The Rags


What people forget is that, for some a yacht is essential to daily life


I wonder if Blackpool South will get rid of this silly fellow

Mark Drakeford tweeted: “Disappointing to see the Prime Minister misleading people on 20mph, whether intentionally or inadvertently. This isn’t a blanket restriction. Speed limits on a large number of Welsh roads are unchanged, with journey times taking up to a minute longer. This will save lives.”

Scott Benton, a Tory MP replied: “Where’s your evidence it will ‘save lives’? There’s no conclusive evidence base to demonstrate 20mph zones reduce the number of serious accidents or fatalities.”

So a guy from Portsmouth replied: How about evidence from the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents?

30 mph – 8% chance of being killed

20 mph – 1.5% chance of being killed.

Portsmouth also introduced 20mph limits in 2007 – police reported injuries reduced by 21%.


Are all Tory MPs this dumb?

And, according to Just Call Me Les on Titter: Rishi Sunak’s own Tory-run council covering his Yorkshire seat is expanding the use of 20mph speed limits despite the PM branding the policy an “attack on motorists”.


In answer to that question… clearly, YES


The moving Viceroy speaks and having spake, let’s hope he moves on

The poor old soul probably doesn’t remember that he used his imperial powers to scupper that scheme.

I dunno… that lot couldn’t run a railway… oooops, literally.

And apparently the UK has never been stronger. Has he been there, I ask myself. In fairness, I guess you could say that it was more united than the Tory Party


On and on and on about the A9

Did they actually want trams in Edinburgh? I doubt it. They just wanted to thwart the new SNP government, which they all resented soooo much.


The British People aren’t concerned with that…

Because, of course, billionaire Sunak knows what we want… him just being one of the people.

I want to know why a woman was arrested by the cops in London for allegedly (it turned out to be not true) not paying her bus fare, and yet another lady can sell the state millions of pounds worth of unusable medical equipment, transfer the funds off shore, buy herself a yacht… and nothing happens to her.


It’s called a road, prime minister

You probably wouldn’t recognise them. Helicopters tend not to use them, but ordinary people do.

And these indent things are called “potholes”. They have no function, except to make money for garages and tyre companies.

Across the UK, the roads are full of them.

However, if you want to go for a drive without encountering them, can I suggest you fly to visit Viscount Gage, who has no potholes on his estate. Thanks to our Great British Government’s “Levelling-Up” (Literally) Fund, the Viscount’s driveway is as flat as a pancake.

His Aristocratic Importance will doubtless be proud to show his pot hole-less estate.

Just make sure you have your helicopter at the ready to fly you home, or you may be shaken to pieces on the roads that the plebeians use.



14 thoughts on “RANDOM THOUGHTS”

    1. I wonder why they are doing their best to discredit the Scottish government and elect a Labour MP this week.

      Like Labour supports anything about the unions?


  1. Superb , and it’s all true , U.K. is controlled by wealthy politicians who in turn are controlled by people who do not live in the U.K. but have business interests here that’s what happens when you sell the biggest industries to the highest bidder and those industries happen to be the ones we all use every single day of our lives electricity , gas water , phones , fuel for vehicles , housing health education banks insurance too .
    Anything and everything is privatised by conservative government and now we see that starmers labour intend to do the same , U.K. is captured in a privatisation bubble where the highest bidders from across the world take as much profit as possible from U.K. companies and load those companies with debt that eventually burdens them to a state of collapse , it’s what U.K. business law allows and it’s what the financial bankers trading from London were set up to do.
    We the end users of these essential service companies are then expected to suffer what they call “ austerity” to siphon off our money to build up these broken drained companies so the whole process can be repeated.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Labour promised to renationalise trains in 1997.

      They didn’t.

      They then carried on the programme of privatisation begun under Thatcher.

      As a result our utilities are run to make money for (often foreign) owners and, unlike other European countries where the government retains a majority holiday in the services, our services are controlled from abroad.

      Harold Macmillan warned them about selling off the family silver.


      Only idiots would transfer essential national services to foreign countries.


  2. The greatest battle we have is not with the London centric political parties, one and all pretending to be Scottish, it’s with a, for the most part, a corrupt media. They are wholly in thrall to the British Establishment, Tory, Labour and Lib. Dem alike. They, and whatever Government is in power at Westminster, know that they cannot do without Scotland’s resources, whether it be people, or our abundance of natural resources. Any dirty tactic, and yes I mean anything will be used to keep us under their boot, and that includes violence. Never underestimate their power, as they have had over three hundred years to refine their methods, so be prepared for any eventuality.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Absolutely. They used bribes for those people who mattered to them, 300 years ago.

      And for those who didn’t matter (the bulk of the population), well, who cares. A lot like right now.


  3. I’m laughing at a BBC ‘news’ item I saw earlier on their red button service (the only thing I glance at these days in order to retain my sanity). It seems that HS2 is the ‘largest project in Europe’ just now. Wow isn’t that fantastic? Well, aside from the ongoing nonsense about this ‘project’, yes it may well currently be the largest in Europe although I doubt it, but only because the Europeans got down to business decades ago and got the bulk of their public infrastructures properly sorted then. Aside from Norway with its own oil, they even managed to do it without the benefit of (Scottish) oil wealth and they did it without blowing their own trumpets or in Britiain’s case, penny whistles. They don’t half like to kid themselves on and no doubt they fondly believe they’re kidding everyone else at the same time. We’re living in some kind of fantasy country. Disney exist in reality. (Sorry)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Absolutely. I don’t know who these Tories and their pet broadcaster, think they are talking to… probably the world (look, we can do perfectly well without the EU).

      But if they are addressing the people who actually live in this dump… well, we know you’re talking through your…um…hat for want of a better word.

      We know that pensioners are terrified of the upcoming winter. Not of course, pensioners like Mr and Mrs Parker Bowles of Clarence House, but people who live around my way, preparing to spend the winter in their bedrooms with blankets wrapped around them, or spending their days on buses to keep warm.

      And in the meantime, there’s the Tories painting a picture of a thriving exciting country where people don’t die of the cold and kids can concentrate at school because they are not too hungry.


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