
A cute secretary, none cuter,

Was replaced by a clicking computer;

’Twas the wife of the boss

Put the deal across,

You see the computer was neuter.



Fellow takes a work colleague home at 7.30pm without forewarning his wife.

She screeches at him: “My hair’s a mess. I’m in my old clothes. The dishes aren’t washed from breakfast. And you bring someone home without telling me!”

The guest is mouth agape.

“How can you do this to me?” she yells. Then she bursts into tears.

“He’s thinking of getting married,” says hubby. I’m just giving him a demo.”



A frightened man goes to the Russian secret police and says: “My talking parrot disappeared.”

“Why did you come here? Go to the regular police.”

“I will. I’m just here to tell you that I disagree with whatever that parrot is going to say.”



Negotiations between union members and their employer are at an impasse. The union denies that  workers are abusing their contracts’ sick-leave provisions.

The company’s chief negotiator heolds aloft a newspaper. “This man called in sick yesterday.”

There on the sports page is a photo of the supposedly ill employee, who has just won a local golf tournament with a sensational score.

Union negotiator: “Wow, think of what kind of score he could have had if he wasn’t sick!”


16. Some very odd statuary in Australia!

A shifty-looking fellow in a kilt walks into a London pub.

He orders a pint and very very carefully puts down the plastic bag he’s carrying.

Bartender: “What’s that?”


“Phew, is that all? I thought it might be bagpipes.”


18. Ooops.
22. Ouch.

Thanks to Andi, Quokka, John, Erik, Brenda, Graham, TM.

57 thoughts on “JUST FOR A LAUGH”

  1. Loved the tattope. Heap, heap, hula! And the airmiles birthday greeting. (Ouch!) Thanks for adding smiles to nocturnal prowl’s coffee, fags, and news catchup. Not much cheer in the latter, as our desert islander observes.

    Liked by 3 people

      1. The tories do people trafficing
        The royals do money laundering.

        Fairs fair.
        Can’t help thinking this is a response to Rwandi deal.

        Great selection even if some are worrying.

        Liked by 3 people

      2. Is it possible that the royals consider themselves untouchable, even when it comes to suitcases full of cash for “charitable” purposes? As I understand it, he felt that simply turning the cash over to people to count it made everything OK. Assuming that he’s as honest as the day is long, does he not understand the accountability problem with bags full of cash? Is he a moron? Or does he feel that royals can simply do anything? Or both?


        Liked by 1 person

        1. Not sure what exactly it is, Danny.

          They don’t, of course, live in the same world we do so it’s hard to know what goes through their minds.

          If someone gave me a donation to charity, it obviously wouldn’t be that much … but say £1000 for the local foodbank, I would wonder why they didn’t think to write a cheque, or do a bank transfer online.

          I would at least be suspicious.

          The sums are bigger, but we are talking about a man who earns (and has done since he was a small child) £20 million a year, so I accept that to him these are small sums.
          But did it not occur to him that if someone found out about it, it would look odd… or if not him, one of his staff who is closer to being an ordinary human than he is might have said to him “Oh, mighty prince, don’t you think this would look a tad on the dodgy side to the riff raff?”

          I think the interesting thing about it is that it’s an old story which only came out a week after he criticised the prime minister’s Rwanda policy.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Tris…….Yes, it does indeed seem a tad suspicious that this came out only after he seriously ruffled the Prime Minister’s feathers. 🙂

            He also may have more faith in the honesty of his staff to do accurate counting and reporting than is warranted. Even after the gangsters who built Las Vegas had all left town, the amount of money that was skimmed off the top in the counting rooms of the casinos (and therefore didn’t get reported to the government tax man) is unknown.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Of course, one reason for secrecy might be that Charlie boy wanted people to think HE was putting money into these charitable projects from his ridiculously high personal income of £20 million a year (on top of all his expenses paid for by the government).

              As opposed to it coming from a regime with highly questionable human rights.



  2. Some funny ones today though I’d say Andimac’s second one is more cutting than funny. A dark day, many red states have already implemented their anti abortion laws and in Missouri (where Danny is) it is now illegal to have an abortion even in cases of rape or incest. It’s rumoured some will, like Malta, not even allow them in cases where the woman’s life is at risk.

    So never in need of a laugh more. Loved the cat one, Tom Harwood and no 23 Johnson/truth one.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Amazing that there are people in government in some states where they are desperate to change the law to protect the lives of unborn children… but, at the same time, once they are up and off to school, desperate to protect the rights of people to get guns and shoot them dead.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. PP……Now that Trump’s judges are in the majority on the Supreme Court, we can probably anticipate lots of re-writing of federal constitutional law, with draconian laws taking effect in states where right wing religious Republican fanatics are in control of the state legislatures. There was a time when Missouri was a centrist state where the big city vote in Kansas City and St. Louis, balanced the conservative rural vote. But the gun-loving, Bible-thumping, rural rubes have been radicalized by Trump and the modern Republican Party to the point that Missouri is among a group of states which almost rival Texas and the deep Dixie South as political freak shows.

      Eric Greitens had to resign the Missouri governorship under the threat of impeachment, and is now running for the US Senate from Missouri. He posted a campaign ad where he is hunting (with a shotgun) Missouri RINOs……”Republicans In Name Only”…….who are insufficiently radical and Trumpian for the modern MAGA Republican Party.

      As for the abortion debacle, abortion rights Senators (Democrats and moderate Republicans) who voted to confirm the Trump nominees for the court now claim to be SO surprised that the Trump judges lied to them before the Senate confirmation vote.


      Liked by 1 person

      1. Greitens sounds an even more repugnant character than Cruz.

        Is it not some sort of impeachable offence to lie to a Senate committee deciding whether or not to employ you?

        Because if there was a chance that would stick, I’d be looking into that!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Tris…….Perjury before Congress is a crime, and judges are certainly subject to impeachment by Congress. An impeached judge could then be subject to criminal prosecution presumably, although perjury is said to be hard to prove. There are SOOO many ways that a lawyer can shade the truth! Even Susan Collins (the moderate GOP Senator from Maine) who declared that Kavanaugh told her that abortion rights under Roe vs Wade were safe from the court, now only says that she was “misled.”

          In all of American history, no Supreme Court Justice has ever been removed from the bench on impeachment charges. The only Supreme Court Justice ever impeached was Samuel Chase in 1805, but he was acquitted by the Senate trial and remained on the bench.

          In all of the history of the federal judiciary below the level of the Supreme Court, fifteen federal judges have been impeached. Of the fifteen impeached: eight were convicted and removed from the bench by the Senate, four were acquitted by the Senate, and three resigned before an outcome at trial.

          The most recent federal judge to be impeached was Thomas Porteous of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana. He was impeached for accepting bribes and making false statements under penalty of perjury. He was convicted by the Senate and removed from office on December 8, 2010.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Ahhh… the good old “misled”.

            Do we know how Kavanaugh personally voted?

            If he assured her that it was safe… and then voted to overturn it… that’s stretching “misled”.

            Of course he couldn’t possibly guarantee how others would vote.

            Do we know yet which states will choose to disregard the rulings within their borders?

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Tris…….Supreme court decisions are signed by the individual Justices. Kavanaugh (one of the new Trump appointees) voted with the majority to overturn the old Roe vs Wade decision. Although new appointees never actually divulge how they will vote on future cases, Senator Collins felt that Kavanaugh misled her in describing Roe vs Wade as settled law……making her feel that she had a tacit commitment from him to NOT overturn the old Roe vs Wade decision. But he did the opposite……he voted to overturn.

              The effect of the new ruling is to simply do away with federal abortion rights, and return the matter to the laws of the individual states. (So the state laws will be all over the place.) :



              1. Thanks, Danny.

                I see that:

                Missouri’s attorney general, Eric S. Schmitt, issued an opinion within minutes saying his state’s ban is now in effect, outlawing abortion except in cases of medical emergency. “With this attorney general opinion, my Office has effectively ended abortion in Missouri, becoming the first state in the country to do so following the Court’s ruling,” Schmitt said in a statement.

                They must have been itching … it took a matter of moments.

                Liked by 1 person

                1. Yes Tris……I noticed that the Missouri Attorney General wasted no time in claiming the “honor” of declaring Missouri the first abortion-free state. Missouri was one of several Republican-controlled states which had an anti-abortion law all set to take effect when the Supreme Court overturned the Roe vs Wade decision of 50 years ago. The court decision was anticipated in advance, since a draft copy of the decision had been leaked to the press a while back. (Leaking of a SCOTUS draft decision is very rare if not unprecedented for the court.)

                  Liked by 1 person

                  1. World beating, you might say Danny, if only Boris Johnson didn’t have a world-wide patent on the expression.

                    Not to worry though, just use it. He’s no respecter of international (or national) law.

                    Liked by 1 person

      2. What’s the difference between Republic and Talib? None at all if you add -an. Both impose their religious dogma, irrespective of others’ beliefs or the destruction of fundamental rights. Their kind of ‘fundamental’ is no more than ‘faith-based’ superstition.

        Trump and Trumpiananas now have the last laugh, were it a laughing matter. He may be out of office, and may be prosecuted before the next elections, but he got lucky with the number of Supreme Court nominations that arose during his tenure. His dubious legacy will live on.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. LOL. Yes.

          Yes… and it could last for a very long time.

          It seems, given the power of the SCOTUS, a mistake to have that much power (either way) for so long, in a country famous for checks and balances on power, between state and federation and president and congress.

          Liked by 1 person

        2. John…..Yes, the MAGA (Trump-dominated) Republican Party is certainly in spirit the American Taliban. Trump himself is of course a con-artist who has no personal political ideology except for advancing his own political power and the revenues of the Trump family business. The stage had been set years ago for a right wing demagogue like Trump, when fundamentalist religion saw the racism and xenophobia of the Republican Party as a road to political power and influence. These Republicans were furious at the election of a black man as president, and Trump rode to power on his “birther” conspiracy movement; with Republican fear and loathing of blacks generally, and foreigners at the southern border. When the mainstream GOP in a Republican-controlled Senate denied Obama his legal and constitutional right at the end of his second term to name a replacement for Justice Scalia, and after Trump’s minority presidential victory in 2016, then Trump was all set to name three Justices, fully 1/3 of the Supreme Court.

          Constitutionally, Congress controls the makeup and workings of the Supreme Court and could do all sorts of bold things to mute the Republican advantage. It could expand the bench beyond the current nine Justices, and could even alter the number of Justices necessary to make rulings. But the Senate’s own super-majority rules stand in the way, and the Democrats seem not inclined to take bold action anyway. Biden is a centrist who seems so in love with “business as usual,” that he wouldn’t even take a strong public position on the second Trump impeachment. Only the Republicans play political hardball; while Biden and the Democrats seem frozen in place.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Thanks for that analysis, Danny.

            At least abortion has not been banned and there is a situation where individual state (so incredibly different from each other) can decide on the path to take.

            And it seems that some companies are saying that, employees in states which refuse abortions, will pay to assist their employees to go to another state where abortions are legal.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Tris…..Yes, as usual, it’s the poor women who will suffer…..the women who get services at family planning clinics, etc. People with means will be able to go to an abortion-friendly state. In Missouri, Illinois will probably be the closest. If you live in St. Louis, that will mean only a short drive across the Mississippi river. Kansas City is probably farther from a “friendly” state, since the Kansas legislature currently has Republican control in both houses, (but the governor is a Democrat.) So from Kansas City, Illinois would be a 250 mile drive across the state.

              Of course Republicans in Congress could in theory pass a federal law OUTLAWING abortion nationwide. For that matter, in theory, the Democrats could pass a law LEGALIZING abortion nationwide. (Either law would probably be constitutional.) But as long as the Senate has the filibuster rule, things require 60 votes to pass, and therefore neither is likely to happen.

              Liked by 1 person

      1. Good article.

        Nicola Sturgeon commits to establishing abortion clinic buffer zones
        Scotland’s first minister Nicola Sturgeon has today committed to working on legislation to put 150-metre buffer zones in place around healthcare facilities that provide abortion services.

        Sturgeon has promised that an abortion conference being held in Edinburgh today will “reaffirm women’s autonomy and right to choose”
        Photo via @thetimesscot

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Here’s another point of view:

        Abortion for *lethal* fetal anomalies is now *illegal* in Ohio

        I’m a high-risk obstetrician here. I diagnose birth defects

        So some point soon I may look someone in the eyes & say that they, against their will, will carry to term, undergo delivery & then have their child die.

        Who would want THAT job?

        Liked by 1 person

  3. If ever we needed a laugh it’s now…..because with everything we are suffering just now tis hard not to cry… with rage, frustration and a deep sense of sadness.

    I once said on another blog that if it was broadcast that there was an Alien invasion imminent…it would actually be a welcome respite from absolutely everything happening now……and if they landed in London and said “Take me to your leader”…well that should seal the deal as to our doom…..Boris is NO diplomat….. or leader actually….. and like everything else he is involved in he would guarantee a hostile reaction that would surely result in making everything ten times (or more) worse for everyone…..but I am sure he could ‘negotiate’ a deal with a proviso to ensure ‘certain’ people were to be saved…….but with his record on deals….well even THAT would not be a DONE deal….

    Thanks for the most welcome laugh this morning……if we don’t laugh we cry……and in this UK tis the latter that we often do…..for reasons…too obvious and many to mention.

    Read a joke from a great Twitter account Crow (@crowSaorAlba)…he makes me laugh too .

    “My friend’s wife left him last week. She said she was going out for milk and never came back. I asked him how he was coping. he said ” Not bad I’ve been using some of that powered stuff”

    Have a nice day……you have certainly brightened up mine with a most welcome respite from everything else that is going down just now…..literally going down that is…..still hope is on the horizon for us in Scotland …so not ALL doom and gloom……


    Liked by 2 people

    1. Munguin is, indeed, a happy animal knowing that he has brightened your day.

      You, in turn brightened his with the powdered milk joke.

      I heard a variant of that some time ago… where two women were talking over the fence and one said that she’s sent her husband down the garden to cut a cabbage to go with their dinner … and he never came back.

      “Oh, that’s terrible”, said her neighbour. “What did you do?”

      “I opened a tin of peas”, came the reply.

      Yes. Hope for next October, although I noticed that no lesser a person than Douglas Ross has warned us not to do it.

      Still, with his record on flip flops he’ll be organising it by next week.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. “Still, with his record on flip flops he’ll be organising it by next week”.

        Aye the only thing that Douglas Ross is consistent on is his ability to be inconsistent……

        Mind you one of his predecessor’s ‘The Baroness’ had form with that too……

        Hence why I never wear Flip Flops on my feet…..reminds me of the Tories…not just via their U Turns but as a choice of footwear they too can be treacherous…….which if worn can result , in you as the wearer , having a turn for the worse and landing flat on your face……a place Douglas Ross and other Scottish (INO) Tories currently seem to find themselves courtesy of Tory HQ in their collective branch office inability (deliberate) to condemn all the badness/madness that is done via Tory HQ ……Hell mend them…you reap what you sow…etc etc……once you, as a branch office, constantly choose to defend the indefensible and justify the unjustifiable well then, in Scotland, as a party you deserve everything you get….. as in NOTHING (but contempt)…..as in voters here ensuring that Scottish (INO) Tories NEVER winning elections in Scotland or getting a majority of MP’s voted for IN GE’s via Scotland…..( same for Labour & Lib Dems too).

        INO – In Name Only

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I hear that wee Dougie the Linesman says that they are independent of the Tory party in Britain.

          Which is interesting… because it’s a lie.


    1. Cairnallochy ……..Good one! Among the great American comics, I suppose that Jack Benny is less famous outside the States than Bob Hope. But I guess that Jack’s atrocious violin playing is in fact a running joke that travels widely. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. No suggestion of any wrong doing says the establishment, just the same as giving a homeless person a quid in the strett, a couple of million Euros but in Forntum and Mason plastic bags, hope the suitcase was a louie fourteen one.
    Funny clip from utube by someone call Montgomerie, says that javid or the education secretary, he that keeps his horses warm by passing the electricity bill onto us, would make great prime ministers, there’s a great laugh.

    Wondering how he’s going to get them elected as leader of the tory party in englandland..

    All done in the best possible taste.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Mr Johnson says there is no need to worry, as the leadership business is settled for a year.

      Lizzy Truss must be fair hopping, which is nice.

      I suppose if you take it to the Nth degree, a homeless person should contact the inland revenue and declare his pound, but processing it would cost a good deal more…

      On the other hand, I’m sure Charlie’s €3 million, well, not so much.

      But, there you go Chick. Don’t cross Johnson or the Times will go for you.

      The Daily Express/Mail will be in a bit of a fix though.

      It’s hard to praise up Charlie and Mrs Parker Bowles one day and then slam them the next… although their readers probably won’t notice, particularly if they throw in a few hard to understand words.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Here’s another joke but not a joke that is INFLATED…all the LIES Unionists politicians tell the people who live in Scotland …..lies that they tend to resurrect and INFLATE whenever the word ‘independence’ is mentioned….

      Liked by 1 person

  5. The minister george useless says that the protocol bill is not illegal as it’s just the uk clarifying how the brexit deal is to be interpreted by the world..
    Must contact the bank and tell them I’m in charge.
    I’m just clarifying how they have to interpret our agreement.

    We are not breaking an international agreement the uk parliament decides the way the deal works.

    Do we really need these people to be in charge?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I suppose they are selling it as that for their faithful followers who read the Mail and the Express, or at least look at the pictures in the case of the latter.

      They maybe should give a thought as to how they are now perceived across the world as a rogue country for which international law is something and nothing.

      I believe he also pontificated on the Scottish situation where of course there must be no deviation from the law.

      I always get him mixed up with the blokey who leads the Liberal Democrats.


  6. This is a laugh too. The lightweight has spoken.

    Cabinet must decide Boris Johnson’s fate, says Douglas Ross

    The leader of the Scottish Conservatives Douglas Ross has said that prime minister Boris Johnson’s cabinet colleagues should look at the effect he is having on his party and the country when considering whether his leadership should continue.

    Douglas Ross voted to remove Boris Johnson during a confidence vote at Westminster three weeks ago, however has been criticised for ‘flip-flopping’ over the matter since Partygate.


  7. Great collection of titters and guffaws……and …and oor Nicola has pulled the trigger, game on for 19th Oct 2023. She has also gazumped Westminster by taking the legality of a referendum to Suella Braverman, for them to decide on the matter before the 19th Oct. If the courts finds in favour of Westminster having the final say on a referendum then the Scottish election, for the SNP (presumming the Greens also), will be on a single mandate of independence.
    Soppy Sunday then Just for a Laugh, now this, my wee cup fair bubbles over.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yep. Good news today.

      That great legal brain of Suella will be straining its sinews as we speak.

      And Douglas Ross has got himself into another fix.

      Having told us that voting in an SNP (and Green) government would mean voting for a referendum… and us, taking him at this word, doing just that, it turns out that…surprise surprise, he’s done a U-turn and it didn’t mean that at all, and he’s not speaking to us and he won’t participate.

      Good. His contribution would have been worth nothing. And his mates Anas and whatever his name is from the other almost a party.

      Alex has thrown his weight behind the campaign too and it is to be hoped that he and Nicola can bury the hatchet.

      Out of interest, does anyone know whether DRoss is calling for Boris to resign today… or not.

      Anyway, glad that Soppy Sunday and Just for a laugh are overfilling your cup. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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