Get Grenfell Tower victim’s parents to the UK


Mohammed al-Haj Ali


It is beyond belief that we have to have a petition to get this lad’s parents here. Rudd should have been on it automatically.

But there you are. We do have to have a petition.

So let’s tell the government that we are human. Even if they hardly know the meaning of the word.



13 thoughts on “Get Grenfell Tower victim’s parents to the UK”

  1. signed.

    This was an avoidable tragedy. We need a government that understands the word ‘avoidable’. We have a lunatic in charge of the asylum. People are dead because of Tory Policies. Frankly, I do not know how their voters sleep at night.

    Incidentally, some tower blocks in Glasgow have been ‘prettified’. We ought to look into that pretty quickly. Like, now.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I understand that a review has been ordered by the FM. I hope it will be swift and that anything dangerous will be repaired immediately.

      I understand that there will be a shortage of people who can do the work, but it must be done as soon as is possible.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That is good news. I am particularity concerned about the blocks of flats at Anderston that were cladded in the last few years. Perhaps because my son and daughter in law lived there during their gentrification. There are possibly many more….

        I am just glad that we have a sane FM.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Particularily, rather than particularity. I’d have trouble making a sentence that included particularity.

    Recognise is also evil! Why do Americans make all z’eds into s’esses? Why do we lie down to this language prima donna nonsense?

    Recognize is me, recognise, isn’t.

    Now I am confused. Your spell checker is allowing recognise and rejecting recognize. And now it isn’t.

    This is weird.

    Trivial, I know.


    1. Strangely, the Oxford dictionary prefers the “z” version of words… but largely so does American English.

      It seems to be custom and practice in the Uk to use the alternative “s” spelling.


  3. I am glad, no re-assured, that our First Minister is capable of reacting to a crisis, like this, in a positive way. I’d hope that any elected government in Scotland would do the same thing.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. @ Tris: Very interesting and useful discussion……on which I cannot opine from American shores with any on-topic relevance. However, we do have that English-American spelling thingy to talk about.

    @ dc and Tris: I’m quite confused about the “s” vs “z” comment. My impression is quite the opposite to what I think you (dc) are saying about “recognize.” My view is that “z” spellings are American and “s” spellings are British. I would have thought that “recognise” would be English English while “recognize” is surely American English. In the same way, a great old BBC series with Lord Clark (I bought the DVD a few years ago) is titled “Civilisation”, which looks very strange in America, where it would be “Civilization.” I’m surprised at Tris’s comment that the OED generally prefers “z” spellings. I would have thought quite the opposite from the “Oxford” dictionary.

    dc…..As for “particularily,” don’t you mean “particularly?” I find no reference to English English using the additional “i” in that word. But I had to check it out, because the British certainly do insert an additional “i” into “aluminum,” to give “aluminium” its pointless (IMHO) additional syllable.

    I also had to look up “particularity”. Just ignorance on my part I guess, because I see that it’s a perfectly good word for which I might say “detail(s)” “specific(s)” “specificity”, etc.

    More generally in the use of “s” of course there is that “c” vs “s” thing. You have a “Defence Department”, while we have a “Defense Department.” Wonder how the OED deals with that. And of course gigantic container ships transport unused “U”s from America to Britain to be used in perfectly adequate American words like “color” and “labor.”

    Finally, regarding your reference to the bizarre English pronunciation of the last letter of the Latin alphabet, I must relate an incident that occurred at my place of employment; where I had a discussion with a low level manager who is one of the dumbest human beings who ever walked the earth.

    In the course of a casual luncheon table conversation about the pronunciation of words, I pointed out that the Brits call the 26th letter of the alphabet “zed.” He seemed quite taken aback and said “Why do they call it ‘zed?’ It’s JUST a ‘zee.’ ” Upon rapid reflection, I realized that there really is no brief answer to such a question that he would find intelligible. So I simply agreed with him that the Brits are all screwed up. After all, stupid as he is, he IS a manager. (And after all, in Mr. Trump’s America, stupidity, ignorance, and arrogance have taken on a certain cachet.)

    Liked by 2 people

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