We must not leave £770 billion debt for our children, said the Tories in 2010 when they introduced austerity

Instead, let’s leave £2.67 trillion.

That probably seems like less in the barely formed minds of the current Tory government.


A decade of renewal? Really?

Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves says Labour will embrace Thatcher’s economic policies.

She says that Thatcher delivered a “decade of national renewal”. Labour will deliver “wide-ranging supply-side reform” and “reform” public services.

Does she have any idea of the devastation Thatcher delivered in her decade of renewal? How she closed factories and threw 3 million people on the dole, and then complained about them being unemployed because she had opened call centres to re-employ people who had spent their lives in mines, factories, foundries and ship yards.

And then she sold everything that she could, telling people that she was creating a shareholder society… which it may have been for a few weeks until the people sold their shares for a big profit to whomsoever would buy them.

And now what was once “the family silver”, as Harold Macmillan called it, is owned, in a large part, abroad.

Electricity, gas, telecoms and, in England, trains and even water are run not as services, but as profit generating companies with so little government regulator oversight that the story of Thames Water doesn’t surprise anyone.

It’s also no surprise that our gas, electricity and trains* (in England) are the most expensive in Europe, and pretty much the worst in most other ways. *Railways were privatised by Major, not Thatcher.

And are any of these privatised companies any good? Are any of us satisfied with the service we get or the price we pay?

So, I’m not sure that Rachel has been well advised to use Thatcher’s model to talk about a decade of renewal.


The Lovely Lovely Labour Party


There’s more to Trump than meets the eye

Just out of interest, as I don’t ever pray, nor am I ever in a situation where I see people pray, do adults ever put their hands together like that to pray. I know we were made to put hands together and close our eyes at school, but I thought that was so we wouldn’t be poking our mates.

I wonder what he would pray for… more money maybe?

Or perhaps just a shorter jail sentence?


38 thoughts on “RANDOM THOUGHTS”

        1. Noodly appendages etc.

          FSM/cthulu/fish with feet are all available to stick on the back of yer car.

          “Cthulu 2012; why vote for a lesser evil?” (I have an image to go along with that…)

          Liked by 1 person

  1. All of the above are why it baffles me why some people in Scotland can’t see why we would be much better off, in many regards, as an Independent nation. Oh, hold on. Could it have anything to do with the brainwashing that has been going on for over 300 years, and continues unabated today. Between a corrupt media, ably assisted by their paid fifth columnists in plain sight in our midst, continually spouting their propaganda, all designed to keep us under Westminster rule.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I don’t understand it much either.

      But every day there are headlines in the Mail, Express, Sun, and, I suppose, on the BBC, STV, indicating that our government is failing us.

      In Wales, the Labour government blames the problems they are having on underfunding form London. In Scotland the Labour party blames the problems we have on the SNP.

      The evidence of our own eyes tells us we are in a mess. (I nearly disappeared down a massive pot hole yesterday.) But, if you know people in other parts of teh UK, you will know that the situation is as bad, or worse there.

      There are several people on Youtube making films about the utter hopelessness of towns across the UK. Joe Fish and Wandering Turnip are but two of them and worth a look.

      It is one huge mess.

      I’d be interested to know from Munguinites in other European countries if they are suffering too.


  2. In regard to my earlier comment, a completely true story. On September, 18th, 2014, having canvassed all day I went into a Mcdonald’s for something to eat. I was wearing a rather large rosette with YES on it, when I was approached by a woman who asked me, “Are you standing for election today”. Tried gently to explain what the day was all about. Don’t think I was successful.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I had a guy in 2014 complain to me that the SNP were bad because his unemployment benefit was so low. Even today, of course, the Scottish government has no say in that.

      Another one I remember, lectured me about voting for Labour because it was the party of the Working Man.



  3. That was a good link to the No Justice channel. I was impressed, she covered a lot of ground with enough analysis.

    Harold MacMillan, reminds me of his “Never had it so good” speech. Usually taken as a boast of how well the country is doing, but look at the disparity of wealth, the difference has never been as small as that period, late 50s early 60s. No boast, it was a complaint, the lower classes are getting less poor. That situation has been thoroughly attended to.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. MacMillan’s speech; the bit at the end, talking about the Commonwealth, “Britain’s position as the Mother Country. Our children are growing up.” 🥱😊


        1. LOL Yeah…

          Laughable when you think how much better off a lot of them are, but infinitely more decent than the Johnson take on the colonies.

          Interestingly, Australia and New Zealand seem to have done a number on the mother country when it came to trade deals. And I bet India is in the process of doing the same thing.

          Liked by 1 person

  4. in the pub a few years ago, a guy says in a loud voice Mrs Thatcher looks like a sheep’s arse, another guy punched him on the side of the head, I’m sorry says the first guy, I didn’t realise you were a Tory. I’m not said the 2nd guy, I’m a shepherd, boom, boom, the auld eens are the best.

    I quite like Carol Vorders when she’s giving the Tories a doing, but not so much when she’s promoting crappy insurance policies to OAPs.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. 70p for a medium cup of tea though. You’ll get that nowhere else never mind in London with its prices. A medium cafe latte £1.70! Packet of crisps 50p.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. We subsidise them hugely.


          Why? They get well above average salaries, and there is nothing to stop them going out into London to get meals. Most companies don’t provide canteen, never mind dining room facilities, and almost nowhere serves drinks to employees.

          Same can be said of the Scottish parliament and presumably the Assembly in the north of Ireland and the Senedd Cymru

          As I remember, on top of that they get £100 a week food allowance if they are at Westminster, or away from home.


    1. The Tories don’t see human rights except for themselves..same with Labour. That guy’s channel, I used to follow it on YTube but he came out with some anti SNP cr*p so stopped he is very much an English based, English political commentator.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I’ve not heard anything anti-Scottish from him so far, Hetty.

        He’s certainly English and I guess a lot of English people don;t want to lose Scotland (and it’s oil and water and electricity generation capabilities… or indeed somewhere to store their big boy pants, ie Nukes.


      1. There wasn’t a hyperlink in the 3rd post.

        The only occasions when my posts fail to appear on WordPress sites are when they contain a link. I’ve given up on trying to post multiple links; those posts never go through.


        1. Ah right.

          You would have hoped they cold have coped with links, what with them being an internet comp[any and all…

          Just let me know if it happens. 🙂


    1. Hm makes you wonder about potential for underhand tactics re Labour winning seats in Scotland, all sorts of ways to rig the vote. There were two guys post 2014 indy ref who did some digging into some anomalies in Argyll and Bute re votes where some older residents, who’d died before the referendum, seemed to cast their vote etc. They sent what they’d found to the electoral commission who ignored their findings of course. Also, postal votes.


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