This should be on “Just for a Laugh”

Ummm yeah! You sure it’s not the most important country in the world? Or even the universe?


Oooops, yet another sex scandal?

I’m not certain that he’s a senior Tory though, The Times. I’d never heard of him.

There’s a lot of repetition in this, but some interesting stuff, nonetheless.


Oh, and yet more scandal… It took Gullis a very short time to get into bother

It seems that Gullis criticised Reform in an article in the ‘Mail on Sunday’ which suggested that the party’s candidates would include a convicted animal abuser and a fortune-teller who sold spells for £200 on the Only Fans website.

Mr Gullis said:

“Reform says its candidates have been vetted and given that all of this information was in the public domain, we can only assume this cast of characters passed Mr Tice’s muster.

“We are clearly not just talking about a ‘few rotten eggs’ here. If you are promoting candidates banned from looking after dogs, how can you honestly say they are capable of looking after the interests of their constituents?”

Mind you, given the standard of Tory MPs, see second story, I’m not overly sure they should have much to say on the matter.

I don’t doubt for a minute that Tice might have embarrassing info on Gullis, given how embarrassing he is (not that I really care) but I was just thinking, how far “the second most important country in the world” has fallen when the deputy chair of the governing party and the leader of the Reform Party are threatening each other like primary school children on the internet.


Talking about Sunak getting bent out of shape about their flag again


Every day we hear about the “change” that will come with a Labour government



25 thoughts on “RANDOM THOUGHTS”

  1. Conservatives “UK is as strong as ever”….with an example of this by using what ?…..an image of the English football team….which proves what many Scots say, as in for many politicians in England, it, England is synonymous with UK/Britain…..they dropped a clanger there (they do not care though…too arrogant)…..pity they had not produced that statement and image during the 2014 Scottish Independence Referendum campaign….for the BT side (NO side….LOL).

    As to William Wragg….well to listen to some of the media this morning on Breakfast TV…..they are more concerned on who it was who did this to the MP…..as opposed to him revealing fellow MP’s telephone numbers to this person…..”poor MP duped/blackmailed” (I’m old enough to remember once upon a time this would have been sufficient for an MP to resign in disgrace….now it’s par for the course with the Tory party) ……… obviously it goes without saying had this been an SNP MP….then all Hell would have broken out and thus yet another #SNPBAD would have ensued….with Dross leading the charge against the SNP individual and too against the SNP as a party (backed up by Mr Angry aka Stephen Kerr and Murdo)…as none of the opposition in Scotland are ever averse to ‘Playing politics’….are they ?

    As to Richard Tice……well that is the level he operates at (Gutter), though I myself would never defend Gullis, I think that Tice himself is not averse to slating opposition parties…..is he really seriously suggesting that no opposition politician has any right to do the very thing he himself often does….what a gangster…….but then again this kind of behaviour and attitude is representative of UK politics and the parties who support it as a state ( a right state it is too…in more ways than one) …..steeped in hypocrisy…DO as I say not as I do…..

    I do hope someone is keeping a tally of all of the scandals, incompetence, bad governance etc we all have, and still are , witnessing via the Tory UK government(s) and members of their party….because Murdo Fraser is currently positioning himself on a moral (very) high horse as if his own party were exempt as ones steeped in scandals, bad policies and decisions (and Rhetoric)……I suspect he is, as usual, on deflection manoeuvres for Tory HQ…..as in do not look over there (at what my HQ are doing) instead look over here (at what I say the SNP are doing)…..no wonder many say ‘There’s been a Murdo’….to highlight that he, yet again, is at it……this via an MSP who has tried, and failed, how many times ?…..to be elected as a Constituency MSP in Scottish elections and thus is always the bridesmaid (LOL) as in a List MSP for the Tory party branch office and never the Bride as in elected by the people to represent them in their constituency…..at least some people know a duff when they see and hear one…..LOL

    Currently (as per) it is raining very heavily in Edinburgh the noo….Boo Hiss

    Anyhoo hope everyone has a nice day


    Liked by 3 people

    1. As “strong” as ever.

      In what way?

      The economy? I doubt it.

      Unity? Pfffff!

      Military power? Ha ha ha ha ha ha.

      Reputation? Yeah… don’t go on holiday to a beach in England and if you do, for heaven’s sake don’t go in the water.

      Every party has scandals. It just seems to me that at the moment the Tories only have scandals.

      I could have added the story about Braverman going to Israel to back them up, saying that they are ““absolutely not” in breach of international humanitarian law. She claimed that Israel is going “above and beyond” to ensure the safety of civilians and there is plenty of food and water.

      Just what?

      Still, she’s the one who championed the waste of money that is the Rwanda scheme.

      Not raining here, yet. But Munguin has instructed me to build an ark.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. In the same vein, the BBC has a very anodyne headline regarding Mr Wragg and quotes Jeremy Hunt who said ‘William Wragg had been “courageous” in telling the Times he was sorry for the “hurt” he had caused.’ So, it’s alright then. They report the Ms Rachel Reeves, the Labour Shadow Chancellor ‘declined to offer a view on whether Mr Wragg, who also chairs the Commons constitutional affairs committee, should resign’. Contrast that with what her Dameness the Jaikie of Baillie would have said had this been an SNP or Green MSP.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Yes, exactly.

        What people do on hook-up apps is their business, until they star endangering security and giving out details of other people that they have a special privilege to know through the 1922 committee.

        Like so many of them, they seem to have very little shame. He should resign immediately… not for the hook up thing, but for disclosing privileged information to a sting operation.

        But I see he isn;t even going to lose the whip. How weak is Sunak.

        Reeves being protective, suggests that maybe some of the other people involved in the sting, may be Labour.

        Yeah, I sure her Aristoness would be right on it if it were the SNP

        Liked by 1 person

      2. “quotes Jeremy Hunt who said ‘William Wragg had been “courageous”

        Oh aye….because his, Wragg’s, scandalous story would never have come out….unless Wragg fessed up….said no one who thinks perhaps he owned up before he was dobbed in…. as he had read a story in Politico that made him realise that it was only a matter of time before the proverbial you know what was about to hit the fan…..and that he would be named.

        Hunt called Wragg “courageous”….meanwhile can we hear what MI5 etc have called Wragg……my guess it may include ‘Security risk’……

        Sure the other MP’s whose numbers he released to this Random will be wanting to also thank him for his ‘Courage’…..in putting them in a precarious position….which one wonders why did he succumb to this demand to do this in releasing others telephone numbers …..my thought is that it was to try and save his own skin….aka opposite of “Courage” as in a Coward…..

        They, the Tories, will be sending him for counselling next….on tax payers money…..and Hoyle will be asking MP’s to applaud him for ‘Bravery’ when the HOC comes back from their recess…..he’ll be on the next Honour’s list as well….I mean isn’t that how things work via parties connected to the UK…..

        I’m glad I didn’t know Wragg….as at least my telephone number has not been given to some Random…..

        GB News will soon be debating “Should we automatically condemn a politician when he makes a ‘Mistake’ or should we be more understanding….as to err is human and they are under so much pressure”

        Which they, GB News, will follow this debate with another debate on “Why do the SNP make so many mistakes, they should not be a political party if they cannot take the pressure…they really should be condemned”

        To err is human if a Pro UK politician….BUT…..

        To be promoted as erring deserves life imprisonment or banished from politics and the UK and stripped of all money, clothes, House, Car(s), valuables, assets etc etc if you are a member of or connected to the SNP.

        You know this reminds me of the infamous scandal of another ‘Honey Trap’ with another Tory…John Profumo….I don’t remember him being called ‘Courageous’ mind you by his fellow Tory MP’s….

        Apparently he, Wragg, is one of the MP’s who have decided not to run in the next GE….well that was a wise decision….amongst other decisions that were not so wise….like the above revelations…..BTW he, Wragg, will keep the Tory whip apparently….of course he will…..while the consensus in the HOC is probably that all SNP MP’s should be whipped…literally…within an inch of their lives !

        Have a nice evening Alasdair


        Liked by 1 person

        1. Braverman, who made a ridiculous statement about food getting into Gaza (she saw a photograph), Wragg, who jeopardised a pile of MPs’ security, keep the whip.

          In the meantime Alan Duncan, an ex MP, who criticised Israel has been thrown out of the party.

          Cool beans, Sunak you weak useless money grubbing git.


    3. In the same vein, the BBC has a very anodyne headline regarding Mr Wragg and quotes Jeremy Hunt who said ‘William Wragg had been “courageous” in telling the Times he was sorry for the “hurt” he had caused.’ So, it’s alright then.

      They report the Ms Rachel Reeves, the Labour Shadow Chancellor ‘declined to offer a view on whether Mr Wragg, who also chairs the Commons constitutional affairs committee, should resign’. Contrast that with what her Dameness the Jaikie of Baillie would have said had this been an SNP or Green MSP.

      Liked by 1 person

    4. Lovely poster:

      The English football team…who’ve won what?

      An American fighter plane

      An unelected head of state …who shouldn’t be political

      An unelected Prime Minister who is even more out of touch than the hereditary head of state

      A car…Canadian

      A container ship…owned by the Chinese, run by the Swiss, registered in Panama, made in Korea, powered by German engines

      Liked by 1 person

      1. GREAT Britbin summed up perfectly.

        Actually it says something that the Tories have to tell us that Britain isn’t the pits.

        I notice that they put Sunak in the centre and the relic at the side. Delusions of grandeur.

        Hm… I wonder how much China and India are laughing at this nonsense that Britain is the second most important country in the world.

        Can you imagine if China refused to sell anything to Britain, just for 3 months…


  2. Re list MSPs, because I live in the blue belt of sputhern Scotland I will defend the list as a useful way to ensure that people have access to a politician of their choice to raise issues with.

    HOWEVER I do not think the list should be a life long career as it implies that in order to remain at the top of the list these MSPs are unthinkingly towing the party line ( you just need to look at Murdo and Stphen Kerr to see that). Consequently IMHO no MSP should be allowed to serve more than a total of 2 terms on the list. Constituency MSPs would of course remain able to sit for as many terms as they can get elected.

    Stewart McMutrie

    Liked by 3 people

    1. The system is far better than the dreadfully unrepresentative FPTP used in the UK,

      I remember the time that the SNP won 56 of the 59 seats in Scotland on 50% of the vote. That was a farce. By the same token Johnson won a massive majority of over 100 seats, on 44% of the vote. FPTP is ridiculous, but obviously neither Labour nor the Tories will ever do anything about it. And the Liberals blew their one change by accepting the ghastly PR system proposed by the noble lord Cameron of Greensill, which would have made almost no difference.

      In that it our List provides nice little sinecures for mates, it seems to be a bit like the House of Lords.

      I’m totally in agreement about limiting the amount of time that they can serve, regardless of party obviously.

      If they have done their two terms and want to do a third, they should stand for election.

      The other thing about all representatives I feel strongly about is that if they change party in midstream, they should be forced to resign and stand again.

      In particular, the nonsense that a list MSP, elected in because of their party allegiance, should be allowed to stay on once that allegiance has changed, is a joke.

      Again, against my own party, there were two SNP listers in the Highlands who left the SNP to become independents (over Alex Salmond’s decision on NATO), but who remained in their seats, NOT representing the SNP.

      As for the House of Lords… Just why?

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Sunak’s Conservative poster :

    ‘Don’t let the doomsters and naysayers trick you into taking down our country’.

    Isn’t that exactly what we in Scotland had to tolerate throughout the whole of the 2014 Referendum campaign? A positive flood of endless doomstering and naysaying designed to take our country down and trick us into saying NOOOOOO. Have they no self-awarenenss? Sad thing is they’re all (and not just the Tories but the whole UK establishment and its apologists) still at it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think they mean England.

      It’s Ok to talk down Scotland it seems.

      I mean, they did, non stop as you say, 10 years ago.

      As for the question… have they no self awareness…. Um…. NOOOOOO


  4. I enjoyed a tweet from someone in America following the earthquake in New Jersey near Trump’s Bedminster National Golf Course. He suggests that Trump may have been there ‘selling bibles again and God was, like, enough already’.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I heard from somewhere today that he, Wragg, gave 12 telephone numbers away. How many responded to the flirty, provocative images sent to them, by responding in kind? Some did. Still, PM, tadger in a pigs head, no big deal, stoicism prevails. This, potential security breach, nothing to see here, move along.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. At least when Patel treasonously had secret unsupervised meetings with Israel and agreed to illegally send aid to the Golan Heights, against UN rules, May had the nerve to sack her.

      Sunak is too scared to deal with the situation, and even sent Hunt out to say that Wragg was a brave man.

      He’s a puddle of melted ice.

      Liked by 1 person

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