

Which one is Boris?





Dr Dan Goyal

Us: Help. Cost of living!

Them: Cook 30p meals.

Us: But it’s cold!

Them: Put a jumper on.

Us: Windfall tax?

Them: Oh no, harmful to the economy.

Sue Gray: You guys partied while people died!

Them: COST OF LIVING CRISIS! Have some cash, windfall tax…just stop shaming us!



Dr Megan Smith

As a doctor, if I lie I get struck off. I’m pretty sure that I get struck off if I get absolutely hammered at work, throw up all over theatres, spill red wine up the walls of the consulting room and/or am so drunk that I end up sleeping on the floor of the hospital. Just saying.



  1. Police in Uvalde face mounting criticism from parents and local residents over the time taken to bring the massacre to an end, the Financial Times reports. The shooter entered the school unobstructed around 12 minutes after crashing his pick-up truck near the school and firing several shots at bystanders. He had earlier shot his grandmother, who is in a critical condition.

    If this timeline is correct, the criticism appears well founded. Car crash? Shooting at bystanders? Shot his grandmother? Surely any of these would have prompted instant police response, well within 12 minutes – or even 10. And the grandmother shooting must have taken place at least another few minutes earlier. Did no one notice or report that gunfire? Seems to me he could have been intercepted well before he even got close to the school.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. I wonder if, at least some places in Texas, anyone WOULD notice gunfire and think it odd.

      How does a community get over that kind of thing?


  2. Sunak shoots himelf in the foot.
    The !5billion pounds of help will not effect the inflation rate.
    Question for him, If that’s correct why did we have austerity?
    2nd, why was QE used for the bank crisis, then the pandemic?
    Why not the COL crisis?

    Nothing to do with Ms Grey’s whitewash report.
    They said last week it would be July before they would decide.
    The party was whipped to vote against the labour proposal as it would be bad for the economy.
    So if you can release this money without actually answering specifically how it’s to be managed why not just put up the benefits by the current inflation rATE?
    Oh aye ,it’s the computer that said NO.
    Maybe next week during the last PMQT the SNP mps should stand up and leave the chamber it the most disrespectful way, one by one as the buffoon speaks, leaving Mr Blackford until last, ask his questions and leave as he asnswers.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Patently obviously this has been planned to distract attention from the drunken oaf’s embarrassing situation.

      And clearly they didn’t come up with the scheme yesterday. It’s been in the planning and announced to take our minds off what a feckless irresponsible London government we have.


  3. Why does Ted Cruz say that the rest of the world envies America and wants to go there? It is on a par with Patel saying that the UK (I use the term reluctantly) is so attractive to refugees because of the generous social security system we have here.
    I originally typed ‘think’ and ‘thinking’ but changed the words because they do not think or believe these statements. They know they are lies.
    I would like Cruz to go to a gathering of bereaved parents and repeat his words to their faces. I would like Patel to retrospectively review her parents’ applications for acceptence here, consider her own position and then cosider getting medical help to relieve her sociopathic disorder.
    Huxley was and is right. We are globally governed by people who cannot be called to account any more.
    Our only hope is Scotland is Independence where I hope we can elect people we can hold to account, although even that is doubtful at the moment.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Reading the lastest release on the ‘Boat’ people, 97% of the approvals to stay are Afghans, seems a large number of the most recent arrivals have travelled from Afghanistan, you know that country we abandoned without any command and control.
      The man in charge was delayed due to the sea being closed.

      The current government appears to be the no can do anything mob.
      Pandering to their base mob supporters, their taking your jobs etc.
      Saw an interview of a couple in Wakefield, tory supporters from birth, saying the buffoon got the brexit done, surrounded in the better part of Wakefield, the cathedral area. Just a short walk away is a town centre falling apart, my sister lives in the area.
      When are we going to get a journalist to confront the buffoon in the same way as Cruze was, never, they’d lose the job.
      Last effort say the buffoon escape to the fridge.
      NOte he sends out the minions to lie, the last statement restricted them to a single question no comebacks.
      Auld marr asked a long question and got, yes, next questioner.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I was impressed with that reporter.

        He never stopped being polite. He even called Cruz “sir”, something I can’t imagine ever being able to do with a straight face.


    2. I wonder if Texas’s latest holiday brochures cover the adventure of being shot by a psychopath teenager who has had a machine gum for his 18th birthday present.


      1. A silly question .
        If you ask, ‘Did No10 read this early’ the answer is No 10 is a building.
        You have to be specific in the question.
        I’m sure Barkley would have the edit for the buffoon.

        The chancer on radio this morning being generous with the truth, we waited until ofgen told us their forcast, then we can’t tell you the inflation rate for September.
        You can bet your boots on a sudden dip.
        This morning electricity generation by gas turbine is 17% of demand, over50% is renewable BUTT you’re paying the gas rate even if like me your energy trader says they are a green energy provider.
        Soke and mirrors.

        The flounder’s off on his long weekend, survived another week.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. SIR Jeffrey Donaldson:
    “And I reminded Congressman Neal and his colleagues that this too is our mantra: that today Northern Ireland is subjected to laws and taxes into which it has no say, that not a single member elected to this Assembly can influence many of the laws that now oversee how we conduct trade in our country because they are imposed by the European Union, and there is no democratic accountability to this institution or any democratic institution in this country,” he said.
    Sound familiar?
    Substitute Westminster for the EU as far as Scotland is concerned.
    Presumably,on that basis,we can expect the DUP to support Scottish independence.
    Ha ha ha.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. reports of patel’s pps has quit that job on partygate, but not on the lawbreaking asylum and power grab on civil rights.

    Sunak spins ‘We had to get the timing of the levy right’ aye right.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Why do they have him on… and does he really think that people are too stupid to know who Pinocchio is, or indeed how to spell his name?

      Sod off back to France you silly old man.

      The Prime Minister has been proven over and over to be a liar and a cheat, and when he was young you encouraged these traits in him.


  6. Seems the Roman Catholic Church can relax.
    Pope boris the first is available.
    He’s rewritten the ministerial code to remove the Nolan Principles and the need to resign.
    Just before his investigation by the Standards Committee.No doubt backdated until he was born.
    I give you the new pope, boris I the infallible.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. He’s re-written the Ministerial code.
        It is now okay to lie in parliament as long as boris is the final decition maker, you don’t need to resign, just say sorry matron.
        his standards man is refused permission to investigate HIM.

        Don’t like the rules, change the rules.

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Great news for the brexiteers
    The uk has signed up a kind of trade agreement with IndianA.

    Meantime the owners of Jaguar landrover are threatening to leave the uk.

    All working out for global uk.
    More problems at Dover for the half term holiday makers getting to France, along with Liverpool support for the big European match.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well, they told us a lot of countries would want to sign trade deals with Britain. After all there are a pushover in their desperation.


        1. Oh, the A….

          Well, you never know. Danny might be happy to get cheap whisky, if he drives up to Indiana from Missouri.

          My ex-neighbour, Tyler, is from there.


    2. The Indiaina thing is a memorandum of understanding on some trade facilitation details. It’s not nothing but it’s definitely not what Penny Mordaunt says it is. She actually took a modest accomplishment and made it look stupid. Not suprisingly, this didn’t require leaving the EU so it is not a Brexit dividend.

      I’m sure I remember the Scottish government signing a memorandum of understanding with California on climate.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. This is really embarrassing. Granny Nad gets down wit doz kids and raps her mind away. All they needed to make it worse was Michael Gove pretending not to be old.


    If they wanted to appeal to young people they should have paid someone, a LOT younger, to rap!


  9. At least they did it in short cuts so we could get some idea of what she was rapping about, compare with the last effort when the excuse came out she was sydlexic.

    That’ll be seen by very few young people I’m thinking.
    Act your age mad nad, the younsters don’t like auld wrinklies except for grandma

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think it would have been more appropriate if she’d sung it to “There’ll be Blue Birds Over, Vera Lynne” sung by the White Cliffs to Dover… if you can find them in all the traffic.


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