World beating stupid. Anything to curry favour with the ERG nuts. The cheers from his backbenchers were quite clear there.

They much less likely to vote for him to go now, because almost certainly anyone else coming in would change this madness, while over 400 people die every day of a highly transmissible disease.


Still what are a few hundred peasants’ lives when an Eton toff is trying to save his job?

The good common sense of the British (English) people was so evident in the past when he trusted it.

Thousands flock back to pubs on Super Saturday as police chief criticises  drunken behaviour | UK News | Sky News

Mass brawl of up to 200 people breaks out on Exmouth beach | Daily Mail  Online

44 thoughts on “NOTE: THIS IS ENGLAND ONLY”

    1. I’m extremely impressed with Mr Bowie’s rather splendid accent. I might think of using it as a role model for my own when I rise to magnificence.

      Liked by 2 people

        1. I’ll never forget when Andrew (a very good friend of mine) led the escape if officers from Colditz wearing nothing but a Morris dancer’s outfit sewn together out if an old union jack. It I spired me to become a regional MSP and fight for the defence if Blighty. I still sport a Mr Hudson accent but – as I explained earlier – I hope to sound more like Andrew and Carson from Downtown Abbey in the near future when I become King if the Great British Commonwealth. Thank you.

          Liked by 2 people

          1. So nice to be close to someone, even if it is only him.

            When you are King of the Empire (can you be a king of an empire), I hope you’ll remember Munguin… from a financial point of view. We don’t want titles!

            Liked by 1 person

  1. Dr Philippa Whitford
    Even more crazy – @BorisJohnson removing rules on simple mitigations such as masks next week – the very actions which have helped slow #Omicron!
    Would you slash your seatbelt or airbag in the middle of a car crash?

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Nadine D is completely wrong if she thinks that the Union flag is ‘not welcome on that side of the House’. She obviously hasn’t been paying attention to Labour’s attitude towards Scotland which is very much Union flag oriented according to the latest rumours of a Starmer/Gordy Broon behind-closed-doors, keep-the-Union-at-all-costs shiny new ‘devo-max’ fiction, but then the whole lot of them down there don’t seem to have any idea about anything these days. Westminster resides in a parallel universe – a self-contained plane of existence in which particles of nonsense bounce off each other and create not so much a big bang as a damp squib and a sigh.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Stewart over at Talking up Scotland posted this’s 143 pages! Mind you it’s 100 pages more than the A4 book(let) I bought in a charity shop, ‘Scotland’s parliament’ from 1997. I think I mentioned that before.

        Not sure I have the mental energy to read much of this…but folks here might have.
        We should probably all know what they are plotting now, must have cost a bit and taken time to make this up.

        ‘Respect and cooperation, building a stronger UNION for the 21st century’. House of Lords, the bastion of the 21st century UK!!! Lol.


        1. I u8nderstadn that they are going to try to make our laws pass through the house of Lords, in which there are no SNP Noblemen or Noblewomen.

          I’m not sure that I can read it. It might cause stress.

          May it please the Noble Lord to refer to it as Modern Britain ?


  3. Nicola Sturgeon
    20 h ·
    👇 From Monday, Omicron-related restrictions will be lifted in Scotland.

    🎤 No limit on indoor events
    🍺 No need for table service
    💃 Nightclubs can reopen
    👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Three household limit removed

    Some mitigations in place will still remain:

    💻 Work from home if you can
    😷 Face mask in indoor settings and on public transport
    📝 Details still to be collected for Test & Protect
    📱 Vaccine passport still in place for large events

    Liked by 2 people

      1. I’m only wonderful at the moment. I shall become splendid when I am elected FM of Scotland/North Britain but shall reach magnificence when chosen as PM of Her Majesty’s United Kingdom.
        This may or may not happen sooner or later. Possibly.


      2. Anyone old enough to remember the other Harry Hewitt from Coronation St? I think he was crushed under a bus, was father to Lucille who moved in with the Walkers at the Rovers Return after he mother Concepts, who was played by Doreen Keogh who went on to win family as Barbara’s neighbour Mary in the Role Family, moved away?
        That Harry Hewitt, not the ginger pouter who married Miss Marple.

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Now that’s not a bad thing.

        I doubt the Scottish government could do it, although they did give the health workers a bonus.

        Norway is paying a third of everyone’s electricity bills.

        Britain is levelling up the 8th Viscount Gage’s driveway.

        Damned right too. We can’t have aristocrats going over bumps. Whatever would be next?


  4. On 20 Jan 2022 at 12 midday Washington DC time it will be one year of the FAKE Biden regime. They have not admitted that they are working for a foreign power and therefore are spies and are in belligerent occupation. All civilian means of removing them have been exhausted. There is only one choice left.
    The US Military can now LEGALLY oust them and put them on trial in a military court.

    Fireworks about to start. Today 19th January 2022 is National Popcorn day.

    Enjoy the show. Best get in supplies for two to three weeks.


    1. So, this military coup will happen when?

      I suppose it will make a change form a bunch of lunatics with horns and bare chests. At least the military will have clothes on.


      1. It is NOT a military coup.
        The takeover (digital war) happened when they stole the election of 3rd Nov 20 and then installed their puppet Government on 20 Jan 2021. Covid 19 was the cover to hide their actions. Since then all avenues to correct this by revealing what happened through normal civilian channels have been blocked.
        That leaves the Military.

        As to when, if I was the military I would not telegraph my moves by way of dates. All I am pointing out is that the threshold will be crossed and the military can justifiably move without triggering war crimes against their own troops.

        Meanwhile check this out.


  5. I’ve just heard that Tory MPs who put in their letters to the 1922 committee have been “encouraged” to withdraw them…

    What form this “encouragement” takes will, I suppose, differ, dependant upon the person.

    I suspect it might include the possibility of junior ministerial power, red box and chauffeur driven car, or maybe for some a CBE, perhaps, even a K… or for older ones, the possibility of a seat the the retirement home next door.

    For others…


  6. I have been called to Munguin’s side to minister to his needs.

    I shall return (when I have done his bidding) to answer any further comments… Sorry….

    Fac Totum.


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