
THE children of royalty had to stay a certain distance away from their parents in early England… it was known as restricted heirspace.



The impact of soaring fuel prices is illustrated in this ‘Staff Announcement’:

Due to the price increase of  petrol, all company cars will be replaced by bicycles.

The allocation of bicycles is as follows:

·    Representatives – 3—speed with bell.

·    Sales managers – 3-speed with bell and pump.

·    Branch managers – 10-speed, one mirror and choice of saddle.

·    Directors – 10-speed, two mirrors and choice of saddle.

·    Managing director – Tandem bicycle with chauffeur.”



SOME great put-downs without resorting to four-letter words:

·    He had delusions of adequacy” – Walter Kerr.

·    “He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire – Winston Churchill.

·    He has never been known to use a word that might send a reader to the dictionary – William Faulkner (about Ernest Hemingway).

·    “Poor Faulkner. Does he really think big emotions come from big words?” – Ernest Hemingway (about William Faulkner).

·    “I am enclosing two tickets for the first night of my new play. Bring a friend if you have one..” – George Bernard Shaw to Winston Churchill.

·    “Cannot possibly attend first night, will attend second … if there is one.” – Winston Churchill in, response.

·    “He is simply a shiver looking for a spine to run up. – Paul Kesting.

·    “Thank you for send ing me a copy of your book. I’ll waste no time reading it.” – Moses Hadas.

·    “I didn’t attend the funeral but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it.” – Mark Twain.

·    “He has no enemies but is intensely disliked by his friends.” – Oscar Wilde.

·    “I feel so miserable without you, It’s almost like having you here.” – Stephen Bishop.

·    “He inherited some good instincts from his Quaker forebears but by diligent hard work he overcame them” -Robert L Russel (on Richard Nixon).

·    He can compress the most words into the smallest idea of any man I know.” – Abraham Lincoln.

·    “I’ve had a perfectly wonderful evening. But I’m afraid this wasn’t it.” – Groucho Marx.

·     “Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.” – Oscar Wilde.

·    He has Van Gogh’s ear for music.” -Billy Wilder.


15. Ooops, which culture now?
16. And while you are about it, don’t stand so close to me… Or I’ll call the Police!What? Can you speak up?

Granny is reading the newspaper.

“What a girl, this Sarah Piplin! She was laid by 3 500 men in five days!”

 ‘Show me that!”  Granddaughter snatches the paper away.

“It says ‘Sahara Pipeline Laid By 3 500 Men’.”.


19. Clearly doing some job training for his future.




It makes a change for Prince Andrew to be in the news for something positive.

3:50 PM · Jun 2, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

21. Upon hearing the news that Andrew would miss the queen’s celebrations because he had contracted Covid.


24. The state of the union.

Thanks to Brenda, TMc, John, Graham

Just saw this and had to add it:

Whatever would make you think that?

72 thoughts on “JUST FOR A LAUGH”

  1. I saw the neil oliver one and thought that it must be april, has he come to his road to Damascus point on the union?
    Probably not.
    See the GDP has fallen by 0.3% in the last month BUTT we are 1% above pre covid level.
    Yep, the Stalin one is so good, it’s the government that has the last propaganda post.
    Northern Ireland are the best performing part of the uk, but we can’t mention the word that is causing the fall for the rest, Brexit.
    Now the buffoon is going to level up Northern Ireland with the rest, that wasn’t the big plan.
    The master of Chaos is pushing to stop ‘Undo Brexit’, pity he hasn’t managed to get Brexit done.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Is it me or does Neil Oliver always look like he needs a shower?

      I wonder how they will spin the fact that they are the bottom of the growth in Europe, with the exception of Russia which is being sanctioned by almost everyone…

      World beating…. what?


  2. The minister for farming, fisheries and food this orning on gmb.
    In answer to the buffoon stopping free schoolmeals for children with parents on UC said
    Yes food is very important to us all.
    Does she reaaly have a job, fishing no more, farming no more and rapidly food no more.
    A million more families in englandland need to have food support during their summer holidays, seems to her that another government department is responsibile for that support.
    See the victoria prentic interview by reid.
    It’s the local authorities that need to hand out the money.
    Thankfully we have the SNP in charge who have given support to kids where it is due by reinstating the UC uplift and the extra child payment.

    The last bit from prentic is the inhumane people traffickers by sending an empty aircraft to Rwanda..


    1. You can see how she has risen to ministerial rank in the food department if she has cottoned on to the fact that food is important.

      I mean a lesser person might have thought that it was an option…. clearly like the PM does for poor kids, although, looking at his girth, not for him.

      OK, Munguinites who can manage it.

      Some more visits to food banks.


      1. Talking of girth, 16 and 24 contain splendid examples. And both from Belfast! Is this photographic proof of how much better Nornirn is faring in the foodstakes? The jack-slacks (tights?) duo also reminded me of an Ogden Nash verse:

        So deck your lower limbs in pants
        Yours are the limbs, my sweeting
        You look divine when you advance
        Have you seen yourself retreating?

        The BIG difference is that these two are far from divine in either direction.

        Liked by 3 people

        1. John, unfortunately the fat lassies in union breeks are not in Belfast. The pub in the background is Greyfriars Bobby in Embra. Maybe the’d just popped in for an orangeade 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

          1. I stand corrected. Thanks Andi, I can see Bobby in the corner now, but what put Belfast in my mind? Still thinking of the earlier orangeade girth? Hope theirs went down as well as you wished, and they won’t mind if it lodges…

            Liked by 2 people

        2. John, it looks as if the fella in pic 16 has swallowed a Lambeg. The fat lassies in union breeks (24) are not in Belfast. The pub in the background is Greyfriars Bobby in Embra. Maybe they’d just popped in for an orangeade 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Probably taken last Saturday. I was trying to move a photocopier (in my van) from Craigentinny up to Laurieston. Because of the orange walk, the traffic was backed up almost everywhere. Polyester suits everywhere – and Buckfast for lunch.

            Liked by 1 person

        3. Sadly , I’m neither familiar with Ogden Nash nor his works.
          However, I was once in the company of a witty fellow when, from behind, we chanced upon a lady in full promenade ( “strutting her stuff” as I understand it to be more vulgarly put), to which he remarked that ” her bum looks like it’s chewin’ a carmel”.

          Liked by 2 people

          1. Jake…….Ogden Nash verse:

            ‘The Catsup Bottle’
            First a little
            Then a lottle

            ‘The Cow’
            The cow is of the bovine ilk;
            One end is moo, the other, milk

            Liked by 1 person

  3. The buffoon says the Northern Ireland problem is easy to fix.Not a big deal.
    Just do away with the checks, protect the balance and get the Assembly working again.
    Easy fix?
    Just respect the last election results and if the dup won’t play just replace them with the Alliance as the next biggest party.

    Picking courgettes seems to be anothe rdoris deflection


            1. Lawdy lawdy … if I were either proper British (i.e., English) or second-class British (a non-English Unionist elsewhere), I’d be black embarrassed. I thank my lucky stars I’m neither of those things.

              The British ship of State is foundering. What a pity we happen to be aboard it.

              Liked by 2 people

              1. Seems that Liz Truss is at the bottom of the two disastrous things that are happening today.

                She seems even less suited to the job that Raab was… or indeed Johnson himself was.


  4. I ran onto some staff jobs at the palace.
    Piper of the Sovereign might be fun. Or Guarder of the Stamps. Food Taster could be problematic. The Queen’s Clock Winder?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. All I can say is…. sheesh.

      Good to know we can afford to employ all these people and keep them in uniforms.

      It’s a pity, though, we don’t have enough money to ensure our kids get at least one meal a day.


      Liked by 1 person

  5. Aye, the master of the paintings turned out to be some kind of Russian spy, the ‘Fifth’ man.
    Had a look on wiki, seems to be a very large number of wee jobs to keep them in comfort.
    The idea that chas gets 6 eggs boiled at intervals so he gets the perfect egg to eat.
    Children of the rest of us can go hungry during the school holidays as they don’t have the money.
    Today they had the turn out of the royal garter, dozens of toy soldiers and servants to pander to their magnific family, minus the airmiles character who is moving into one of the colonies, preferably one with a few golf courses to keep him busy.

    Keeper of the bed chamber pot.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Sir Anthony Blunt if I remember rightly.

      Maybe the palace should employ a wee kid from a universal credit family as food taster. A different one every day so that at least they would eat.

      Andrew wants to be treated with the respect his position deserves.

      Anyone goa pair of steel capped boots?

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Dave…….I’m thinking that maybe Andy will end up in California. Perhaps down the road from the Sussexes. 😉

      I’d forgotten that one of the Keepers of the King’s Pictures had been a spy. Anthony Blunt was granted immunity from prosecution, but 15 years after his confession, Margaret Thatcher announced the secret and he did lose his Knighthood.


      Now I’m suspicious of the man who keeps the royal stamp collection. Maybe even the guy who takes care of the royal swans. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Sorry Andi, forgot the contents have to be studied to determine the direction of the plebs.
    A small Roman technique of the Study of the Chicken Entrails.
    Much of what’s going on today.
    Seems patel will be happy if the Rwanda aircraft takes off with ONE passenger.
    Just read that the £120m deal for 300 a year includes the uk taking some Rwandan asylum seekers to look after, numbers not known., maybe they willbe courgette specialist operators.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Lovely stuff, a reflective moment after watching the garter procession on the royal channel, first time.

    It was like an tv programme that i can just remember.
    It’s a knockout with wonderful dressing up costums and a ladies factory trip out.
    Horse drawn carriages and attendants to pick up the rose fertiliser.
    All done in the best possible taste during a cost of living problem for the plebs.
    At least some plebs got a few groats for their attendance.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. #12…..They played the Paddington Bear Jubilee sketch here in the states. I wonder if the Queen sacrificed one of her actual black purses for the sandwich joke.

    #6……Very funny! Groucho and Margaret Dumont were a hoot.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. LOL I hadn’t seen that.

      My first thought was it’s just as well she doesn’t have to pay the bills for heating that place… my second was that the tea seemed very weak in Buck House. 3rd day tea bags?

      Liked by 1 person

          1. Perhaps so! The artist who painted it sitting on the floor in a formal portrait said he was prepared to paint it out if she was not amused. 🙂

            And now we know it contains a marmalade sandwich “for later.”

            Liked by 1 person

    1. Terry…….Thanks for posting the “much needed gap” article. I enjoyed it so much I clicked on Part 2 which includes a Hollywood reference:

      “When legendary gossip columnist Hedda Hopper asks movie star Gary Cooper about the new star Grace Kelly in 1956 he says that “she fills a much needed gap in motion pictures””

      So we’re left wondering what Gary Cooper actually thought about Grace Kelly, his co-star in “High Noon.” While she was hopelessly miscast as the school marm in the iconic Western film, she was at the time having an affair with Cooper…….as she famously did with pretty much all her leading men in the movies. A fact which didn’t seem to impede her marriage to minor royalty and becoming a serene highness.

      Anyway, I recommend Part 2 of the filling the gap articles.
      I wonder what a New York Times “Correction” on the matter would read like if The Times decided that such a phrase were an error in their pages that needed correcting. The Times’ “Corrections” are so obsessively precise and lengthy……and often unintentionally funny in their precision…..that they are themselves the source of much amusement.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Will airmiles have to take his own water with him?, Danny

    Reading that the water supply is running dry and farmers told to reduce theri consumption.

    Good news from Nicola, the first of the indy documents are being released.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. dave……..There are certainly challenges to living in California that exiled Windsors might wish to consider…….not least the severe multi-year drought which includes much of the American West. (Lake Meade seems to be in the process of drying up.) But California also has occasional local downpours in the wet winter months, which help put out the late summer wildfires. On the other hand, they also produce mudslides which regularly cause a few house on cliffs high above the Pacific to slide into the ocean. And then of course there are the earthquakes. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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