
And then…

2. The same Andrea Jenkins on being made English Education Minister. What a good example to set your kids, Munguin says.

Daniel Thew Facebook

My flight was being served by an obviously gay flight attendant, who seemed to put everyone in a good mood as he served us food and drinks.

As the plane prepared to descend, he came swishing down the aisle and told us that “Captain Marvey has asked me to announce that he’ll be landing the big scary plane shortly, so lovely people, if you could just put your trays up, that would be super.”

On his trip back up the aisle, he noticed this well-dressed and rather Arabic-looking woman hadn’t moved a muscle. “Perhaps you didn’t hear me over those big brute engines but I asked you to raise your trazy-poo, so the main man can pitty-pat us on the ground.”

She calmly turned her head and said, “In my country, I am called a Princess and I take orders from no one.”

To which (I swear) the flight attendant replied, without missing a beat, “Well, sweet-cheeks, in my country I’m called a Queen, so I outrank you.

Tray-up, Bitch.” 🤣🤣


NO 4 has been withdrawn due to the fact that, although it had been posted in good faith, the tweet was later disowned. (as per post below).

A couple of days ago I posted a quote from Alex Massie comparing Boris Johnson to Charles de Gaulle. It was a misrepresentation so I’ve deleted it. Sorry @alexmassie

I kind of go on about truth in media & positive campaigning so I need to keep in order. Have a good weekend 🙌


5. Alister Jack.

Michael Dougan

There was me thinking Johnson was the most deranged Tory Brexit freak around this evening. Until Suella Braverman declares her ambition to run for PM – then you realise, in fact, the well of deranged Tory Brexit freakery truly runs very deep indeed.



“When I’m on the court and I see the ball speeding towards me, my brain immediately says: ‘To the corner! Back hand! To the net! Smash! Go back!’

“Really? What happens then? “

“Then my body says: ‘Who? Me? You must be kidding!’”



AN ELDERLY fellow is testing his wife’s hearing. He goes about 20m behind her and asks: “Can you hear me sweetheart?”

No reply.

He moves to 10m away and asks again.

No reply.

At 5m, not a word.

A few centimetres behind her ear, he asks: “Can you hear me now, honey?”

She: “For the fourth time, yes!”



A contribution from Bulgaria

RECENTLY I lamented the fact that the Tory politicos in Britain are way ahead of us hacks and scribblers in inventiveness, so outrageous are the larks they get up to.

The latest was the MP named Pincher who got into hot water for “groping” other males in a Tory club, his back teeth awash with booze.

My old pal and colleague John MacDonald, now based in Bulgaria, of all places, disagrees.

Readers will recall John’s entertaining “Wordsworth” column in The Mercury, in which he explored the foibles of the English language

He says we hacks can keep up with the Tory politicos in our own small way. He sends a piece he wrote about Pincher:

The Pincher scandal brings to mind the theory of “nominative determinism’”– that people tend to areas of work, or characteristics, that fit their names. The expression was first used in 1994 by the New Scientist magazine after discovering several studies by researchers with remarkably fitting surnames. Most notable was a paper on incontinence authored by Splatt and Weedon and published in the Journal of Urology.

Further examples were a book on polar explorations by Daniel Snowman, London Under London – A Subterranean Guide’ co-authored by Richard Trench, and a tax accountant called Shelby Goldgrab.

But nominative determinism goes back much further than 1994, In ancient Rome the Latin proverb ‘nomen est omen’ (the name is the sign) was based on the predictive power of a person’s name. The psychologist Carl Jung referred to its occurrence in his own profession, including his own name (Young) and his ideas on rebirth, and Sigmund Freud (Joy) as champion of the pleasure principle.

In the same vein, many people have suggested that my skills and intellect would make me ideally qualified for hamburger flipping. Easily countered. I’m a Mac not a Mc.


 John goes on to tell us of an occasion when Shelagh, sister of his lady love, Linda,  and her husband Peter were visiting Durban for the first time.

We were driving home from the airport to Durban North and had got as far as NMR Avenue when Shelah exclaimed; “Look elephants, wow!  – and we’ve only just got here!”

Elephants? Pink maybe if she’d been walloping the gin on the flight from London, but NMR is hardly Tembe.

Then I looked where she was pointing and realised… the circus was in town, on its usual site, and the elephants grazing by the roadside were circus performers, not escapees from Maputaland.

 Ah well, it gave the visitors a brief thrill at seeing African wildlife for the first time.  And they saw the real thing a week later when went to Hluhluwe.

Yes, Wordsworth is a treat.

The above recalls a wonderful clerihew published in the satirical magazine, Private Eye.

Carl Gustav Jung was very well hung,

A fact which annoyed Sigmund Freud.

Yes, nominative determinism.


What’s big and grey and has horns?

An elephant marching band!



Thanks to John, Andimac, Graham, Erik, Brenda and TM

Late extras:

The English teacher looks over the Education Minister’s statement. F- Must do better.
How to blow your chance on the first day? Invite Esther McVey.

70 thoughts on “JUST FOR A LAUGH”

  1. Pic 1 is andimac’s best yet. Hammer, nail, head.

    Pic 5: Alec Guinness as Admiral d’Ascoigne in Kind Hearts and Coronets. Oops, sorry, I thought it was still AOYs.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Munguin’s lucky to have andimac as his personal cartoonist.

      No 5. has obviously served a dual purpose.

      As an additional AOY, you’re bang on. Brilliant film.

      But in the hopes of who knows what, it is also Alister Jack, presumably hoping for some huge honour in the resignation honours list.

      Arise Sir Jack Boots.


  2. News update on the Soppy Sunday James Webb Space Telescope item…….
    (Maybe a bit humorous?)

    If you’re NASA, and you take TWENTY years and spend TEN BILLION dollars to build a telescope that you send a million miles out into space…..AND the thing actually WORKS…….then it’s the sort of thing that you want people to know about.

    Therefore NASA has announced that in addition to the worldwide media release next Tuesday of the first bunch of pictures, the VERY FIRST full-color picture will be released a day early……on Monday, at 5:00 PM Washington time (10:00 PM GMT,) by the President at the White House.

    Not that NASA thinks this is a big deal or anything! Can an early leak of the picture to the New York Times or Washington Post be far behind? And the NASA administrator can now tear up his pre-written resignation letter, for use in the event that the telescope failed. (Everyone remembers that the Hubble Space Telescope was launched in 1990 with a faulty mirror, and couldn’t be FOCUSED.)


    Liked by 3 people

    1. 5:48 PM Kansas City time, 11 July:
      Here’s the very FIRST James Webb Telescope picture released just a few minutes ago at the White House.

      NASA surprised me. I thought that they would release for the media a dazzling big picture of a nearby nebula, which would splash brilliant light and color all across the field of view. Instead they chose a much more scientifically interesting “deep field” image of hundreds or thousands of galaxies (some so small they look like individual stars), seen as they existed near the beginning of time (near the big bang.) The telescope imaged the light from galaxies that’s just now getting to the earth, and which, for the farthest galaxies, has traveled for 13+ BILLION Years to get here.

      Galaxies in the universe near the beginning of time. The field of view is the part of the sky covered by a grain of sand held at arm’s length:

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Some corkers today. I suspect the Tory leadership battle will provide much hilarity. I’ll be honest though, I’d not like the English teacher to mark my prose! It’s mainly understandable but I’d imagine it breaks many grammar rules…

    Trying to evict squatters…

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Love Larry’s letter.

      I don’t suppose that, since he lives there, he would think of standing for the job himself. It would save a lot of removal costs which we would have to pay for.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Brilliant, love The Yoons book, I want to see more, glutton for punishment. And is it knomes or elves off to work, so apt anyway, terrible grammar I know, but I’m not minister for education. The Jenkyns statement, ha ha!
    I wonder if mad Nad has something on Joris Bohnson, she surely didn’t get the job on merit, well, not the sort of merit you’d expect.

    There really are some BritNat lunatics down in Westminster, it would be funny if it wasn’t so scary. The inept attorney general Cruella Slaverman wants the UK removed from the ECHR, now that is scary, the UK is being turned into a mini Russia.
    Putin’s about to turn off the gas, he’s making a packet from rising fuel prices, Europe and beyond will be desperate for energy resources, I wonder who they might look to that being as Scotland’s oil is all but gone. The UK has plenty of it though, it seems, and gas, and renewables. Shut up Scotland!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I saw tat about that Attorney General.

      What a nut job.

      And Hunt wants to bring back hunting (yeah really) in England. And he’s proposing the utterly despicable Esther McVile as deputy prime minister.


      Get me out of here.


      1. Hunting never really stopped in England – the cops saw to that. Prosecutions are incredibly rare (under 10 in 20 years) and result in the plebs associated with the hunt (kennelmaster/etc) being fined a couple of hundred quid at worst. More often than not its a conditional discharge.

        I live in rural Leics so I can assure you this is the case – the cops are totally corrupt when it comes to “hunting”, or indeed anything “the great and the good” do in rural areas. They only go after plebs who no longer get legal aid.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Yeah, I heard they were allowed to lay a trail so that they could pretend hunt… but of course, the people who do this kind of thing are friends with the chief constable, so you know, rules are for little people. Get a proper fox out and have a proper hunt.

          Probably some of them are magistrates who spend their weeks on the bench putting away small people for stealing food for their kids.

          Is it wrong that I laugh my backside off when there is an occasional accident and one of them falls off their horse and breaks something?

          Liked by 1 person

    1. He he. Clever dog.

      My American neighbour left a while ago and gave me his stand up fan, which until last night, I had never used (already having a small one next to the computer).

      But last night it was necessary.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. 32C and rising here in Leics, was 28C at 0830. Low of 23C last night…

        Possible 41C forecast for next weekend, won’t get that bad but I reckon it’ll be 37-38C. Last time it got that hot I went and sat in a cold bath for several hours as I thought I was going to pass out. God only knows how Aussies cope with regular temps of 40C+…

        Liked by 3 people

          1. We don’t have a humid climate, we have a maritime climate. There’s a MASSIVE difference.

            Trust me if we had a humid climate you’d know about it as 34C is the temperature people start dying.

            For those unaware of how this stuff works, google “wet bulb temperature” and wonder just how many hundreds of millions are going to die in the next few decades 😦

            Liked by 2 people

          2. Tris….I know what you mean. Being land locked, Missouri and the Midwest have extreme continental temps….BUT we also get tons of moist air flow from the Gulf of Mexico. So summer temps here are brutally hot and humid. 90+F can be terribly uncomfortable in Missouri, but the same temperatures in the desert Southwest are reasonably comfortable. A stroll down The Strip in Las Vegas at 95F is hot, but sweat is not rolling down your face.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Exactly.

              I was in Greece one summer and it was baking hot. Even lifting a drink to your lips made you break out in sweat… but the same temperature in Austria was just very warm.


              Liked by 1 person

        1. 42° here the past couple of days and to be 43° over the weekend. It’s the hot nights I don’t like 23° was as low as it got last night. But we are well inland so it’s a dry heat and not humid thank goodness. Our house is not on mains electric so powered by solar power only, so no air conditioning. Just ceiling fans everywhere. Luckily we have a pool. Couldn’t cope otherwise

          Liked by 2 people

          1. For once it was hot here too yesterday. Probably about 25, so nothing like as hot as you are, but it was sticky heat. Unlike far inland. Call it what you will but when it’s damp it’s unbearable.

            I can stand the heat fortunately. I used to drive to work in Grenoble at 8.30 am and it was 33 deg even then and got hotter as the day went on. Fortunately we did have air conditioned offices and classes and in the flat there were plenty of fans.

            Liked by 2 people

        2. Vestas …..I’ve been reading about the unusual temperatures for Scotland!
          Actually I have no feel for how hot or cold an extreme Celsius temperature really is, but I do have a calculator. So I see that 40C+ is 104F+. 104F happened to be the temperature at our location in Kansas City (Missouri, USA) last week. 104+F is hot, but I’ve experienced 115F (46C) here on (rare) occasion.
          But then winter comes. One night last year it got down to -13 F (-23C). (Below zero is seriously cold on either temperature scale.) Old timers here remember December 23, 1989 when the overnight temperature hit -23F (-30C)……an all-time record.

          I wish I had some feel for Celsius degrees. The pocket calculator is inconvenient, although extreme temperatures can be fun to consider:
          One instrument on the new space telescope operates at 6 degrees Kelvin. (I do like Lord Kelvin’s scale named for the Scottish river.) Six degrees Kelvin (above the absolute zero of thermal motion) converts to -449 F or -267 C.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Same but the other way around for me, Danny.

            I haven’t a clue what a F temperature is and I can’t imagine what 65F would feel like

            But if someone says it is 12C or 22 C, I have a kind of feel for what it would feel like.

            Liked by 1 person

  5. Great selection

    Just for a laugh truss says that ‘Now is not the time for an inexperienced PM’

    Zahawi says he remained loyal until the end.
    Will publish his tax affairs After he gets to be PM, not before.
    Says he reduced education department staff by nearly 20%, he will be asking ALL departments to reduce staff by 20% if PM.

    Who is Chishti?

    I’m hoping Larry stands, he’s getting my vote.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/jul/11/who-is-tory-leadership-candidate-rehman-chishti

      Yeah. One of the huge problems is that they reduce the staff and then wonder why the work isn’t being done.

      In all the reductions of staff in government since the 2010 campaign to bring down costs, I haven’t noticed any of the MINISTERS getting the push, or any reduction in the size of the House of Lards.

      No sir, quite the opposite.

      So the deal is that you little people get to do more work, while we important people get to do less and Dido Harding can hand out the money we save from what you people call wages, to her friends in the Tory Party.

      And who cares if nothing works?

      Larry for President.

      Liked by 2 people

  6. Tory MP and Pro Boris fan Andrea Jenkyns gives the finger to a crowd of protestors ……she had been appointed as new #PretendyParliamentary Under Secretary of State for Education by #PretendyPM Boris in his new #PretendyCabinet… it certainly further destroys the Baroness’s argument that the ONLY problem in her Tory party is Boris Johnson….as if we believed THAT…indeed many see the Baroness Flip Flop as but another Tory who is PART of the PROBLEM that exists for Scotland…..when Andrea Jenkins was asked by the media about her use of ‘the middle finger’ in way of a response to protestors….she said , with NO hint of irony or self awareness “ I had reached the end of my tether”…….an epitaph surely for ALL people in the UK but more so I hope for all people in Scotland in respect to her boss and indeed her political party………….. and THEIR UK aka the NON VOLUNTARY UNION ( for England though tis voluntary).

    Jeremy Hunt and Sajid Javid were BOTH asked when Scotland will be ALLOWED another Indy Ref in this ‘voluntary’ Union…both said 10 years….is that how long it will take to plunder as much of Scotland’s resources in order to tide things over for the disaster that is Brexit ?…amazing how they BOTH came up with timeline of TEN YEARS….not so much great minds thinking alike BUT Tory minds conspiring to give the SAME answer…..how TORY of them.

    Labour’s Jackie Baillie said that the United Kingdom is ONE country as per appearance on BBC The Sunday show….not a ‘United’ Kingdom though Jackie because so called Red wall now blue wall Tory voters voted FOR Brexit and the Tories while Scotland voted against Brexit and the Tories…now that’s REAL division for you …..plus both we and they did NOT vote for your party Labour via a majority………..Keir wants everyone to support HIS Brexit that he says he will make work…thus conceding currently it, Brexit, is NOT working….what a GUY…yes…a Guy for the bonfire (of vanity)….

    Also on Sunday show was Tom Tudgenhat…another wannabee Tory candidate for their PM.

    Tom said yes this IS a voluntary Union….and no rule saying it cannot happen as in independence referendum being implemented….apart from…..our FM having to ASK if ALLOWED a section 30 order….and THEY, Tories or Labour, saying NO….someone get Tom a dictionary as he knows NOT what the word VOLUNTARY means…..He also stated that we cannot ask the SAME question over and over again until we get the answer WE want….haud Tom’s beer…

    We have asked this question ONCE….ONCE…since 2014….we want to ask it again in 2023…which will make it TWICE…based on the NO side’s 2014 broken promises , broken pledges, assumptions by THEM now proven WRONG and also the chaos that NOW exists via a party we did not elect yet who presume to dictate what OUR future will be which includes a future out of the EU which WE do NOT want…via majority vote in 2016 EU Referendum.

    So WE cannot ask THE SAME question BUT Theresa May was able to via various votes in HOC to try and get HER withdrawal agreement through…same THING happened to Boris Johnson….also since 2015 we have had a GE in 2017 and 2019……as Tories needed to ASK same question again to the people of THEIR UK to give THEM the Tories a greater majority in HOC…they, the Tories , also asked only THEIR own members to yet AGAIN elect a new leader post 2016, post 2019 and NOW again in 2022…..is there a pattern here where Tories are ALLOWED to ask the SAME questions over and over until they get THE answer THEY want….seems so.

    When pressed on responding about HOW Scotland COULD get another Referendum….Tom then TORIED it by deflecting as in stating SNP were only doing this to distract from polls being bad for them, failing Education and NHS….ironic that a TORY amidst ALL of this chaos has the actual brass neck to criticise the SNP….surely an irony and hypocrisy well noted by any viewer of fair mind and intelligence…..surely…I mean is Tom oblivious as to WHY he is now a candidate in a Tory leader race……does Tom know the mess HIS UK is in…or is Tom just ANOTHER Bobby Dancer Tory….of course he is…..another one who thinks we are all thick….

    Here’s a joke….not one to laugh at….as Tories here and elsewhere tell OUR government to drop independence and get on with the day job….they and their government are consumed 24/7 with electing yet ANOTHER NEW leader where all of the candidates NOW seem to have access to a magic money tree based on everything they are promising, where the current #PretendyGovt led by #PretendyPM is able to do NOWT of significance in way of getting on with the day job……..and Keir Starmer the so called #PretendyOfficialOppositionLeader is doing his best to out Tory the Tories thus once again alienating a majority of us in Scotland……proving that he too thinks getting on with HIS day job is to keep the Jocks in their place while offering his own country, England, all he (wrongly) assumes they want and need….

    Wake me up when this nightmare is rejected by a HUGE majority of people in Scotland…..then I like others can start to dream of better things for Scotland and those who live here…..

    Joke….or NOT…Larry the Cat, the appointed Chief Mouser of Downing Street, has now outlasted 3 UK Prime Ministers. He holds the true power over the country….Larry for PM…..his only weakness seems to be ALLOWING Rats (two legged variety) to infest his gaff…..but in his defence they ARE bigger than HIM….in size NOT intellect…..

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Another of your brilliant posts, NMRN

      Not sure I can add much.

      They are all out there putting us in our place. And this nonsense that the services in Scotland are falling to pieces? What?

      Compared with what I can see and hear from friends in England, this is utter nonsense, but hey, someone said it on the telly and so it must be true.

      Of course, at the moment they are campaigning for a bunch of mainly elderly, mainly rich, mainly south-eastern English people who are actually members of the Tory Party.

      Die hard fanatics.

      They want the territories kept in their place. They want lower taxes and so what if poor people go hungry. They want fox hunting. They want the tennis club to stay open and for England to continue to have spinsters cycling to church on a Sunday morning… to quote John “I never go anywhere without my Trollop” Major.

      Jackie The United Kingdom is one country Baillie, maybe needs to work out why they called it the United Kingdom.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. MSN web news

    First story, hunt will cut all taxes if PM

    Next, 5 million uk families are in serious financial trouble

    Next, 10,000 passengersstuck in heathrow as flights cancelled.

    Do they live on the same planet, energy cap to be raised to £3,300.

    Brexit has been done but they will negotiate the deal again to get brexit done.

    They are mad it’s not me. Things are not going to be better with any of the dozen candidates if elected, It’s going to be worse.

    Time to use the lifeboat Nicola.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Indeed davetewart…..

      Jeremy Hunt has also stated he will bring back FOX HUNTING….. as well as stating he will have dippy Esther McVey as his Deputy Dawg which will replace Boris the supposed BIG DOG who had the also dippy previous deputy Dominic Raab…..wow that’s a vote winner for the Gammons but ONLY the Gammons…..he is also , like his colleague the haunted pencil JR Mogg , wishing to TAKE US ALL BACK to the (past) time when TOFFS could have their version of FUN in MURDERING innocent animals in a BARBARIC way…..how very Tory of him…and elitist…seems to also think that this will sway grassroot Tories to vote for HIM thus he must think they are all a bunch of ****’*….fill in the blanks…..rhymes with Jeremy’s surname but plural…..

      There are no liberal minded Tory politicians….as if…..currently some of them, Tory candidates, are producing videos that one could mistake for same kind of video produced in American elections by those who also promise much but who also like the Tories fail to fulfil their ‘promises’…..a brainwashing exercise in trying to present themselves as polished T*RDS……(letter missing is obvs a ‘U’)…..

      Will they try and ‘reset’ Brexit via their New boss same as the old boss……will a new leader ALLOW them, the Tories, to try and reinvent themselves and thus try to consign Boris Johnson to history ……which for them and they hope us too …to be a history forgotten and never mentioned again…..well I think some assume that to be the case….while we and others have longer memories that will not allow THEIR history and all they HAVE done to be brushed away and rewritten…….and I know they, being Tories, will make the same mistakes and lead us all down the same path as their previous leader did….mainly because tis only their LEADER who will be changed ….all of the other cast members aka Tory MP’s are all the same people….as in the same people who defended, supported and voted for and with Boris Johnson as their leader and PM together with his cruel Tory polices and corrupt Tory practices as THEIR party in government (new leader also complicit as he/she will have also been part of the problem under Johnson as the previous PM and Tory leader)……THE party always comes first…country and people NOT a priority EVER …Scotland NEVER a priority…..Scotland only needed as part of their UK to plunder and exploit….end of…

      So what is really different and what will change ??????….answer…..NOTHING !!!! (Theresa May was right when she once said ” Nothing has changed” after her Dementia tax U turn BUT her declaration still works for the current situation via Tories and us……as in with any new Tory PM it will be ‘Nothing has changed’ or WILL CHANGE for everyone but especially Scotland as per).

      But change CAN happen for us in Scotland if we vote for independence…..and the Tories and their lackey’s Labour know it too………(not mentioning scavenger party Lib Dems as they are way too politically irrelevant for us in Scotland).

      Have a nice day everyone….

      Liked by 1 person

      1. We could be free of this. We don’t have to be a part of this ridiculous farce of 4th raters (because they all are) trying to out “right-wing” each other to appeal to the Britain First/National Front followers. and GB News presenter fascists.

        At the same time as driving the majority of us in Scotland and Wales farther away from them, they are telling us to suck it up for at least another 10 years.

        I don’t think they understand that is just not going to happen.

        Liked by 1 person

  8. They will just have to use the Magic Money Tree, as usual.
    Great news IF you can believe it.
    No car tax, no income tax, no VAT, no council tax, no stamp duty, no death duties, no ………
    Well it’s Reduce all taxes IF you can believe that.
    Zahawi says he cut Education Dept by 20%, he’s going to cut ALL departments by 20%.
    Wonder if he’s worried that those workers might just be the tory party members that have a vote on who gets the leadership, they might not be happy losing their buying power.

    Anyway they are all confirmed that Scotland will not be getting a release from slavery until all the oil and gas have been used up.

    Believe folks, black is white and white is black all at the same time.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. They are promising the earth to the small band of Tories that have a vote.

      Most of these things won’t happen… but I say bring it on. Give us your worst.

      Every time one of you opens you fat fascist mouth, it drives some more people in Scotland and Wales towards independence, and someone in Northern Ireland towards the Republic.


  9. Following on my comment in Saturday’s AOY on William Adam and the Dundee town house, there is an article on the Adam family in today’s National. As usual William is passed over fairly quickly before passing on to Robert.
    Also I believe that Rees-Mogg has been telling Sophie Ridge that Scots law will be brought into line with English by 2026-8 – which perhaps should be read in the light of the 10 year time frame for is second referendum- destroy as much of Scottish identity and institutions as possible before permitting a second vote.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. “Rees-Mogg has been telling Sophie Ridge that Scots law will be brought into line with English by 2026-8”

      Scots law is enterally protected by the Treaty of Union and though I know they have broken the Treaty loads of times, I doubt even the uber unionist judges in the Court of Session will put up with that!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. They put up with the “Supreme Court” didn’t they so they’ll go along with anything they’re told to do. If you believe otherwise then you’re clutching at straws…..


        1. I suspect it’s another thing that won’t happen.

          The Supreme Court just replaced the House of Lords sitting as a legal entity.

          But if they impose English law and systems on Scottish Courts, that will mean extra work for Judges, Advocates and Lawyers.

          That will go down well!


          1. That’s incorrect. When the Supreme Court was formed it removed the right of the Court of Session to refer matters directly to the ECJ.

            ie it forced the Court of Session to acknowledge the right of the Supreme Court to deny appeals under Scots law by using exclusively English judges.

            If any of you are expecting the Court of Session to uphold Scots law when they’re told not to by England then you’re living in dreamland. They will do what they are told – just as they always have.

            Liked by 1 person

      2. The idea was, was it not, that at the time when it all happened, the upper classes were given bribes of titles, lands and money to accept union. The middle classes, which would be people in the church/education, doctors and lawyers (judges) were assured that they wouldn’t have to change or learn anything new. And the plebs were told to lump it because no one gave a damn what they thought anyway. (A bit like today.)

        Way to get the legal system on your side, though Brits… Still, they are experts on that having hacked off the English legal system so much so that bloody barristers are on strike!


    2. Can they do that, Cairnallochy?

      Is he saying that they will get rid of devolved government and the obvious differences we have in our legal system?

      That would break the Acts of Union in which promises were made that Scotland would keep its own law, education, religion… in union with England.

      Like I said before, there’s only so much we can take.

      That said, of course, Rees Mogg lives in a cloud cuckoo land of 18th century nonsense, and in any case, he has said (perhaps presaging his removal from office) that he will not serve under any other prime minister but Johnson. Is it love?

      William Adam designed some fabulous buildings



  10. The wonderful promise at last week’s pm not answer question time, the £325 for people on benefitswill be in their bank accounts by the 14th, ah, a wee problem, seems the unplanned glorious leader election is slowing that down as the change of ministers isa problem
    Promises are lies that the buffoon hasn’t seen to have broken yet, yes back to front.
    I thought TV was instantaneous.
    Seems, from my brother, that their media have just caught up on the £10 block of reconstituted hydro carbon fat alternative to butter as an article. We had it last week, instantaneous indeed.
    Reminds me of the Yes Minister’s name for sausages with 10% meat content, the english fat and offal tube.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ahhh… they aren’t going to manage to pay that benefit which people are desperately needing to help feed themselves and kids on time, because they are fighting over who is the bigger liar and no one in the department of work and pensions has a clue what is going on?

      But wait. Therese Coffey hasn’t gone anywhere.

      And the civil servants haven’t all be sacked (yet).

      So what’s wrong?

      Fat and Awful Tube sounds like Johnson to me.


      1. Correct Tris

        Coffey is still the minister and the new chancer is too busy with his programme to be pm to have made any changes in either department.

        Coffey says that UC is a dynamic benefit, earn more and your benefit goes down virtually instantly when it takes 6+ weeks to get it for the first time.

        Was going to use the Fat and Awful tube but thought it might put you off your meal.

        Liked by 1 person

  11. In westmonster today,
    A debate on the use of real Bear Skin Hats by the armed forces.
    Real bears lose their skins to make hats for the guards, the tory mp defends their use as the guards sometimes have to stand guard in poor conditions.
    The MOD says that the bears are killed in a licenced cull, that’s okay then.

    A tourist photo op needs to kill off Black Bears.

    The buffoon is getting a whitewash from his friends in the media.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. The English education minister who said that there was a “baying mob” taunting her outside Downing Street caught out here…

    Grey Panther
    I’m 80 my wife in her late70’s were in London visiting family. We walked down Whitehall and watched the crowd outside Downing Street before Johnstone spoke. There was no “baying mob “. There were boos. Why the Education secy reacted the way she did was ridiculous. Appalling!


  13. Just listened to the new chancer on sky interview ask the teachers to take a 5% pay rise over the next 2 years.
    Inflation is currently reported at 9 % in a fiddle of the list of goods and services used.
    Can he really ask the teachers to accept a pay cut?, he just did, it was his recommendation to the pay review committee. You can guess what they will be recommending.
    I don’t know which grade of teacher he’s talking about but I do know headteachers are paid more than train drivers depending on the school roll.
    His group of mps have just been awarded a £2000 rise from last years recommendation, looking like it will see an mp getting made up to £95,000 next year as a basic salary.

    You have to give the billionaires their due, they know how to keep their income on the up.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Daughter works in a school in NW Leics – there are going to be wall to wall strikes come September.

      A lot of teachers are prepared for an extended (3 months+) strike.

      That’ll stop most people with children going to work until after xmas, and as we know that’s all the Tory scum are interested in – making money off workers.

      Lets see how the “agency workers” (aka scabs) cope in schools….

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Where are they going to get agency workers to teach?

        Don’t they have to be vetted?

        And don;t they have to know at least a little about their subjects?

        I think there’s going to be a whole lot of unrest.

        Oh well, que sera.


  14. Hey! I’m back in, I think,after WP deciding is was an unwelcome guest and demanding $5 a month to rehoin MNR comments. Let’s see if this works and I’ll add some more to make up. assuming I can remember what I intended to say before Black Ram therapy to compensate for being locked out.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Yes, it worked. WP eccentrities know no bounds. Could read posts nad comments but unable to add my own for no apparent reason. Tried all WP options to no avail. Eventually resorted to using the RS’s email address but everything else unchanged: password, user name, website. The S part still has its uses despite our common cause!

    Only thing missing is my mugshot but that matters not. Certainly to me, and even less so to fellow Munguinites.

    Among all the idiocy surrounding the appointment of a new Tory leader, one thing is very clear – and good news for us. No matter who takes over from the buffoon, all candidates are committed to inheriting his chevrons as chief recruiting sergeant for Scottish freedom. SNP contingent should just walk out of WM and leave the rest to do the job for us. And more effectively.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I kept approving your comments, which usually works, but didn’t this time.

      How odd.

      You haven’t secretly done something to annoy Munguin, have you? 🙂 Like drank his champagne?


      1. Re: the Bella Caledonia tweet about boris johnson

        In the interest of fairness, perhaps you should consider modifying the posting?

        Retraction from Bella Caledonia:

        Bella Caledonia
        8 Jul 2022
        A couple of days ago I posted a quote from Alex Massie comparing Boris Johnson to Charles de Gaulle. It was a misrepresentation so I’ve deleted it. Sorry @alexmassie
        I kind of go on about truth in media & positive campaigning so I need to keep in order. Have a good weekend 🙌

        Again, in the interest of fairness, Alex Massies published opinion:

        Alex Massie
        “Boris Johnson isn’t fit to lead”
        28 May 2020, 2:33pm


        p.s. Love your work.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Thank you very much.

          And I appreciate the corrections.

          I think that it’s important to be as near the truth as we can.

          Post removed now.


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