Extended Edition

1. I note that between August and October the price has increased for 80p to 90p. 12.5% increase.

I ATE a salad for dinner.

Mostly croutons and tomatoes.

Really just one big, round crouton covered with tomato sauce.

And cheese.

Okay, it was pizza.

I ate a pizza.


6. Ewww, don’t say that in front of Jacob Rees Mogg… or thou shalt be smote by Nanny.
8. Just like Scotland.

·    Mum taught me to  appreciate a job well done – “If you’re going to kill each other, do it outside. I just finished cleaning.”

·    She taught me religion – “You better pray that mark will come out of the carpet.”

·    Dad taught me about time travel – “If you don’t straighten up I’m going to knock you into the middle of next week,”

·    He taught me logic – “Because I said so, that’s why.”

·    Mum taught me more logic. – “If you fall out of that swing and break your neck, you’re not going to the store with me.”

·    She taught me foresight. – “Make sure you wear clean underwear, in case you’re in an accident.”

·     Dad taught me irony. – “Keep crying and I’ll give you something to cry about.”

·    Mum taught me about the science of osmosis. – “Shut your mouth and eat your supper!”

·    She taught me about contortionism. –  “Just look at that dirt on the back of your neck.”

·    She taught me about stamina. – “You’ll sit there until all that spinach is gone.”

·    She taught me about weather. – “That room of yours looks as if a tornado went through it.”

·    She taught me about hypocrisy. – “If I told you once, I’ve told you a million times, don’t exaggerate.”

·    She taught me about behaviour modification. – “Stop acting like your father!”

·    She taught me about envy. – There are millions of less fortunate children in the world who don’t have wonderful p[arents like you do.”

·    She taught me about anticipation. – “Just wait until we get home!”

·    She taught me about receiving. – “ You’re going to get it from your father when he gets home.”

·    She taught me medical science. – “If you don’t stop crossing your eyes, they’re going to get stuck that way.”

·    She taught me about extra-sensory perception. – “Put your sweater on! Don’t you think I know when you’re cold?

·    Dad taught me humour.  – When that lawnmower cuts off your toes, don’t come running to me!”

·    Mum taught me how to become and adult. – “If you don’t eat your vegetables, you’ll never grow up!”

·    She taught me genetics. “You’re just like your father!”



Crazy script in Old Blighty

YOU couldn’t make it up. Is this a Charlie Chaplin movie? Boris Johnson gets the boot as prime minister in Old Blighty, he gets the heave-ho from his Tories who are sick of him. Liz Truss takes over with a play-play economic programme possibly learned on the Monopoly board. There’s an outcry from everywhere – the Bank of England, the financial funds, from all over the world – and the pound sterling plummets. Ordinary working people are about to take a financial hammering.

Truss then fires her chancellor and gets in a middle-of-the-road Tory who’s doing his best to sort out the mess. There’s chaos in the House of Commons, strong-arm stuff on Tory MPs who might be thinking of voting the wrong way.

And then – flourish of trumpets – Truss resigns after 44 days in No 10. The Tory bosses have got tired of this script.

So they have to find another prime minister. Who? There seems no obvious candidate. A fresh election is out of the question because the Tories are 39 points behind in the opinion polls.

But now – trumpets again, tara tara! –it seems Bojo is in the running again. It seems his hat could have been in the ring for the vote over the weekend by MPs. If he’s among  candidates getting more than 100 votes, those results will be put to the party members and that’ll be a shoo-in for Bojo. The greengrocers on the ground love him. We should know today.

This is a crazy script, I know. But, as those Ancient Greeks used to say: “Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad.”



Blonde lettuce

BRITISH newspaper the Daily Star – which takes a lighter view of things – set up an iceberg lettuce wearing a blonde wig, and put it on its webcam.

The idea: to see who would have the longer shelf life – the lettuce or Prime Minister Liz Truss.

It was a close thing. The lettuce was going brownish. But then Liz Truss resigned.

The caption changed from: “Will Liz Truss outlast this lettuce?” to “The lettuce outlasted Liz Truss.”

And they placed a crown on the lettuce.

The way things are going, this could turn out to be the only reliable gauge of matters political.


26. I think “River” would have been a more appropriate sign.

Olympic star

OVERHEARD in the Street Shelter for the Over-Forties: “Everyone’s heard of Karl Marx. But few know of his sister Onya, an Olympic runner. Her name is still mentioned at the start of every race.”



Politicians and diapers have one thing in common: they should both be changed regularly… and for the same reason.



Many thanks to:

John, Graham, Lexie, Erik, PP, TM, Brenda, BLeP, Hetty. I hope I’ve not left anyone out or Munguin will skin me alive.

42 thoughts on “JUST FOR A LAUGH”

  1. 1. These repeats on the News are beginning to enter the nausea metric

    2. How thick does your average Home Counties be to swallow this shite

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Brilliant thanks Tris. Love the quote by G.Bernard Shaw, perfect.
    Maybe that entertaining cheese was disappointed about Truss’s demise, she seemed to like ‘cheese’ lol.
    As for the crackpots in charge down in London, it’s like some ridiculous carry on film, except there’s no ending, so far. Yikes!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. BoJo claiming that he had the pre-requisite 100 MPs supporting his bid but decided to stand down in the interests of the country and the Tory party.
    What we have learned from the Tories and their media pals is:

    If at first you don’t deceive,lie lie and lie again.

    Let’s hope he never darkens our towels again.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yep. Hilarious.

      If he hadn’t intended to stand, why did he fly back from a Caribbean holiday (in the middle of a parliamentary session… and when his constituents might have felt that he owed them some service)?

      Another lie.


      1. Reckon he could not muster the 100 and chose to withdraw rather than the ignominy of falling short. We have not seen the last of him, unfortunately. He’ll find some way to a prominently visibile position where he retains a bit of influence, lurking for opportunity, not quite in the wings and close enough to wield a dagger.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. I wonder what he’ll do?

          To keep the Johnsonites happy Rishi will have to offer him something.

          But what?

          Anything less that one of the top jobs would be an insult. But he’d be a night mare in a top job.


  4. Mum and gender equality: Son, eat up your porridge and you’ll get hairs on your chest. His sister refused to eat porridge ever again.

    18. Whichever lettuce ends up at No 10 you can be sure they’ll be of the ‘iceberg’ variety with no heart, even the so called ‘red’ variety, ‘cos’ none are ‘little gems’ but mostly of the ‘loose leaf’ type who are definitely not ‘Romainers’.

    Lots of good laughs today, which cheers up another dreich, very misty but mild day here in the north. Bring back the sun which appeared for a few hours yesterday and was a great relief. Thanks Munguin and his loyal factotum/majordomo.


  5. Reports of sunak with 181 names.

    Coronation for the evening news then.

    Democracy tory style.

    Bowie the tory says he supports the new glorious leader and a general election is not in the’countries’ interests, just needs another few pay cheques to see him through to a new position.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. “I wonder if he’s hoping for a promotion to the Scotland Office, to replace the Noble Lord, or Jack Boots” ?

        You know tris…I wondered that too ( pretty much Like John Lamont supporting Penny MORDOR)…..Bowie like ALL Scottish (INO) Tories are in it purely for themselves….slithering , they hope , up the greasy Tory pole ………..their order of priority is themselves, their party…..and that’s pretty much IT…….the Union only considered by them in the context of continuing , via Scotland’s vast resources, to help sustain their UK………aka England.

        Bowie as Scottish SOS….LOL

        Same guy who was on ‘Politics Live’ and who said amidst all of the Truss chaos that :
        ” Tory MP’s should stop TALKING to Journalists ON THEIR OPINIONS just now”

        While he himself was ON a POLITICAL programme giving HIS OPINION when TALKING to a BBC JOURNALIST………a prime example of one whose mouth is seen opening but clearly as it does his brain is failing to engage as he speaks……….and WHAT is it with HIS eyes…does he wear eyeliner or mascara….and as for his perma SNEER…..is he related to Priti Patel…..other than just via the same political party.

        NOT the sharpest tool in the political BOX….but definitely a TOOL for sure…..come next GE sure he will be put back in his box…the one filed under …..EX MP’s.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. No he’s seriously dim. He makes Dross look bright.

          He once, I seem to remember, when asked why Ireland got concessions that Scotland didn’t, replied that we all knew what kind of trouble Ireland could cause.



  6. Some crackers today..LOL


    I was trying to get home in time for the football, but I was being held up by a learner driver. She was driving very slowly and kept stalling.

    “Come on, you stupid cow!” I shouted. “Get a bloody move on!”

    She started crying and said it would be her last lesson with me!


    Did my first nude painting this morning…

    The neighbours weren’t happy but the front door looks great!


    A dying husband in a hospital bed asks his wife, “Our seventh child always looked different from the other six. Did he have a different father?”

    His wife, crying uncontrollably answers, “Yes.”

    He asks, “Who’s is it?”

    His wife replies, “Yours!”


    A man walks into the library and asks if they have any books about coincidences…

    The librarian says, “As a matter of fact, this one’s just arrived!”


    I have decided that from the start of next week I am going to dress as a different kind of bread every day…

    Roll on Monday!


    My wife told me she’ll slam my head on the keyboard if I don’t get off the computer…

    I’m not too worried, I think she’s jokinlkjhfakljn m,.nbziyoao78yv87dfaoyuofaytdf

    That’s my WEE contribution

    Have a nice day everyone


    Liked by 4 people

  7. Mordaunt fans now claiming she is just short of the 100 with less than two hours to cut-off time. If she does make it (unlikely I think) Sunak’s accession is not guaranteed, no matter how many MPs back him. As said before, Tory party members’ vote is hardly representative of winder sentiment. Inherent racism means Sunak they can’t/won’t stumak. Maybe another act still to come in this
    sad and sorry soapie…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Too late it seems.

      There are many Tories saying they will never vote Tory again (well, that what they are saying right now), because Johnson isn’t prime minister and Rishi is.

      I would think he’ll find it hard to pull them together, and a lot of the grass roots will never accept him, no matter how good he is, because of a fundamental racism in that group of people.

      The Tory party is in pieces. They might as well brawl now. They’ll have 10 years to sort themselves out.


  8. The sunak it is.

    More musical chairs then.

    Smell the coffey now being a back bencher.
    The mogg same.

    The dup will be very happy getting ready for fresh elections.
    Will we have the triple lock after Friday?
    Will he get through the blackouts in January.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. And Today’s Prime Minister is….. drum roll…

      Poor old Snarlie. He hasn’t had time for a holiday for days and days, what with getting rid of PMs and greeting new ones. Dear oh dear, as his royal mouth once muttered.


  9. Had a discussion today about Sunak. It went something along the lines of, “Well, he might not be that bad, he seems a decent sort of bloke, and he’s intelligent.” They had forgotten about the “Eat Out to Help Out” scheme, encouraging the country to congregate indoors, during a pandemic. Also forgotten, his scheme to organise a £200 repayable loan for each of us, without our signatures or consent. You wouldn’t see the £200 it went to the energy company. The scheme was scrapped but he has to own it.
    When it comes to decency and intelligence the tories have set a low bar for him to step over.
    It may be that he is honourable and intelligent, but it is his judgment and politics that give me concern.

    JFAL, belters. A real cheer up.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Totally right, Alan.

      Hard to imagine how he could have come up with a scheme to get people indoors in restaurants during a pandemic which was spread in the air.

      And I remember being furious abut being forced to borrow money I didn’t want while he allowed the companies to make eye-watering profits.


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