166 thoughts on “ALL OUR YESTERDAYS”

  1. 4 – Leon Trotsky
    5 – Sheena Easton
    8 – mint flavour
    13 – Every home should have one.
    14 – Quite a nice art-deco poster.
    18 – They are singing Ferry over the Mersey
    22- Must have a look up of the two comedians.
    23 – Her parents couldn’t spell.

    Liked by 3 people

              1. Agree about the doors with the bulky common hinges like something on a garden gate.
                Could have been recessed but probably at greater expense.
                It spoils the quite elegant body styling.
                Armstrong Siddeley Sapphire 346 (3.4 litre 6 cylinder engine) from the mid 1950s.

                Liked by 1 person

        1. I like this version; I used to use it as a set-closer when I was out playing records. Jangly rumbly bass finish.


      1. I watched many films in the Vic over the years. The smell of hot dogs remind me of the Vic as that was the smell that greeted you as you bought your ticket.

        Liked by 1 person

          1. Thanks, Tom. I recognise the feature on the building next to it. It’s pretty much opposite the Wellgate Centre and the Nelson Mandela Library.

            LOL… Don’t worry about duplications. Undoubtedly the fault of good old WordPress and not you.


    1. Anent Sheena Easton: the DJ Tony Blackburn played her records regularly. Unfortunately, he pronounced her name as Sheen-er R-Easton. She had a long professional association with Prince.

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  2. #7…….Charlie “Bird” Parker. Born in Kansas City, Kansas…….yes, KANSAS. He played in Kansas City jazz joints before going to New York.

    “Before rising to international acclaim, Parker came of age as a man and musician in Kansas City. While growing up in Kansas City, Charlie developed his distinctive style playing in clubs and after-hours jam sessions on 12th and 18th Streets in Kansas City. The metro area is dotted with buildings and places associated with his life and career.”

    “An in-demand soloist, Charlie worked with the Harlan Leonard and Jay McShann Bands at various locations around the city including Clair Martin’s Plaza Tavern, The Century Room, Pla-Mor Ballroom, Tootie’s Mayfair, Antler’s Club, and a malt shop called the Kangaroo frequented by University of Kansas City students. In early 1942, Charlie moved to New York with the Jay McShann band, making his national debut at the Savoy Ballroom in Harlem.”

    Charlie Parker’s Kansas City:




      1. Tris……Yes, Trumpy undoubtedly now thinks it’s all a hoax. Just to confuse him. 😉

        I watched a YouTube video the other day which repeatedly talked about Kansas City Kansas being “across the river” from Kansas City Missouri. That’s true north of Kaw Point, in Kansas City Kansas, where Lewis and Clark camped in 1804. But it’s not true in the southerly area the YouTube video was showing. South of Kaw Point, the Kansas River flows west of the Missouri state line……on its way to joining the Missouri……but the Kansas River is never a state boundary with Missouri. North of Kaw Point, Kansas IS separated from Missouri by a river, but its the Missouri River, not the Kansas.

        It’s very hard BTW to drive long State Line Road and find exactly the point where the state boundary leaves the road and goes into the water of the Missouri.

        The statue of Lewis and Clark at Kaw Point in Kansas City Kansas (with the big buildings of Kansas City Missouri across the water) :


        Lewis and Clark Journal, June 26, 1804: “It was agreed to remain here during the 27th and 28th where we pitched our tents and built bowers in front of them. Canzan or Kanzas [River], is 230 yards and a quarter wide, and navigable to a great distance.”

        Liked by 1 person

        1. It’s all very complicated, Danny, and I can’t help feeling that when the lines were drawn and the place names given, someone had a dark premonition that one day a nut job like Trump would come along and make an ass of himself over it…

          Just a thought.

          It looks an impressive skyline.

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          1. LOL Tris…….No doubt it was all designed to confuse Trump. 🙂

            Yes, Kansas City Missouri HAS a skyline, unlike Kansas City Kansas (which pretty much doesn’t).

            Although they had no state or city boundaries to worry about in 1804, Lewis and Clark certainly knew the name of the big river was “Missouri”, and even had a pretty good idea of what the smaller river flowing into it at their campsite would be named……..they called it “Canzan or Kanzas.”

            Liked by 1 person

            1. I can’t find a pic of the skyline of Kansas City Kansas, It’s all Missouri.

              (Everything in the world was designed to confuse Trump, especially the business of declassifying by actually declassifying, as opposed to imagining declassifying and not even telling anyone that you had thought about it…)

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                1. The whole world is interested in it, Danny.

                  Think of all the staff you could pay off, and the taxpayer money you could serve if all you had to do was think something and it was deemed to have happened.

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  3. Andimac says? I had to go back and make sure I hadn’t missed something. No. Auld Marcia does get the credit for being first in – and for a pretty good opening score. Must disagree on 14 though. Art deco it may be, but the choice of typeface is inexcusable. The whole point of typography is to make life easier for the reader, and being pleasing on the eye as well is a bonus. The headline face in 14 fails on both counts. Ugh!

    And my Leon Trotsky did not last long. Not that I expected he would, although I did say to Tris that maybe easier if the photie was not front-facing but rear view – and we could see the ice-pick sticking out.

    Relevance? Yesterday (Fri) was the centenary of Pravda newspaper being founded – by Trotsky, Adolph Joffe, Matvey Skobelev and other Russian exiles in Vienna.

    When he fell foul of Joe Stalin, went into exile but was eventually tracked to Mexico, where Joe had his retribution and Leon his assassination. Didn’t realise that was as late as 1940 and he was as much as 60. (Lasted lot less than that here.) Had it in my mind as much earlier but corrected by Mr G when checking to put together a bit of background after spotting mention of Pravda anniversary.

    As for the rest? All guesswork for me- and not even much of that – so well done Marcia and DonDon for such a good start. Perhaps morewill be revealed while I’m on this stint of nocturnal prowl.

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    1. It was the poster rather the typeface I was looking at. There was a good documentary on Youtube about typefaces used by London Transport, BBC etc but it seems it has been removed. Here is one about London Transport.

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        1. Indeed, London has always been at the fore-front of preserving vehicles, there are more preserved London buses going back to the early 20th century than can be found for any other operator.
          An unusual example is no. 10, the short lived (and unsuccessful) rear-engined Leyland Cub (or Leyland REC). A rear-engined 20-seater it was intended for OMO* use on feeder services into rural tube lines. However with unfortunate timing they appeared on the scene in Nov/Dec 1939 just as WW2 broke out.
          Most were quickly transferred into storage for the duration, only re-emerging in 1946 by which time their original function had largely been usurped by bigger buses. They were utilised instead as peak hour extras (with conductors) for which they were totally unsuited. Breakdowns were frequent, spares in short supply & by the early 1950s they were all gone!
          One of the more unusual and least successful of bus designs. Despite being a small rear-engined vehicle, the combination of forward control with a passenger entrance located behind the front axle wasted the limited space available & made fare-collection awkward for OMO.
          (* One Man Operation)

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Yes, I see what you mean. It is better illustrated on this one:

            The driver would have to turn round, bu y the looks of things, to collect fares.

            It’s an interesting shape though, even if it was unsuccessful.


            1. Damn! I was hoping to pre-empt Roddy with the description of this one but alas, once the books were off the shelf, I went off on a tangent and forgot what I was looking up in the first place!

              One site I stumbled upon mentioned that this was somewhat akin to the Dennis Dart (the forerunner to the Enviro200s that still grace our streets today.

              Rear-engined buses only really became a thing with the introduction of the Atlantean in the 50s, although there had been various prior experiments in the UK.


                1. OK, so a wee test?
                  This dates from August 1935, Dundee Corporation No 2.
                  But what is it and where’s the engine?

                  (no cheating please 😉)

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                  1. I can tell you it would have been Green and Cream/White.

                    I’ve no idea what it is and where the engine is, although it looks like it might be in the rear… I’m thinking Cairnallochy or Morego or Andi might know…


                    1. Me?
                      Know about a bus?
                      Oh all right, let me have a wee guess…
                      Errr… no idea!
                      Render unto Roddy that which is Roddy’s, I say.
                      I enjoy reading his astonishingly erudite pieces on the subject.

                      (Love these photos of old buses but know hee haw about what they are. The only one I am confident about identifying is the AEC Regal with Duple body – I travelled to school in one in my very early primary days and never forgot it…)

                      No Munguin Medal for me, I jalouse…

                      Liked by 1 person

    2. I think they were tryi8ng, in No 14 to create winter with frost or snow… and they failed 🙂

      I”ve no doubt that, in the fullness of time, Munguinites will reveal their vast knowledge range and we’ll all know who’s who and what’s what.


  4. No 15 Wolseley 4/44, stablemate of Riley 15/50 and MG Magnette. Mid range saloon (which I once thought was derived from Morris Minor but may be wrong). Wish I’d been able to locate one when buying used car n late 60’s.

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    1. It looks a lot smarter and classier than the Morris Minor, Cainnallochy. But I know they tended to have various versions of the same car throughout the Morris, Austin, Riley, Wolseley, MG ranges… all a little different by really much the same.

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    2. Having checked the book, the Wolseley may have been the later 15/50 or the post 1958 1500. I turns out I was right in my old belief that all models, like the contemporary Riley were based on the Morris Minor platform.
      As you may deduce from the above, the designation 15/50 related to one of the Wolseleys, the equivalent Riley being simply the 1.5, a sportier, twin carburettor version which lasted from 1957 to 1965, without the successive revamps of the Wolseleys.
      The Za and Zb MG Magnettes lasted till 1958, the Mk 3c and subsequent models being based on the Farina design, like the Morris Oxford etc, so moved into a different subset of the BMC family.
      Only just got round to referencing a book bought 25+ years ago !

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      1. LOL… I guess you knew that it would come in handy one day.

        Do you, or anyone else, know which were the poshest versions of the models… MG or Wolesley or Riley…?


        1. The MG was the sporty version with slightly more power, the Wolseley was the grand tourer version with a luxurious interior (for the time) and the Riley would be a cross between the two with similar power to the MG and nicely fitted interior.
          Pay your money and take your choice…
          The 4/44 in Pic15 is showing its early design with idiot arm indicators on the B -pillar between the doors but has been fitted with the later wing-mounted indicators.
          Not original but a lot safer and a common conversion back then.

          Liked by 2 people

          1. Ah! Semaphore indicators! I used to love seeing them.

            When I was about 7 or 8 we had an insurance man who used to come around on Saturday mornings to collect the premiums, driving a sage green Morris Minor 1000. No visit was complete without me and some friends asking him to flip the left-hand indicator (the pavement-side one) so we could see it pop out. I swear it was in complete innocence that we would plead, “Please, mister, show us yer winkies!”

            The ones on the Minor were in difference places depending on the type. The four-door saloon and Traveller estate would have them on the door pillar, but the two-door saloon and the convertible would have them further down to potentially kneecap the unwary.

            Liked by 2 people

            1. LOL LOL.

              I more innocent times that probably went unnoticed. Now, someone would be reporting someone to someone for something.. Winkies indeed.

              Was it not a bit daft having them down low… who would see them?

              Liked by 1 person

              1. That’s still a current issue; there’s a car (either Kia or Hyundai, can’t remember) that has a tail-light cluster in the place you’d expect – apart from the indicators, which are mounted lower down. Not what you want when you’re trying to make progress through traffic, because what you want to see isn’t where you expect to see it.

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      2. I think you were right the first time, Cairnallochy. It’s a 4/44 (zoom onto the picture, it says ‘FourFortyFour’ along the side of the bonnet – dead giveaway, that! ;-)). I don’t think that there was a direct equivalent under Riley. The 1500 (and Riley 1.5) were, as you say, based on the Morris Minor.

        As to the ‘ranking’ of the different badges, Wolseley was the posh, top-end badge, Riley slightly below that but a bit more raffish, MG rather sporty (even the big saloons), and Austin and Morris were the bog-standard models. All just ‘badge engineering’ by that time, of course.
        And that looks like an A40 Farina on the right of pic 24.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. 🙂

          Thanks Nigel.

          Good show in Caerdydd today.


          Although I’m sure the Brits will say that there was only one family and their dog and they were only out to buy some milk .


        2. Looking at the MG and Riley specifications, there was so little difference between them that it is hard to make a rational case beyond a loyalty to what was, by then, “skin deep” brand identity.
          The MG Farina successors retained the Magnette title, suggesting a continuing identity not reflected in the Riley Farina 4/68 and 4/72.
          BTW,am fairly certain that Rileys were slightly more expensive than Wolseleys.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Maybe there was a fair amount of brand loyalty. I’ve always had a Riley… sort of thing.

            Were they made in different factories in different parts of the country?


  5. No American would use a continental style number 7 as painted on the jeep in picture 1. Also the BSA air rifle advertisment would sometimes appear in boys’ magazines in the 40’s to the 60’s. I even remember articles in proper magazines like Wizzard, Hotspur etc, with proper written stories rather than the illustrated comics, of how to look after your sporting equipment – how to oil your cricket bat or put dubbin on your football and so on – one was how to clean your shotgun.
    This was before the very anal people and pearl clutchers achieved political power and said this should not be allowed.

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      1. Correct Alasdair.
        It was once the biggest producer of motorcycles in the world in the late fifties.
        The timing cover on the big twins like the A10 and A7 had a three-rifle stand logo, to mark the firm’s origins as the Birmingham Small Arms Company.
        Complete with its subsidiaries Triumph and Ariel, the group built over half the world’s bikes.
        Subsidiarity to BSA was a sore point with Triumph owners, as Ariel had owned Triumph since the mid-thirties but sold out to BSA in 1951.
        The bitter rivalry between the companies – and their buyers – never went away, in spite of them now being members of the same group.
        As well producing a range of its own small cars up until 1940, BSA also owned the Daimler car company between 1910 and 1960, when it was sold to Jaguar along with its Lanchester subsidiary.
        It was a big operation, once upon a time…

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            1. Stood for ‘Bloody Sore Arse’ around here, guys. A tribute to the suspension, or lack thereof.

              (We had a geography teacher in secondary school whose nickname was ‘BSA’, only in his case it stood for ‘Big Sweaty Armpits’…)

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              1. I had a lot of fun with my M20. Built on the cheap, was the first vehicle that I ever took around a race circuit, and it eventually managed 85 flat-out. Skimmed head, funky cams and carb and so on.

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                1. 85 on an M20!
                  Take my hat off to you on that one.
                  Must have felt like going through the sound barrier…
                  The best I ever got out of an M20 was about 45 – and that was downhill!
                  Mind you, it was hitched to a Busmar Astral, which was about the size of a 5cwt van…
                  Very low geared for pulling.
                  It would run all day at near on 40 without missing a beat.
                  Wonderful old thing!

                  Liked by 1 person

    1. Seems bizarre now but “junior” air rifles used to get sold in catalogues like Kays/Littlewoods.

      The gordosaur stopped all that with his “violent crime reduction” bill which made them “firearms”.

      Quite how many people were rampaging through the streets with these “firearms”, most of which were incapable of stopping a pigeon flying off is something I’ll leave to his warped imagination.

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  6. No. 19 is a shot of the north side of Sauchiehall Street in Glasgow in the 1950s. The building at far right is the 1920s C & A (which is still there at the corner of Cambridge Street, but having been occupied by Dunnes Stores until last year, is now in need of some TLC from a new owner…) The interesting wee buildings in the centre of the shot were still there in the early ’70s, but have been replaced by a big, square glass and Steel Tesco Express.

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    1. Indeed, it is Auld Toons.

      Seems like they have made some hideous “improvements”!

      Something I notice there is these sun shades that kept the sun (in Scotland?) off the windows and presumably stopped fading items on display.

      You never see them now.


      1. Tris, C&A no longer operates in the UK. it’s a Dutch company (multinational). I recall seeing one of their shops in Brussels a few years ago.

        Liked by 3 people

        1. Ah thanks, Andi.

          There was one in the Overgate centre which disappeared in the early 2000s.

          It always seemed to be a little old fashioned to me. Not the place a cool trendy, hip factotum would go for clothes. 🙂

          Liked by 2 people

                1. LOL.

                  See, I told you it wasn’t my kind of place.

                  There was, right opposite it in Dundee, a Littlewoods store which was definitely cheap and awful… and that was replaced by Primark… which is also pretty cheap and awful.


                  Liked by 1 person

    1. Munguin recommends getting up in the middle of the night to ensure being first (and getting points).

      And points mean????

      Nope, not prizes.

      This is Munguin we’re talking about!
      Points just mean points.

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    1. Aye it’s a bit of kit this one, Derek.
      Belt-driver Roots-type blower drawing through a big SU carb (1.75″ most likely).
      Rose-joints on the steering rods to take the drive round the engine without binding.
      Interesting that the fuel tank is mounted right next to the engine, probably for ideal weight distribution.
      In a shunt, the petrol could surge out and over the hot exhaust system. Not a good thing…
      Wouldn’t be allowed in modern designs.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. The blower has more capacity than the engine, even altough it only feeds one cylinder at a time.
        Offset rear crownwheel and pinion to allow a lower drivers bum.

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    1. Strangely by coincidence the man at the bus stop today said that the Flowerpot Men were drug dealers and the programme had code words for subversion. The programme was shown in Australia in error and it set off a lot of conspiracy theories. You never know who to believe these days. 🙂

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Jeez. I hope you sat far away from him once you got on the bus…

        Although, to be fair, trying to understand what they are saying is a bit like listening to someone on drugs.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. There’s a wonderful clip from 1962 of Peter Hawkins (who voiced Bill & Ben) being interviewed in character on Points Of View in 1962. The stroke of genius is that he’s being interviewed by…Stanley Unwin. Look:

      There was an edition of QI where Stephen Fry explained about the Flowerpot Men’s language. It’s called ‘Oddlepoddle’ and in it ‘flobablob’ means ‘flowerpot’. Fry added that he couldn’t believe that he’d just said that on TV. (Can’t find the clip of it at the moment, unfortunately).

      Liked by 3 people

      1. ‘flobablob’ means ‘flowerpot’

        I think you’ll find that according to Marcia’s bus stop companion, it means “activate the sleeper cell!” 🙂

        I had to look up Stanley Unwin -I’m obviously too young for AOY…

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  7. Pic1 is a Willys Overland MB jeep – or maybe a Ford GPW.
    Most of the WW2 jeeps were built by the Ford Motor Company.
    The basic design was by the Bantam company but it was made to turn the design over to Ford and Willys as they couldn’t ramp up their production to meet the huge demand of wartime.
    Willys eventually became part of the Chrysler company and the successor group – Stellantis – still produces cars under the Jeep name.

    Pic2 Eagle Annual – how often did they come out?

    Pic6 A Rover P3 from the post WW2 era in lovely condition.
    Never saw many in red, they were mostly black in those days.
    Never saw many at all for that matter, as they were only in production for a couple of years, being replaced by the P4 (don’t know how they think of the names) famous for being the doctor’s or the banker’s car – “the poor man’s Rolls Royce”.
    P3 complete with suicide doors and closely followed by an MG TC Midget, going by the large wire wheels.

    Pic21 is a Bull-nosed Morris Oxford open two-seat tourer from the 1920s.
    The tool box is on the running board ahead of the door and spare wheel on the back, all to save space inside.

    Pic24 has an Austin A40 Farina across the street from Clydesdale.
    This makes the shot date from 1958 on.
    Couldn’t have been much later than that as they’re still advertising radios and not TVs.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Think the P was just added to Post War versions of the existing pre-war designs.
      Nobody seems to refer to those as P1 or P2, just with their horsepower.

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      1. The front doors are hinged at the centre post of the door openings.
        If the door lock doesnt latch the airflow can open the door in motion.
        Say it once when the passenger’s door opened and said passenger fell out, car fortunately was going slowly round the junction.

        Liked by 3 people

          1. Fashion I suspect, some of these cars have shaky scuttle areas as they were ash framed, the B pillar was much more solid.

            Some modern cars have the rear doors that are hinged from the rear????

            Liked by 1 person

            1. That doesn’t sound very sensible.

              I saw a car the other day that had these doors that went up at the sides a bit like the Delorian . I couldn’t stop to look but I didn’t much care for it.

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      2. Jeep has been owned by a variety of companies down the years and built under licence and using a variety of names in over twenty countries.
        It must be the most-copied concept in motoring history as it has spawned a vast number of jeep-like designs.
        The great majority of the original vehicles were American built and modern designs are produced in many countries in partnership with Stellantis, the current owner.

        Suicide doors – what Dave said…
        Apparently they made access and exit easier for grand ladies wearing wide dresses – just had to sit down and swing round whilst holding the legs together, no unladylike clambering involved.
        Hence limousines were fitted with them.
        You’ll know the feeling when you’re wearing your kilt on the way to the Harry Lauder Appreciation Society Grand Ball in the Caird Hall of an evening…

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Oh, yes… that sort of feeling… you normally only really get it on the way to the Harry Lauder Appreciation Society meetings, so it’s not a big deal. But I have felt that way en route for An Evening with Moira Anderson concert…


          Thanks for the gen on the Jeep.


    2. I got the Eagle from its inception (and still have a retro Edition published much later). Stayed with it till I grew out of it and even wrote away for my Dan Dare model, which turned out to be tiny. Also recall Dan and sidekick Digby being abducted by some aliens to a distant planet and the bold Dan saying that this carbon dioxide “isn’t too bad”. Really ?
      The Fife footballer Lee Dair (East Fife, Hill of Beath etc) was nicknamed Dan – lingering memory of the comic character?
      Now to find that old facsimile Eagle Annual.

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    1. 4 dollars to the pound gave that wonderful, gies a half dollar.

      2.8 in 1950

      The ex colony seems to be doing ok since they moved from tea to coffee.

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    2. Ahhh, the good old days.

      It’s recovered a little bit since it’s almost parity of last week, I imagine down to the Bank of England interventions. $1.11

      A neighbour of mine was off on holiday last week having bought his € a few weeks earlier. So at least he will do well when he converts the ones he has left back to £.

      Incidentally, he said the airports took ages and when he was in Spain, although the weather was nice, people were cooler than they used to be about Brits.

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  8. 8. I’m sure Pacers were called something else before that, and were a breakaway sect from some other chewy sweet, but my sixty-year-old brain can’t dredge it up at the moment. Or were they called Pacers to start with and then became something else afterwards?

    11. Can you imagine trying to market that nowadays?

    17. St Trinian’s films! A staple of television during the school holidays when I wuz a lad. My favourite was ‘Train Robbery’, the last of the original set. No Alastair Sim, but it had Frankie Howerd in it and had a great train chase sequence.

    Liked by 2 people

        1. Irritating when it won’t come to you, ain’t it just.

          But there’s usually someone on here who knows things, about most things…

          It’s just not usually me!!! 🙂


  9. Always arrive at the event when the chairs are being cleared and stacked😊
    Enjoy the flow of knowledge that builds on the images, serious in depth knowledge.

    Now for balance my contribution;
    No 16, a luggy wheeled Fordson, too early for a Forson Major, not right to be a Fordson Standard. Model? not sure but that is Andrew Findlayson in the driving seat.

    It’s not, well it might be but that would be an amazing coincidence, I just fancied the chance of an extra point. 😁

    Liked by 2 people

    1. 1919 Fordson F, according to the article from whence it came, Alan.

      I never cease to be amazed at how much so many of you guys know about so many things. It’s kinda makes me feel a bit ignorant… which, as Munguin points out, is why I am but a lowly factotum in the enterprise.

      Now of course, everyone is wanting extra points.

      Unfortunately, this lowly factotum has no idea who is driving the tractor, and is consequently unable to award points for your suggestion… 🙂 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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