I’m no fan of SIR Starmer, the aristocratic leader of the “Labour” Party, but what a cheap tawdry remark from this oaf, who, we would remind you, lies in bed at night dreaming about sending refugees to an unsafe country.



Can this possibly be true?

Anything to put the SNP down, who cares if it’s a lie, aided and abetted by the BB…

Remember this? Is that how you get elevated into the aristocracy?

Yet Wales is governed by so-called “socialists” and Scotland bu so-called “nationalists”. Odd that!

Ho Hum…



Take, for example, Annie Wells (someone please):

She tweets:

“From today, ScotRail fares will increase by almost 5%. Since the SNP nationalised our railways, passengers have endured reduced services, cancellations and now rising ticket prices.”

Any price increase is unwelcome, particularly at this time, but it is fair to say that the 4.8% rise in fares is an under-inflation rise…and given the enormous increase in the price of fuels used to power the trains, this isn’t a particularly unfair or unforeseen price rise.

Sadly too, for Annie, in her country, train fares increased in March of this year, by 5.9%. The same applies there too. It’s not an unreasonable increase given the rate of inflation. Additionally, there have been endless disruptions to services in England because of strikes and general inefficiencies in the chaotic British train network.

Someone described British trains as the most expensive and least efficient in Europe. My experience of trains in France, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Belgium, Spain, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Denmark and Ireland bear that out.

People in glass railway stations shouldn’t throw stones.

Comical Annie.



Not that I had much time for any Tory at any time, but what do you think, Alex Douglas Home or Harold MacMillan would think of the likes of 30p Lee and the unbelievably thick Gullis?

The New Conservatives, including the Vice Chair of the Old Conservatives want to ban foreign workers from working in our care homes… and, as immigration is reserved to England, I guess that mean OUR care homes too.

Fair to say though, that probably none of them will never have to put their parents or grandparents into an understaffed care home.



Water, water, every where,

And all the boards did shrink;

Water, water, every where,

Nor any drop to drink.

The very deep did rot: O Christ!

That ever this should be!

Yea, slimy things did crawl with legs

Upon the slimy sea.

Slimy things on the slimy sea indeed.


Miss Larkhall, 1690. And the winner is...


87 thoughts on “RANDOM THOUGHTS”

  1. Weel, I did tell ye… 🙂

    BTW Tris, bear in mind that since last Friday morning Twitter (under Elon Muskrat) is currently preventing people without Twitter accounts from even viewing Tweets at the moment. The arrogant f*nny claims that this is just a ‘temporary measure’, but what is termed ‘temporary’ quite often isn’t: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/special_report/regions/wales/410931.stm

    Those lights were put there before I went to Uni (my route to and from Uni took me that way). I was nearly middle-aged by the time they went.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Indeed you did, Nigel, indeed you did.

      Yes. Panda Paws was saying that she could no long access Twitter to lift the occasional funny or cute animal tweets for Sunday or Monday, or to raise spirits in the middle of a gruesome thread about Britbin.

      Also, I noticed that even people who are members will be limited in how much they can access unless they pay to become “ticked” members.

      In response to him I would say that Facebook remains free and he can, um… toddle off.

      LOL. Wales in the Guinness Book of Recors for the longest temporary traffic lights in the world…. as well as the longest place name outside Greenland.


      Liked by 1 person

      1. It is been reported that Mark Zuckerberg is launching its new app called Threads to rival Twitter and says it will go live on Thursday.

        It appears from Meta’s Threads app that it will be a free service – and there will be no restrictions on how many posts a user can see.

        Pictures show screengrabs from the app, that look almost identical to Twitter.

        Mark Zuckerberg…..never slow in taking advantage of what he sees as the obvious right time to seize a lucrative business opportunity……in order to try to gain control , via offering an alternative form of Twitter that so far , pre and since Musk ownership, has been a dominant and popular social media platform…… and more importantly I suspect to also get one over on Musk…….

        Musk seems to be gifting this opportunity to his rival…..he obviously knows not the saying that is…….

        “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it”

        If you were cynical you would think that there is some dark reason behind Musk seemingly doing his best to destroy Twitter……I personally think that it, Twitter, being, for many people, a huge source of information and news, and too via trusted twitter accounts who are seen as the exposers of truth and also THE providers of news that is often neglected by MSM, that Musk is trying to restrict that access to the many in order to aid the few….the few being people like his pal Trump and some others…..as the only other explanation , given how much he paid to acquire Twitter, is that he is MAD !!!!

        Anyhoo in the real world we would be better placed to just commit to always trying to be nice to other people, be good and kind to animals, appreciate and respect nature and live the best life we can…..and be thankful that, unlike SOME Billionaires via their wealth and status, if we had their same wealth and status we would not choose to use it to gain an unfair advantage over others for the benefit of both ourselves and our odious friends (like Trump) …for suspect reasons ….a method in the madness I think via Musk …..

        Have a great day everyone



        1. That is indeed VERY interesting, NMRN.

          Musk is a strange man. And a fan of Trump. So any madcap scheme is possible.

          Anyway, I look forward to Threads.

          And I’m all for being nice to most people and all animals.

          Bonne journée à toutes et à tous!


  2. Can’t say that I’m entirely convinced by O’Grady’s reasoning there. If Farage got stiffed because he’s a PEP, then why only now given that he’s been a PEP for nigh on thirty years?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Well the Regulations only came in from after 2017 and Reform UK established as a limited company which he explains, some time after Brexit was done, so his theory seems plausible to me

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I wonder why this political party, started by Farage, is a limited company with shareholders and directors, as opposed to a registered political party.

        Didn’t Farage do that with one of his past creations, and make a bit of a killing out of it?

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Dunno, Nigel. I think, though, that it must be something he’s done that sparked it.

      His bank is used to dealing with VIPs and being discrete. It can’t be that they dislike him because he’s a greasy unpleasant racist. They must have plenty of these as customers.

      You don’t target a well known person with his own (albeit not much watched) tv show who can get you a lot of bad publicity.

      If they did it to me, no one would know. But him?

      Coutts must know that their decision would be publicly scrutinised at all levels from the Express to the FT.

      I’d say, then, that the decision must have come from the top of his bank… not just some branch manager or AI. And again, it’s not just his own bank. No bank will take him on.

      No matter how repulsive (in every way) I find him, I don’t think anyone should be treated like that…. unless they have done something so profoundly bad that there is no alternative.

      I wonder if we shall ever find out.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Just heard Coutts Bank on the radio, it was a commercial decision. He didn’t meet the standards that you can see on their website. He didn’t have enough money in the account, or he didn’t owe them enough money. He was offered a HSBC account “and that offer still stands.”

        Liked by 2 people

        1. So he was lying about not being able to get an account?

          How stupid is he. It was bound to come out.

          I heard it was a NatWest account (much less prestigious when you whip your card out!) but it could have been HSBC… or both.)


  3. Did the speaker of the hoose reprimand Cruella for her crass, pathetic and idiotic comments about Starmer. Somehow can’t imagine him in a dress, but trousers or dress, he’s still a Tory in disguise.
    The amounts some of these Labour and Tory MPs are taking from private health companies is horrendous, there is no way that should be legal, truly sickening, pun intended. While NHS staff especially in England are denied a fair wage pay rise, disgusting.

    The thought of Sarwar or Baillie being anywhere near power in Scotland is utterly terrifying. Just pray that folks new to Scotland are not conned into voting for them, brrr.

    Led by Donkeys, always very good at exposing lies and corruption of the English government. Maximilian Robespierre had a clip on his yt channel showing the CEO of England’s NHS blaming the staff who are going to be striking, for wrecking their NHS, she’s obviously a Tory, and her voice is the plummiest of the plummy. Boak.

    The blue dresses, trainers and sashes on those eejits, Jesus christ. The orange walking is hilarious though! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I wonder if she works all hours in operating theatres or on a ward cleaning up vomit… or driving an ambulance… or having to tell people that they only have weeks to live.

        Probably not.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Hard to say about that PO. He’s hardly up to the job.

      I don;t think Labour will get power in Scotland. Its policies aren’t really Labour in any way.

      No doubt, of course, that after nearly 20 years the public is fed up with the SNP, but who votes for prescription charges, university fees and bridge tolls.

      And although Humza isn’t particularly charismatic, you could hardly say that Anas was. And as for Baillie…Jeez.

      I love Led by Donkeys.

      There is one good way to not have your staff striking, and that is to treat them properly.

      Medical unions are militant left wing commies. Thy are highly educated and skilled people who have chosen a career that dedicates its;ef to looking after people. But they get poorer and poorer by they year and that’s Ok for people like Sunak, who can always transfer another million or six into his current account, but for real people, especially the younger ones with massive loans to pay back and mortgages, and with kids to look after…. and without a billion pounds, it’s not so easy.

      I wonder if Suank knows that not everyone has access to a billion pound fortune?

      It’s not Ok for

      Liked by 1 person

        1. There is/was a Radio 4 programme called Soul Music that does that, to varying degrees. The first one that I heard was an excellent take on ELO’s Mr. Blue Sky.

          Liked by 2 people

          1. Thanks Derek, I’ll have a look for that. I watch Rick Beato on YouTube, who dissects song melodies similar to Doug Helvering.

            Liked by 1 person

  4. I liked the walking orange too, though tbf it might be a tangerine!

    Re Farage, can’t stand the bloke and don’t trust him but he’s not the only “name” who has had banking withdrawn from him recently and it stinks to the high heavens. I know of 4 “celebs” claiming accounts have been closed so how many non-names will there be???

    Whether you want to cite Pastor Neimoller or the Manic Street Preachers, in a society where cashless is being pushed, we can’t allow any person, no matter how repugnant, to be left with no access to banking.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s fair to say that Farage is only repugnant to some people. There are presumably those who like him.

      I’ve always thought he would stink like a drunken ashtray and I find his politics and his grifting utterly repugnant, but as you say, I’m not sure how anyone can survive today without internet access, banking and a smartphone to deal with QR codes. To be deprived of these things leaves you without the means to survive in the modern world.

      But why are banks doing it?

      Are the directors of the banks so anti-Farage (or these other ‘personalities’) that they are doing it out of spite? And why all of them?

      The banks are private companies so I suppose they cannot be forced to take on customers. And now that the Post Office is a private company, I guess that they no long have an obligation to provide banking services as once they did. I wonder if Cable addressed that when he sold the Post Office off cheap.

      It remains a mystery why these companies would ALL would turn down business unless the people concerned have been using their accounts for nefarious purposes. In that case will prosecutions follow. And why doesn’t Farage take the banks to court. I’m sure he could crowd fund it and one of his mates could provide banking facilities for the fund.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It’s not really a mystery in some of the cases I know about, it’s direct discrimination on the grounds of protected belief. Unfortunately some banks haven’t realised/don’t care that the Forstater judgement applies to them too.

        Obviously where fraud is suspected that’s a different matter. And if there is fraud not having a bank might be the least of their problems! Dominic Lawson said he and his wife tried to open an account for their daughter who has Down’s and several banks turned him down because of his dad. Who knows…

        But if the banks want to pick and choose their customers (outwith illegality) than maybe taxpayers should pick and choose who they want to bail out when it hits the fan and we have another banking crisis…

        Liked by 1 person

        1. It’s a really hard situation.

          In the cases you know about, have the banks given the reason for their behaviours or just closed the accounts… and are they personal accounts or business ones?

          Is the government (Hunt) sanctioning this?

          It’s a massively difficult situation when private companies decide for one reason or another to not work with someone. In a way, I guess private companies should be able to choose who they serve.

          The trouble is that that can involve issues of race, religion, skin colour, gender or sexuality and that may break equality laws.

          Are equality laws fair?

          I remember a case in the north of Ireland where a baker refused to make a cake for a gay couple’s wedding. What to do? And a B+B in England who refused to have same sex couples because it offended their religious beliefs. Religious beliefs are protected by law as they should be.

          A pub in Forfar had a notice outside saying that “separatists” were not welcome.

          Some places don’t want football fans won’t serve anyone wearing football colours, presumably to stop the possible carnage when opposing drunks are in the same building. Not unreasonable.

          And I bet there are places where they wouldn’t welcome Catholics /Protestants particularly in the north of Ireland.

          In a way, I can accept that companies shouldn’t be forced to do business with people that they dislike… rude people, people who behave badly… but where do you draw the line? Beats me.

          In fairness, I discriminate too in that way. I won’t buy Scottish produce if it has the butcher’s toilet roll flag on it. I stopped buying Baxter’s products when they supported the UK against Scotland and likewise ASDA. So in a way I’m guilty of that kind of prejudice too.

          If, as Alan suggests, they have only stopped business and not personal accounts that is a different thing. It’s not discrimination against the person per se because they can still bank.

          It suggests that it must be because of something dodgy in the accounts.

          It’s hard to believe that ALL the banks would do that without reason.

          I’m sure it will have to come out. People like Farage will generate huge publicity and the truth will be forced out.

          And it will be interesting if it has come from the Treasury and Hunt knows about it. And it’s not malpractice, but political rivalry.

          Liked by 1 person

  5. I think that Farage is milking this and getting the distraction narrative in first. He was offered personal banking by the bank that was looking into his bank accounts. Perhaps he knows why the banks are not wanting his business accounts.
    🎶Always look on the bright side Nigel🎶 Up here you might have been arrested, tents and everything.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Could well be sinister PP, if Farage was about to move in with the Reform Party. They are polling on 8%, UKiP was on 4% when Reckless and Carsewell were “defected”.
      Reform polling, I’m sure, is what is behind the New Conservative launch, would also be a reason to tarnish Farage.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Alan, according to the Independent article “Farage is also president of Reform UK, which he likes to pass off as a kind of honorific role; but he is also a director of The Reform UK Party Limited. This is important because, unlike most political parties, it doesn’t have members as such or an elected national executive committee, and is in fact a corporate not a membership body. Companies House lists him as a director, and actually the sole named person with “significant control”, and the right to appoint and remove directors (including, presumably, the party leader and fellow director Richard Tice). Thus, Farage is indeed caught by the Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017, under Section 35, paragraph 14c, which covers “members of the governing bodies of political parties”.”
        So a bit more than about to move in with the Reform Party

        Liked by 2 people

          1. You’d think that, which implies a deliberate tactic. A limited company can be formed at little cost and is a convenient means to deal with income by whatever means and without the constraints on political parties, clever or devious? You decide 🤷🏼‍♂️

            Liked by 1 person

      2. “…when Reckless and Carsewell were “defected””

        I think you left an ‘a’ out of that last word, Alan… 😉

        (Reckless ended up in our Senedd and was, as you’d expect, as much use as a chocolate fireguard)

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Ah yes, I’d forgotten that part. Reckless lost his seat, but had to be seen to be still of use, he was shifted sideways. A process in action Nigel, Wales also “won” Redwood.

          Liked by 1 person

        2. LOL LOL 🙂

          You seem to end up with a lot of the dregs in your Senedd, Nigel. Remember the brown paper envelopes guy with all the class of mouldy pie.


      3. It’s less about Farage who I despise and more about cutting people off after years of using an account when there is no evidence of illegality. In his case, it’s been rumoured he didn’t mention enough money in the account and Coutts have minimum deposit rules. But it’s not about him per se.

        Another blogger went to pay for stuff in a supermarket, found his car was declined, try elsewhere same. Phoned, on wait for ages to then find out his personal account had been closed without his knowledge. A Vicar had his account closed when he queried policy.

        Now regardless of ins and outs and personal feelings for people, what if you’d eaten a meal or put petrol in the car and you found you couldn’t pay for it because you can’t access your own money!

        There needs to be a system whereby they can’t stop your account until they have written acknowledgement that you know they’re going to do it and have been given the opportunity to transfer your money first!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Yes. Apparently, to have an account with Coutts you have to have £3 million on deposit. Not for the faint hearted, or indeed the unemployed. (Exactly why this is necessary, I don’t know. As far as I could make out the Queen Mother had an account with them which was permanently overdrawn, as vintage champagne is an expensive hobby even for someone on a vast income with no real expenses.).

          Now that Aaron Banks has stopped funding Farage, he only has his massive EU parliament pension to live on and what he can scam from people in his political party that is, in fact, a business.

          As I read it, National Westminster, which owns Coutts, offered him an account for ordinary people with the much less prestigious NatWest…. so his tale that he couldn’t get a bank account and might have to leave the UK (what heaven) was, according to that information. a lie. (Imagine Farage telling a lie!)

          As for the blogger and vicar, whom I suspect don’t bank with Coutts, they need to make an appointment to speak to their manager. (Not, I imagine easy, now that AI deals with all banking and they have sacked most of their staff… but at least here, it is possible.)

          My immediate reaction is that MOST vicars probably wouldn’t be up to anything illegal, or be hideously overdrawn and refuse to pay off their debts, although you can never tell. Bloggers, as Munguin will tell you, not so much!!! 🙂

          It could be AI error, I guess. But a bank manager should be able to at least explain what has happened…whether it is lack of funds or suspicion of illegality/fraud, or an AI mistake.

          I’d like to see a bank manager explain that they had simply taken a dislike to you! Highly unlikely.

          Someone with Farage’s profile could almost undoubtedly contact the higher ups in the bank and ask for an explanation.

          In Farage’s case, it looks like he’s been lying. Presumably to get someone to give him a helping handout, the old grifter.


        2. But I totally agree with you, given that it uiis pretty much impossible to live without a bank account now tha nothing is done by cash, there must be very strict rules about taking away that access.

          Even if banks were to be forced by the government to give the barest minimum of banking facilities. Ie somewhere you could pay money in and withdraw it.

          That has to be mandatory, even for creeps.


    2. Oh… so he has got personal banking. Just not his business accounts? Suggest something wrong with his business practices maybe?

      Up here you only get tents etc if you are a Scottish Nationalist.

      Amazing all the corruption in politics but who do they go after… First Alex, then Nicola.

      I smell the hand of a certain relatively influential governor general prat who probably agrees with the politics of the likes of Farage, although doubtless finds him rather common.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Media reports that farage was dumped due to not being rich enough with that bank.

        Sorry to hear Mhairi standind down, perhaps a Hollyrood seat.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. He used to get a lot of money from Aaron Banks but he’s ceased to be as useful now, relegated to presenting a tv show that hardly anyone watches.

          I imagine he still have expensive tastes.


        2. The bank says the conditions for having an account with them is,

          Have £3m in a saving account.

          Have a £1m loan from them or have £1m in investments.

          The owners of the bank offered him a standard account in Natwest.

          Liked by 1 person

  6. Re boycotting things,I stopped buying McVitties biscuits when they closed the bakery in Glasgow and moved the production to England,will not make any difference to McVitties profits but it makes me happy.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I did a similar thing with Guinness Viktor, when they took over Scottish and Newcastle and said they would move their headquarters to Scotland. Then didn’t.
      Not a drop has past my lips since then, until very recently, when I thought they had suffered enough.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s sad to hear PP

      Mhari Black , like Stephen Flynn, is I think what the SNP needed at WM …as in they are more forthright in their opinions against the reality for Scotland within the UK….and do not revert to using tired clichés like say Ian Blackford tended to do quite a lot as leader at WM for the SNP…..

      I heard 5 other SNP MP’s in total are also standing down, Ian Blackford and Stewart Hosie being two, not sure who the other ones are .

      I hope they will all still be active in the campaign to win independence…perhaps some may even consider standing at Holyrood…..

      Mind you other parties too are losing some MP’s too ….43 Tories (so far), 14 Labour, 4 Independents, 1 Plaid Cymru and Caroline Lucas from the Green party…….

      Have a nice day PP


      Liked by 1 person

        1. Cheers PP

          Re weather it is in Edinburgh…a case of more rain and then…more rain.

          Always seems to be that when the schools are OOT the rains ABOOT…….

          Hubby’s birthday today so we are going out for dinner tonight…Yum Yum…says me Tum…..I hope…as we are going to a new restaurant…which so far has had rave reviews….hubby and I are both Pescatarians…..and there is some Fishy in some of the Dishy that they have on their menu….failing that we can go for Vegetarian option(s)…..

          Currently getting glammed up….a pointless exercise in my case LOL….though they do say beauty is in the eye of the beholder….in my case it does help if the beholder has VERY bad or failing eyesight (or still to see an Optician…as currently still in denial)…….LOL

          Have a nice evening PP


          Liked by 2 people

          1. 🙂 I’m sure that is not true and you are being unnecessarily modest.

            However, Munguin wishes your husband a happy birthday and hopes that you both have a lovely evening.


  7. John Nicholson takes OFcom to task.

    Can you tell me how many hours of minority languages are transmitted?

    Word verbage from the representatives of Ofcom.

    John says ‘The answer is Zero’

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That reminds me of Truss being asked how many affordable* houses had been built by the English government.

      She said that she didn’t have the figure in front of her… and he replie that it was easy. It was ZERO.

      It is so important to maintain the minority languages, and so stupid and short sighted to let them go.


    1. Tris and Munguin……Many thanks! I think I was in school before I learned that the Fourth of July (when everyone shoots fireworks) was properly called Independence Day. 🙂

      I just saw this link to John Adams’ now famous letter (dated July 3) to Abigail about “bonfires and illuminations:”

      John to Abigail:
      “The Second Day of July 1776, will be the most memorable Epocha, in the History of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated, by succeeding Generations, as the great anniversary Festival. It ought to be commemorated, as the Day of Deliverance by solemn Acts of Devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade, with Shews, Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forward forever more.”


      The Second Continental Congress of the thirteen colonies voted unanimously for independence on July 2. So the SECOND of July was the date that John Adams had in mind when he wrote the “Bonfires and Illuminations” letter on July 3. However, the wording of Tom Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence was not adopted by the Congress until the following day. So July 4 has been celebrated as Independence Day ever since.

      (King George III wrote a letter of abdication about the matter, but cooler heads ultimately prevailed at the palace.)

      Liked by 3 people

      1. I tend to get mixed up with the 14th July which is Bastille Day in France, when another more sensible country ditch the royals… and having the royals and aristos closer at hand got rid of them in a more final sort of way.


        Liked by 1 person

        1. LOL Tris…..Yes, for the American revolution, the royals and the aristos were safe in England.
          Maybe July is just a good month for revolutions. Maurice Chevalier used French for the date when he sang Yankee Doodle Dandy. 🙂


  8. Some media reporting that honest bob jenrick, demanded that cartoon characters be painted over to make the asylum seekers accommodation less welcoming to children.

    This is the same person who was banned from driving for breaking the law.

    The same person who gave a property developer the go ahead against the local authority, saved him £30million in local taxation.

    The same person who signed off his mate’s constituency extra support, to get the same for his own.

    Just saw a piece of slimy sunak being questioned about the goldstein sacking/resignation, caught out on saying he hasn’t read the report, then let it slip he had on goldstein, same report.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Jenrick is a disgusting despicable ass.

      A liar , a cheat and a person who hates children being happy.

      I wish him the worst.

      Yes, said he hadn’t read it cover to cover…. and then it was pointed out that it was 3 pages long.

      Another lying sack of ****

      Still happily it rained on King Mrs Parker Bowles in Edinburgh today. Shame there wasn’t a hurricane.


  9. Did you see the report on the prime midget’s constituency?

    A local school asked if he could help out with the school updating their computer suite.

    He did, sent them a bottle of Champers for the raffle, a £10 bottle from the commons shop.

    he and the wife donated $3m to an American school his wife attended, probably to ensure his children got places.

    They could have bought the whole suite’s computers and not missed it , around a couple of tens of thousands for right up to date machines and a lot less than he paid out for the grid update to heat the swimming pool at the constituency home.

    Wonder if he got rained on in Edinburgh as he said he had to attend the king.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s despicable. If I asked an MP for a donation for charity, and s/he was an ordinary MP , I’d be insulted if all he gave was a £10 gift.

      It was Sunak with his hundreds of millions and his wife’s billion, I’d have sent it back with a note saying … Nah, if you’re that hard up, keep it. You probably need it more than we do…. and done a press release about it.

      Yeah I heard it rained for Mrs Parker Bowles’ garden party.

      I hope they all got soaked.

      The first ceremony in England was an unnecessary waste of money. I understand there are no such ceremonies in other European monarchies.

      It may be something to do with him being the Pope of their state church.

      He’s not the head of the Church of Scotland and there’s no need for a religious ceremony. The second his mother died he was the king, although his slapper wasn’t the queen, by the dictate of his mother.

      I hope it all goes wrong. Rain again tomorrow.

      It seems, given it rained for his English ceremony and now for this farce, his god doesn’t much like him. Serves him right for being a tart.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. New MET investigations, lang the deputy speaker and sir bernard.

    The other hunt says he was a vegetable inspector before going to uni to study Russian History.

    Orkney reported to have held a vote to consider leaving the uk, says the times.
    Have they not heard the prime midget has said NO.

    Ralway station ticket offices to close in engerland, during disputes with rail unions.

    Heavy rains forecast, maybe edinburgh will be spared as the pope is there.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I do hope that it is not and that they get drenched.

      Is the old fool going to be wearing his clown costume again?

      Bernard Jenkins, a particularly disagreeable man.

      Sunak v the Orcadians…

      Dross was saying that it’s the SNP’s fault that Orkey wants to leave Scotland.

      I had to point out that they want to leave the UK and probably join NORWAY, given it’s a civilised country. What an idiot Ross is.


  11. News of yet another high profile person whose bank accounts were closed

    “THE bank account of a women’s rights and equalities campaigner has been shut by the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) without explanation, her family has said.”

    “Almost 10,000 people have joined a Facebook group called “NatWest closed down my account”

    RBS is part of the NatWest group.


    Liked by 2 people

    1. Odd.

      I mean a woman’s rights campaigner is the political opposite of Farage.

      Unless teh Royal Bank hate Fascists and Liberals at the same time…

      Can we expect next RBS closing “nationalist bank accounts?


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The Dunglishman

The bilingual blog about all things British


Love, theatre and ideas


British Wildlife & Photography


Why Scotland should be an independent country


Thoughts about Scotland & the world, from a new Scot

Divided We Fall

Bipartisan dialogue for the politically engaged

Insightful Geopolitics

Impartial Everytime Always

The Broad Spectrum Life

Exploring Rhymes, Reasons, and Nuances of Our World

Musical Matters...

Mark Doran's Music Blog


Songwriter / Guitarist

Best in Australia

This site supports Scottish Independence


A comic about history and stuff by FT

My Life as Graham

The embittered mumblings of a serial malcontent.

Pride's Purge

an irreverent look at UK politics


Exploring the Depths of Curiosity

Mark All My Words

Nature + Health



Chris Hallam's World View

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Astral Lucid Music - Philosophy On Life, The Universe And Everything...