Aoy mof1
aoy dave train
juicey dave
TCM Classic Film Festival 2016 - Opening Night
aoy soap
dave sp
Union Street 1960-70 (With images) | Aberdeenshire, City by the ...
aoy dave1
Happiest Days Of Your Life, The (1950) | Nostalgia Central

Thanks to Dave and John.

Today’s laugh…


From John.

140 thoughts on “ALL OUR YESTERDAYS”

  1. Pic 20: Margaret Rutherford, Joyce Grenfell and Alistair Sim in the 1950 film The Happiest Days of Your Life.
    Arguably the forerunner of the St. Trinians series.

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  2. Pic 1 – National Dried Milk – as a kid, I remember going with my mum to the local clinic to collect the NDM (for my younger siblings) along with the Orange Juice and Cod Liver Oil. Pic 2 – big American streamliner steam loco – not sure which one – doubtless Danny will clarify. Pic 4 – Is that Shirley Bassey? Pic 11 – I think, the Bristol Freighter Type 170 – the cool way to take your car across the Channel back in the day, if you had the money – and the nerve. Pic 15 – Percy Thrower? Pic 17 – Arthur Lowe as Mr Smedley and Eileen Derbyshire as Miss Nugent in Coronation Street when ah were but a lad. Pic 18 – Union St., Aberdeen, 1960s?

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Andi…..No. 2 made me think of the 4-6-4 Hudsons built for the New York Central by the American Locomotive Company (ALCO) and the Lima Locomotive Works from 1927 to 1938 (Wiki says). The Central used them for high speed passenger service, and they were produced in three different streamlined designs. This one looks very similar to the art-deco styled “Mercury” trains that the Central ran between Midwestern cities.

      New York Central Mercury Train at Cleveland in 1936:

      This looks similar to picture 2, but not quite the same. It took a little Googling to track it down.

      “The locomotive belongs to Class E-4, Chicago & North Western Railway (C&NW). They were amongst the biggest Hudson type locomotives built by ALCO; even larger than the New York Central’s famous Hudsons.”

      “Originally destined to haul the Chicago and North Western’s famous “400” express trains, they were actually used on the longer distance Chicago-Omaha runs. None were ever used to power the “400″ fleet: by the time they were delivered, the railway management decided that streamlined steam was the wrong direction and instead placed orders with General Motors Electro-Motive Division for new diesel locomotives. The nine new streamlined E-4 Class “Hudsons” were promoted by C&NW as “Steamliners—Smooth Flowing Speed—The Most Powerful 4-6-4 Passenger Locomotives Ever Built.”

      Liked by 3 people

      1. The E4’s did look very similar to the 4-6-2’s which were converted to streamliners during the 1940’s to head the ‘400’ but were also used eventually on local trains, presumably when diesels took over. The livery was very colourful and attractive, which doesn’t come across in the monochrome.

        That is obviously a Hudson pictured with the above comment but the original picture makes it hard to identify as 4-6-4 or 4-6-2. Nor is it possible to see a number in the first picture – the 4-6-2’s were numbered from 400, whether or not to match the train designation I know not.

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            1. Have to admit that the display of apparent erudition on this matter reflects the fact that, as part of my lockdown book clearout, I had just finished a couple of books on American locomotives. Two weeks ago I wouldn’t have had a scooby…..

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              1. Is that the sort of book that someone gave you and you though… yeah that will be interesting at sometime when I get a moment? …And then suddenly you have all the moments in the day!

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                1. No – I actually bought quite a number of railway books around 40 – 30 years ago, including quite a few on American railroads. Now into the read or reread and clear out stage – may keep Scottish stuff as memento of travels in younger days. Many of the books are heavily pictorial, which serve quite well as a break from some rather heavy historical and language stuff.

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        1. Andi: It still is. Only a few weeks ago I bought a tin of some vegetables in the Smedley brand. I think they used to have a factory in Forfar, just 20 miles up the road form here.


          1. Think they also had some kind of plant in Coupar Angus, which used to have a Smedley’s football team.

            Empty dried milk tins served as storage for many for years after war.


      1. Not sure about 18, Tris. The St Nicholas building is peeping its ugly head above the tress to the left. It opened in 1970. So maybe shortly after. Don’t know when they stopped parking in Union Street.

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          1. SA is an Aberdeen number (on the Imp). Isn’t the collonade where there’s another road below, and just past that there’s a footpath with a pointy-hand “to the art gallery” sign on the wall?

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            1. Union Street is built over a series of arches. You are correct that just beyond the colonnade there is a staircase leading down to Correction Wynd which passes below Union Street.

              The ‘pointy hand’ is in Belmont Street, immediately to the left of the photo. They are a feature of Aberdeen street signs. I also spotted one in Inverurie a few months ago which had an upside down pointy hand. There must have been a few sweary words when they realised they had brought the wrong one from the depot.

              Liked by 1 person

            2. Being ‘picky’, RG and RS were for Aberdeen City while SA and AV were for Aberdeenshire.
              The ‘F’ reg plate on the Imp in the foreground denotes late ’67 /early ’68 as earliest possible date.
              However given the looming presence of St. Nicholas House (constructed during 1968) in the background, combined with the trees in St Nicholas Churchyard being in full leaf (suggesting summer?) that points towards Summer of ’69 as likely date?
              Which, apart from being the summer I left school, also sounds like a cue for a fine tune….
              Summer Of ’69 (Official Music Video) – YouTube

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              1. I wonder where the photo was taken? Looking out from the back of a vehicle?? Or standing in the road on top of a ladder???

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    1. Ha ha… Other [people can wear pink, Ed.

      Thanks for Parker Street. Dave sent the picture and neither of us was sure where it was, and although I has no idea of the name of the street, I did think I recognised these steps just in front of the old DRI.

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    1. Thanks, Conan. That brought back fond memories of distant times. Saturday sessions in the pub with Hamish – and many more of that great 1960s folk generation. Smoking – did that really happen? – pints of course, and the singer right there with you, not even social distance away or on a remote stage or a platoon of security heavies to keep the punters at bay. Getting all nostalgic and still a day early for Soppy Sunday…

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    1. During the war only wheat flakes were available – my recollection of them was soggy when milk added. After the war Corn Flakes were a welcome improvement.

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          1. Dave: The most disgusting, tastefree rubbish ever sold. You can only believe that they made them like a pan scourer to persuade people that their insides were being thoroughly cleaned through.

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        1. Haha love your description of Shredded Wheat Danny. I have shredded wheat most mornings for breakfast. It’s not in anyway sweet which is why I like it. Most breakfast cereals are sweet these days

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          1. Tatu…….I’ve never tasted shredded wheat actually.
            I think there’s an American version that has bite-sized pieces that are “frosted”. That is, they have a sugar coating. 🙂


            1. I love that they use the word frosted. I think the sugar coated cornflakes here were called “Frosties”… which I suppose is more marketable than “Sugaries”.

              Incidentally I should have said earlier that there is no law in any of the UK countries that says that you can’t have very sugary drinks or cereals … But they are taxed by London at a higher rate than no sugared ones.

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              1. The “frosted” cereals are controversial here for the sugary coating which appeals to children especially. I think that the famously liberal People’s Democratic Republic of California 🙂 has some state laws (maybe based on taxation) that regulate sugary soft drinks. On the opposite coast over in New York City, then Mayor Michael Bloomberg (the recently failed presidential candidate) caused a storm when he applied administrative rules that banned soft drink portions being served in the city above 16 fl ounces. (If you wanted more, you had to pay for multiple servings.) He did this to fight obesity he said. It caused a fury of libertarian opposition (and corporate opposition from the soft drink industry) and was soon batted down by the courts on constitutional grounds. But the obesity battle goes on as a part of the liberal-conservative culture wars. It came up again when it was charged that if he were elected president, Bloomberg would start taxing sugary soft drinks, since he’s so personally offended by fat people and unfavorable health statistics.

                I’ve resigned myself to the fact that liberals can’t help being do-gooding busybodies who want to regulate their neighbor’s behavior by force of law in service of a greater public good, but I draw the line at presidents’ wives (whom nobody elected) having a direct impact on public policy. (Hillary Clinton famously screwed up the fight for a health care bill in Bill Clinton’s first administration.) Michelle Obama hated fat children, (although she didn’t phrase it exactly like that 🙂 ) so she set to work removing every last bit of flavor from the national school lunch guidelines. Milk for example had to be skim milk and it couldn’t have any flavoring in it that children might enjoy……such as chocolate. Trump came in and destroyed everything he could that Obama did. In the case of Michelle Obama’s school lunch standards, that was ironically a good thing, IMHO.

                My view……screw Michelle Obama!……at least until she gets elected to something and has a legal and constitutional right to be a liberal do-gooding busybody. 😉

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                1. I absolutely agree about individual liberty as long as X’s liberty doesn’t impinge too much on Y’s…especially when Y is me!!!!! 🙂

                  Liberty comes, though, with responsibility.

                  So, my reckoning is, if Joe McSoap wants to smoke 100 cigarettes a day, that’s cool with me as long as he keeps the hell out of my way and I never have to smell him or his smoke, and he pays more tax, becasue he is asking for cancer/emphysema/heart disease.

                  And to be fair, that is what happens here.

                  It used to be nearly everyone smoked in Scotland. Bars and restaurants and workplaces were smoke ridden. Even cinemas and theatres at one time were smoky… and worst of all, I’d have said, planes!!!!

                  Now, while you are at liberty to smoke as much as you like, you can’t do it in enclosed public spaces and you pay more tax than any other country in Europe.

                  But, and here’s the interesting thing… this has happened over many years when there has been a predominance of right wing governments committed to not poking their nose into individual freedoms…except when it makes them money.

                  Bit time with you over unelected people making rules.

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                  1. I certainly agree about cigarette smoking. Smoking has hugely declined here too. Cigarettes are heavily taxed, and smoking has been largely banned in public places through local laws. In fact, Michael Bloomberg was instrumental in getting smoking banned in New York City bars and restaurants, which became a template for local laws around the nation. But that apparently encouraged him to take a step too far in his soft drink restrictions.

                    I’m a great believer in elected officials working within the democratic system. I do think that both Obamas exhibited some know-it-all liberal snootiness, but he was elected and she wasn’t. 😉

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                    1. I was 100% for them banning smoking indoors in public, which the Labour/Liberal government in Scotland brought in, to their credit in 2006. People said that you would never enforce it,but I’ve never really seen it broken.

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                    2. Tris……It was the same in the States. I was surprised at how readily the public smoking bans were accepted here. Even in places like sports bars and restaurants where young people congregate.

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                    3. People said that you would NEVER get the French to accept it, but they did, and I’ve never seen someone smoke in a bar there… of course outside on the pavement café part yes, but no indoors.

                      I think people pretty well accept that it’s a bit anti social to do some inside and make other people smoke it second hand.

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          1. i think they bought it once and we all tried it and agreed that it was horrible (sorry Tatu, you’re outnumbered!!!)

            They never bought it again. Mind you, if my father had liked it, I’m thinking we would have been force fed it!

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              1. Douglas…..As a child, I took an intense dislike for milk……at such an early age I don’t even remember it…….except that the taste of milk gags me to this day. It was a practice in our first grade school class to give us children milk and graham crackers as an afternoon snack. My mother knew that that would not work for me, so she sent me to school with apple slices, which I liked. So I had apple slices and graham crackers while the “normal” children had their milk and graham crackers.

                Graham crackers are not really all that good, but they are OK with apples. BTW, the story of Sylvester Graham is an interesting tale about the religious healthy-eating vegetarian tradition that gave us Dr. John Harvey Kellogg.


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                1. I like good tasty French white bread but it goes stale very quickly. We used to buy it twice a day in France so that it was always fresh.

                  In Scotland, I prefer rough brown bread with big fat seeds in it.

                  Like you, I loathe milk and won’t drink it at any price.

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                  1. I like almost all breads, although I have a perverse Midwestern attachment for plain commercially produced white bread…..which the food experts tell me is tasteless.

                    I do enjoy what is sold here as “French Bread”, which is white bread and must be eaten fresh. Makes a wonderful garlic bread too! I also like “San Francisco” Sour Dough Bread, but for some reason it’s not the same unless it actually comes from the Bay Area and is consumed with a meal on a cool foggy San Francisco night to the sound of the fog horns. Maybe it’s the cold and the damp and the fog that makes it good.

                    Glad I’m not the only one with a milk aversion. If poured (sparingly) on breakfast cereal, it’s almost impossible to apply enough sugar to make it edible. 🙂

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                    1. Actually, your tale about the San Francisco bread is not unusual.

                      Certain foods do taste better in their environment.

                      There are many tales of people falling in love with a food item, or drink, and bringing it back for distant shores, only to find that when they prepare it here in Scotland, someone it tastes different.

                      Not sure how much of that is real and how much is “all in the head”.

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                    2. No doubt about it. Sour dough bread tastes better in the city by the Bay. Maybe while strolling Fisherman’s Wharf in the cool damp fog of evening with a container of shrimp, looking across the Bay to Alcatraz.
                      I’m told that the Wharf has become too touristy, but I’m from Missouri, so what do I know? 🙂

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                2. Lactose intollerance is pretty common, and a recognised issue. I’d compare and contrast your experience with mine. But that would be a waste of time. Mine was the somewhat weaker ‘dinny like it’, whereas yours was more threatening.

                  Though they may be comparable, at least on one level. We should not be forced to eat food that we don’t want to eat?

                  I think that food somewhat defines us. I cannot, for example, see myself becoming a fully fledged vegan, although I see their point of view.

                  It is a tough one.

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                  1. Douglas…..My feeling for milk is as far as I know just a really dinny like it thing. I don’t recall ever drinking enough to know if I’m lactose intolerant or not. I have occasionally put a little milk on Kellogg’s cereal of one kind or another, and then covered it with sugar so as not to taste the milk. 😉

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    2. I never liked corn flakes. There was a joke at one time that for nutrition you would be better off eating the packaging.

      I didn’t like weetabix either.

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      1. LOL……not much nutrition in dry cereals I guess. Apparently Dr. Kellogg had strange ideas about what was good for the patients at his Battle Creek sanitarium.

        One of Dr. Kellogg’s patients was C.W. Post who created his own brand of corn flakes that competed with Kellogg for many years. It was called Post Toasties.

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        1. I think Dr Kellogg actually had some pretty sound ideas, but he was sidelined by his son-in-law who was a ruthless profit seeker and pursued the sale of almost nutrition free cereals while mendaciously using Dr Kellogg’s reputation. (Unfortunately, I cannot remember where I read this so that I can check the accuracy ofmy recollection.)

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          1. A.M……I remember that at some point Will Kellogg wanted to add sugar to the cereals, but Dr. John objected. They finally had a falling out and never reconciled. I saw this New York Times review of the book: “The Kelloggs: The Battling Brothers of Battle Creek.”

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            1. Danny: Was the sugar to make them taste a bit less disgusting?

              Actually until recently they did have a brand that had sugar on them, but, presumably in the UK’s drive to bring down the crippling obesity that was swamping the NHS before Covid took over, they taxed them out of existence.

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              1. I’d say that the sugar was to give them SOME taste. 😉

                I’m definitely cool with sugar. The nanny state liberals who want to legislate what people are allowed to eat in service of the greater public good are on a crusade on this side of the pond to eliminate sugar from what children like to eat…….such as breakfast cereals. This is where my “conservative” libertarian instincts take over. All of my childhood pleasures involved sugary things. I ate tons of ice cream and candy bars, and drank gallons of soda. For me sugary soda is a staple of life. So I was fully in Trumpy’s corner when he rescinded the “healthy” school lunch programs of Michelle Obama, who no one elected, and was a liberal do-gooding busybody of the first rank, IMHO.

                If I were ever to eat breakfast cereal, it would definitely be the “frosted” variety, with lots and lots of sugar. 🙂

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                1. I am inclined to agree to a point. Certainly in the USA that is very valid .

                  But, to be fair, when you live in a country where heathcare is free at the point of delivery for all, the taxpayer has an interest in the health of people in general.

                  In the USA, people’s lifestyle, including risk is really their responsibility, not just personally, as it is everywhere, but also financially. They are paying insurance to cope with the relative certainly of ill health later in life if they overindulge in drink, drugs, sugar or tobacco.

                  In Scotland and even England, the burden of their excesses is paid by the taxpayer.

                  So, the people, and therefore the governments in Britain, have a vested interest in keeping people as healthy as they can.

                  That’s why cigarettes, for example, cost a fortune here, almost all of it going in tax. £10 or so a packet of which a big majority goes to the government. This pays for (actually over pays for) the massive expense to the health service of cancers and other illness associated with smoking. The same with drink. Massive duty is charged on products which cost next to nothing… but given that we see cases of cirrhosis of the liver in people as young as early 20s, this is not unreasonable.

                  It was logical as the obesity crisis grew in the UK, that pressure from those paying massive taxes on their unhealthy consumption of drink and smokes, would demand that the VAST amount spent on, for example, Type 2 Diabetes, Coronary Heart Disease… and other overweight issues.

                  And the Brits have for the past 10 years had a fairly right wing government. No socialism from the likes of Cameron, May and Cummings!

                  So… fair enough in America, but I can see why we tax heavily. Nothing of course is actually banned…

                  I imagine that in private healthcare it is not that different. I’m guessing that a fit active person pays lower premiums than someone who smokes, drinks and looks like Trump. 🙂

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                  1. Cutting down the sugar for health reasons is fair enough up to a point. The annoying bit for me is the over use of sweeteners that carry their own risks to health. I hate the taste of them and can detect it in very small quantities which means I can now only drink Classic Coke if I want fizzy and there’s one brand of diluting orange called Rocks I’ve found without artificial sweeteners. I had a drink of Ribena the other day and gagged at the taste because they’ve even got to that.

                    It’s not so much the sugar but the amount used. Why does everything have to be so sweet? Surely it’s possible to gradually cut down the quantities of sugar like I believe they did with salt in processed food and ready meals a number of years ago. Instead, the boffins in the drinks industry are substituting like for like and I think it’s disgusting. I’ve tried hard to get used to sweeteners but I just can’t.

                    There’s always beer.🤔

                    Liked by 3 people

                    1. I couldn’t agree more.

                      Artificial sweetener is disgusting.

                      It is also, as you say, very easy for most people to adapt their taste.

                      I used to take 2 sugars in my black coffee.

                      Fair to say I drink a fair bit of coffee (mostly decaff).

                      I noticed that despite walking a lot and going to the gym, I was putting on weight. Munguin said it was middle age spread.

                      So I started taking one sugar in my coffee. It tasted a bit yukky the first few times, but I persisted and I got to like it. So I went to half a sugar and the same thing happened… so I went to no sugar.

                      Not so long ago, before the lock down, a friend was in the house having coffee. Like me, he likes it black, but he likes 2 sugars. Somehow I managed to get the coffees mixed up and took a sip of his coffee… I nearly vomited. 2 sugars…eeeeek… disgusting.

                      Honestly it only takes a couple of weeks to become accustomed to it.

                      I suppose it would work with that disgusting sweetener they use in so many things, but I think you have to WANT to get to like something… and I don’t with that.

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                  2. I’ve never really bought into the notion that taxes on alcohol and tobacco were primarily for the good of my health.
                    I take the point that they cost a publicly funded NHS money…but these excise duties pre-date the NHS by hundreds of years.

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                    1. Jake: I think if you take something that is addictive (although not absolutely essential), you can kinda get away with taxing it and people won’t stop using it, so your tax take gets bigger and bigger.

                      I’m sure health wasn’t the origin of the taxation, but it became a good excuse once there was a health service.

                      Certainly I understand that the tobacco tax more than pays for damage to health caused by smoking, although, as fewer and fewer people smoke, that take must be going down, while there are still many older people requiring the services of the surgeons.

                      It’s certainly the excuse that governments have used in the past.

                      Liked by 1 person

                1. Fried was workingin the USA and returned recently.
                  His frosties were deemed to be rubbish and OFF.
                  Checked the amount of sugar between USA and uk,found he had become used to the USA version and hence the sugar.
                  Has gradually weaned himself off the sugar level from the USA.
                  Same name,similar product,different formula.

                  Liked by 1 person

                    1. The sugar debate goes on…..LOL. We can certainly agree on the desirability of moderation, and the bad taste of artificial sweeteners.

                      I should point out that Trumpy does not smoke or drink, and if he likes what the liberal health police declare to be junk food, that’s his constitutionally protected business. I’m a bit biased though because I LOVE McDonald burgers and KFC and sugary soft drinks. In fact I seem to love every food that the liberals make fun of Trumpy for. As for coffee IMHO, it surpasses human understanding how anyone could like it, however much sugar or cream you put in that foul tasting black concoction.

                      One can make defensible points about the NHS, and public health being a valid governmental concern in Britain. In any case the Brits can do whatever they want as long as they stay gone from American shores. (That 1776 thing!) I could of course once again point out that Parliamentary supremacy is a very bad thing when its good intentions are not constrained by a written constitution with a Bill of Rights to protect minority human rights. The idea of “the people” being sovereign through a popularly elected parliament gives free reign, in the absence of a written constitution, to the tyranny of the majority against the minority rights of single human beings. No single individuals in England or Scotland are safe in their homes when the Westminster and Scottish parliaments are in session. (IMHO)

                      I think I read once that there is some sort of a Bill of Rights in England. Probably unwritten though. And/or probably subject to parliamentary repeal. 😉

                      Sadly, even though there is no NHS in the States, the liberals still find a way to argue for government restrictions on human behavior. The liberals will argue that the premiums on their private medical insurance plans go up when people indulge their constitutional right to eat whatever they desire for example. So the “social good” argument is used by American liberals to justify restricting human rights, and indulging their unending desire to interfere in the lives of their neighbors. Annoying ones neighbor seems to be the primary tenet of American liberalism.

                      Another rant……and it’s only 3:05. Well, this IS an election year. 😉

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                    2. 🙂

                      I’d have thought, Danny, that when insurance companies were looking at the cost of individuals’ health policies, they might have taken people’s size, weight, age, and habits like smoking and drinking at least, into consideration.

                      Certainly, here they do it for travel insurance or life insurance.

                      There is or was, a bill of rights in England, but it wouldn’t apply in Scotland as it predates the union, and law remained separate at the point of unions (presumably because lawyers and judges, who were educated and important in 1707, wouldn’t accept a union that meant they had to learn an entirely new set of laws.


                      I absolutely want to see some sort of written constitution for Scotland. It doesn’t solve all problems, as wqe know from looking around at other counties which have them, but at least it means that the legal people can’t make it up entirely as they go along.

                      I would think it likely that Scotland will have one. I would think it highly unlikely that England ever will, because they think of themselves as above that…well the people at the top say that because they think the riff raff will like that. The real reason is that not having a constitution does mean that THEY can do whatever they like.

                      Just look at the royals. I bet when Lizzy goes Charlie will be King and his second wife, not married in the church because she was a divorcee, will be queen. Against all precedent, but what the hell, nothing’s written down so Charlie will want her to be Queen Mrs Parker Bowles and the insufferable government will want to creep to him, so it will happen.

                      A small and very unimportant thing, but it is illustrative of how they use the convenient lack of any real rules.

                      3.05… Is that a record? 🙂

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                    3. Tris…..The insurance companies do factor in the personal statistics on height, weight, smoking, etc when setting premiums for medical insurance and life insurance. But my liberal friends do enjoy arguing that personal health habits do generally impact insurance premiums over time. So their “social cost” argument still gets applied to behavioral issues, even though the American government does not have the direct public interest that the British government has in the NHS for example.

                      Yes, the Bill of Rights of 1689 was what I was thinking about. It is said to have influenced the American constitution’s Bill of Rights of 1789. Yes, a constitution is not the answer to every problem….far from it……but it does as you note, make it a little harder to make it up as they go along, willy-nilly. 🙂

                      Yes 3:05 might be record for a second rant about Michelle Obama’s extra-constitutional governance. But it’s a pet peeve, and this IS an election year. 🙂

                      Liked by 1 person

  3. Used to get dragged along during the war to the clinic in Avenuepark St, Maryhill. Didn’t mind the dried milk, the orange juice or the cod liver oil, but that was the place where I got all my “jags”, so I never wanted to go there.
    Re No.11, were those the planes that flew out of Lydd Airport in Kent?

    Liked by 2 people

      1. When one reads about the feats of American locos with heavy trains on nearly level track on some of the crack express routes (although the standard of much American track elsewhere left something to be desired) one wonders why they didn’t go for the British approach to speed records by running a light train down a moderate gradient for a short distance – given that they were very proud of their crack trains and do have some record of showing a national competitive spirit.

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          1. Cairnallochy, Tris…….I’ve read that before the the Penn-Central merger, NY Central and the Pennsylvania railroads competed fiercely for records on the New York to Chicago run…….the Central with its 2oth Century Limited on its flat and level northerly “water level route,” and the Pennsy with its Broadway Limited through the mountains west of Philadelphia. At some point, I remember reading that one of them…..the Central I think……shifted to light-weight cars which shaved time off the route.

            Liked by 1 person

  4. Think that was the base for cross channel car transporters.
    Lydd is still a popular airport for light aircraft crossing to Europe.
    Expensive way to get the car across,think the Bristol Freighter took 3 cars at a time.
    A relative used it to go to Brussels in the 60’s.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Research says that a return journey of car and 4 passengers was £64 in 1950,started as summer only service.
      Can’t think an ordinary joe public was in that market.

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      1. According to the Bank of England inflation calculator £64 in 1950 would be £2209.55 as at December 2019. So quite expensive.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Thanks,
          Tried the trusty Mars Bar route to inflation but don’t think the ration was off for sweets then.
          A lot of money,a couple of YEARS pay for a man,women didn’t count back then,even although they worked through the war to produce the goods.My mother was a postie, delivering the mail.

          Liked by 2 people

  5. Looking at the various chocolates and sweets featured each week, it is interesting to see the original manufacturers and advertising before they were taken over or merged with other confectionery manufacturers.

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  6. I think that No7 has to be chorus girls, The Gaiety Girls from London’s theatre of that name – 1900 or so? I feel I should know who No10 is but I just can’t come up with the name. I’d love to know.


      1. At last… Andi to the rescue. I was beginning to think my contributions this week had no appeal (or had everyone stumped. Gaiety Girls it is (they are?) the 1908 forerunners of pin-up lovelies, albeit less scantily clad. The caption says: “Under George Edwards’ management, the Gaiety Theatre was the headquarters of London musical comedy in the early years of the 20th century.
        “The productions, as regards words and music, proving somewhat insipid after Gilbert and Sullivan predecessors, Edwards recruited to his cast a number of young women whose charm and beauty were soon famous.”
        It then goes on to name them, but I don’t think repeating that here would be of much interest to readers. No 0 is from the same era – Mrs Patrick Campbell, described as “one of the great tragic actresses of her generation”. The picture shows her as Electra but she first made her name in Pinero’s ‘The Second Mrs Tanqueray’ and achieved notable success as Eliza Doolittle in the original production of Shaw’s Pygmalion.
        But why ‘Mrs Patrick Campbell’? Didn’t she have a name of her own, even if militant feminism was still some way off in 1908? The caption tells us only that she married Captain Campbell at the age of 19, so I had to consult Wiki which tells us she was born Beatrice Rose Stella Tanner in London in1865. She studied for a short time at the Guildhall School of Music and in 1884 eloped with Patrick Campbell, while pregnant with their child. Campbell died in the Boer War in 1900 and she later became the second wife of George Cornwallis-West, a writer and soldier previously married to Jennie Jerome, the mother of Sir Winston Churchill. Notwithstanding her second marriage she continued to use the stage name ‘Mrs Patrick Campbell’.
        In 1900, having become her own manager/director, made her debut performance on Broadway, a marked success followed by more appearances in New York and on tour in the US that established her as a major theatrical presence there. She made her film debut in 1934 at the age of 68. She died in 1940.
        My third photo this week shows 1908 sale-time in Piccadilly and a famous London store. The caption notes that although the “art of window dressing had not progressed very far, shopping had become one of the chief delights of the feminine community, in the days before the all-electric house, the radio and the films, and other similar diversions.” Do I detect more cause for feminist objection?

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Wot, another one? Sacrilege!!
        I’ve not been paying attention, but yes, photo taken looking into Accrington Bus Garage in Lancashire.
        What could say ‘Lancashire’ more (in bus terms, the only terms that really matter) than a LEYLAND Titan PD3 with EAST LANCS bodywork and (for good measure) a St. HELENS style moulded fibre-glass radiator front.
        All Lancashire.
        New in 1962 to Accrington Corporation, transferred into Hyndburn Transport in 1974, then withdrawn (I think) in 1978.

        Liked by 1 person

  7. andimac, like you, I would love to know who number 10 is.
    Danny may be able to help. Danny, is it maybe Evelyn Nesbit?
    I think you are probably correct about the Gaiety Girls, by the way.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Still struggling over pic 10: if it is not Evelyn Nesbit, is it Virginia Wolf?

    andimac wants to know, too.

    Come on, John. Put us out of our misery.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I had an email from John saying who it was, but I can’t find it anywhere (we had a bit of bother with emails yesterday).

      Prod him tomorrow. It must be about 2 am there now… he’ll be snoring!


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