At least Liz got luncheon laid on.
Can you imagine putting on a shirt and tie to go shoot defenceless animals?
Queen Ghislaine and King Kevin… or something.
One thing you can say for Andrew is that, unlike Trump, at least his clothes fit.
Nice hat though, huh?


  1. What a shower of lowlifes. And now we read that Andrew Neil is going to sue Jennifer Arcuri for tweeting that his contact details appeared in a contacts book of Jeffrey Epstein’s. Who will the next luminary be in the cast of this Xmas panto? I’m saying nothing about parties on crown properties.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I guess there are Brits all over the UK just proud as punch to be Brits.

      Given the royals are dubious (to put it mildly), the government are complete crooks and the head of their police is a puppet. Makes ya proud. Global Britain, eh?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I suspect that most serious Tories that aren’t beholden to him for jobs of resignation list honours probably feel like that. Patten called this Tory Party and English Nationalist Party.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. See that bench that Epstein and Maxwell are sitting on?

    I hae planked ma ain bahookie on yon bink.

    When Her Madge isn’t in residence and the SAS are doing something more exciting than Royal protection duty, anybody can sit there.

    No royal invite required. Access from Kieloch car-park via the Auld Brig o Dee.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Just listened to an excuse for a police officer, a retired deputy commisioner, say that all that would happen if the police investigated the non parties, a cudgel would be given to davy and sarmer to bully doris.
    Repeats the waste of resources on an old event.
    Didn’t think that the MET stood for the tory party.

    Wonder what he would say about hundreds of riot police bullying the women who where having a controlled demo about a killing.

    Last one I heard was a wee blue rinse lady who said that they should just stop the bullying of doris, poor lad has just had to cancel the party after getting the cases of Moet delivered.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh no… what a tragedy.

      I’m sure he’ll be able to get through them over the next few weeks… or days.

      He has, I’ve heard, an amazing capacity for drink, if not for much else.

      I think the Met has become an arm of the Tory party. I’m really not sure how anyone could say that this hasn’t be harmful.

      People had parties shut down and were fined thousands for having them. The other result is that they may have passed on the virus to their friends.

      The Downing Street parties went on, undoubtedly with the knowledge of the security police and have led to people saying… across England (and possibly spreading to the other countries of which he is PM… that they can stuff their regulations. The will not comply.

      But hey… honours to be had…

      Liked by 2 people

            1. Dont forget Dido!
              The benefits of having a classical education include giving your offspring silly names. However B Johnson would have done well to simply give them Roman numerals as Jacob R-M did with one of his, Sixtus, I think.
              One way of keeping tabls on the sumbers.

              Liked by 1 person

  4. Good to see you are keeping up with the important news.
    That pic of the quine doesn’t look anything like the real one, stand in double perhaps. Similar to the stand in that plays Hillary, various heights is a giveaway. Biden too.

    In the meantime here is an article that gives a reasonable handle on the story of the “Stealth War” that we have been having for several years now. There’s a lot more, but I’ll keep that for after the Fall of London Bridge – announcement estimated February according to sources, though it fell several years ago.


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