I might be little and incredibly cute, but if you try to get in without paying, you’ll find out that it doesn’t pay to mess with me.

2. I’m an Arctic Fox… Pretty huh?

3. Don’t make such a noise. I’m trying to get to sleep here.

4. WOW Barcelona.

5. Sorry about the dirty beak, but I’m the under gardener and I’ve been working.

6. I look like I’ve got a butterfly on my nose, don’t you think?

7. Nice one Bob. You got him trained!, which brings me neatly to…

8. This is Kay’s cat, Phoebe. Kay has a cage outside because she’s trying to get two feral cats that she feeds into it… so she can take them to the vet and have they spayed. Phoebe, it seems has other ideas.

9. Honestly, I know we’re ion a recession and everything has to be cut (except for Tories) but six of us sharing one shower, Munguin??? Come on!

10. What? I know they aren’t mine, but you can’t leave them mumless, can you?

11. Oh hello. Have you met my human?

12. I’ve kinda got my trotters full.

13. Sometimes I sits here and I thinks. And sometimes I just sits here.

14. And all because the lady loved mealworms.

15. Then and now.

16. We are gathered here together…as you can see.

17. My baby.

18. Tom and Gerry in Srem.

19. Scotland.

20. Even though I’m almost grown up now and working for my living (and when I say living, I mean just enough to keep me alive) at The Towers, I still love it when someone scratches my neck.

Munguin’s thanks to Kay.


I just saw this, from Guy in Angers.

20 thoughts on “SOPPY SUNDAY”

  1. Angers is looking lovely, is Yves French for Guy or is it another Angers friend? Smashing picture of the robins, so rare to see 2 together and for them not to fly away if you’ve nearby (unless that’s a long lens???).

    Loved Bob, beautifully turned out for a feral cat, but this is Bulgaria so probably got lots of humans helping. The lambs reminds us that it’s that time of the year.

    Finally what a balm for the soul the doorangtutans were, and I’m so happy that the first one has learnt not to go partying the night before and require bailing out by bonobos like last week’s lot. When you’re new in the job you need to make a good impression and you have little one.

    Ps Phoebe, sigh!


    1. Yves and Guy are two different mates. But my mistake. These are from Guy. Honestly. You can’t get the staff.

      I guess the robins are boy and girl and they are courting. It’s the only time you see them together. Last year I had a pair and they were taking it in turns to gone down for food for their chics. Hard to tell the difference and I didn’t know which one was male, but one of them had a slightly different colouring.

      Bob isn’t one of Kay’s cats… It seems there are nice people in places other than Bulgaria! 🙂

      Munguin is starting to enforce a stricter discipline regime in the Towers.

      Nightmare, I tell you. I’m thinking of looking for a new job… but no one will have me.


    1. That was more entertaining than most of today’s actual programmes. Some marvellous spatial skills, never ended up in the milk saucer even when coming off the chair backwards! I wonder if Snowy has any descendants alive today?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Talking of cats, Kay’s email said that Mona is getting better.

        She writes: Mona continues to improve. You can tell she’s much healthier and happy now as she’s started to clean herself properly. She looks so beautiful. She’s an absolute sweetheart.

        Great news.


    1. As it should.

      The start of a new week in this god forsaken dump of a literally crumbling union has to start with something cheering.

      And tomorrow we’ll have some laughs…

      Then the dismal week begins. 😦

      Liked by 2 people

  2. As well as being St Patrick’s day it is also apparently St Gertrude’s day. She’s the patron saint of gardeners and cats! Or cats and gardeners depending on your point of view.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. tris, are those two robins in the grounds at Munguin Towers?

    Here at Schloß DonDon I’ve just seen the first bat of the year.

    And in the village next door they held a parade today to burn a 12-foot snowman made of papier mache. 

    This symbolizes the end of winter. And the band played “Winter Ade”.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. No, DonDon. Sadly they weren’t our two robins. My phone would never take a good photo like that. But we did see them together as they were feeding their chicks.

      Nice to see the bats back and know that it’s the first day of spring tomorrow.

      Nice idea top burn a snowman.

      Unfortunately it seems we are in for a bad spell of weather with arctic blasts to end the month…

      C’est la vie.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Aww, all very cute and gorgeous, thanks Tris. I mistakenly deleted a load of my wee camera photos within which I had a few to send to you so will need to go out and take them again.
    Have a good Monday when it arrives, me, grump. It must be the northerm hemisphere spring equinox very soon. 🙂


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