34 thoughts on “JUST FOR A LAUGH”

  1. Ha ha love these. Number 9, self service, I always hate using them, and have always thought, wait if I’m doing the job of checkout staff, there should be a reward, I’d like 5% off the cost of my shopping thank you very much! It’s like those surveys shops send out via email as if my time is free, British gas makes me laugh though. ‘Tell us how you feel’, okay but you really don’t want to know and, with your billions in profit and being rewarded for ripping us off, you don’t even offer a wee shopping voucher. I did reply once and told them how upset I am at being ripped off by them.
    Have a great week everyone. 🐦🌼🏞️

    Liked by 4 people

    1. I’m inclined to agree.

      They do people out of jobs. The save the company money.

      And does it make their prices lower?

      Nope. (Aldi don’t use them at all and their prices are no higher that Lidl which does use them.)

      One of the things that annoys me is the idiotic nonsense that they talk at you. (In Lidl they sound like Liz Truss which would turn the strongest stomach.)
      “Have you scanned all your shopping todie? (as opposed to today).”

      “No, you silly cow, I’ve only scanned a few items and I’m stealing the rest.”

      Liked by 2 people

    2. None of the main supermarkets in our nearest town of Zafra have the self service checkouts. We have a Carrefour, Mercadona, Lidl, Spar, Dia and some little local “supermercado”. We mainly shop in Carrefour and Mercadona. And Lidl mainly for their stuff in the middle!
      A few years back Carrefour extended their shop and put in maybe 4 self service checkouts. They were never opened so to speak and after a few months were removed.
      When we go to visit family in England they all use the scan as you shop thing (my wee grandson is a dab hand at it lol) for their big shops, and self serve for small stuff. If I’m paying I make us go to a human checkout haha. I really dislike the self service ones

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I keep meaning to use the scan ones. Terry says they are really good and quick.

        Of course, in Switzerland they probably work…as opposed to here, where they invariably don’t.

        But I hate the idea that one person is looking after 8 tills in the self service areas, meaning that they got rid of 7 employees… per shift.


        1. The only shop near me that still has an old-fashioned chackout is Lidl. There’s always a queue, which is quite annoying when I just want to get home after work. It’s just so much faster (and cheaper!!!!) at the self-checkout.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. That’s funny because at my local Lidl, they pretty much don’t have any manned tills.

            To be fair, I’ve been to Lidls in Scotland, France, and Geneva, and my local one is undoubtedly the worst ever.

            It is interesting that it is cheaper to use the self scan in Switzerland. Nothing like that here. You may become a member of staff for 5 minutes or so, but there are no staff benefits!!!


  2. 1. I was in Tesco and saw a bloke off Crimewatch who is wanted for several serious assaults upon members of the public .

    I tackled him to the ground and punched him unconscious.

    But when the police arrived they arrested me instead of him…

    Apparently they use actors on the show!


    2. My son asked me what procrastinate means.

    I said: “I’ll tell you later.”


    3. A mother told her son to clean his room and he said “ Maybe later I have a headache”

    The mother then said “that was no excuse for not doing something”….

    The mother then heard her husband snort from another room….


    4. A hamburger walks into a bar and asks for a drink.

    The Barman says “ Sorry but we don’t serve food in here”


    5. .My mum has the same washing machine since my brother Callum died 25 years ago…

    I guess that means that washing machines do indeed live longer with Cal gone!


    6. Wife: “Can you tell me why I found photos of naked women on your phone?”

    Husband: “Because you’re a nosey bitch”


    7. Did you know that walking around naked is still illegal in Iceland?

    Not sure if it’s the same in Farmfoods so be careful!


    8. During the pandemic I would have felt safer if the coronavirus had held a press conference telling us how it was going to protect us from the UK Tory government!


    9. A Jehovah’s witness knocked on my door last night and I asked him in, sat him down and said,

    “Right, what do you want to talk about?”

    He said, “Christ knows. I’ve never got this far before!”


    10 . I’m Sick & tired of hearing these Olympic athletes say how much work they’ve put in & the sacrifices they’ve made…

    What do they want? A bloody medal?


    Liked by 4 people

    1. Some corkers there – really liked 7 and 2!

      O/t the Edinburgh pandas are going back to China in December. I’m not changing my name though!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. “O/t the Edinburgh pandas are going back to China in December. I’m not changing my name though”!

        You could add ‘China’ as a prefix…..or maybe NOT…LOL

        Hope your day has been nice PP (and others on here too)…been lovely in Edinburgh


        Liked by 1 person

        1. They were only on loan – zoos abroad usually get them for 10 years. We’ve had them a bit longer due to the pandemic.

          pawless sound terrible, like I’ve bene in a awful accident!

          Liked by 1 person

  3. The cartoon has a message I’m thinking.

    Great selecion.

    Given the latest gove initiative, can we expect a wood stove scrappage scheme?

    Don’t worry,it’s only 100 school roofs that are a danger, has the education secretary not heard of Aberfan school, just a single school.
    RIP all.
    She’s spent £30 million of office refurbs in London.

    We in Scotland will have some but it’s reported that they have been inspected.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t know much about the school roofs but I’m glad that we have done something here and presumably we can assume that they are safe.

      Who has spent £30 million on office refurbishments?


      1. The education secretary, but don’t know which one of the last couple of years 7 incumbents.
        Sky have a picture of luxury accommodation.


        1. Bloody hell.

          I see that on BBC Scotland the Tories, Labour and that other little lot that don’t really count, are blaming the SNP Scottish government.

          At the same time, the English education secretary says it’s not the government’s responsibility.

          Accordons les violins…as we say in France. (get the violins in tune… roughly)

          Oh and this: Classy dame:


  4. The rich cynic has just announced a new department in westminster.

    It has a bung.get of £100billion.

    It’s called,
    The Department of Lame Excuses.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Clip from R Murphy’s site.

    After the rich cynic says he’s put in place a scheme to refurbish 50 schools in englandland a YEAR.

    John S Warren says:
    September 4 2023 at 12:44 pm

    There are 24,000 schools in England. Sunak thinks he has done a great job by making the resources available to refurbish or rebuild 500 schools in 10 years. Work that plan through the estate. At that rate it would take 100 years to refurbish 5,000 schools; and that is only 21% of the total schools estate, so basically our schools (probably built for a 50 year life, at best – forgetting modernisation and redundancy of facilities) are expected to last in their current state – for centuries.

    The reality of the Conservative Party is that there is no past, there is no future; just an eternal present. The claim they make that “debt” passed to our grandchildren must be avoided is false. It is only by transferring financial future expectations into present reality that we can provide anyone’s grandchildren with any future at all.

    Now there’s a laugh from the man who gave a school in America £2million for a computer lab.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, a good point.

      Presumably he sees his future in America, as indeed was at least part of his past.

      So why does he care about English schools?

      I see they are now touting Penny Dreadful (Mordaunt), the sword woman, as the next unelected prime minister.


  6. For a very warm evening the grid demand is high, so we’re back to burning coal to run the air-conditioners.

    Media have moved on to ,

    Some crimes in Scotland will not be investigated.. not the blue tent murder of course, just the wasted ppe and the hospital beds for £6.

    Bangor university and Rolls have won the contract to build a power plant for a Moon Station.

    Longer warm summers will see more nasty mosquitoes.

    Northern Ireland’s chief constable resigns.

    Scottish Government is to trial a 4 day week for civil servants.

    Liked by 1 person

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