47 thoughts on “WHERE’S MUNGUIN?”

    1. I don;t think it will get better for the SNP or Alba. I don’t think it will get better for Sunk.

      I reckon the Liberals may pick up a few seats and be their usual useless selves.

      I doubt that Reform lot will get any seats.

      The lot that call themselves Labour (“the working man’s party” …titter) will do well.

      But I doubt the people will do well.

      It’s a relief that Elphic will not be standing.

      I just heard that the charmless Dame Andrea Loathsome, has asked if she can put in a vote of no confidence in the prime minister now that an election has been called. Silly old bat… she’s a minister!

      You’d think, given the sh*t show we live in, that things could only get better, but seriously… I don’t think they will.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. If you look carefully in the DReam video you can see Professor Brian Cox, physicist, playing keyboards in his younger days. What is it with physicists and music? Dr Sir Brian May of Queen has a Phd in Astrophysics. Indeed what is it with musical physicists called Brian?

    Anyway welcome back Munguin, I’ve no idea where you were, but it looks pretty. Everybody but DonDon knew where PP was!!!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. LOL…

      Does anyone know a physicist who is not called Brian?

      We weren’t there… although we have a couple of “Where’s Munguin?” from where we were, for next week maybe.


      1. Nope, despite the clues I’m no nearer to guessing it. But if it’s a Pictish site, I’ll probably recognize the name when I hear it . . .

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Pictish and Scottish – well, Alba-ish. In at the start, so to speak.

          Oh, and prehistoric too. A busy wee place until the modern period. Obviously an important place in the “wrong” history…😕

          Liked by 2 people

          1. Hi, Auld Touns. If it doesn’t start with a D and end two syllables later with an N, I’m still lost.


        1. Hmmm… A timely reminder that line closures happened all the time when profits didn’t match investors’ expectations prior to nationalisation, and that Dr B was the heavyweight at the end of a process of decline.

          Other places seemed able to recognise the social need to keep public transport links (especially rail links) open a bit better than us in the good ol’ UK.

          Liked by 2 people

          1. Forteviot station was on the main line from Perth to Glasgow Buchanan Street one of the many wayside stations that were closed in 1956. The station building is still standing, now in private use but the platforms were removed decades ago. In the final year of service it was served by four local stopping trains each way Monday to Friday at irregular times that called at all the small wayside stations. Closing the wayside stations enabled the Glasqow – Aberdeen services to be speeded up.

            Liked by 2 people

            1. So, auldmarcia, on the various occasions when I have travelled north by train from Stirling, I must have passes through Forteviot? I shall keep an eye open for it if I go that way again. Is it south or north of Bridge of Earn? Thanks!

              Liked by 2 people

            2. Incredibly cruel to the people who needed the trains.

              Up north most of the stations are still open, but of course, they don;t need to worry about intercity trains needing to go faster, up there.


                1. Yes. That’s the Gaelic name. Fothair is quite common in placenames and is usually anglicised as Fetter-, as in Fettercairn, Fetteresso and so on.

                  Liked by 1 person

  2. Another nope, no idea from me.

    PP, I know a few physicists, including my daughter, you’re right they are musical to varying degrees. It could be the musical brain that lends itself to study the less than material. Certainly the solid musicians I know are all a bit unworldly.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I see what you are saying, but, if you don’t put in something recognisable, no one would ever get it and it would boring real quick.


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