Yesterday we were a member of the European Union.

We left at midnight (Brussels time).

AndiMac wrote this poem, which I think sums it all up so well:

Brexitannia – a paean

Now dawns the day, the hour is at hand
when Britons liberate their glorious land.
From foreign laws and trammels free,
we do restore our sacred liberty.
Dagoes, Eyeties, Frogs and Krauts we shun,
with Belgians, Greeks and Dutch we’ve done:
we’ve smashed the fetters, cut and run
to take our right place in the sun.
With a world of opportunity before us
and no Johnny Foreigner hovering o’er us,
we’ll show that we’re no more their fools
as bold Britannia waives the rules.
Our argosies shall roam all seas
and Britons trade with whom they please,
riches and treasures to bear home
from every land across the foam.
Gold, silver, silks and spices fine,
exotic fruits and honeyed wine,
furs, leathers fine and jewels bright
in trade for jams and famed Marmite.
But should some upstart power decide
to challenge the Lion in his pride,
our Navy shall guard the ocean’s lanes
with both our carriers that have no planes.
And, yea, our submarines on the Clyde,
except when all moored alongside,
shall deter any foolish foe
who would ‘gainst Albion strike a blow –
to them our missiles oblivion bodes
as long as Yanks give us the codes.
No gold-starred blue flag o’er our land shall fly
our sacred Union Flag instead shall flutter high
against our nation’s sunlit sky.
Around our rugged coasts and gentle sands
no rapacious fishing boats from foreign lands
shall any longer dredge the bounty of the sea –
a sea now British ‘til eternity.
Likewise, no Czech, Romanian or Pole
shall force young Britons to the dole.
There shall be work aplenty in our land
to which our sturdy lads can turn their hand.
Young damsels too, Britain’s beauties,
shall henceforth glory in national duties,
in caring for Britons of older age,
while generously paid a minimum wage.
Fruit-picking, lifting spuds and such like rural joys
shall breed a race of healthy girls and boys,
who will in time serve in our armed forces,
maintaining Britain in her courses
to rule and guide the globe entire
once more as Britannia’s great Empire!
Ignore the whining of Remainer curs,
Northern Irish dolts and, even worse,
Mad Scots who would be independent –
instead, hail Britannia now transcendent.
So raise your bumper, peal the bell
and welcome Britain…into Hell!


tornado 60163


Image result for Charlton Heston"
Image result for esso blue"
Image result for patricia routlege"


Image result for rolls royce 1970"
Image result for norton motorbike 1980"
Image result for old busses"
Image result for central aberdeen 1950"
Image result for launch of QE 2"
Image result for dire straits"
Image result for first top of the pops"
Image result for hancock half hour"
Image result for sarah vaughn"
Image result for elgin 1960"
Image result for olivia newton john"
Image result for grandfatherr clocks 1930"
Image result for britain joining the EU"
Image result for Gothab 1950"
Image result for crawfords biscuits 1950"


63 thoughts on “ALL OUR YESTERDAYS”

  1. Vi is a rolls royce which used to be a british car company, but is now german

    vii is a norton motor bike, again an example of british transport engineering but sadly this too is no longer…

    ix is aberdeen, at the corner of union street and union terrace. There is/was a truly spectacular public lavatory under the statue ( bottom right of picture) There was public controversy back then about just how fitting it was that there should be a public convenience under the statue of a royal personage which might explain the majestic elegance of the no-expense-spared facilities available to the otherwise parsimonious citizens of aberdeen.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I wouldn’t shed any tears for Norton – it was restarted with fraudulently acquired pension cash, was involved in VAT fraud (4 people are already serving prison sentences), tax evasion (2 more in jail for that), tax fraud (cases pending) and people have actually died waiting to recover their stolen pensions.

      Norton – and its owner – are scum.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Well, I guess that everyone would have a bash at paying less tax if they could… but people/companies that use pension funds for their own purposes are beneath contempt.

        I can’t imagine what it must feel like to have paid contributions all your life so that you would have a decent pension at retirement, only to find that some fat cat has used the money, and you are left with the British state pension… the worst in the world, which without any supplement leaves people begging for social security.

        After a life time’s work.

        Scum is the word.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Its not only their own pension fund – they conned people out of their pensions and put it in three “funds” wholly controlled by the owner who spent it on who knows what. The frauds who stole that money from people are serving 6 years each (IIRC).

          The entire company appears to have been some sort of ponzi scheme/VAT carousel fraud coupled with repeatedly lying to Revenue & Customs as to how much Norton had spent on “R & D” in an attempt to avoid paying several million quid due in tax.

          Liked by 1 person

        2. I have a friend who lost his pension in a building company.
          The directors sold a large number of shares just before it went into receivership, part of their compensation package, wage or salary to us yins.
          Took a long time for the government scheme to give him half of what he was expecting as a pension, still struggles with the effects.
          The directors are all in fine financial state he tells me.

          Liked by 1 person

    2. The toilets are still there but have been closed to the public for decades. I believe that they will be refurbished as part of the current Union Terrace upgrade.

      On the left of the photo are bits of the Palace Hotel. It was destroyed by fire in 1941 but not demolished until after the war.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. x looks like the last steamship built on the Clyde. Name escapes me… xvi is Olivia Newtron Bomb and xvii is a grandmother clock, which were shorter than the full length grandfather versions of the long-case clock.
    AndiMac’s poem is wonderful. If W.T. McGonagall was alive today he’d be turning in his grave with envy.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pic i – Tornado locomotive – rebuilt from original drawings – nostalgia for millionaires. Pic ii – Charlton Heston, right wing nut job. Pic iv – coal man – I remember them well. Pic ix – Union Terrace, Aberdeen? Pic x – launch of RMS Queen Elizabeth 2 at John Brown’s yard, Clydebank – lady wife was present (as a very young child, she insists). Pic xi – Dire Straits. fronted by Mark Knopfler. Pic xii – Pete(r) Murray. Pic xiii – L to R – Kenneth Williams, Tony Hancock, ?, Sid James.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. And now you can prise his gun from them

      Stephen Boyd in Ben Hur was asked by the director
      When he has messala first meets Judah Ben Hur
      (Heston) to act as if he is meeting him as homosexual
      Lover but Charlton mustn’t know as he couldn’t
      Handle it .

      Liked by 3 people

    2. Cecil B. DeMille was a right wing nut case too, but he and Heston did manage to part the Red Sea. I suppose that parting a sea and delivering realistic dialogue is hard to do simultaneously.
      On the publicity tour, it was observed that Heston was the spitting image of Moses!

      No digital special effects here, just lots of gushing water (in California) and thousands of extras dressed by the Paramount costume department. (No ducks were harmed in the filming.)

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Dear heavens, that was aweful… terrible… HORRIBLE, and one poor we duck very nearly got run over by some goon in a wagon.

        Would the bottom of the sea not be all muddy?

        Oh, and what happened to the fish?

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I too thought about the lack of mud the first time I saw it. But as miracles from God go, I guess if you can part a sea, then drying up some mud should be a piece of cake.

          I’m hopeful that the duck escaped serious injury.

          Since the effect was done by filming the water (dyed blue) from big dump tanks (printed in reverse for the opening sequence,) plus a big waterfall constructed at the Paramount studio, I guess C.B. probably decided he didn’t need fish. 😉

          Wiki: “The parting of the Red Sea was considered the most difficult special effect ever performed up to that time. This effect took about six months of VistaVision filming, and combined scenes shot on the shores of the Red Sea in Egypt, with scenes filmed at Paramount Studios in Hollywood of a huge water tank split by a U-shaped trough, into which approximately 360,000 gallons of water were released from the sides, as well as the filming of a giant waterfall also built on the Paramount backlot to create the effect of the walls of the parted sea out of the turbulent backwash.”

          Liked by 1 person

              1. A pastry miracle to be sure!
                The special effects are not only amazing by modern standards, they’re better in many ways than what is seen today.
                Whenever I hear a director/producer extolling the modern wonders of digital special effects, I think of “Ten Commandments.” It’s the difference between spending big money and doing it on the cheap.

                In particular, digital pixels bouncing around…..think “Gladiator” in 2000…..look absolutely nothing like throngs of people seen at a distance. C.B. DeMille in 1955 hired 15,000 people and as many animals — whole villages –costumed them, transported them, and told them when to follow Moses out of Egypt. When he needed the Nineteenth Dynasty Egyptian capital city of Pi-Ramesses, with 100 ft tall pylons and a row of sphinxes, he built it as a set.

                Charlton Heston speaking hardly a line of realistic dialogue……or the baby Moses (Heston’s own son) having a clearly seen modern safety pin on his diaper……. hardly mattered at all.

                Liked by 1 person

                  1. I wonder if the great Hollywood epics made much money by modern standards, even adjusted for inflation and the income from DVD home video release after the theatrical run. As for digital effects replacing “casts of thousands,” I didn’t even think that the much ballyhooed special effects on “Titanic” looked realistic…..such as the long shots of the ship with hundreds of people on deck.

                    Liked by 1 person

                    1. About “Titanic”, I found a clip of a great story that Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson, astrophysicist and Director of the Hayden Planetarium, tells about discovering that the “sky” shown above the sinking is all wrong in the movie. The stars are not only in the wrong places, the wrong sky includes a mirror image of itself.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    2. LOL, Danny. Superb.

                      But it’s that point we been making. HOW MUCH MORE WOULD IT HAVE MADE… if the sky had been right?

                      To hell with the art, look at the bucks.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    3. I doubt if they did. I don;t know much about films but if the “pop” business is anything to go by, what used to be about providing a wide range of entertainment…some artistes making a lot of money, others far less… but now, there’s no space for someone who doesn’t immediately sell. Record companies drop artistes who don’t chart.

                      They now have to self release and often self produce.

                      In short it is all about the bottom line. To hell with quality, feel the width!

                      Liked by 1 person

                    4. Yes Tris……You hear of the latest movie, and it’s a great disappointment if it doesn’t turn out to be a blockbuster, grossing tens or hundreds of millions on the first highly publicized three day weekend of world wide release. Wiki says that the record gross for three day weekends has been over $200 Million since 2003. The top grossing opening in 2019 was $1.2 BILLION! Amazing!

                      As for technical defects on the parting of the sea, Wiki says: “An abundance of blue screen spillage or “bleeding” can be seen, particularly at the top of the superimposed walls of water, but rather than detracting from the shot, this (unintentionally) gives the scene an eerie yet spectacular appearance.”

                      Liked by 1 person

    1. She famously said, “Everyone needs a Willie” not realising the mirth that statement would cause. Maiden Aunts thoughout England fainted.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Had a look at your railway pictures – 1, the station is in Midland Railway colours so was taken on the Settle & Carlise line, perhaps Settle.

    15 – I noticed the platforms number 5 and 6 and that the photo has a Highland Railway watermark. The only station to be numbered as such was Elgin (West) the Highland station. It became the main station when Elgin (East) closed in 1968. Thankfully the Elgin East building which was the Great North of Scotland Railway terminus survives as offices.

    3 – an old Esso Blue advert

    Liked by 1 person

    1. ESSO is a brand name that originated with the initials of Standard Oil of New Jersey. (One of the companies formed after the breakup of the Standard Oil monopoly in 1911.) The brand name has not been used in the United States since the 1970’s, but is still in use elsewhere.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Weird fact. There is a town on the island of Sakhalin called Esso which used to be served by the slowest scheduled train in the world which sauntered along the track at 7 kmph.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. LOL. I’m sure that some of the trains across the Pennines in the North of England are in competition. Any explanation as to why Munguin could walk faster than this train?

          Liked by 1 person

  5. A very young (and very pro EEC) Kenneth Williams appearing on Hancock.

    Hancock sacked him because he felt Williams was getting too many laughs and detracting from his own gags. Then he sacked Sid James cos he thought he was getting too popular. Then he sacked his writers. Then he sacked the BBC and ran out of comedy road. I think by the end he was diminished by alcoholism and, I would guess, from sacking the amazing comedy team he’d assembled.

    BREXIT ANALOGY ALERT: sometimes a team effort is what counts.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Apparently drpression as well as alcoholism, Terry.

      I don’t find Hadcock at all funny, whereas I think Kenneth Williams is hilarious. I’m not surprised that he got more laughs. I wasn’t nuts on Sid (one character) James, but even he was funnier than Hancock.


      1. I also never found Hancock funny. Comedy does date terribly, though. Didn’t know he had depression.

        For reasons I cannot fathom, I also still laugh at Kenneth Williams clip. I don’t know why. He was just such a bizarre character, a complete self-invention.

        Sid James is still able to raise a laugh

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I believe he did. The Wiki page doesn’t say so in so many words, but he committed suicide pills and booze and left a note saying “Things just seemed to go too wrong too many times”. Interestingly, Wikki says that that was ONE of his suicide notes.

          Maybe it wasn’t clinical depression. Maybe, because of the drink, things did go wrong and he couldn’t give up the booze so they went on going wrong… and THAT depressed him.


    1. So, what about all the old people retired in Spain. Must they not speak English?

      Spanish only or you will be deported?

      Dear heavens what a happy fascist country we shall be.


    2. That’s truly awful. And very worrying. I hope they find who wrote them (badly I might add), and arrest them for hate crimes.


  6. Complaints Department please. I have had a post in moderation for a day now. Some nice railway archive film from the 1960’s. Munguin is overworking you, ask for a raise.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. First of all, sorry, Marcia. Munguin had a sneaky look over my shoulder and noted your complaint which he took very seriously.

      2 days pay docked, and only bread and water for my supper.

      I was over the moon. Bread as well, I thought. Yippee.


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