120 thoughts on “ALL OUR YESTERDAYS”

  1. 3 – Millicent Martin, 4 – We had a Servis Supertwin decades ago, 5 – oh matron, 6 -You could still see some of the original Tesco shops in London in the mid-70’s. 8 – Cleo Laine , 12 – Betty coming out of a public loo – given flowers to mask the smell, 14 – Brook Street Brought Ferry 15 – Glasgow University 16 – yes but bleach? 18 – Glasgow Central station. I wondered if it St Enoch but noticed the sign on the wall – “To the Low Level Platforms”. 18- Louis Armstrong. 19 – Woodstock 1969?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Good photos this week but my numbering went a bit off – can we have numbers on the photos so we with short memories don’t have to keep counting?


      1. I thought about Woodstock, but wondered where the stage is. Then I wondered what went in the nice green area on the other side of the fence from the hoi polloi.


          1. Tris…..I think that’s right, but couldn’t really see an obvious place with room enough to stand. And then I saw this picture of what is called “the stage” in the Wiki article. The yellow towers are in the background in this view.

            Then there’s this picture captioned “Joe Cocker performs in front of huge lighting- and soundtowers.” The stage is clearly at the left, behind a wood fence, under a steel roof-like structure.

            Different angles and different focal length lenses making it confusing to sort out I guess.


            Liked by 1 person

              1. Me neither Tris. A rock concert with a fraction of the needed toilet facilities, for which the state governor contemplated calling out the National Guard (state military unit,) and the local county declared a state of emergency, is not the way to listen to music. Rock music isn’t really music anyway. 😉

                Liked by 1 person

                1. I must be getting old.

                  I like music in a nice warm theatre or club with a bar and at l;east a sufficiency of toilet facilities.

                  Yep, I’m getting old. I thought about the “facilities”

                  Liked by 1 person

                2. That was the only way to listen to rock music. You must be what we called people who didn’t appreciate our music back then – a square

                  Liked by 2 people

                  1. LOL…..Yep, I agree! Definitely a square.
                    And always was. I didn’t even like the music popular in my kid years (1990’s-2000’s). As for rock, I could have liked 1950’s-60’s Elvis OK, for the upbeat country-blues influence (rockabilly.) I’ve only heard one Beatles song that I like – a slow-tempo ballad. After that…….it’s all just noise for me…….with the volume increasing as time passes. 😉

                    Liked by 1 person

    2. Marcia…….Sorry, I know that I’ve posted this before, but I do it whenever Liz and loo show up together in any connection. This time, note Her Majesty’s disparaging remarks whenever the tour guide makes another boring technical point that she’s supposed to pretend to be interested in.

      Guide: “Over here is the load capacitor which is interesting….”
      Queen: “How could it be?”

      Phil pounds on things to show interest.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Picture 1
    AUstin FC made in Scotland no more.
    The Ford Capri is now well sought after, especially the 2.8l version.,
    Bedford OB bus in really nice paint job.
    The Scottish Bus Museum is well worth a visit.
    Googie Withers, the Aussie actress.
    Can’t place who is with lizzie the last in the toilet picture.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I went to Wiki (which is cheating of course.) The singer is Ann Shelton, who famously sang inspirational and sentimental WWII songs such as “Comin’ in on a wing and a prayer.” Wiki: “Shelton was also the original British singer of the Lale Anderson German love-song “Lili Marlene. [The song was recorded by Anderson in Germany] in 1939, which by 1941 transcended the conflict to become World War II’s biggest international hit.”

        Liked by 1 person

        1. PS…..Sorry Gus, I only just now spotted your prior identification of Ann Shelton before I posted.
          (The six hour time difference across the Atlantic and half of North America, combined with my slow reading skill, is problematic.)

          Actually, if MNR could be published at about 2:00 AM GMT, it would be quite convenient in the prime evening hours of the American Midwest. It would give me a considerable time advantage over the UK, Europe, and the Empire west of Suez. Just sayin…… 😉

          Liked by 1 person

            1. Oh I just hate it when I’m caught in a little rewriting of history for rhetorical effect. 😉 In fact, I did notice that AOY was posted much later than usual, and I did notice the picture with the file name of Anne Shelton. But I didn’t have anything to say at the time. When I got up this morning and looked her up, I had not not seen the name ID already posted.

              That said, it turns out my point is still valid about how convenient it would be if Munguin World Media would routinely publish the North American edition between Midnight and 6:00 AM GMT. 😉


                1. My thanks to Munguin and the entire editorial board!

                  Actually, 9:00 to 10:00 PM GMT works out quite nicely, even for the late afternoon end of a workday. A reply later in the evening, even as late 2:00 AM Central Standard Time the next morning, is in place as Scotland awakens. 🙂

                  Liked by 1 person

  3. The Austin used to be made in Bathgate. If I remember right that type of cab was called a thrup’ny bit, no idea why.
    The picture seems to be of a model?
    The large imposing building is Fettes College Tony Blair’s alma mater, a little bit of English curriculum in the heart of Edinburgh.
    You’ve numbered the photies! Well done, no more scrolling and counting at the same time (I’m not a woman).
    10. Alma Cogan?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah, it could be a model, Conan. It was for a advertisement … Yep Fettes.

      Yep, Marcia asked for numbers. The multitasking thing … seem to cross gender boundaries.

      But numbering is the de-luxe edition, and costs extra. 🙂

      Not Alma Cogan. Think a bit more serious that Alma.


  4. I’ll hazard that number 7 is the harbour at St Andrews!
    However number 7 (enters smart-alec mode) is also Cleo Laine.
    Difficult to confuse the two I would have thought???

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh bugger. I knew I’d get something mixed up. Counting up to `0 was never my strong point.

      St Andrews it is, and I’d agree Ms Laine and St Andrews are quite easily distinguishable, the one from the other.



      1. I believe the old tradition of the harbour walk after college chapel service still survives – at least in photos appearing in university publications – but I was never up early enough on a Sunday and wouldn’t have gone if I had been.

        Didn’t fancy the return along the top of the wall, even when sober and on a calm day.

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Well….
        Number 8 (Shamrock Rambler) is a Bedfo…..
        It’s that b****y harbour again!
        This is very confusing.
        Might it have been more prudent to refine your numbering, perhaps 7(a) and 7(b)
        (or even 7.1 and 7.2?)

        confused bus anorak.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. KEL 94 is a preserved Bedford OB with Duple Vista body. (it’s a coach, not a bus!) It appears to have been re-registered at some point. Based in south of England so no obvious Scottish connection, not that there needs to be.
          There’s a lot of them preserved, possibly as many as 180 although not all will be roadworthy.
          Based on a pre-war design the chassis was only 14’6” long and it could carry 26-29 passengers with a top speed of 40mph. (so syas Mr Wikipedia) By modern standards the Bedford looks quite ‘dinky’, like a ‘mini-bus’. By comparison modern coaches are huge, as tall as double-deckers used to be and much longer. I liked to think that OB stood for Old Bus, but sadly it doesn’t.
          In prehistoric times (when I was young and people didn’t have cars) it would be a common sight to see such vehicles streaming up Deeside / Donside on a summers day, probably carrying ‘fair’ visitors to Linn of Dee, Devils Elbow, etc., The Burlingham Seagull was another common sight. Much more futuristic than the ‘OB’ it was a post war design based on the new underfloor-chassis starting to appear.
          (what about a nice picture of a Seagull?)
          Anyway the tourists don’t seem to come any longer, dunno why. (sad face)

          Liked by 1 person

          1. correction – underfloor ENGINED chassis – all chassis are meant to be under the floor. (smiley face)
            Must be time for my afternoon nap.

            Liked by 1 person

          2. Hmmm… well, that was pretty comprehensive.

            Sorry for getting the coach terminology wrong.

            Munguin has said that 6 of the best is the best punishment, as my wages have been stopped for so long that I might as well just be a serf!


  5. Pic 12 is Pam Ferris and Felicity Kendal from the TV series Rosemary & Thyme. Pic 19 looks like a concours d’elegance for Mercedes Benz cars, the two red ones look like W-170 models but can’t be sure, late 1940s-early 50s. The white monster on the left, only wheels & bonnet showing, might just be a magnificent SSK. I once saw one being driven along a street in Paris – what a head-turner!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well, the pic of the cars is taken in Vaduz where everyone is incredibly rich!…

      Yeah, Rosemary and Thyme. It wasn’t very good but the gardens were fantastic and Felicity Kendal is fantastic too.


      1. There is a brilliant episode of The Good Life where Tom and Barbara Goode both believe they have the best technique for encouraging plant growth. Tom believes they need discipline and berates the plants for being lazy and tells them to pull themselves together. Barbara talks all sexy to the plants. I can never get this out of my mind.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. I’ve just bought a complete box set for my mother… I guess I’ll be watching it with her, so I’ll look out for that episode. Maybe she was practising, in the Good Life, to be Dr Rosemary Boxer…

          That was a rather abrupt ending to the song there…


  6. The real mystery this week is in pic 1. The building behind the truck has 2 different paint jobs; suggesting 2 different houses. But the demarcation line runs down the centre of a bricked-up window.

    I demand an explanation.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. 2. Whatever happened to him. 10. Had 3 of these on the go at the same time but none were strictly legal, oh the joys!!!


  8. I very much like the numbering of the pictures. It’s worth every penny of the additional cost. However, the use of Roman numerals would add gravitas.

    For example:

    The championship of the (American) “National Football League” (not the name “football” by which the rest of the world incorrectly refers to soccer), is modestly called the Super Bowl. Since the yearly Super Bowl game is too important to be identified by Arabic numerals, it’s identified by Roman numerals. The “AFL-NFL World Championship Game” of 1967 was retroactively named Superbowl I . The one on February 2 will be Super Bowl LIV.

    But a word of caution, Roman numerals can become problematic when you get to large numbers:

    “Controversially, the only Super Bowl game to not use Roman numerals was Super Bowl 50. The Roman numeral for 50 is L, and, because NFL ad designers felt that the Super Bowl L title was too unattractive and unmarketable, they opted to use the number 50 instead. Many football fans were very miffed by this. Chris Chase of USA Today summed up the “controversy” nicely: ‘Foregoing the use of Super Bowl L drew some early criticism that the league was dumbing things down for America, as if clinging to an archaic counting system that was obviously created without any foresight means we’re a nation of dunces.'”

    Liked by 1 person

      1. LOL…..OK, I can do without Roman numerals I guess.

        BTW…..Munguinites will wish to know that the Kansas City Chiefs will play in Super Bowl LIV, a week from tomorrow. The Chiefs have not appeared in the NFL championship game in 50……I mean L…….years. They lost in Super Bowl I in 1967 and won Super Bowl IV in 1970. This is really big news in Kansas City. Right up there with the Second Coming.

        Liked by 1 person

            1. PS: What more could I ask for? Maybe the Republican Senators voting Trumpy “Guilty” in the impeachment trial! But I try to keep my desires and expectations within reasonable bounds.

              Liked by 1 person

          1. Tris……Thanks for mentioning that. It’s always fun explaining to people unfamiliar with Missouri that before there was a State of Kansas (1861) there was a city named Kansas (1850)….later “Kansas City”……in the State of Missouri (1821), at the edge of what would become the new Territory of Kansas (1854.) Then before all that, there was a river named after a native American tribe anglicized as “Kaw” or “Kansa” or “Kanza.” The City of Kansas was founded at the confluence of the River of the Kanzas with the Missouri. Before there was a State or a Territory or a city named Kansas, there was the River named for the Kanzas.

            This is actually a somewhat simplified version. The various meanings of various native American words and how they were Anglicized……and the confusion about the fact that the old timers tended to call the river the “Kaw” not the “Kansas”…….is a graduate level course. The point is that most people in the USA think Kansas City is in Kansas, and that annoys Kansas Citians no end. 😉

            My lecture on the founding of the Kansas and Nebraska Territories and the repeal of the Missouri Compromise (1820) by the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854), one of the worst laws in its effect ever passed by Congress, and one of the proximate causes of Civil War is available on request. 😉

            Liked by 1 person

            1. But it’s only half in Missouri , isn’t it.

              We looked at that before. One side of a street is in one state and the other side in the other state.

              That happens all over Europe.

              You can go to a bar in one country and use the “facilities” in another.

              Liked by 1 person

              1. Yep Tris…..Much like Europe in that regard I’m sure! It’s all very complicated, involving two states, several counties, and countless suburban towns and small cities. Kansas City grew from older settlements several miles east of the border of Kansas Territory. The new city expanded in all directions, and to the west, across the Kansas border. Now, along much of the western border of Missouri, as we discussed, the state line is just a long straight street that looks about the same on both sides. In fact, the entire western border of Missouri is EXACTLY a straight line from Kansas City all the way down to its border with a bit of northeastern Oklahoma.

                The western border of Missouri was historically defined as the meridian which began at the “Kawsmouth”…….the spot where the Kansas (AKA “Kaw”) River flows into the Missouri. The rivers have shifted a bit, but the place where the Missouri/Kansas state line leaves the Kansas City street grid and moves to the center of the Missouri River is still at the confluence of the rivers. Then to the northwest (upstream,) the center of the river becomes the boundary between Missouri and Kansas, until it’s the Missouri/Nebraska border, until it leaves Missouri and becomes the Nebraska/Iowa border.

                The Kansas/Kaw River is also (I’m pretty sure) generally the southern edge of the city of Kansas City, Kansas. Yes, there IS in fact a Kansas City in Kansas……and the third largest city in the State for that matter. But that complicates my explanation that THE Kansas City……the much bigger city established decades before the one in Kansas……is in Missouri. So I usually just try not to mention Kansas City, Kansas. It just confuses people. 😉

                Liked by 1 person

                  1. Yea…..It’s a real bummer as you’re explaining to a group of people that Kansas city is in Missouri, to have someone in the group who knows about Kansas City, Kansas. 😉

                    Liked by 1 person

  9. My how times have changed.
    Looking at Glasgow Central Station picture.
    Malcolm Campbell was a fruit and veg , greengrocer, when I was a lad.
    Strange that you could pickup some veg for the soup on your way for the train.
    Same spot now is a coffee outlet I’m pretty sure, at least it was on the day of the Glasgow AUOB walk.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The internal buildings of Central Station are architecturally significant for the design, the curved faces having the important purpose of allowing for the safe passage of large crowds of people at rush hours – in the days when the station was a great deal busier than it is now.

      Learned to drive on any 1100, don’t recall whether it was badged as Austin or Morris.

      Liked by 1 person

        1. There was an MG1100, a GT version with go-faster wotsits and also I think a 1300 version.
          It was used for rallying believe it or not. Suitably stripped down and souped-up.

          Liked by 1 person

        2. Oh, the list is endless; I’ll let Wikipedia do the work,

          The ADO16 (it’s BMC Amalgamated Project Office Designated Number )was marketed under the following make and model names:

          Austin: 1100, 1300 and 1300GT
          Austin: 11/55,[5] America, Apache, De Luxe, Glider and Victoria
          Innocenti: Austin I4 and Austin I4S [6]
          Innocenti: Morris IM3 and Morris IM3S [6]
          Innocenti I5
          MG: 1100, 1275 and 1300
          MG: Princess,[7] Sports Sedan,[5] 1100S and MG-S 1300
          Morris: 1100, 1300 and 1300GT
          Morris: 11/55,[8] 1100S, Marina [5] and Marina GT
          Riley: Kestrel, Kestrel 1275, Kestrel 1300 and 1300 [9]
          Vanden Plas: Princess 1100, Princess 1275 and Princess 1300
          Wolseley: 1100, 1275 and 1300

          Vanded Plas! Now there’s posh for you!!

          Perhaps I should diversify into all things vehicular related?

          Liked by 1 person

          1. LOL Vanden Plas…. fit for a royal, or possibly even Munguin.

            Yep. That was most comprehensive. Thank you

            I had a look at these Vanden Plas … The Princess looks like a Bentley!


  10. Has anyone identified 17? The picture file says “Googie Withers.” Confirmed by Google image search.

    I would have guessed American film star Debbie Reynolds. Amazing resemblance, at least in that photo.


  11. Picture one
    Looks like a corgi wonderloaf truck

    The orange bus , what’s that emblem on the side of it ? Looks familiar , like half a star


      1. the wording above the emblem says “Shamrock rambler” so I would guess it’s just a company logo, here it is in rear view, same vehicle, different reg.,


  12. I assume picture 4 is a British machine that BOTH washes and drys clothes. I’d never seen one in use. I’ve only recently learned of such things. In most American homes, except some small New York City apartments (flats) that I happen to know of, the units are separate. Did I mention that everything is bigger in America? 😉


    1. These types of machine were common in the UK in the 50/60’s. They were usually referred to as twin tubs. Basically the tub on the left did the washing, there was a water agitator in there to froth up the soap powder and rattle the clothes about a bit. The tub on the right was for rinsing and spin drying. If you wanted to dry the clothes fully you had to hang them oot tae dry or, if you were posh and had the money for the lecky, move them to a separate tumble dryer.

      Liked by 2 people

        1. Tris….I notice now that there seems to be a water faucet extending out over the edge of the spin tub. That must be what adds the rinse water.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. It doesn’t seem a very satisfactory way of doing it, Danny.

            How much water and how many times would you need to rinse. And what about conditioner?


      1. I had a twin tub back in the day. Right messy. Once the clothes had washed on the one side you had to move the wet and heavy clothes over into the other side. There was a wee rubber hose that fitted to your kitchen tap that filled the tub for washing/rinsing, and it never fitted that well. I LOVED the day I got an automatic, I remember sitting watching it go round and round doing the work for me.
        When I moved to Tanzania in 1985 I took a twin tub with me as I was told there was no washing machines. The first house I lived in the clothes were washed in a very large sink outside. So the twin tub went down well. But it didn’t last long, and never made it to the next house(s) I lived in where all the washing was done in the bath.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Twin tub, Danny.

      You washed in pone part of it and then took the clothes out and spun them dry in the other.

      I’m not sure how you rinsed the soap out though.

      Hum… certainly the president’s head… and for that matter his backside are bigger than anything we have. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Tris……Jake……..Foolish of me not to notice that it clearly spins instead of tumbles…..AND has a water faucet on the spin side. I was thinking of a combined washer-dryer unit some friends just bought for their New York City apartment. I also have a cousin in England who has a washer-dryer combo unit.

        Tris……Good examples of American bigness!…..LOL.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. If I remember correctly, the faucet thing could be raised and then swivel from the rinse side to and from the wash side.
          Actually, thinking about, it was quite a clever and efficient system: the wash side could be supplied from the hot tap and the rinse side supplied from the the cold tap. White and lightly soiled laundry could be washed first and the same warm water used again for darker and more heavily soiled stuff. Saving energy and detergent, both being expensive. Rinsing could be as long or short as required and the rinse water was continuously being refreshed (handy in those days when detergents could be relied upon to leave a scummy residue).

          Liked by 3 people

          1. That makes sense Jake. It hadn’t occurred to me that the faucet probably swiveled. I guess I had assumed another fill mechanism for the wash side.

            Liked by 1 person

          2. Jake: sounds better than I had thought, but hard work compared with today’s machines.

            Still, not as hard work as a scrubbing board and mangle.

            I guess in ten years we’ll have AI to take care of the whole operation… if the planet hasn’t burned up.

            Liked by 2 people

      2. A few years back, I attended the funeral of a former colleague whose famous caution with money was exemplified during the service in the assertion that his wife had been the last woman in Edinburgh to have a twin tub washing machine.

        “I come not to praise Caesar but ………….”

        Liked by 2 people

          1. Sounds like the guy who when contemplating buying a watch for his wife’s birthday, thought ” naw, there’s a perfectly good clock on the cooker!”

            Liked by 2 people

  13. Is the building that looks a bit like Glasgow University really the Canadian Parliament in Ottawa or the Quebec government building?

    My mum was invited in by our next door neighbours to have a cup of tea with Cleo Laine, Kiki Dee and Anita Harris. Our neighbour played the drums in a band in the 1960s all around the north from Aberdeen to Inverness and beyond. My old pedal car previously belonged to Liz Taylor and Eddie Fisher’s son.

    And people say living in a council scheme in 1960s Morayshire was boring!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. LOL. You have had an exciting life…

      I’d love to meet Cleo Laine. That woman has the most amazing voice. Actually so does Kiki Dee.

      The building is actually Fettes College, where Tony Blair was educated!!!


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