I’m SURE I’ll never use ESURE again!

So, I decided to sell my car, and on rare occasions when I need a car, use Munguin’s and his chauffeur.

It was originally meant to be a plan for the future, but just out of interest I took the car to a dealer and asked how much he would give me for it.

When he offered a good bit more than I was expecting, I thought… why not?

No waiting for phone calls, dealing with people who say they’ll come to see it and don’t, or people who come and say no, or who say yes but offer £500 less than what I’m asking because they think I want to haggle with them… Spoiler: I don’t.

With that in mind, with no notice, the car was sold on Thursday.

Then, of course, on Friday, I had to cancel the insurance.

I went to the site and indicated what I wanted on the “chat”. First of all I got AI, telling me that there was a queue and I would have to wait 10 minutes. After about 15 minutes I was transferred to an actual person.

First huge surprise was that while they owed me £117 for the 6 months remaining on the insurance, there was a cancellation charge of …wait for it…

£60 Grrrrrrrr!

OK, nothing I can do about it. It’s how they make money by coning people. It involved them ticking a box and the money being transferred. How can that cost £60?

It can’t.

There then followed a discussion about getting the repayment.

Problem: The credit card I had used to pay the insurance was scammed some time ago, the bank cancelled it and issued a new one.

So they had to wait 24 hours before they could do anything as the system had to accept the new credit card… and for some weird reason that cannot be done immediately.

So I had to phone back on Saturday.

Same carry on, 15 minute wait, bot, eventually a person who, it turns out was dealing with 3 other people at the same time… After another 15 minutes I had explained the situation, because no one had bothered to record yesterday’s conversation.

So they said they were very busy but would phone me at 2 pm. And so I waited… and waited… and waited.

And at 7 pm, I gave up.

Now we are at Sunday and, champion that I am, I try again. This time the queue is longer, but I wait anyway. And I go through all the explanations for the third time, with long pauses while, doubtless, she deals with other calls.

And once again I’m promised a phone call… this time in 5 minutes. After 30 minutes, nothing.

So, angry now, no, absolutely fizzing now, I go on again and have the same wait because, of course, they are very busy.

Eventually I get to tell them the story, again!

They say that they tried to phone me.

‘What was the number you used?’, I ask. And they tell me a number I haven’t had for ages. I wouldn’t have minded that, had I not pointed out that my telephone number had changed and had I not provided them with the new one.

And finally I get a very crackly phone call, I suspect from India, because as well as being a terrible line, the lady had a very strong accent which was hard to understand and she had difficulty with my Scottish accent.

We have to repeat everything several times and I give her my account number. I’m absolutely 100% doubting that there is the slightest chance that I will get my money (within 7-10 days, although money transfers are immediate!)

I would say, whatever you do, don’t use Esure… but of course, I imagine that every other insurance company will be exactly the same.

Inefficient, rude, uninterested and grifting.

13 thoughts on “I’m SURE I’ll never use ESURE again!”

  1. I had to go through a similar frustrating situation with Esure and TBQH their sister company Sheila’s wheels is just as bad , unfortunately this situation is becoming more and more the norm with ALL large companies , their usage of mostly Indian call centres interspersed with broad Eastern European speech where you have difficulty understanding each other becomes intolerable when you are passed to others and have to start the whole conversation again and again
    Energy companies , SKY , home and car insurance companies and many more, I truly believe it is deliberate , and again TBQH there are very few alternative options that are any different
    I recently changed my car insurance online from Esure and received a feedback request from trustpilot within hours to rate the new company , utter disengenuous lunacy

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes… as I said, I can’t imagine that anyone else would be any different.

      But Trust Pilot is a good idea. Let’s tell people what we think of them.

      I wonder if they are that inefficient when they are getting new business in?

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Colin.

      How dare they charge £60 for cancelling a policy… particularly when it is because you no longer have the car.

      It’s not like I went somewhere else.

      And waiting in all afternoon for a phone call…. GRRRRRRR.

      Have you had to deal with them yourself?


  2. Right, we are going to make a £60 incision and then sprinkle salt in the cut.
    I have logged the company name.

    Haven’t used them for some time, but I found the Crofter’s Union or Farmer’s Union insurance good to deal with. Not the cheapest, but when needed I was speaking to someone who seemed to live locally. Maybe they have changed now, sold out to one of the big names.


    1. That was how it felt, Alan.

      When I need car insurance again, I’ll look at them… and pass it on to a pal whose insurance comes up for renewal in a month or so.


  3. I can only speak for L.V. Maybe a bit more expensive, but when I went onto them last week to make a minor adjustment to one of my policies, the phone was answered right away, English accent, and the matter was sorted within minutes.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Your headline says I’m SURE I’ll never use ESURE again!
    but the screenshot is from Onesure, a different company.
    Which company did you actually use?

    Liked by 1 person

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