

        Liked by 1 person

          1. We have to wait on the next quater’s results.
            Passed a filling station yesterday, petrol was £1.44 a litre, diesel was £1.70 a litre.
            The oil price is back to where it was last year before the ‘WAR’.
            Fuel prices are still higher than then.

            Looked at Richard Murphy’s blog,good article on tax reliefs, seems that the top 10% of the population are awarded £5000 a year , each, in tax relief.

            The poorest in society have to pay more for energy through pre-payment for their energy, the government is doing nothing about unclaimed vouchers for energy help.
            In Northern Ireland they have the problem of delays to issue of the help due to the DUP.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Why are they putting up with the DUP?

              Sinn Fein won the election. The DUP is sanding in the way of parliament meeting.

              Why is this being allowed to happen?


  4. The law is the law except when the uk tory government want to continue doing nothing of ‘Their Day Job’.

    My understanding , limited, is that there should have been a new set of Northern Ireland elections called early December last year when a new speaker wasn’t approved by Stormont.

    Funny, strange, they can ignore that but stop a bill going for enabling,passed by a majority of the Scottish Parliament.

    Give braverman the ability to order arrests for not actually committing a crime as yet, IF the police Suspect you might.

    Pass laws to force minimum service requirements that the government are not actually operating themselves, to stop people withdrawing their labour.

    We can have ‘free will’ in this union BUTT only if the unelected leader says we can.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m not sure how they will enforce people to work when they want to strike.

      Machine guns?

      If they leave it to Braverman, it might be gas chambers.


  5. The Teeside Freeport has problems from the dredging, shellfish dying and polluting the breaches.

    Remember that there has been ship breaking on the Forth for about a century and Invergordon was a navy base until lately as a base for the Carrier sans Aircraft.

    No clue as to what is killing the crabs and labsters off Teesside but only started with the expansion of the port facilities, same industry there as Clyde, shipbuilding and breaking.

    Remember the problems of the Faslane expansion from asbestos pollution.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. It is reckoned to be linked to Teeside’s industrial coal and steel legacy, the chemical evidence buried in the silt, or was buried in the silt. Culpritt? fingers are pointing to pyridine. The Westminster had the deaths dismissed as from algal bloom. Algal bloom at that time of year! The local population paid for their own expert report.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh dear.

        Released while dredging for this new port which create 25,000 jobs over 20 years? Maybe. Don’t hold your breath.

        Whilst getting rid of the fishing jobs in the area…. and if it’s poisoning the crabs, what else will it poison as it moves out to sea? And what about people who want to swim around there?

        Someone is trying to upset Jacob Rees Moggs happy British fish.

        They don’t have a lot of luck these happy fish of Jake’s (apart of course from now being well and truly British) what with pyridine and sewage…

        What a life, eh?


        1. Mogg, a prat with a belly up sprat.
          This period, this moment in time needs to be captured and buried in time capsules, as a warning to and an education for the species of the future. Humans as a species are stuffed and all due to a small percentage of them.

          Liked by 1 person

  6. Nobody knows as yet what’s killing them off in huge numbers.

    Just for a laugh the Governor General has decided that he has more democratic power than Hollyrood.

    During a busy time for the day job he’s spent time blocking the GRA bill becoming law.

    Listened to the O’Brien take on braverman.
    One of baverman’s supporters declared that her language wasn’t fascist, him being an Irish Catholic living in the south of englandland.
    Must be a daily hail reader or maybe he just looks at the pictures.

    We can look forward to the new book by johnson, the downing street years, that’ll be some party story, Collins have bought the rights.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I see Labour in Scotland has torn into the Brits.

      I must find James on Braverman.

      She gets more repulsive by the day.

      I dare say Boris will make even more money with his book. I wonder if it will be enough to keep him in drink and NutNuts in wallpaper.


      1. Bridgen gets sacked for comparing vaccines with the jewish question.

        Braverman gets applause.

        Tonight the anti strike law will be passed, i expect.

        Zahawi gets off with just paying the witheld tax, if it was a benefits fraud it would have been jail or just death by benefits withdrawal.

        O’Brien says it’s the Footballisation of politics.

        wee sunak respects the referee when he awards against the opposition, changes the law to suit if required.

        Does he have the wee man syndrome like Napoleon?

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I wonder why they don’t like Bridgen and do like Zahawi and Braverman.

          Ids it something to do with how many MPs are followers.

          I’ve come to the conclusion that they are all crooks.

          Anti strike legislation is dangerous.

          It may break the ECHR code.

          Not that that bothers Global Britain. I wonder what globe they think they are a part of.

          Just saw this:

          Howard Beckett
          Wholesale Gas has just crashed to a new low. Just 150p per therm compared to 702p in August.

          An energy boss who’s company made £20 billion profit last year today says high energy bills are here to stay.

          We must fight back. This is a rip off.
          Can anyone explain why?


        2. Bridgen claims that Hancock called him an anti-semite and has given him a deadline for a public apology or he gets the lawyers involved.

          It’s really difficult to get a handle on the best outcome here.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. A duel with pistols, where they go off simultaneously?

            Mr Repulsive v. Mr Repugnant.

            As he is bankrupt, though, I’m not certain how Mr Bridgen can afford a lawyer. Unless he’s got a donor somewhere. Unlikely as the donors usually want someone useful to them. I’m not sure Bridgen could easily be called useful to anyone.

            Liked by 1 person

  7. No9, boxer dogs are very expressive. When I was young my parents had a big boxer dog, I used to ride on his back.
    That dog, Pedro, caused me my first experience of helpless laughter, collapse on the ground, no noise mirth.
    I wasn’t school age and I was out playing, he made a face, sort of head on one side, one eyebrow raised and a perplexed look. That set me off, but when I collapsed it caused him more dismay, more tilting of head and furrowing of brows. I wondered when, or if, I could draw breath.

    Liked by 1 person

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