Just an Ordinary Day at the Tory Conference. Hate, Hate, More Hate, and Snooze Time

Off to a re education camp?

It appears that even if you are a Tory, and indeed an active one, you may not quietly disagree with the Home Secretary without being lifted by the police.


But, Tories didn’t want the A9 to be improved

I have to say, I’m confused. I can remember when the SNP came to power in Scotland in 2007, one of the first things they wanted to do was dedicate a part of the transport budget to upgrading the A9 to a dual carriageway.

It is a scandal that that hadn’t already happened. Not under the previous Labour/Liberal administration; not under previous administrations sited in England, Tory or Labour. (Despite the massive amount on money that Scotland provided to Mrs Thatcher’s Britain, it never occurred to her that we might like a road built to our highland capital. But the M25, oh yes.)

Anyway, it was a priority for the new minority administration and… then the Tories and the Liberals and the Labour Party voted against it… Was it because they didn’t give a toss about people living in the northern part of Scotland, or was it because they wanted to humiliate the new government?

Now it’s a fairly safe bet that the other Tory Party will win the next elections in the UK and that Dross will never have to make good that promise. (If Dross is even around at that time, given how allegedly unpopular he is within the branch. Annie Wells for leader, I say!) But I’m not sure that it would be legal for the English government to move road builders into our country and start building roads at their pleasure.

How would they do it? Where would they get planning permission? How would they organise compensation for land owners or householders who will be obliged to sell their land for the widening? Anyone know the legal situation here?


Maybe they should take a leaf out of the English communities in Spain

I’m at a bit of a loss to understand what British values are.

Cricket, fair play and jolly hockey sticks are all very well in 1940’s British Film Comedy, but seriously, today’s British values trickling down from the top, seem to be greed, a lack of care or respect for anyone other than themselves, a drug culture and yet more greed. Anyone help me out here?

I think too that, whilst I absolutely agree that people who go to live in another country should learn to speak the language, I think it is hilarious that this is being demanded by the Brits who just have to be the worst in the world at learning other people’s languages.

Indeed, Brits living in Spain appear to make absolutely no effort to integrate into Spanish culture. I suppose one could argue that many of them are retired and don’t have to learn Spanish for work. But they do need to use local facilities, and they require health care and dentistry, people to fix their computers and electrical equipment, plumbers, painters and decorators… So there is a need to learn the language. And Braverman would, were they not Brits, accuse them of failing to take part in the Spanish way of life.


Oh, this is scary

And much though I have no time for Sir Starmer’s right wing Labour Party, that is out of order. And yet at the Tory British Nationalist Party conference, this oaf gets cheers.


This bloke is really insufferable

Dear heavens… is this for real?

Yes, the pandemic and all the NHS staff it killed or made so ill they can no longer work, or who decided to take early retirement because they couldn’t go on, is a factor in the mess of the NHS (plural) across the UK.

Yes, Brexit because your government treated staff who were from Europe like ****. After, some of them 20 or 30 years working here, they were now aliens and lost many of their rights. They were no longer citizens; they became aliens.

And that might not have been so bad if you hadn’t allowed some of the most important people in our country, people without whom we couldn’t survive, to lose a vast amount of the value of their salaries with your austerity campaign.

Austerity which, I note, has not spread itself to the upper reaches of English society. I’m not noticing the same loss of income for the king and his Mrs, or his favoured son… I mean who is of more value to us?

Pay them a decent wage then they won’t push off to Australia or America, you smug git.


I’m Unashamedly Pro-Business, as long as the business owners are Tories.


40 thoughts on “Just an Ordinary Day at the Tory Conference. Hate, Hate, More Hate, and Snooze Time”

    1. Ha ha ha … here and in the USA, I see.

      I see Rishi got a warm welcome.

      “While Rishi Sunak spoke at his first conference event, the noise outside was deafening. Demonstrators in their droves made sure the PM was given a less than warm welcome.”

      Imagine pouring doubt on whether the link from the centre of the universe to the North was going to go ahead just days before you’re all going to be in the North!


      Liked by 1 person

      1. “Ha ha ha … here and in the USA, I see.”

        First time in American history, a Speaker of the House was removed by his own party.

        Kevin McCarthy promised everything to everybody and ended up being hated by everybody. He blasted Trump on the day of the Jan 6 insurrection, then went to Mar-a-Lago to apologize.

        Liz Cheney’s revenge:


          1. TRis……The scary thing is that there’s suggestions of electing Donald Trump as Speaker. The guys who wrote the constitution forgot to require that a Speaker of the House be a MEMBER of the House. So presumably ANY American can be a Speaker of the House. All Speakers in history have been members up to now, but it’s apparently not required. 🙂

            The Speaker Chair has never been vacant during a session before, so nobody is really sure if House business can be transacted. The constitution doesn’t say anything about it. Maybe the King would have some ideas? He has some experience dealing with Prime Minister vacancies in Parliament. 🙂

            Another thing yesterday……Trump attacked the court clerk by posting her picture during a lunch break in his New York money fraud trial. It pissed off the judge royally!

            Liked by 1 person

            1. What is he trying to do?

              Is there some sort of a plan here to stir up his Neanderthal followers into another riot and storming of the Capitol?

              If he breaks that sanction the judge has put on him, because he thinks he’s above all that, I hope the judge gives him a month inside for contempt.

              Because it seems to be he is being contemptuous and contemptable.

              Donald Trump for Speaker, but the house will only be able to sit occasionally fitting it in between his golf, his prison time, the court cases and campaigning for the presidency.

              It’s getting as silly as England.

              As for that useless old fossil, Charles, coming up with anything… I wouldn’t bother,… dumb as a stump.

              Liked by 1 person

              1. LOL Tris……I suppose Trumpy literally considers himself above the law, or at least imagines that no judge will actually jail him. (Big cash fines might be more likely.)

                And yes, he’s always striking poses that he imagines will help him politically……with votes and campaign contributions from the MAGA crowd.

                But his court trials are just starting, and he may find that pissing off the judge is usually a bad idea when you’re being tried on criminal (and even civil) charges. 🙂

                Liked by 1 person

                1. I’d say it was a terrible idea…

                  In the end a judge makes judgments … and they are based on a lot of things, but the kind of person you are must come into it.

                  Only a moron pisses off someone who could send him to jail.

                  Fining Trump is pointless. He has money and he could always get his MAGA fans to pick up most of it.

                  I see his latest slogala was Make America Great and Glorious Again.


                  You certainly seem like it Donald. Gaga x 10.

                  Liked by 1 person

                    1. Tris…….Thanks for the Seth link. I’d actually seen it and tried to send it to you by Email…….but the Email for some reason would not take it.

                      I also tried to send this one. Will post here since I don’t know if Email took it either……LOL.


                    2. LOL. Thanks, Danny. I saw the Colbert one at the same time as Seth.

                      I’ve just looked at my emails and I have your mail saying it was rejected… and the mail with it included.

                      Must have been the mail pretending to be WordPress!

                      Liked by 1 person

                    3. Tris……Thanks. No idea why Email was acting so strangely.

                      Anyway, since Email now seems to be OK, I sent a new video clip from Jimmy Fallon. Now that the writers strike is over, the late night TV comics are back in business and the chaos in Congress is now supplying new comedy material. 🙂

                      Liked by 1 person

  1. “Anyone know the legal situation here?”

    Power devolved is power retained. In theory, they could overrule everything and the Internal Market Act just about does that anyway. If they were so moved, they could shut down Holyrood tomorrow. I’m not saying they would, politically that would be too damaging especially as it gives further credence to the argument Scotland is a de facto colony, but they could.

    They’ve already given money direct to councils form the levelling up fund (which replaces EU funding) bypassing Holyrood. They’ll just do more of that.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Absolutely pp. I have always maintained that they will emasculate the Scottish Parliament that it will be left with very few meaningful powers, unless we somehow manage to become Independent.
      Unfortunately I can’t see that happening in the near future.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Well, they… Labour and Tories, have said very clearly that we cannot, no matter how we vote, have a referendum.

        So anything we do will be illegal.

        And our ministers are not allowed to talk to foreigners without an armed guard i n the form of some English bloke to make sure that we never mention Scotland and independence.

        This lot would crush any kind of insurrection, and say that the Scottish government was incapable of controlling the people… and take over.

        All they have done as far as I am concerned is ensure that my lifelong dislike of the UK and all it stands for, has turned to hatred.

        And, Sunak wants to make THAT illegal.


    2. Thanks.

      Yes, EU money used to go through the Scottish government. Now it is taken over by the English government and given to Tory constituencies.

      And needless to say, it comes in at about 10% of what we used to get.

      Still, they’ve taken back control of their borders, haven’t they…well. haven’t they?


  2. Saw a report (nearly 25 years) ago in a Spanish paper about the large, and rising, numbers of medical encounters with “expats” in Valencia province c 700,000. While not all Brits, they probably contribute a goodly proportion. Presumably, the incidence will rise as these people age, and have read more recently of the difficulties in treating expats who have little or no Spanish to explain symptoms. Still takes some pressure of the NHS.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, it must be a nightmare treating people who can’t tell you what is wrong with them, where it hurts, how long its been hurting, have they been vomiting, etc etc.

      I imagine that at least the younger doctors and nurses and other medical staff, will have learned English (Netflix and all), but imagine we suggested that younger medical staff here should learn Polish!

      It would give Braverman a funny turn…


  3. Well I am in Spain, but I am not an expat. Nor do I live in an “English community” (I’d HATE that). There are maybe approx 20-30 “British” people live in and around the nearby town of Zafra and its surrounding villages here in Extremadura. We get along not too bad with the Spanish language, we have to as VERY little English is spoken here. Doctors, dentists, banks, etc, all and any business we have with them we have to speak in Spanish. The very occasional waiter in a bar MAY speak some “spanglish” but otherwise its all Spanish.
    Which is why we chose to come to this part of Spain.
    I used to work in a Dr’s surgery in England before moving here and one of the resident Dr’s was Spanish and he said most Spanish had probably never even heard of Extremadura


    1. LOL True.

      I was thinking of the Costas really.

      I was once in Benidorm. Quite simply the most ghastly place I’ve ever been. And the Brits that were on holiday there were the most ghastly Brits… including Scots, who on the flight out, got so drunk that two of them were arrested in the airport.

      Never again.

      Extremadura sounds infinitely nicer.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Yeah well HS2 look 👀 the North only gets crumbs obviously 🙄 .
    The Tory scum offered cake and some in the North amazingly believed it .
    So on second thought the Tory scum 
    Said fcuk the North we need to tie the seats  down south .

    Now all the cake goes south and the North get even less crumbs …

    Why did anyone think 🤔 differently!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tis always the way. I see Sunak, who will only be in office for at most a year, has promised to spend a lot of money on building railways in their north… and Dross has promised to build a road in OUR North (after his party voted against it.

      Now let’s see what Lord Starmer makes of it… and then wait again when he changes his mind about it.

      In the meantime, I wonder when they’ll make it illegal for Queen Mrs Parker Bowles to smoke!


  5. I saw a disabled black male immigrant 
    In a wheelchair….I went over to him and punched him in the stomach ..
     Told him take that from the Tory party and GB news ..
    They will be so proud 

    Liked by 1 person

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