I thought this was worth capturing.


  1. And that’s why Scotland needs to get the hell away from the UKnotOK, things are going to get a whole lot worse. Backwards Britain, the future is going to be bleak for young folk, that’s what England’s Brexit means, no future.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. The honest ones were mainly drummed out of the party by Johnson. I guess if you are as much of a liar as he is, you don’t feel comfortable around people who tell the truth sometimes.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. An honest tory, perhaps he is. Why though didn’t he speak out sooner, and if he did, why is it only now that his opinions are being reported?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I think he has spoken out. I’ve seen him quoted on Twitter. This is perhaps the first time he’s had the publicity of Question Time, Jake.


          1. Oh lord, no. Not for a minute. But it has a reasonably big audience… heaven knows why, so parts of it get on to Twitter and Facebook and that’s how I and many others found out about it.


  2. While Patten is quite correct as far as Brexit is concerned, his opinion of Sunak and Starmer differs greatly from mine. “Decent human beings”. No way, and in Sunak’s case I would go farther and describe him as truly evil, alongside the trash that call themselves Tories.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Can only agree on your take of the unionist leaders.

      The rich cynic is a broken record in interviews and house of common fools ‘answers’, the lettuce should be pm. It couldn’t do any worse.

      The unionist leaders know they are peddling ‘Snake oil’, no one need wonder why another S30 will be refused. Last year we were the unwilling presenters of £30billion to the treasury, just from the North Sea, what about all the other sources, electricity and general taxation.

      Oh , the Gers figures say otherwise.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Paten misreports the great effort by sunak on his generosity on energy.
        He’s missing the point that we have a rigged energy market, we pay for electricity as if ALL is created by burning ‘Imported’gas at world market rates, half is generated from other sources, bio, hydro, solar, wind and coal alongside 25% nuclear.

        Liked by 3 people

    2. I wonder if he actually thinks they are decent humans, or if he said that because…well, you never know who you are going to bang into at the club.

      I’m inclined to agree. I’m not sure any leading politicians are really decent. Far too ambitious for that.

      Suank and Starmer are definitely all about themselves.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I agreed with Nicola when she said she detested THE Tories.

        I’m sure there are probably some people who VOTE Tory who aren’t despicable…


  3. As Patten said,the worst has yet to come.
    The “trade deals” with Pacific countries like Vietnam have yet to fully land on our shores which will severely undermine Scottish food producers.
    The equivalent of Thatcher shutting down traditional industries and telling those affected to get on their bikes if they want a job.
    The UK will then be like the Roman Empire,reduced to a city state called London,offering employment in the global money laundering industry.
    All about right wing Tory ideology and what is good for a privileged cabal at the expense of everyone else.
    Still,that is apparently what people in England voted for.
    Or was it?

    Liked by 3 people

    1. A good summation bringiton. 🙂

      They ruined heavy industry because “other countries could do it cheaper” and now they are ruining farming, because, if you don;t mind eating inferior product, other countries can do it cheaper.

      It will solve the shortage of labour problems though…

      What the English voted for and what they got bear no resemblance the one to the other.

      But there are still many (and here too) who say, but we are free to make out own decisions now…


      As that article Alan posted
      points out, that freedom can come back and bite them on their bums.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yep and the EnglishGov/cabal have scrapped any promises they made for animal welfare including protections for pets. Tory/Labour UknotOk in Scotland are trying to reverse the ban on hunting with dogs act in Scotland as well. These people would hunt humans with dogs again if they could…they really are scum.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. It always amazed me that in the 21st century ANYONE anywhere could hunt with dogs.

          Once it was banned, it seemed even more ridiculous that anyone would want to bring it back…

          You know, rather like, we kind of accept the existence of the House of Lords, but if it went, no one would ever accept bringing it back .

          They may get away with that in England, but I can’t see it happening here.

          I’d be prepared to take action against that kind of thing if it happened in Scotland.

          Liked by 1 person

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