84 thoughts on “JUST FOR A LAUGH”

  1. LOL Andi…..welcome to Sammy and Slippy. 🙂

    Nice group of funnies. I like the Florida road sign.
    Florida governor DeSantis took time off from the right wing culture wars to announce a run for president on Twitter, with Elon Musk at his side.

    It didn’t work. After about 30 minutes of glitches, confusion, silence, and electronic noise, he finally read his speech.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ha ha ha ha ha… Trump must be smiling.

      I suppose it could have been worse. It could have exploded like his rocket

      Munguin has indeed welcomed Sammy and Slippy to the ‘BIG-wee’ family.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Hey Danny I saw part of a rally with DeSantis on t’telly….it was woke this and woke that….I mean come on I mean change the record and focus on what is SUPPOSED to be your job…and too his supposed support for women’s rights….certain woman more than others though nudge nudge wink wink….and too the supposed dangers and risks to the ‘people’ of America via those who both support Gender identity and who identify as a certain gender…..BUT…the owning of Guns is good apparently….though evidence via the many deaths in Schools and other public places contradict that statement ……see it’s WHO is holding the gun that is relevant here…….and from the actions of SOME of these individuals who OWN guns it is clear that …in THEIR hands….Guns are most definitely BAD and MORE of a risk to the ‘people’ of America than those DeSantis promotes as being the bad ones…as in very very bad…..a pot kettle black kinda guy…..I think the fair minded and very decent Americans know what category DeSantis is in as far as GOOD and BAD in concerned……as to others outwith America…..

      American stand up comedian Wanda Sykes got it so right when she said :

      “Until a drag queen walks into a school and beats eight kids to death with a copy of ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’, I think you’re focusing on the wrong shit.”

      That is a GREAT message to give to the likes of DeSantis….and others in the Republican party….(and here in the UK too via the Tories and some others too)

      Have a great day Danny


      Liked by 3 people

      1. Tope marks to Wanda on that one.

        I’m always amazed how much the far right in America worry about the lives of the unborn, compared with how little they care about the same lives once they are high school students.

        Thoughts and prayers…

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Thanks NMRN! Well said!

        DeSantis seems to think that fighting the woke culture wars is a winner for him. But I think he’s wrong about that in the general election.

        You might be interested in a campaign video that he used in last year’s re-election campaign for governor. He was sent by God it seems……..LOL.


        1. Well Danny….If HE was sent by God……then God has a LOT to answer for…..

          See that there is ANOTHER problem…..RELIGION and SOME RELIGIOUS ‘preachers’ or ‘leaders’ in America are way way way TOO political (Religious leaders who lead their congregation like Lambs to the slaughter…in who THEY as religious leaders/preachers endorse politically and thus encourage or rather brainwash their followers with WHO they think they, as a congregation, should VOTE for) now that there is a RED FLAG……or rather SHOULD be ….

          How many of those ‘religious’ leaders/preachers supported and STILL support TRUMP……mind you for them…..GOD equals MONEY……as do the Republicans…..

          Not so much anything related to God I think…more the Devil at play kinda vibe……

          Have a fabby day Danny


          Liked by 2 people

          1. NMRN……..It’s ironic that conservative Christian denominations have become a mainstay of the modern right wing Republican party. They jabber about America being a “Christian” nation, even though the constitution of the secular republic makes no mention of God or religion, except to forbid the establishment of a state religion. There’s the irony of the Christian evangelicals continuing to support Trump….a self-admitted sexual predator who’s under criminal indictment………with more indictments likely coming. I wonder if his religious support will hold firm if he becomes a convicted criminal before the election.



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            1. I’ve always had the deepest respect for people’s religious beliefs of whatever brand, despite having absolutely none myself.

              However, because I was brought up first Scotland and then England, I was obliged to be taught “Religious Education” and to take part in Christian services at school. (In Scotland, once a week; in England every day!)

              So, I’ve had to read great chunks of the Bible and be tested on it.

              And I look at some of the politicians both in the USA and UK who profess deep religious beliefs and I wonder if perhaps someone tricked me into studying something entirely different at school.

              Because the teachings that I was forced read in the Bible and the pronouncements we get in both countries from so-called Christian politicians could not be more different, the one from the other.

              As you say, how can the religious right devotedly follow Trump, who has never followed a single Christian principle, from what I see.

              And in England, they follow a lying misogynistic, hateful, racist like Johnson… and the supposedly deeply religious Blair, or May.


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              1. Tris……Bizarre indeed! I would comment again on the medieval absurdity of modern countries like England and Scotland having official state religions. But I guess it does go hand in hand with England’s medieval-style coronation of an hereditary monarch as head of state. 🙂

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                1. Absolutely, Danny.

                  Religion is faith. I think you either have faith or you don’t. I’m not really sure that you can be taught it.

                  And the idea that as many politicians (left and right) here say that “Britain is a Christian country” is absurd. A country can not hold beliefs; can not have faith. You can only accept that if you allow your leaders to tell you what you believe in.

                  And not only is England a Christian Country, it is a Church of England Christian Country. If you are a Catholic, tough!!

                  And, whether he likes it or not, Charlie is the head of a church, rather like the Pope, but without having had to do any studying for it.

                  In England and Wales, he is king “by the grace of God”… his English Christian god, presumably because the Church of England was established by Henry viii when he fell out with the Pope about how many times he could get divorced.

                  He must have conveniently forgotten that the Pope was appointed by a conclave of cardinals which prayed to god for guidance, whereas he was chosen by sexual intercourse.

                  Everything about this binbag of a state is batshit crazy.

                  Liked by 1 person

              2. Danny & Tris

                I have no problem with people having faith…as for some people it helps them get through bad times in their lives….BUT….I just cannot see how any religious figure who promotes so called ‘Christian values’ can then endorse Trump as THE best President for America……something smells mucho smellio……..Pooh !

                I mean he spoke about being active in sexual predatory behaviour OUTWITH marriage….as in HE was on tape saying THEY, as in women, “Let you grab them by the P****” (rhymes with Doosie)…..mind you those religious leaders in America would blame the women…I say women but they would add the prefix LOOSE before saying women….always blame the VICTIMS.

                What is worse is those people who attend these churches….receiving mixed messages if EVER there was a mixed message….as in Vote Trump (who comes with lots of NON Christian baggage)…..as in NAME a sin and he’s been there , done it and I do believe he has also written the book…LOL……BUT the other message to the congregation is to live a life upholding Christian values……I mean BOTH cannot be right……FGS…..are they mental ?

                Plus there is ALSO THE most important part of the service…..DONATIONS….always follow the money…..don’t some of these over the top preachers live in BIG fancy houses and drive BIG fancy cars….and whose wives are dressed up to the nines and MADE UP to the HILT…….actually it now makes sense WHY they want people to vote for Trump….to keep THEM in the lifestyle they want to maintain….ze plot thickens as do ze people who BELIEVE them and TRUST them….

                Last thing ….I saw a video , think in 2016, of some woman rehearsing for a Pro Trump rally…she was some religious figure I think and she was off the scale….it was like she was speaking some other language….gobbledygook I think…..

                It was like she was possessed ….

                It was like she making up words…Baarada BaaBaa..Globitygobity….Ayeeah…namanama…..or words to that effect……as in rubbish.

                It was all over the t’internet…..didn’t do any good…..TRUMP LOST…obviously she must have been reaching out to the DEVIL….and even HE didn’t want TRUMP to WIN……hence BIDEN won….Ha Ha

                God 1 – Trump 0

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                1. I remember that woman, his religious advisor, was she? She was speaking in tongues, which means that the words are coming from god… or something.

                  I remember reading a story about one of these religious leaders who was making a fortune out of vulnerable people, preaching all the usual right wing stuff… anti this and anti that… but who was found taking Chrystal Meth, with a gay partner…

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                  1. I expect Trump, who remember, couldn’t tell you what his favourite part of the Bible was (just like Sarah couldn’t tell you which news papers she read) used her because he thought her brand of religion could bring some votes from the religious right.

                    I wonder if it occurred to him just how mad she looked to other people.

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                    1. Tris…….Mad indeed! Imagine how it looks to people who’ve never encountered religious crazies pretending to have the “gift of tongues.” Maybe she didn’t do the tongues thing when she delivered the prayer at Trump’s inauguration. 🙂

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                2. Paula White is said to be Trump’s spiritual advisor. She speaks in tongues a lot.


                  Paula Michelle White-Cain (née Furr; born April 20, 1966) is an American televangelist and a proponent of prosperity theology.
                  White became chair of the evangelical advisory board in Donald Trump’s administration. She delivered the invocation at his inauguration, on January 20, 2017.


                  1. He he he he…. she might have mentioned that it was the victory of Joe Biden that he heard the sound of…

                    And, did all that mad ranting not put that dude off the book he was reading? I hope it wasn’t a woke book!

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                    1. LOL……I like the Joe Biden victory explanation. 🙂
                      I wonder if trying to function as Trump’s so-called “spiritual advisor” is what drove her crazy. That can’t be an easy job……LOL.


                    2. Fair play, Danny.

                      Dangerous for mental and physical welfare being that close to him… and especially wearing that little off the shoulder number.

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                    3. If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.

                      That seems to sum it up, Danny.

                      Liked by 1 person

            1. Might be better to know which few books you are still allowed to read there.

              What does Ron read before he puts out the light, I wonder.

              Silly me… the Bible.

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                1. Wow, just wow.
                  I would never have survived that.

                  When young, a kindly neighbour took me to Sunday school a couple of times, my parents weren’t religious, but I think it gave them some quiet time. After a couple of Sunday school visits this neighbour reckoned I was ready to step up, sit with the big people.

                  Twice she tried and twice I had to be carted out of church, underarm, me in a state of giggles and hee hawing, uncontrollably with laughter. She dumped me back at my door and never tried to introduce me to her community again. That was my baptism in the church.

                  Certainly it was the bobbing up and down that set me off one of the times, combined with the hats.

                  Liked by 2 people

                  1. Ha ha ha ha ha ha…

                    I going to meet my mother from church and standing at the door waiting for her.

                    I was struck by the conversation of two of the ladies standing nearby which was all about the fact that a third woman standing chatting a bit farther away “wore the same hat last week”.

                    I was sometimes obliged to visit a great aunt and uncle who were religious, until they died a few years ago.

                    They talked a lot about things going on at their church which was a big part of their lives, but every single bit of the conversation was gossip about their vicar (it was Episcopalian) and at one point about the organist who apparently had be caught by his cleaner for having porn of a very distasteful nature on his computer. That and when the Bishop was coming to visit them and, should I be there, I was to be sure to remember to call him, “my lord”!

                    Never a word about the sermon.

                    Mind you, the gossip I could just about cope with… sermonising might have broken me completely!!!

                    Liked by 2 people

                    1. Tris…..Lots of gossip in church for sure! And hats. I don’t know what you might have thought if the sermon were delivered in tongues. 🙂

                      Liked by 1 person

                  2. LOL Alan……Great Story!
                    Apparently hats were very big in church back in the day. Not so much these days, except for the royals. 🙂
                    Good thing you didn’t encounter speaking in tongues. That’s strange even for church…..LOL.

                    Liked by 2 people

                1. Interesting.

                  They will try to make themselves victims, but I think the judge knocked that on the head.

                  And still, the man who inspired it all is walking free and running for president.

                  Make America a Banana Republic Again?


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                  1. Tris…….MAABRA sounds right to me…..LOL.

                    I sent an Email with a bit more January 6 information. The several successful seditious conspiracy verdicts were somewhat surprising, since it’s a hard crime to successfully prosecute in America, given the constitutional free speech right. (It’s a serious crime, but less serious than Treason, which is only charged in wartime as I understand it.)

                    If Trump is ultimately charged for his role in the insurrection, it could be that Seditious Conspiracy might be the federal charge.


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  2. No 3 really hit the nail on the head! Loved no 10 and Andimac’s toon was cool! With bonus Ginger and Tiddles in the background and the dugs!

    Liked by 4 people

    1. No 3 reminded me of the Japanese saying on conformity in society.
      “The nail which sticks up gets hammered down!”, i.e. you must fit in…

      No 6, this engine is a BMC B-Series.
      Who woke it I have no idea.
      Don’t recognise the underbonnet layout straight off, but it’s very tight in there.
      Body and bonnet here too small for the larger saloon cars but these engines were fitted into a large number of small specialist builder’s sports models, so it could be one of these.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I’m impressed you cold get anything out of that illustration. It does look like a very compact car.

        But woke engines are probably better than sleeping ones, I’d say.

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      2. Riley/Wolseley `1500, maybe? Bear in mind artistic licence of the time; I have an A30 brochire which shows a rear-seat passenger with their legs stretched out…

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Battery is on the scuttle below the windscreen for the Riley/Wolseley models Derek, so it’s not those.
          I suspect it’s a bit of artistic licence, as you say.

          The A30 was smaller in the back than a Mini and it had a transmission tunnel and beam axle tunnel intruding as well.
          Roomy it was not!
          The Mini was like a furniture van by comparison…

          Liked by 2 people

        1. Aye Jake . S car go… 🙂
          Remember the S-Cargo, Nissan’s answer to the tin snail.
          Who said giant Japanese companies didn’t have a sense of humour?

          Liked by 2 people

  3. Good selection this Monday. I like the No soliciting notice. I have thought of sending invoices to firms that send me junk mail for a reading fee of £50.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Marcia, when I get junk mail which includes a pre-paid return envelope (not so common now), I send back a scrap of tatty paper after scrawling on it, “Thanks for the junk mail, here’s some for you.”

      Liked by 3 people

      1. I used to send the empty envelopes back, keeping the mail jobs.

        Then found you could write another address and use the license of the first company to have it delivered.

        Liked by 3 people

      1. I got one of those life-style questionnaire phone calls. After agreeing the participate, I asked where I should send the invoice to.

        Liked by 3 people

  4. Some great ones this week….

    Sooooooo…..now for some NOT so great ones…LOL…or NOT.

    1. A police officer called the station on his radio.

    “I need backup here. An old lady shot her husband for stepping on the floor she had just mopped.”

    “Have you arrested the woman?”

    “Not yet. The floor’s still wet!”


    2. I went to the chip shop and asked for a jumbo sausage.

    The bloke said, “It won’t be long.”

    I said, “It better be!”


    3. If I’m reading their lips correctly through my binoculars, my neighbours are talking about some creepy guy opposite!


    4. I answered the door this morning.

    A 6ft beetle punched me in the face and called me a fat twat…

    Apparently there’s a nasty bug going round!


    5. I asked my wife, “Do you think the cup is half full or half empty?”

    She said, “Please for the love of God, could you stop wearing my bras!”


    6. My son wanted to know what it was like to be a parent.

    So I woke him at 2am to tell him my sock came off.


    7. I got arrested today for walking out of an art museum with a painting.

    I’m just so confused because earlier when I asked the security if I could take a picture they said “yes”.


    8. I told my Wife I was building a model of Mount Everest, she asked, “Is it to scale?”

    I replied, “No, it’s to look at.”


    Have a great day everyone


    Liked by 3 people

  5. Number 5.

    I can recall, when I took the 11+ in 1955, we were asked to spell the words which the teacher pronounced.

    On of these words was ‘necessary’, and that was a word I had difficulty with then.

    Luckily, I remembered that the front of the booklet in which we were to write our answers contained an instruction that, ‘if necessary’, we could ask for something or other.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Ahh, the joy of Munguin’s Republic, like following a chalk stream on a warm day, as it meanders through water meadows. Add a sprinkle of time, bliss.
      Your link PP takes you to Caimh McDonnel and from there to Timothy Dexter.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Those Ladybird books always do it for me.
    And as for Pic 19, I’ve always wondered about that. I mean, the water doesn’t even look that deep.
    My theory is that Billy Joe got eaten by a ‘gator.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Quite possibly DonDon, but I reckon Billy Joe was already dead when he hit the water. Brother Taylor, the preacher what done it. He had the hots for the narrator (Bobby Gentry?) Poor Billy Joe’s death, him with “not a lick of sense” would never be questioned. Jumped three feet down into a two feet deep mud whole. Come on, where’s Taggart, there’s been a murrrder.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Yeah, probably they reckoned that it didn’t scan too well if they added the ‘gator bit…

      “They say that Billy Joe McAllister jumped off the Tallahatchie Bridge and was eaten by a ‘gator… yeah yeah!!”

      “Nah, Bobbie… that’s not working for me.”


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