Ooooops, Jackie, ye auld dafty

Yvette Cooper has defended Labour’s plan to keep the Conservatives’ two-child benefit cap amid a backlash from within the party.

Cooper insisted Labour must be “clear about what we can fund”… “and we can’t afford kids”, she might have gone on to say.

I have little doubt we SHALL be able to afford nuclear weapons, as if we were one of the big boys in the playground…

It comes after Sir Starmer confirmed that he would retain the two-child limit earning him the nickname, Sir Kid Starver.

Mrs Thatcher, who only stole their milk, was a bit of a saint by comparison.

Clearly though, Dame Baillie was only saying that at the time, because it was a way to attack the Tories. Because I recall she voted against providing food for kids in school in parliament, even when she was humiliated by the Scottish Socialists and one of her own colleagues.

Still, now that she’s an aristocrat, we must make allowances for her mental capacity. Blue blood does that to you.


What is the point of Labour?

Oh, yeah, that’s right. Apart from letting the Tories have a little rest and put their feet up for a few years, there isn’t one. Got you now.


Mind you, she was dim enough to think that BoJo would leave his wife of the day for her… so maybe this isn’t too surprising

So, see if I’ve got this right, Petronella?

In Turkey, these foreign fiends took two women’s kidneys out, then they got on planes sans reins, as it were, and flew to London, where they were admitted to hospital.

Was Harry Potter involved?

Or are things going better with Coke?

As Michael Grieve noted on Twitter

Michael Grieve @Michael44208402

That’s nothing. I know a British woman who writes for a national newspaper who seems to have had her brain replaced with that of an actual Turkey 🦃


So, why was this not done last year?

Is it a coincidence that this Tory, being all macho, standing up for the down trodden motorist, is all happening a few days before 3 by-elections.

Oh you are big and tough, aren’t you? I’m be interested to see massive reductions in price at the pumps in Morrisons tomorrow?

And while you’re there, whatever your name is today, could you comment on the headline in yesterday’s FT pointing out that “Soaring interest rates drive the biggest fall in household wealth since 1945”?

That’s quite an achievement.

Or, indeed a note on page two of that paper which points out that Britain has become a “global inflationary outlier”?

Didn’t the Rich lad pledge to drive inflation down, just before it edged farther up?


Dear Lord, first we had ‘Great British Railways’, which are the worst in Europe and now we have Great British Nuclear. I shudder to think!


Because, you odious toad, we aren’t allowed to have slave labour in Britbin.


Even people working for the royals, however hideously badly paid, do get more than their board and lodgings.

There is a simple remedy to “illegals” arriving in England on small boats.

That is take up the offer made by the French government for the English to screen people in France.

They offered it for the Ukraine refugees (about which the British government pretended to care a lot) and the Brits refused. And then they offered for the refugees heading here from Africa, about whom the government clearly give considerably less than a damn, and again the offer was turned down.

Of course, we realise that the fantastic amounts that you are spending on this is buying you support amongst the hard right winger hate merchants and, to be fair, some people living in the coastal towns, who are wading through sewage on their beaches.

So doing as little as possible and blaming the French may sound like a good idea as is getting it reported in the Express and the Heil, but it is not solving the problem.

The solution is in your hands and anyone who isn’t gammon can see it.


I thought the royalists on the blog might like to see a picture of their new queen, enjoying her majestic self.



35 thoughts on “RANDOM THOUGHTS”

    1. Aye….I’m all right Jack….to H*** with others….

      Tories (Blue and red ones) expect us all to live within our means, tighten OUR belts while they live off the fat of the land….expenses, subsidised meals, second jobs, second homes/flats in London , corporate gifts, financial rewards from lobbying on behalf of companies etc etc (and then there are those who feed at the trough within the HOL’s)

      Meanwhile we the people are told there is no money for us to get wage increases , who must suffer through a Tory cost of living crisis, accept their Brexit and thus the result is that we are forced to live hand to mouth with each passing day as citizens of their UK…..oh but tis SO very very shocking and surprising that some of us within Scotland want our independence (read with heavy sarcasm)……

      Aye Sir Kid Starver is NOT the leader of a party that is promising “CHANGE” but really he leads a party that is ensuring CONTINUATION in his UK…that is continuation of all that the Tories have been doing and that Labour will also ensure that they too will do if they achieve power/control at the next GE….

      What’s to like and want about that ?….

      Liked by 3 people

      1. I suppose that I can understand that because of the mess that we have found ourselves in, in some part because of world events, and in some part because of incompetence and stupidity of the British government, it will be difficult to change much.

        The country is too broke.

        So, as usual, it’s going to hurt.

        But as we are all supposed to be subjects of the same king, I think that instead of hurting people who are barely holding it together, they might try tightening up of some of the horrific wastes of money that Britain enjoys, whilst punching above its weight.

        The they might like to clamp down on tax fraud, avoidance and evasion.


        So, I accept that they’ll have to make savings, but making savings on poor kids? What kind of people do that? Conservatives and Labour, evidently.

        The proper queen had 4 children. Despite lecturing us on only having a maximum of two children, Prince Baldy the Peg and the dress wearer had 3, all of whom have to have protection and be housed in palaces at our expense.

        Why is it OK for them?

        And why does Jacob Rees Mogg’s company pay no tax?


        Liked by 1 person

    2. It appears that MPs are allowed to claim extra accommodation charges for up to three children (or dependants).

      “However, if the MP has “caring responsibilities”, they may have their rental accommodation budget limit increased by £5,500 a year for each dependant for whom they need to provide accommodation, up to a maximum of three. The figure used in the Facebook post was the additional budget last year, at £5,435 per dependant.”


      So people can claim for 2 children, but MPs can claim for 3?

      They must be very special.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. It’s reckoned they’d need to find circa £1.3 billion to remove the cap which apparently is unaffordable. Meanwhile, having looked down the back of a couch, they found £48 billion to send weapons and tech to Ukraine. It’s terrible they were invaded but how come money was no object in that situation? Why is money ALWAYS found for the rich – bailing out banks and energy suppliers – and for war but never for the ordinary person?

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Good points pp. The only thing I would disagree with you is that I don’t believe there is such a term as an “ordinary” person. We are all special in some way, some good, some not so good. In the case of Governments at Westminster in relation to Scotland, all bad. And the one we are subject to at the moment, pure evil. Probably going to be replaced by an almost equally repulsive party.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Well yes, I agree. Everyone has gifts and talents.

        I was using “ordinary” in the sense of the unconnected, not part of the 1%, ie the majority of people. Politicians and their ilk like to think of themselves as a cut above the rest of us. They’re not. What would be a better phrase do you think? The 99%?

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I think we all (I certainly do) use the term “ordinary Person” a little sarcastically.

        I guess we mean persons who are not elevated to some sort of self important status, folk that, in the great scheme of things in Britain, don’t much count. because the lack wealth or status.

        Totally agree with the seond part of your post.

        I can’t see the Tories winning, so it will be Labour partly because of our ridiculous voting system.

        And it appears that, even more than in Blair’s day, Labour has become the slightly diluted Tories.

        Slightly less repugnant in some ways, perhaps, but in other ways, more so, because of the betrayal of what they were set up to do.

        Keir Hardie must be fair burling in his grave.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. In this case because they want to appear to be a “world leading” country.

      I remember hearing, in utter amazement, David Cameron tell us Scots during the campaign in 2014, that we should be proud to be in a nation that punched above its weight in world affairs.



      I could be proud to live in a country that got on with looking after its people and it’s affairs properly and left world running to the big guys.

      I remember Johnson fighting like fury to make sure that we forked out more than France, Italy or Germany for Ukraine… but also made every effort to ensure that it was pretty difficult for the refugees to get to the UK.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. As a life long Labour supporter/voter
    I can only say

    !wankers !

    Edd Balls wife defending the indefensible 🤷‍♂️.

    Vote out the Tory’s to vote in the Tory’s seems to be the outcome ahead.

    If they continue Tory policies what’s the point ?

    Labour MPs being just as two faced disingenuous and downright lying 🤥
    As Tory MPs F?cking. Shameful

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Agreed.

      I know that a Labour government couldn’t go on a splurge and make things much better.

      What little we might have had left after Brown’s “there’s no money left” government has been squandered on the cause of being GREAT and WORLD BEATING and showing the world that we can manage without all those pesky foreigners in the EU, after Cameron decided to put the row over Europe in the Tory party to bed with a referendum. (That worked well for the Tory party, n’est-ce pas?) And, spoiler, we can’t manage without them.

      What Labour could do however, is to redress the balance toward the ordinary people, and away from those and such as those.

      Clearly SIR Keir and DAME Baillie aren’t into all that socialist stuff.

      I can almost hear them agreeing that “these’s no such thing as society”… and I note that this week they have brought Mrs Thatcher’s greatest achievement back into the mainstream to prove just how utterly blind they are to public opinion, at least in their traditional support.


  3. The fundamental problem that Labour in Scotland have is that they are a branch office.
    That means,when they come up with policy statements which head office dissaproves of,they have to do a TomTom (Uturn).
    The Anglo state is becoming increasingly centralised so they might as well drop any pretence of having any sort of autonomy.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes. They aren’t a party.

      Remember when the Scottish conference of Labour voted to get rid of the Nukes… (in Scotland) …everyone except the Noble Baillie, that is… and then the English conference voted to keep Nukes in Scotland.

      And guess who won?

      They might be a decently party in Scotland, if they weren’t just puppets of the Noble Starmer.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I thought it rather unkind to show the picture of our gracious Queen Camilla – after all, what would anyone look like after spending years with King Charles 🤡

    Liked by 1 person

    1. But surely it was ‘balanced’by the Sir Kid Starver one? That one, to my mind, ought to be on every SNP promo between now and any election.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That and his arito mate, Baillie refusing to vote for food for school kinds.

        Have I got the definition of “socialism” all wrong… or do they?


    2. I thought she was looking rather pretty there… well better than usual.

      Last summer there was some function in London for women who were over retirement age and still working and Mrs Parker Bowles, for some reason, was the host. Does she work?

      Anyway she was at the time 75, and she met Petula Clark who, at the time was 89.

      And, if you told me their ages were reversed, I’d have believed that.

      Anyway, Munguin apologises to Her Magisterial Magnificens and begs her not to send his faithful factotum to the Tower.

      Her Parker Bowlesness may have a variety of other serfs to call upon, but Tristan is all Munguin has.


      1. Is that Jilly Cooper at the forefront of the picture…she who writes ‘raunchy’ novels…allegedly…as I myself have never been tempted to buy them…..I believe they are an elite version of Mills & Boon…allegedly….as I have also never read any of them…..wonder if Camilla has ?….like perhaps…

        The Prince and the Whoa Girl (horse related “Joke”…finger quote …for both HER and the Royal family and their love of horses…but also the then PRINCE ,now King, to ensure that she, Camilla, disnae walk in front of him at public events…know thy place Lassie)….though perhaps ‘The Prince and the ‘Show’ Girl’ would also fit….though what she has to show is still a mystery…and yes I am now away to scratch me claws on a tree…Miaow….or rather Purr Purr

        She could then move on to read ‘The King and why?’ (as in how could he prefer HER to his former wife ?)……though ‘The King and I’ fits too….as both seem to be cheeks of THE same ****……

        NB. I have made NO connection in this comment with a certain person….see I can behave…also allegedly….and also temporary….just wait….bound to happen ! (promise NOT a threat)…LOL

        Have a nice day everyone



        1. Yes, I think it is… also another older lady who is still working… presumably writing her racy novels (which, like you, have never temped me) and Pet who is still singing and recording.

          I’m not quite sure why Parker-Bowles was included in “working”, seeing that she really doesn’t, despite being VERY handsomely paid by US.

          I know that Phil always had to walk 2 paces behind the proper queen, because he was lower in rank than she was (despite actually being more royal… having two royal parents, where she only had one), but the old dear has got the same rank (Majesty) as him so I’m not sure if she has to mind her place.

          I once read an article, back when the Clothes Horse joined the royals. It was all about precedence and who bowed/curtseyed to whom.

          Kate, when she was on her own, had to bow to all the “birth royals”… like Nonce Andy, and Princesses Goofy and folk like the Duke of Kent or Princess Anne.
          However, if Willie was in the room, she adopted his rank, and all of the above had to bow to her.

          Can you imagine anything more ridiculous?

          Liked by 1 person

  5. Is there a message there in the way the top picture with Dame Lies Я Us has been cropped to read –
    Scottish (sic) Labour???
    In calling for a fresh loo, this suggests that “Scottish” Labour has descended into something feculent….
    Maybe the whiff of corruption?
    Surely not!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. LOL…..well spotted.

      “Take a fresh Loo”….well they, Labour, are often considered as taking the proverbial P…are they not.

      Mind you so do the LavaTORIES……..Badum Tish….you can replace the ‘T’ in Tish with a ‘P’….literally.

      Me bad again….countdown to when I get banned…..from here and also other sites…..

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Munguin is rather concerned that you read other sites!

        I think the word “Roll” is missing.

        I love what you did with LavaTORIES.

        Must remember that.



    2. LOL You might say that her idiotic ramblings require a constant stream of Loos for all the … well, I won;t go on, but I’m sure you get me.

      I rather like the word “feculent”.

      Seems to be to apply to much of politics.



  6. Don’t think you can survive very long with No kidneys, seems we can get by with one with care.

    So we can’t afford to fund the children, they are our future, that’s the system, onto the conveyor, educate, work, retire and fall off the conveyor.
    Make the best you can of the down time.
    So we have just laid out £2.5billion for ammunition for all sorts of guns.
    Half a billion for a new battery factory for an Indian car company, based here in Liverpool. The battery factory is to be built in Somerset, so south of Bristol.
    The Blyth battery factory, given the go-ahead by cleverly, was based there to be close to Nssan’s factory, reason, the batteries are heavy.
    The Blyth factory has gone bust.

    A pair of Cruise Ships were sent to Edingurgh and Liverpool to house asylum seekers, no berths organised, same as the barges, no local requirements sourced.

    We are lucky to have such experts in command.

    You Indy yet?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It seems to me the flight from Turkey to England with no kidneys would have been very uncomfortable. Either that or she really is as thick as we thought she was, getting involved with Johnson and then getting pregnant twice and having abortions.

      So, with whom are we at war. Is getting guns more important than feeding children.

      Badly nourished children may find that, as they get older, they will suffer ill-health, They will be less likely to concentrate on school work and will be less successful at passing exams and doing the courses that Mr Sunka has decided they can do,

      The Tories don;t much like Liverpool, or indeed anywhere in Scotland, so don;t except them to behave like humans. They won’t.

      Did it only cost half a billion in bribes to get that factory to go to England… I wonder.


      1. Think the half billion is the bung.

        We will, no doubt, fund the factory and the land it will sit on.

        IBM got their high tech stores buildings funded by us, they sold out to Lenovo, Chinese, who shut it down. Now all that is left is the concrete bases.
        The Bus company McGills appears to own the whole site and want to build a shopping mall.

        Why Somerset when the factory to build the cars is in Liverpool? why not continue at Blyth? Maybe the fact that Nissan is owned ,in part, by Renault.
        You would think having a French company in the EU would simplify the source problem.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I dunno. Everything that comes in from the EU will cost more… and then if they finished product is being exported there (with the cars) everything will have to reach EU standards of safety.

          Unless there are massive kickbacks, I can’t see the advantage of having a base outside the EU.

          They wanted to announce it before tomorrow’s by-elections. Same as with the idiot Corinne Stockheath played at getting tough on the video.



  7. According to Adam Bienkov, Rishi Sunak is holding drinks at Downing Street tonight for “select” political journalists.

    Under previous Prime Ministers these events were open to all accredited journalists, whether they worked for ‘friendly’ publications, or not.

    Not under Sunak.

    To be fair, I think May did the same thing. She only invited the Daily Mail and had private dinners with its editor, Dacre.


  8. Amazing that the CPI was declared to be 8% today, then you look at the listings, fuel is in as it’s reported that it became cheaper, wonder where, I see it as just about the same.

    Here’s a prediction.

    The CPI for September will be 3%.

    That will be the triple lock not needed.

    Wow the johnson replacement candidate says we shouldn’t have an NHS, private medicine then?
    Seems we are on programme to achieve the 40 new hospitals by 2030, the Uxbridge one was to have started already and first parts in use 2024, guess what?, it hasn’t started.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. … and in any case, it will be a toilet block addition.

      How on earth can they pic someone who doesn’t support the NHS?

      I’d be willing to bet that 95% of Brits who can agree about anything else, would agree that the NHS is a treasure.

      The 5% will be royals, lords, knights and dames, big business directors and bankers, who have their health insurance through their company.


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